𝓔𝓹𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓭𝓮 25

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Sehun and Minhyuk's eyes were mated for only a split instant before Sehun reversed, 

"Can you please close the door before you leave?" He spoke with his gaze forestalled.

"Sure," the elder said grimly. Minhyuk's face darkened to some degree, as he drew the door with that shaft of daylight falling on Sehun's face dimming. Sehun was now accorded his solitude— his heart and mind have both been too distraught to listen to his own profound whispers. 

If anything could be made into more beautiful than colours, it would be black-s and white-s— such an abstraction might only and one and only be espoused by Sehun, verified by the ambience in that room. He folded up his knees and hugged the pair over his chest. While the brown fringes sneaked into those heartbeats, he came to a recognition that they were…not normal. Those thuds were not aberrant, but they appeared to be disparate. 

"What the hell am I feeling? Ugh!" 

In the youngest's consciousness, he freaked out at his own sentiments. Sehun wrenched the brown locks those sat on his head in a state of agony— nothing seemingly made any apparent sense. His stares scrambled, and he put his right palm over the irrationally beating heart, inhaling in the taste of musty air of their detention room, 

"Why…why did it feel good when Captain laid on my lap??" 

He sunk into the arms, restless and delirious, heart retaining to be yet felt by the human mind. 

"And why the hell did I feel sad when you woke up?" A boiling pit of heat in Sehun's guts filled his body, leaving him with no absolute conclusion or impulse. He clenched his shoulders and toes together, afraid of delving into his frantic memory. But as he did, he came across what he dreaded— this was not the only time of closeness with his Captain, that made him feel happy, it was the only time that he realised.

The time when Wooshik implored to be in Sehun's embrace, for only a moment, the younger's heartbeats went insane— he couldn't tell why, maybe he did not even aspire to know why. Sehun wished to push his Captain away to keep his insanity concealed, but to no avail— he urged for that moment too, in his deepest desires.

He, at the moment, could only wish all such nonsense feelings would be nothing more than a huge disillusion. 

But then again, Sehun was befuddled,

"Was I worried about you only because I am mellow? But then…then why…did I cry?" He sighed, "Nothing makes sense now, I'm an idiot!"

"Ugh!! Screw your handsome face!!" He softly hit his head purposefully against the puttied wall, "It keeps interfering with me these days!!!! I don't get why!" 

Sehun just could not get rid of the hour when Captain's next morning teetered on Sehun's pale, frostbitten forearms, no matter how much he strived. His eyes yet then searched for the elder without any concrete reason, which was so in contrast to Sehun's regular self. He could not understand whether those were the feelings of his own or of someone conning him?

"But…aren't I supposed to feel happy with such feelings overtaking me?? Why can't I be happy then? Am I…fooling myself?"


The atmosphere was rigid. Chris, holding himself accountable for his fatuous and rushed steps, sat on the floor with his head hanging low. 

"Why is it always you Chris who gets into trouble?" Daeseong rolled his eyes in discontent, "Anyway, I am on making breakfast today, you people can continue with your conversation, excuse me!" 

As Daeseong prepared to head, Minhyuk intervened, "Hold on!" He paused at Daeseong’s conduct. 

"Huh?" The latter exclaimed. 

"Your participation is required in this conversation since you are apart of the conduct, you are still working on this project, this objective, so your presence is necessary. Stay here!"

Daeseong tilted his head quizzically, with squinted eyes he spoke, "Sorry? What do you mean?"

"I mean that I will make breakfast."

"Ahh, gosh! Why is it always me whose turn to make breakfast is taken away all the time?? Am I that bad of a cook? Are my preparations inedible or something? Minnie, is that the case?" The black headed sneered ironically, to display his dismay. 

Minhyuk exhaled a dense sigh,  "That is not what I meant. Since you are a part of the objective, you need to participate, you need to assure your peers' safety, so as something similar to Chris and Joon does not happen to anyone else."

"And what do you mean by I need to participate because I am contributing to this project? Are you not aiding us in this project anymore?" 

"I am not. Since you told me to stay here and not run away like a coward, I would not. But, at the same time I am not going to help with this one objective," he shrugged, leaving all except Wooshik into a confused mess, and sunk into their kitchen. 

"Well…" Returning to the convention, Daeseong murmured, "My luck is indeed good with making breakfasts, but…I am not so sure about the eating part."

"Chris," Wooshik stood before him as obdurately, arms in his jeans pockets, "Tell me everything," he said with a sigh. 

Clearing his throat three to four times, he looked to discern their Captain's face, "Woah!! What happened to your face? Why so many bandages, Captain??"

With that unanticipated inquiry, Wooshik became a little unsteady, he turned to look at and beckoned Daeseong to not breathe a word about whatever happened last night ; Daeseong put his thumbs up to seal an approval, and imaginatively zipped his lips. 

"Chris, men like me who work in such a perilous industry are meant to meet with some absolutely futile injuries from weirdly fatal incidents. Thanks for your concern, however I am more concerned about you instead," a word their Captain has never uttered before— 'concern' took Chris by utter surprise, "C- concerned? Are you…being sarcastic?" Saying that immediately, Daesong demoted his eyes to the prior vista he was gumming his gaze at earlier. 

