●○Chapter 1○●

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As soon as the small red earings slipped from my white leather fingers, a butterfly floated from my silver ring and I was just the stupid black cat once more. I fell to my knees listening to his loud malicious laugh and my heavy sobs. Another sound rang through my head. Her screams and cries as I ripped her to pieces and let her fall. I let her fall from my grasp and to the ground, the cold wet ground. Her head cracked on impact, blood mixing with her soft midnight hair.

Memories injected with pain floated through the heavy air. She broke my heart and I broke every bone in her body.

Suddenly my silver ring slid from my hand, returning me to the measly little rich boy all of Paris fell in love with. The fake smile that hides my secrets and insecurities. The expensive clothing covering my scars and imperfections. The blood covering my hands of the one who truly cared for me. The one who saw through my faltering smile and straight to me, and still cared. The only one who could make me forget about my perfect imperfections just for a little while and make me smile. A real smile. She's the only one who really cared for the boy, not the mask he wears, and her blood rests in my hands.

"What did you do?" I asked, venom laced into my cold, distant voice.

A laugh erupted through his voice as he stared at my broken form with his dark grey eyes. "I didn't do anything Adrien, you did this." He replied.

I pulled all of my strength to pull myself up and looked around for an exit. My eyes spotted a light shining through the dark room. An exit.

I made my way to the light, until I felt a sharp pain erupt in my head, causing me to fall to the ground.

Then everything went black.


"M'lady, don't you just look purr-fect on this fine cat-urday?" I purred. She huffed, followed by an annoyed glare directed to me.

"It's too early for your puns." She stated.

"You know you adore my a-meow-zing puns." I replied. I saw a smile crack on her lips that she fought.

"We need to patrol." Ladybug pulled her yo-yo from her waist and prepared to take off.

I reached out and grabbed her wrist before she could leave. She gave me a concerned look and I sighed. "M'lady, I really like you. I love you." I stated. Her soft blue eyes tore from my gaze and to the ground.

"I don't want to just be your partner, I want to be yours."

"I'm sorry kitty, I love you, you know I do, but we just can't have a relationship, it won't work." She mumbled.

"What do you mean it won't work?" I spat. "We're meant to be!"

"What if it doesn't work out? Then not only is our relationship ruined, but our partnership too! It's too dangerous Chat!" She yelled.

"It will work out, I know it! We're meant to be!" I yelled back. She flinched as the cold words fell from my mouth.

"You need to leave this little fantasy in your mind where everything works out. This is the real world where nothing goes as you want it to!" Ladybug cried. I let go of her gloved hand and ran. Once I was a few rooftops away, I looked back to the broken girl sitting on the rooftop. She looked as if her heart was just torn from her body and smashed to millions of tiny pieces. That makes two of us.

I ran to the one place that always made me happy. The one person who was always there for me. That one person who truly cared for me. A hug I thought. I really need her small body wrapped around me.

My leather boots hit her her railing with a splash. I peered through her window looking for the bluenette, but no one was there.

"Dammit!" I yelled, knocking a pot of flowers onto the balcony, instantly breaking it.

Not wanting to go home, I sat on the wet floor of her balcony and let it all out. Tears flowed down my face, mixing with the rain water.

After what felt like an eternity, I opened my green eyes and saw a blurred black object float down near me. Seconds later I heard a dark, cold voice speaking to me. I recognized the voice, but couldn't quite think of who it was.

My brain told me to say no to his requests, and that it was wrong, but my mouth had control.

"Yes." I muttered.
This is all yall get for now.

Ilysssssm- Lizzy

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