Why Can't You See Him?

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One Week Later

Ben enjoyed playing in the forests of Kashyyyk, waving around a stick one of the Wookiee cubs had given him to play with. The cubs played with Ben and had a wonderful time with who they referred to has the 'white cub'.

Han grinned as he and Leia watched their son play with Chewbacca's people, Chewbacca himself was keeping the youngsters out of trouble, roaring in exasperation whenever one of the cubs challenged him.

"I think Ben is enjoying his birthday party." Han commented while Ben laughed with glee as one of the older cubs picked him up and carried him above the other cubs like a prince being held above a crowd of subjects.

Leia laughed and crossed her arms. "I agree, although I wish the cubs would be more gentle." She said in concern as Ben was almost dropped, Chewbacca saving the ten year old just in time.

"Boys are boys, Leia. Besides, Chewie won't let anything happen to him." Han said with full confidence in his furry friend.

Leia shrugged and resisted the urge to gasp when one of the smaller cubs tackled Ben and they proceeded to have a friendly wrestling match in the sand, other cubs cheering while Chewbacca barked protective warnings.

Ben was eventually overpowered by the cub and accepted defeat. The cub got up and offered his furry hand to Ben who took it and grinned. The cub helped Ben up but before Ben could congratulate the cub for winning his eyes were suddenly averted to the forest, a blue light catching his attention.

As the cubs began to disperse, as it was almost lunch time, Ben wondered over to the forest, the blue glow having retreated. Swiftly Ben navigated the forest as he caught another glimpse of the glow, and what looked like a man. Curiosity was strong with Ben now as he stumbled along before suddenly tripping on a root, his hands falling on the ground as a rock cut his right palm.

Ben bit back a cry as he got to his knees, holding his injured hand, reflex tears coming up in his eyes as he squeezed his hand to try and lessen the sting.

"Are you alright?"

Ben jumped, looking up to see the blue glow, and the man surrounded by it. "Who are you?" Ben asked softly, more in awe than fear. In fact, Ben thought the man before him looked quite friendly and probably was incapable of looking scary, what with the man's shaggy, dirty blonde hair, bright blue eyes and a gentle, friendly set to his sharp jawline. To top it all off the man's light pink lips were curled into a smile, showing white teeth and fun loving dimples around his smile.

"My name is Luke." The man said as he kneeled in front of Ben, his blue eyes filled with concern as the smile disappeared to a worried expression while Ben clenched his cut palm a little closer. "Does it hurt?" He asked softly.

Ben bit his lip and shrugged, not wanting to appear weak. "I'm okay, Mommy will patch me up real good." Ben explained with a small smile.

Luke's smile was fond now at the mention of Leia, especially with Leia being called 'Mommy'. "Do you know how to get back?" Luke asked gently.

Ben nodded and began to look around, and then hesitated. Everywhere he looked the forest was the same, he couldn't even remember where he had come from. Frightened tears now welled up in Ben's eyes as he turned to look at the glowing man who knelt before him.

"I don't remember! Oh Mommy and Daddy will be so worried!" Ben exclaimed.

Luke was quick to try and comfort the child. "Shh shh! It's alright Ben, I'll help you get back okay? Don't cry Ben." Luke pleaded gently, causing Ben to nod and smile in relief.

"Thank you Luke, I really want to go home." Ben said softly as Luke offered his hand to help Ben up. But when Ben tried to grab Luke's hand, it only grasped air.

Luke mentally kicked himself for forgetting about being physically dead and bit his lip when Ben stared at him in awe. "Are you even real?" Ben asked, afraid he might be imagining things.

Luke quickly shook his head. "No, I'm very real, Ben. I just, it is the way of the Force..." Luke explained lamely, but Ben was pretty keen for a ten year old.

"You're dead?" Ben half asked half stated quietly, his big brown eyes looking at Luke with sympathy now.

Luke shrugged. "It's okay, I'm used to it. I am only, gone, in the physical sense, I'm still kind of alive." He said with a shrug as Ben stood up on his own. "Come on Ben, I'll take you back to Han and Leia."

Ben nodded and followed after Luke through the forest before another thought came to him. "How do you know my name? And my parents names?" He asked softly, frowning at the man before him.

Luke mentally kicked himself again for not being more careful. "I, well..." Luke hesitated, only confirming Ben's suspicions.

"Were you Daddy's friend? He cries for you, why have you not gone to see him?" Ben added the last part with some unintentional accusation in his little voice.

Luke bit his lip. "Ben, it's, it's hard to explain." He said softly.

Ben crossed his arms, starring at Luke's back. "I don't want Daddy to be sad anymore, I want him to see you and be happy!" The little boy exclaimed.

Luke turned towards Ben sadly. "It's very hard to appear to someone who does not have the Force." Luke explained. "In fact, you weren't even suppose to have seen me. Perhaps I've gotten stronger, but I haven't gotten enough power to appear for your father." Luke said this with regret and mourning. He knew full well the pain his death wrought on Han who had been there to witness every second of it. Luke was trying, but he lacked the necessary skill to see Han and Han see him.

Ben was about to speak again but then they came out into a clearing.

Han and Leia saw Ben and raced to him. "Ben!" Leia cried as she fell on her knees, grabbed the boy and held him against her chest as if she'd never let go.

"Where were you!" Han asked in relief as he hugged Ben and Leia tightly, worry for his son dissipating into thankfulness that Ben was safe.

"I'm sorry Mommy, I'm sorry Daddy. I'm okay, Luke helped me." Ben exclaimed with a smile, but his parents pulled away from him at the mention of someone named Luke helping their son.

"Luke?" Leia asked softly as Ben nodded.

"He's right there." Ben said, pointing to Luke who stood a few feet from the reunited family.

Han and Leia looked towards the spot Ben indicated, but saw only the forest and sand. "Nothing's there Ben." Leia said gently while Han turned away to hide his face.

Ben frowned and turned to Luke in confusion, but Luke only shook and bowed his head. Ben looked to his parents desperately. "Why can't you see him?"

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