𝓔𝓹𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓭𝓮 18

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Every frequenter felt the tension and heard the intensity. "Where's your sincerity?" Sehun's nostrils flared a little bit. Hosung caught sight of Sehun again, "My apology was not enough in itself? Now you want me to be sincere to some infernal nuisances? Fuck off!!" 

Sehun looked straight at Hosung, who was glancing with a psychotic grin on his face, his teeth and cupid's-bow red from all the blood.

Hosung tried to reach for Sehun's nuts, making Sehun thrust his leather jacket at that barista, and well it slipped from Hosung's fingers and fell to the ground. The brown headed sat on his haunches on top of the barista reposing on the ground. Sehun grabbed the back of Hosung's head and flipped him off away the floor. Hosung's cheek smacked the coffee table. He moaned, and a dark rivulet, metallic and warm, slipped from his mouth. Sehun stepped front and guided his foot under the barista's rib.

"Get up, straight man," Sehun said, "Look at me!!" 

Hosung raised his face, "Gay fuck!!" He was swimming on his elbows on the carpet. There was a lot of liquid running from the barista's face, necessitating all sorts of soggy expulsions. 

"Lovely offer but I don't accept homophobic straight men." 

'Creamy Dreams' was crammed full of people. The audience had come so far to know the end result, to become uplifted by what either had learned. 

"Why don't you die, you piece of shit?" Hosung accidentally bit down his tongue, blood starting to fill his mouth. 

"I'm disappointed, straight man. A can of trash cannot question a piece of shit, can it?" Sehun taunted as Hosung spat blood.

The latter spat on Sehun's face, "Can of trash, huh?" He wiped the blood from his chin.

Sehun kneed Hosung at the stomach forthwith, spitting back on his face, keeping him against the brick wall. 

"Fuck you!!" Hosung struggled to slide to the ground, "All you gay men can do are nasty things!" 

"Oh really? Who was it who began?" Sehun plucked his leather piece, tying it around his waist. 

"Get up, straight man!! This is not over yet." 

The dark entity hovered closer to Hosung, "I told you to get up, straight fucking man!!"

"Stop calling me a straight man!! I do have a name!!!" The barista squinted, "And it is Hosung. Ban Hosung!" 

Sehun laughed, "So…straight men can have names and queers doesn't??" 

There was a sinister silence. Of seven blazing minutes. 

The hullabaloo Sehun engendered was shushed also by him. 

Those brown barnets knew not of all the customers endorsed. But he also knew to screen those who identified themselves as queers. 

He pardoned the barista and deterred, "How many of you are provided with chopsticks here? Raise your hands please," Sehun canvassed. 

Toot Sweet, there were a myriad of hands. 

"Okay put your hands down. Now, only those who are using metal chopsticks, please raise your hands." 

There were afresh scores of hands.

"Okay, hands down. Now, those who are using wooden chopsticks, please raise your hands." 

Sparse hands were raised. 

"Alright!" Sehun scoffed by himself, "You all are really so funny. You all took no time to respond when I asked how many of you are using chopsticks. But the very time I wanted you all to differentiate between metallic and wooden, both the times you needed some time to take a proper look at the chopsticks and then raised your hands?" 

"What are you trying to imply?" A rasping voice attracted all the attention. 

"Sir, sir-" Hosung trotted across to the manager, Mr. Bark obediently, puffing and blowing, "Sir, this boy, look at me! He cut up rough and turned very nasty to me."

"Half truth is scarier than a full lie, Mr. Ban," Sehun didn't fidget, "We were getting picked on because we work in June-Way, and that is a gay bar. I was trying to imply exactly that," he crossed his arms, "If a chopstick is only a chopstick to all, whether it is metallic or wooden comes a second priority then why…are queers identified as queers before they are identified as human beings?" 

The rasping man snorted, "If you think in that way, then why is June-Way a gay bar? It could have been just a bar where anyone and everyone could come, whether gay or not is decided by you queers first. None can ascertain the queer identity a sole identity to any human unless they themselves do it," Mr. Baek dismissed Hosung, "Don't come to work for a week. Leave!!" 

"I get you sir. But there have been instances. Around in all the bars of this small town, queers are made to either leave or feign to be someone they are not. How long will we have to be ashamed of who we are, sir? Although June-Way is only by name a gay bar, any kind of people can come into it, we don't judge. Although, in June-Way queers doesn't get judged and straight people doesn't dare to, let it be the reason why it is accredited the name of a gay bar. June-Way is a safe place for queers, and we have to rely on so many June-Ways as late as the day comes when this world will be a giant June-Way in itself," Sehun brought to bear his frame of reference. 

