I know, he will come back

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I WISH to feel the warmth of your arms around me when I'm sleeping, but you have left me-- cold. The side next to me on the bed is empty. I touch the mattress and smell the pillow, if you have left your body odor, but you have taken it with you.

With the sleepless night, I wake up thinking a shower would wash away your memories. But I crack up laughing in the shower, feeling your fingers tickling me. I splash the water to distract you, but it ends up going to a mirror behind me, exposing my swollen face with puffy eyes and dry lips.

I sit on the bathroom's floor, all numb, because I knew crying won't bring you back. I bring up my legs to my chest and sink my head in between, trying to shout as loud as I can, so nobody could hear me, not even you, but my tears heard me and they flowed silently out of my eyes to caress my cheek with compassion.

I shouted for a towel, you always used to hand it to me when I'm done with a shower. Did you hear me? No, I know. I got out of the bathroom, got dressed up without wiping off the water and went down for breakfast. You loved to eat, didn't you?

I made two cups of coffee, and your favorite cheese sandwich. I arranged your dishes and waited for you for hours at the table. I knew you took much time to get ready, but the food got cold and it took you forever to come.  You know, I couldn't eat without you.

I heard a car beep outside our house. I knew it was my office cab. I carried my purse, wore my shoes and shouted "good-bye honey, wait for me at dinner", before going out of the door, but there was no response. The house was silent. I smiled with so much hurt, and slammed the door close.

While crossing the roads, I took a quick glance at the road where I saw you last. Hoping you would show up there again,  but nothing. I waved a good-bye imagining you there and blinked several times, to stop my flowing tears. I rushed towards my office cab, on the adjacent road. I didn't know these roads could set as apart.

Everyone in the cab comforted me and told me sorry. I asked them with a smile, "For what? I know he is going to come back." I could see their eyes welling up with tears, while others were forcing smiles.

When I reached my office, everyone stood up and kept staring at me blankly. When I smiled at them, they gasped and looked away. I unlocked my cabin, and slumped down my chair with a loud sigh. I pictured us making love. It was so fresh that I could smell you. I wanted to hear your voice once more.

I brought out my phone and tried calling you, it showed switch off. I threw my phone on the floor, watching it break into pieces, but what was the use of it now?

The whole day passed quickly, no one talked to me at the office or disturbed me for lunch. Your photo on my desk gave off your presence. How chaste were his eyes and beautiful were his lips. We looked so good together. Why did you have to leave?

 I finished my work as fast as I could, because within some hours, I was going to meet you today, all alone and we could be together again, just like in the photo.

After work, I reached to the place where I could meet you. The place was silent, and full of people mourning. I walked a distance to reach your grave. Yes, you were dead. You left me a week ago, right in front of my eyes, on the same narrow road, where I saw you last. Why didn't you take your eyes off me while crossing the roads? You wouldn't have met with the accident.

I wiped the dirt off your grave, and placed my head on it. I busted into tears, hoping you would answer me some day. I called out your name several times-- loudly, but you still didn't answer. Was there any way I could come to your world or contact you? I even tried digging the ground near to you grave, but someone stopped me.

I knew it was you, I risked a look with smile on my face, but it faded when I saw a priest, asking me to calm down and that, you would never come back.

I told the priest, "I know, he will come back."


Blah, wrote this within half an hour. Not edited, sorry if you find typos. I just wrote it out of my mood :)

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