Wooshik took a displeased look at the time lulling on his wrist, "How much time do you think we have in our hands?" 

Joon, who sat beside Chris squatting, poked the other's tiny waist with elbow, "Don't make Captain mad! Just answer what he is asking," he spoke with gritted teeth, avoiding looking directly at Chris. 

"Uhm, well…I received an anonymous call. It was a woman speaking, she said she knows very pertinent information about Siwoo hyung. But, when I asked her to share the information with me, she said this is not safe to converse over phone, and thus asked me to meet her in person. I couldn't resist the urge, so I…and then that happened. I am…sorry, Captain!" He bowed down.

"And I was concerned about Chris. He is like my own little brother, he reminds me of my little brother, so I…I just couldn't let him into any danger all by himself. But same as him, I couldn't resist the urge, either. I am glad I decided to follow him! I am also sorry Captain," he bowed before picking up his head and placing a hand of assurance on Chris's shoulder. 

After scanning both their stories, Wooshik kneeled before Chris, petting Chris's prickly blackish-brown hair strands,


Chris hunched his shoulders, with his lips incarnating to be dry and pale. He shrank away, freezing and out of panic, he could not pronounce any next word except a weak, "Yes Captain?" His eyes still put low. 

"Are you okay, Chris??" Wooshik was sincere, and he was not being sarcastic in all these years. 

"Ca- Captain!!??" 

"Are you hurt?" 

Chris swallowed, "Huh? N-no, I'm not! Joon hyung saved me."

Wooshik turned towards Joon with a mild smile and said, "Thank you Joon!" Earning a respectable bow from Joon. 

"I think this woman is not just anyone however," he retreated from squatting and stood up, "I need to look into it in more depth! And Chris, please be more careful, hm??" 

A string of chilly wind swooshed over Daeseong, his face turned visibly blue at that drastic and majestic change of Wooshik, "Love can indeed do everything and to everyone!" He mumbled under breath, his eyes fluctuating in a hint of his amusement. 

"Captain, I think we should begin looking into that anonymous call and the woman beginning from this very moment, does that sound bad?" He proposed. 

"We can begin the work from today, but not now, you all can take a break. Daesong, you may now go help Min- oh he is here!" He copied an irritated face and looked somewhere else. 

"This is not breakfast, I have made the arrangements for seaweed soup and until the water is boiling, I want you all to enjoy caffeine made by me and these fries from two nights ago, I reheated them. Don't worry, I have improved a lot in cooking," he put the tray down on their table, "Also…for the time being you all are relishing on my preparations, I have something to tell," he casted a look at Wooshik, "May I?" 

"Oh no, here we go again!!" Daeseong lost all that ecstasy he discovered from Wooshik's tender behaviours just a while ago. 

Wooshik gestured for Minhyuk to begin.

"Before I begin, may I know where Eve is?"

"In the room he has been last night," Wooshik scratched the back of his nape, "Let him be, you say your say."

"Okay," Minhyuk pulled out a small piece of dusty paper from his grey denim, and proceeded nearer to his Sir, "Here. My resignation letter for this particular project. I, Choi Minhyuk, thus officially, am withdrawing from any further involvement in the case of Siwoo's disappearance. I will however continue to aid in other conducts if they are of my interest and will look after the other members responsibly," he bowed in a signature respect.

Wooshik picked the letter from Minhyuk's pinch like a hawk picking on flesh, "Accepted! Anything else?" He raised his eyebrows at those blue barnets. 

Before speaking, Minhyuk catered the room through his eyes and read of everyone's expressions, "Since for this case you're not my boss or superior, I will not address you by any respectable designation. I will call you by your name, Lee Wooshik. And no! I am not asking for your permission, I have already decided on it. Once the period for this case is over, you can be my superior again if I wish."

"As you desire," Wooshik shrugged with a  dismissive smile.

"And lastly, since I am asked by you to stay away from a certain someone, I would like you to negotiate too. If I am to stay away from him, you need to stay away too. In fact, according to you since he is our hostage, from now on how about you treat him as a…perfect hostage? You have the choice to deny, but then would you remain the archetypal good example of a dignified leader?" Minhyuk smirked, with retreating steps he turned to look at the others, 

"And that is all I had to say. Thank you for your time," As much Wooshik's grin lessened, Minhyuk's grin grew wider while the latter stuck his eyes to his now love rival and not any superior. 

Disconcerted Daeseong stood from his place, "M- Minnie what are you…"

At that, Wooshik's phone rang reverberating in the air, the owner took a look at it and it was only a reminder for an event. 

"I need to leave!" He turned off the notification, and neared Daeseong. Daeseong became frigid and muddled with fear. However, drawing a line on Daeseong’s cynical imaginations, Wooshik took Daeseong’s fist, opened it, placed a bandaid and some ointments in it, and returned it to him. 

With a wretched air, and wretchedness in his heart, Wooshik further returned to their egress, and before he could put his feet out of that doorsill, Minhyuk called,

"Hey, Lee Wooshik!"

Wooshik frosted at his spot, without any response or movement— but he could feel Minhyuk's footsteps advancing nearer, 

"Lee Wooshik," Minhyuk took his lips to the dyed blonde's ear and fiendishly whispered, 

"Only love can make you better. Only love can make you worse."


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