Mr. Baek felt a little complacent, "Take a seat, please. You still have many things to understand," he escorted Sehun to a vinyl seat, roasted coffee bean shaded cushions complimenting it.

Sehun sat cross-legged, "I'm willing to learn."

Hosung hadn't left. He knew he was galvanised by his homophobia. So he thought to stay, and he had to hear what Sehun had to say.

"You're still young, hot blooded. And so you're very immature," Mr. Baek took his seat beside Sehun, "What is your name?" 


"Good, Sehun. Look here, I'm in no way saying homosexuality is a sin, you're free to love anyone you choose. But there are some things to keep in mind. God created men and women for a purpose, the only acceptable union is that of a man and a woman. In religious beliefs both male and female become fully human in their correspondence and contrast with one another," Mr. Baek bedraggled Sehun's brown locks. 

"Why in simpler words you don't just say men were created to shove their penis into a hole they liked, and women were to take it in so that the chain of reproduction doesn't break? How long are you going to justify with the excuse of religion? Now, if I speak anything against religion, suddenly I'll be blasphemous." 

"Sehun, I understand if you are attracted to any man. But that's maybe lust, that is not love and lust, all in all is a sin."

"How do you know what is love and what is lust? Why is the marriage of a man and woman always considered love? Why do people assume there is always love? Because they are the opposite of each other? A woman can get assaulted everyday and everyone says please come to terms with it. A man can get scourged everyday and they say please meet each other halfway. Neither of them could be happy with this loveless marriage but spend an assload of years producing and reproducing, and then everyone celebrates their vain 100 years anniversary. Can you tell me why?? How is it not a sin? If homicide is a sin, why is execution of one's own desires not accounted as one? How can either be happy when they know they could have been happier?" Sehun was snivelling, prone to erratic breathing.

"Then do you want the process of reproduction to stop?" 

"Is love all about love making? Not feeling it?" 

"I didn't say that. If you think about a kid, doesn't that kid deserve both parents? If suddenly everyone becomes queer the world will be brought to an end," Mr. Baek suspired, "This generation is really dramatic."

"And what about those kids growing up in orphanages? By the sidewalks, falling prey to child labor? Being traded for money? In boarding schools, in slums, in dungeons?? What about them?? They don't deserve parents? When none might be willing to take them in, these faggo*s will because they know the pain of being isolated, of being stepped on. These pests named queers can give those children a secure future, a happy family. Don't they deserve that?" Sehun snuffled in, 

"Yes we are dramatic, and we are proud of it. Because if this generation was not dramatic, none would have questioned the iniquities followed blindly centuries after centuries. Yes we are dramatic because we have the guts to do something new. Because it is high time that we bring an end. We have already become the change we wanted to bring, now we will be the end we want to bring. And we cannot do it, unless we are dramatic enough."

Sehun moistened his mouth, 

Sir, being queer, I think, isn't our only identity," Thick globs were feeling Sehun's throat, 

"Would there really be any difference between the A+ blood group of a straight man and the A+ blood group of a gay man, sir? They also take birth, we do too…they die, we die too. They breathe, we breathe too. They look like people, we look like people too. For them, in a day there are 24 hours, and so is for us. Then how…are we any different? How can we not feel our feelings? Wouldn't it be like celibacy for a straight person? Why aren't we allowed to feel? Did being a gay stop Carl Nassib from becoming an active NFL player? Or was Twilight hindered from being popular because Kristen Stewart came out as bi, sir?" 

Mr. Baek swallowed, "I think…"

"Sir, do we really live in a society where crimes are not hidden and homosexuality is? Rapist these days can roam freely with broadened chest but queers cannot?" 

"Sehun, I think…you are right. Absolutely right," Mr. Baek caught upto Sehun and threw his arms around Sehun, "There needs to be more people like you. I'm proud of you, son."

'Creamy Dreams' flared up in a roar of ovation. Hosung came to grips with the problem, he turned around facing up,

"I'm sorry…" he said. 


Wooshik sat down on the chaise lounge, as Sehun firmly pinched the soft parts of the nose, "Breath through mouth, Wooshik hyung. Bend forward." 

Sehun continued holding the pressure for some minutes. Wooshik's mouth became desiccated from taking in air through mouth too long. Then Sehun let go. The bleeding had stopped. 

"Yejun hyung, give me your handkerchief."

