The Deciding Moment

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Streamers of your favorite colors lined the walls. Blown up pictures of you were hung up with fake flowers of your favorite colors were placed in vases around the walls. There were lights strings hung up as the normal lights of the room were dimmed just a bit. Balloons were blown up and floating up at the ceiling while others were tied down and some just laid on the floor. A sound system was set up with the help of Levi and Satan. Beel, Belphie, and Lucifer had worked all day to make your favorite meals from the human world and they now sat steaming on a long table. The last step? Inviting you.

Asmo had given you a stunning outfit that complemented you well which he brought to you earlier in the day. Now you were dressed up in it and following him and Mammon back to the music room.

"You guys really do far too much for me." You said, walking as blindfolded as they led you to the music room. "It's just my birthday, it isn't that big of a deal."

"Darling, it IS that big of a deal and you deserve every bit of this." Asmo replied.

"Yeah, exactly! You're our human and we're gonna make sure you're spoiled!" Added Mammon.

The doors to the music room swung open and Levi saw you walk in, taking the blindfold off. The way your whole face lit up the second you saw the room put him at ease. Wide eyes taking in everything around you, a limitless smile that reflected the joy in your heart, the way the lights reflected off your eyes. It was how he hoped you would react, but he doubted you would. And yet, here you were, happy as can be thanks to the work they had all put in.

The party began as they all had their time with you. You managed to get plenty of food before Beel ate it all. The brothers all reveled in the taste of your favorite foods. Levi especially enjoyed the brownies they had made just for you. You came over to the insecure demon that was enjoying yet another brownie.

"You're eating as much as Beel for once." You said with a chuckle. "You like em?" Stuffing another one in his mouth, he answered with a nod. "I used to have brownies instead of birthday cake when I was a kid. I'm happy you all made them for me." You moved closer to him, causing him to blush and stumble back a bit. You grabbed his wrist reflexively to keep him from falling over. Levi swallowed the brownies and stared at you, blushing harder now.


"Just be careful, Levi. I don't want you getting hurt." You gently let go of his wrist.

"It's not as big of a deal...especially considering what Lucifer will do if we get in trouble." Levi rubbed the back of his head and tensed up just at the thought of the sadistic punishments he's endured before.

"I'm surprised he's never put me through any of those." You leaned back and took a bite of a brownie, looking over at Lucifer who was enjoying some quality time with Mammon. "You always say he's so sadistic and I've seen him act that way with you, but then he's never done anything too bad to me other than try to kill me those two times, but I provoked him then so it kinda makes sense." You laughed it off.

Levi looked at you then followed your gaze over to Lucifer. "Well Lucifer definitely has a soft spot for you. I wish I could be treated like that so then I wouldn't have to endure those cruel punishments if I end up ordering too much from Akuzon again." The demon whined.

"Huh." Levi watched you, seeing you lose yourself in your thoughts for a moment before quickly coming back to reality. You bounced back and twirled around and gave him a smile. "Well anyway, Levi. Let's enjoy the party some more! Have fun and socialize for once!" You left with a laugh. Levi watched you go off to spend time with his brothers.

"That was so cute, Levi~ God, you can be so adorable~" Levi turned to see Asmo grabbing a small cupcake off the snack table. "Is that how you flirt with others~? It's not how I would do it, but I suppose not everyone can be as amazing as me~"

"Shut up."

"So what did you end up getting (Y/N)?" Asmo turned to Levi, leaning back on the table perfectly.

"It's nothing really...I wonder if they'll even like it..." Levi turned his attention to the pile of presents. It felt like his stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the other amazing presents wrapped perfectly. Asmo didn't reply. "I wanted to get them something that would mean we could always remember each other, but now it just seems stupid...I bet (Y/N) won't even like it..."

Placing his hand gently on Levi's shoulder, Asmo replied, "I know (Y/N) will love whatever you get them. Levi, try to have some confidence. Try to be like me~"

"I'm nothing like you." Levi felt a few tears well up before quickly wiping them away. "I-I'm sure they'll love my preset. Yeah! They will! Right...?"

