The Truth (pt. 1)

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"Now is the time."

Sehun stood in awe, admiring the sheer magnificence of the treehouse. Minhyuk walked across the room. 

From behind a wall-mounted coat hanger, he produced a small, locked metal box, which he then proceeded to open by inputting a combination on the lock. Despite Sehun's furrowed brow, Minhyuk remained tight-lipped and withdrew several sheets of paper from within the container. Sehun cast his eyes briefly, for barely a split instant— it was undoubtedly written in Sehun's mother's handwriting. 

Her script was not-so-delicate, rather rugged but there was something afoot that was causing Sehun's heart to race as he tried to make sense of the words on the page. "What's going on, Minhyuk? Why do you have my mother's handwriting in this box?" What are those?"

"I won't breathe a word. If you want to find out, you have to look for yourself," Minhyuk said, leaving Sehun feeling adrift and untethered. "Find out the truth…"

Sehun poured over the letters,

Letter 1:

My dearest, the time has come for me to reveal to you the truth. All these years I have kept a secret, one that I will now entrust to you. Look after my son, Eve, for he is the key to everything. The treasure lies hidden, and only he can unlock it. Protect him at all costs.

Sehun's brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of the words his mother had written. What was the treasure, and why was he the only one capable of unlocking it? Who was this unknown recipient, and how did they know each other?

Letter 2:

My love, I fear for Eve's safety. The danger that lurks in the shadows is very real. Keep him close. Trust no one. The key to unlocking the truth lies with him alone. Remember, he is our legacy.

Sehun's heart raced. His mother's words were ominous and had left him with the creeping sense that he was being watched. Who were the people lurking in the shadows? And what was the truth that only he could unlock?

Letter 3:

My beloved, my heart breaks for our son. He is so young, so innocent, yet he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. Protect him from those who would do him harm. Keep our secret safe. The future of our family depends on it.

Sehun's mind buzzed with questions at the end of the third letter. Who were the people who would harm him and why? Was there some secret his family was trying so hard to keep hidden?

Letter 4:

My darling, I fear that our time together is drawing to a close. My task is nearly complete, but our son's journey has only just begun. Keep him close to your heart. Protect him with all your might. The key to unlocking the truth is in his hands.

The words caused Sehun to realize that there was so much he didn't know about his family, his mother, and himself. But what was the truth his mother had mentioned, and how was he supposed to find it?

Letter 5:

Dearest, I leave you with this final message. The truth is out there, waiting to be discovered. Follow the clues, unlock the mysteries, and reveal the secrets that have been hidden for so long. Eve is the key, and his destiny awaits. May the stars shine bright upon his path. May the winds of fate be ever at his back.

Sehun finished reading the final letter, his resolve grew. Despite the fact that he was not sure what he was getting into, he knew that he had to find out the truth. He would follow the clues his mother had left behind, and he would not stop until he had uncovered the secrets that lay hidden in his family's past.


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