Keep Your Otaku Healthy With These Easy Steps!

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You didn't really understand why you were being sent to this classroom. You knew why, but it didn't make any sense to you. Why couldn't they just go pick up their work for Levi? Especially since you knew Mammon had this class earlier in the day. His excuse sounded like such bullshit to you as well.

"Lucifer needs me for this thing. It's related to uhhhh some debt I've worked up."

That's what he told you. Even though you knew it was realistic, it sounded like such bullshit. Usually Mammon was trying to get out of doing stuff like that, but then here he was, just accepting it.

Levi had come down with a sickness last night. It was at dinner. You all were chatting away and then changed to the subject of school. Classes, grades, projects, and so on. Mammon complained about how he had detention from skipping. Satan went over some books he was reading for his class. Belphie shared his impressively perfect grades he got from a quiz he slept through. Levi had started to speak before coughing and then holding his stomach. He said he felt like he was going to throw up. Lucifer checked on him later that night and said he had gotten sick. So home he stayed until he got better.

You entered the final class for him, looking around for the teacher. A few students remained for club activities there. They noticed you come in and stared as one of them prompted you,

"What're you doing here? Is there anything we can do to help?" You replied, asking where the teacher happened to be then explaining why you were looking for them. "They're busy making copies in the staff room. They'll be back in a minute."

"Where was Levi today? Is he okay?" Another student asked.

"Yeah, he just came with down a stomach bug last night. He's home resting." You replied.

"That's too bad." A different student added. "It's no fun without him around."

You didn't really interact with many students besides the brothers, Simeon, Luke, Diavolo, and Barbatos so it felt a bit strange to be talking to them. You had a few friends in your classes, but none of them were here. You waited around awkwardly as the students resumed their club activities, ignoring you. You leaned against the wall, taking out your DDD to do ANYTHING to avoid feeling anymore awkward than you already felt. You could swear it had been an eternity before the teacher finally showed up and you requested the makeup work. Once received, you got out of there as soon as you could. You felt like you stuck out like a sore thumb in there.

Relieved to have completed your task, you made your way back home with Levi's work, anxious to check up on the poor boy. Of course, you found him playing a video game, focusing intently with a blanket wrapped around him. He hadn't even noticed you come in, he was so enthralled with the game.

"Levi. Helloooooo?" You called to him as you set down his work on his desk.

"Hm?" He didn't look away.

You huffed then sat beside him. "I brought you your work, you dork." You flicked the side of his head as you puffed your cheeks. You didn't really care, you understood this was just who Levi was, but you still wanted to tease him.

"Oh thanks." Maybe it was cause he was focused, but he sounded like he didn't even care. That got to you. He usually tried to sound cheerful even if he was focused. But this was blank.

"How's your tummy feel?" You asked as you watched the screen.

" feels tight still..." Levi groaned in a pitiful way.

Tight? You thought it was such a strange way to say that it hurt. Still, you asked if he needed anything such as water or medicine. When he said no, still not looking away from the screen, you just bid him a "hope you feel better soon" then left, shutting the door behind you. You felt the exact same as when you had been waiting for his makeup work. You felt like you didn't even belong in your best friend's room.


Dinner approached and you all agreed to go out for a change. Well, all excluding Belphie, Levi, and Asmo. Belphie was busy doing some makeup work Lucifer was forcing him to do as punishment for trying to prank him. Asmo mentioned he had a date and was adamant about NOT changing his plans, mentioning his reputation would be ruined or some bullshit like that. Then Levi explained he didn't feel well enough to even leave his room. You offered to bring him back a snack, but he said you didn't have to do that. He muttered something else after it, but you hadn't caught what he said and considering how he felt, you just left the rare species of otaku be. You almost decided to stay home, but you knew you'd be bored. The options were avoid the sickly Levi since he'd be too tired to talk or hang out with Belphie and his pile of punishment work or you could just be alone. So you went out with the remaining family members.

As you walked to the restaurant, you couldn't help but end up talking with Satan. Lucifer and Beel chatted up ahead about meal limitations and Mammon hovered beside you although he didn't say much.

"How did Belphie get in trouble but not you?" You inquired in a hushed voice.

"Belphie took the fall. In exchange, I offered to do his chores for a while. He ended up not even going through with the prank because he overslept, but Lucifer was convinced it was him so we just let him believe it." Answered Satan.

"If I were him, I'd choose chores over homework. Bleh!"

"Well Belphie's pretty smart. I'm sure it's easier for him to do homework than to do physical labour." Satan chuckled.

"Ya, I gotta agree there." Mammon butted in. You and Satan both gave him a look that he just ignored. "At least he can lie in bed when he's doing work or stay up in the attic or planetarium like he likes. It's no surprise he'd rather take the fall." You both just stared at him.

"What? Do I got somethin' on my face?" Mammon began to run his fingers over his face. "I got my glasses ri-oh good! Got em right here!"

"How do you forget your glasses?" You asked.

"You forget yours all the time!"

"Yeah, but mine have clear lenses. Yours," you pointed a finger at his glasses, "have colored lenses. So what? How can you forget them?"

"Ah shut it!"

"Perhaps his vision just sees things in that distorted way normally so then he can't see a difference whether he has them on or not." Satan added.

"That's got to be it! Oh poor Mammon, you see things in a weird orange color! That's so sad." You playfully pouted.

"Hey shut it! I see things fine! These are just my favorite shades!"

"That's enough you guys! I don't want anything to happen that'll draw attention to us." Lucifer commanded. "So quit bickering already."

"Yes, Lucifer." You and Mammon said in unison while Satan just shrugged. And in you five went to enjoy an evening out for supper.


Art by:  @ hyaeminn on Twitter

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