"Of course, Levi. It may not be as perfect as my gift to (Y/N)~ but I doubt it'll be as awful as Mammon's."

Levi felt himself smile a bit. "Yeah, you're right about that, Asmo. I bet he got them something only he'd want." Levi laughed a bit.

"Exactly! Probably something like another Goldie or some coupons for his favorite stores. I doubt they'd want to shop anywhere he'd shop." Asmo laughed as well. "Now come on, I'm sure (Y/N) is dying  to open presents by now." Asmo walked up to you and began talking to you. Levi took a deep breath and followed him over.

"Open mine first, (Y/N)!!!" Asmo forced his present into your hands. You happily opened it to find bath salts and other bath products in all your favorite scents wrapped neatly with little ribbons around them. "Don't you just adore them? I remembered all of your favorite scents from when we tried them out together!"

"You did what together?!" Mammon interjected.

"Asmo." Lucifer gave Asmo a deadly look.

"Hey! They wanted to join me and it was innocent I swear! (Y/N) and I wore swimsuits! They didn't want to bathe with me naked! I didn't do anything!" Asmo defended. "I'm innocent, as always! You guys always think the worst of me. You don't need to be that jealous~ with a few tips, I can have you be just like me! And who wouldn't want that?"

Levi looked at you then at Asmo. Of course he'd manage to bathe with you even if it did involve swimsuits. Yet Levi was too embarrassed to even wear his swimsuit in front of you. What would you think of his pale skin? Even if he was thin, he was still flabby with no muscle built, what would you even say about that? You were so beautiful no matter what you looked like, but when he looked at himself, all he could see was everything wrong with every last inch of him. How could he ever be physically good enough for you?

"Is this your present, Levi? It's so pretty and blue. I love the ribbon!" You now held the small present in your hands, admiring the handiwork of Levi and his stupendous wrapping skills. "I'm gonna open it now."

"D-Don't forget the card!" Levi spat.

You held up the card and smiled. "Of course!" You opened the envelope messily, ripping it a bit then pulled out the card. The Grimm slipped out into your lap and you were momentarily distracted by it before going to read the card. Levi felt his palms moisten. He tried to dry them as he watched you, feeling his throat dry and his stomach churn. It felt like the whole world was about to come crashing down as he watched your eyes flick back and forth across the page of the card with the note that he had written. Too long, it's too long. It's so quiet. She hates it. I knew it. This was stupid. This is all your fault, Levi!

A smile spread across your face and it looked as though tears were in your eyes. You laughed then looked at Levi.

"Thank you, Levi. This means a lot to me."

Nine words. The nine words that suddenly made all those thoughts disappear. Levi's cheeks warmed as he tried to cover his face with his hand.

"I-It's nothing! Just open your present!" Levi replied.

You set the card down gently, allowing it to be stolen by the nosy Asmodeus as you opened the present and saw the necklace. Your fingers traced the pendant of the necklace gently then you immediately put it on. Levi looked at you, seeing how fitting the necklace looked on you.

"I love it, Leviathan!" You got up and moved over to hug him. Your warmth spread over him, letting him feel something he didn't feel often. He hugged you back tightly, not wanting to let the embrace end though he knew he had to. You opened the rest of your presents and you had gotten some incredible things, but Levi suddenly didn't care about the others anymore. He cared about your reaction to his, playing it over and over again in his mind. The way you smiled, the hug, everything about your reaction was everything he had hoped. She probably faked it. Levi's mind was at it again, but he wouldn't let it control him. You weren't like that. You wouldn't do that. Even if he worried, he was just happy that he felt like he could make you happy for once especially with it being your special day.

"Happy birthday, (Y/N)!!!" The brothers cheered for you once you were done opening their presents. You could feel all their love for you. Each one stood out to you and seeing Levi there, seeming to be genuinely enjoying your birthday, you were just happy to see that. The smile on his face from the time you hugged him to now hadn't changed. That's what you wanted to see and there it was. The perfect smile on the perfect face. That's what made your birthday truly special.

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