After reaping, he covered with the cotton blended pink handkerchief, Wooshik's nose to reduce inflammation and the likelihood of the bleeding to start again. 
"All good!!" Sehun fondled Wooshik's scruff with a succouring smile, denoting thumbs up. 

Yejun subtly poked fun at Wooshik, "So, Mr. handsome, how about we get back to work?" 

"What work?" 

"Eh? Aren't you and Sehun going to look into the abduction?" 

"Uh yeah."

They followed through with their payments and attained to the exit. 

"Excuse me, Sehun!! Wait a minute!!" Someone chipped in.

Panting, Hosung swaddled tightly in ligature was what Sehun descried, "Mr. Straight?" 

"You couldn't have anything because of me. Maybe I can pay for you today? I'm not very good with contrition and shit. So, let me know if you want me to pay."

"Creamy Dreams need to hold a celebration dedicated to queers, on October 11th. You can maybe pay on that day?" Hosung sensed more than saw the tiny twitch of a knowing smirk upon Sehun's face.

Hosung gulped, "You're so shamelessly blunt," he had scruples of doubt, breathing in, holding the air, and letting it out. 

"Hasta La Vista, Mr. Straight," Sehun winked. 


Upon that snow-lit evening, reflecting gold into the black, Minhyuk was so restive within himself. He wanted to appraise his sketch, but his mind was tenanted by only the thoughts of Sehun.

His finger found a precisely outlined section delineated in black marker. 


"Ah darn it!! Now I'm hearing things too!" Vexed, Minhyuk cracked his knuckles, "Focus, focus, focus!! Focus Minhyuk," he took some deep breaths. 

"Ah darn it!! Now I'm hearing things too!!"  Vexed, Minhyuk cracked his knuckles, "Focus, focus, focus!! Focus, Minhyuk," he took some deep breaths.

"Minnie!!! Open the door!!!" Minhyuk heard ear-splitting bangs on the door. 

"Huh?" Minhyuk scurried to the door, unbolting, "So you are really here?" 

Sehun trudged in, "Was that supposed to be a joke?" Sehun took off the leather jacket, "Here, thank you for this!!" 

"Eve," Minhyuk set aside his black leather, "How did you get so many bruises?" He cupped Sehun's face.

"They are nothing, got into a little fight," Sehun swept Minhyuk's hand, "What about your sketch?

"So you can fight too?" Minhyuk exacted a disquited smile.

"I told you it's nothing. Show me your sketch!" Sehun snapped.

Minhyuk was losing his edge, "Are you really snapping at a gangster? And Choi Minhyuk is not retorting?" He spoke in disbelief. 

Sehun was unaffected, "Show me your fucking sketch!"

Minhyuk gave an introduction to the lanes and landmarks. 

"Perfect! But let me add more elements to it, because you've only drawn the basics. Move from the chair, and give me the board."

"Don't say you can sketch too."

"I can. Move!!" 

Minhyuk tilted his head, "Why don't you sit on my lap?"

Head to toe, Sehun surveiled Minhyuk with a simper. The younger leaned on Minhyuk's chest, dangling his legs to the right of the older's body, putting an arm around Minhyuk's neck, Sehun seized the pen and put concerted efforts in making an art. Minhyuk held Sehun's waist, firm.

Golden desk lamp in put on the couch in that total darkness, casted light upon Sehun's form, and Minhyuk's eyes were riveted to that soothing sight. The latter's eyes were as immobile as the rest of him. 

Some time elapsed. With Sehun's revamping, Minhyuk's sketch found a wholly new facet. 

"Look, this alleway might– "

Fingers trailed at Sehun's diaphragm underneath the black turtleneck, "Minnie…" he moaned, his heart beginning to pound. Sehun sat rigidly on Minhyuk's lap, his head nuzzled into Minhyuk's sweaty crook. He felt a desire to run from his heart, to his chest, and down to his inner thighs. 

Minhyuk's fingers touched Sehun's neck, and Sehun's air as was moved away, he nearly felt goosebumps all over. Minhyuk kissed the brown barnets' shoulder, and ran his lips on Sehun's skin towards Sehun's ear. After his deep breath, Minhyuk bites him gently, his eyes exuding love, security, protection and respect. 

Sehun was kept wanting for more. He sheathed Minhyuk's neck in his own arms, curtailing the gap between them with each passing minute. Eyes connected, their warm exhales falling on each other's face, "Minnie, can I ask you something?" 


"Do you love anyone?"

The door opened with a loud thud,

"Minnie, there's a call for you."


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