𝓔𝓹𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓭𝓮 23

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A smirk from their overseer was all it took for Minhyuk's blood to simmer, eating his heart from within until maybe he could be a zombie corpse, feasting on the hive-mind. Through that smirk, Minhyuk saw his certainties getting smaller. A bitter taste of a feasible defeat kidnapped his soul. 

Sehun tapped on Wooshik's back, of his papery lithe too perfectly arranged in the blonde's haughty embosom. The magnificence of that hug was nothing but sommer an ugliness to the blue barnets watching them. 

"Sehun, can we go now?" 

Sehun gave Wooshik the nod, "Do you feel better now?" 

"Much. Thank you," he receded, "I'm very drained."

"We should get some sleep, especially you. You have worked too hard today and have been through a lot too. Let's go, get some sleep," 

Sehun stood up, back on his heels and toes, rendering a hand for Wooshik. Wildly condimenting his exuberance, the dyed blonde abutted his younger's hand, agilely grazing it. 

As Wooshik had gained his prior stature when he will be standing, Sehun put an arm around Wooshik's scruff, and held him with Sehun's non-dominant forelimb. 

Wooshik could not stop looking at the younger— for all these years his mother had spoken to him about Sehun, there wasn't a fleck of lie ; Arrant, gallant, precocious, competent, virtuous and altruistic. 

"What are you staring at?" 

Wooshik buoyed up by his thoughts, "N- nothing," he felt too meek before Sehun— as if he was not only any boy, or any hostage they had brought and dealt with before. 

Plodding into the detention room, Sehun became aware of Wooshik's demurral in coming in, 

"Aren't you coming in?" Sehun proved his trenchant.

"Yeah," Wooshik took a step ahead and he knew he was under that same proportionate roof— with Sehun. None could barge in any further than the door.  Before he snecked the door, Wooshik looked at Minhyuk through his peripherals and passed a smirk. He closed the door. 

Minhyuk, through his hazed vision, looked at Wooshik and Sehun pass from sight into the detention room…together. He saw worry in Sehun's demeanour for Wooshik. 

The disintegrated pieces of the beer bottles aligned with Minhyuk's heart, with the only difference being touching those broken pieces of glass would hurt but touching the pieces of his heart would heal. He, irresponsibly squashed on those glasses— his right palm a blood-spattered mess. He gritted his teeth, his eyes fetching savagery, he roared corresponding a ravenous king of the forest,

"Eve. Is. Mine." 


The town was so to speak enshrouded with thick fogs, hinting at the advent of winter. Heavy grey clouds cloaked the ambience. Anywhere he looked— darkness was all that he could decipher ; owing to lack of abundant street lamps. 

Chris evaded the copse, suspecting of an underlying jeopardy— the number he met a call from has not rung back, much to the contrary of what the woman had promised. Chris took a look at the time on his smart watch. 

"Fuck! 11.42 already? And nor Captain, neither sir is apprehensive of my absence?" 

He, soon although, shredded off thoughts that were not appurtenant to the errand he prowled out for, knowingly adopting perils. 

A beetle made its way over Chris's shoes.

Chris was too restless— "Why the hell is she not reconnecting? This is where she told me to wait for her, am I at the right place?" He contemplated blankly staring at his phone screen, "Maybe I should call her?" He dialled the last anonymous contact from his call log.


He felt a hasty lug, and pitched into the copse, tumbling down on someone burly— covered in an all black mantle, Chris thought it was indefinitely an abductor, 


A blaring shot was heard and a bullet slipped by the bushes. Chris wriggled on the chest of who he thought to be an intruder, spooked, shaking like a leaf. 

"Wh- what was- what was th- that?" He gasped for air.


"Now, will you tell me what you two got into? I have never seen Minnie being so violent. What exactly did you do to him?" Sehun was besmearing salve on Wooshik's wounds, "Twice!! You engaged in a brawl twice today. Such a beautiful day, huh?" 

Wooshik foolishly smiled, perception gummed to the younger before him, "Beautiful indeed."

"Do not digress. What did you do to Minnie?" 

"You trust him too much, don't you?" Wooshik sighed, "I did nothing." 

Sehun sat on his knees, setting aside Wooshik's blonde bangs, blowing on the abrasions nearing his temple, "And we both know that is a lie." 

Wooshik snickered, "You are right. That is a lie. I goaded him. I told him to aid my feet."

"Minnie would never attempt to murder you only because you told him to aid your feet, don't you think so?" Sehun clocked him twice before peeling the backing paper off of the bandage, "That makes no sense."

"Now you know how unsafe Minnie can be sometimes?" He breathed, "Especially when it comes to you," those words were incoherent as he mumbled them under breath. 

The younger positioned the bandage's gauze over that blonde's wound, pressing the adhesive firmly against skin, "Are you really asking me to believe that Minnie almost killed you because you told him to aid your feet? That sounds insane," Sehun grinded halt in disbelief. 

"He is insane. But I am not telling you to believe in anything that I say. You can go that extra mile to find out the truth you're hunting for, and believe in whatever you want to…I am no one to ask you to believe in anything." Wooshik fondled Sehun's tear-stained face, with a stirring grin,

"Maybe in that way, you would know the truth I can otherwise never tell you..."

A vacant face spoke, "I've treated your bruises. Do I need to do anything more?" 

"No. You've done enough for me today, I owe it to you. Now I want to sleep. Good night!!" 

Wooshik curled himself up into a ball, and arrayed on their floor— the floor incorporating a metallic smell of blood ; of all their preceding captives. He put arms around his own psyche and faked sleep. 

Sehun sat by the puttied bulwark, he never thought his life could get this theatric,

"Mom...please come back to me. Tell your son what should he do. Sehun needs you mom."

He was shuffling his thoughts, when his eyes fell on Wooshik— he was palpably faking his ease too. It hurt Wooshik's head to sleep on that biting floor with wounds on either side, however he seeked to make it look like it did not. 

Sehun felt Wooshik's condition to be too abject ; whatever he was expressing, he was hiding more than that— Sehun just knew it. He, improvidently, stroked Wooshik's face ; to silently tell the blonde that he will always be there. 

"Oh God! You're so cold," he looked up to discern his flight bomber jacket hanging from the peg. "Let me get it!" He closed in onto the fabric and retrieved it. 

Wooshik was covered with goosebumps, his teeth tittering teeth,

"If you were awake I wouldn't have said this but…you do look like a puppy when you're asleep," Sehun ejaculated a remiss chuckle, "Cute."

He picked up the blonde's noddle discreetly by his neck and laid it down on his own thighs, "Good night, Captain!" He greeted, putting his flight bomber on Wooshik's laddish physique. 

Wooshik, in lieu, could not retain the lucidity of his sane heartbeats any longer, 

"I'm sorry, Sehun. I was never unconscious or even subconscious. I know it well that Minnie would never dare to do such a thing like that. He indeed tried to punish me, but he never intended on killing, he never strangulated me so hard so I could pass out. I'm sorry Sehun for shamming the act. Indeed it was tough to hold breath, but I...Maybe because I'm a beggar of empathy and I want it solely…from you."


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