𝓔𝓹𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓭𝓮 30

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The cracks in the glass seemed small, barely the length of a hairpin. It shone almost bluish in the subdued light that filtered through Leia's blue deco tint stained sliding glass windows. Leia spied it, running her bare finger over the fissures— during the time her eyes hoisted to come in ocular contact with her own reflection. 

Leia's fleecy long brown hair descended to her waist; they were unkempt, untidy, slovenly and uncombed. 

"What is your preferred hairstyle for women, Wooshik? That is your name right?"

"I don't care about such things."

"Fair enough. But you must want to see your mother in a certain hairstyle? Or your sister, if any? Or even your friends of the opposite sex?"

"In that case, I think any woman looks beautiful with their hair untied."

The brunette woman lifted up her hairbrush, sweeping it through her brunette tresses which tumbled about her face— Leia began parting her hair in the conventional middle part, beginning to weave three strands together to create a plait that would fall along her back; the hairstyle that had always been Leia's personal best-loved, the hairstyle she had long evaded. 

"What kind of clothes do you prefer women in?"

"Any kind."

"Alright then what is your favourite colour?"

"Uh- depends on the thing I buy."

"What colour do you like your clothes to be?"

"Blue, I think. The darker one."

"I like blue. But I absolutely love black for my clothes. Especially jumpers."

Securing her three-strand braid with one hair elastic, Leia removed her image from falling over the mirror— replacing before a medium sized closet. The closet opened with a chirr, exposing to view a camisole Leia bought for herself, tinted of a dark blue.

Leia closed the shutters, turning down her closet. She grabbed a black jumper and vestured herself in it. Decamping to the mirror, Leia's bronzed arm outstretched to the makeup products she bought over the years— contours, concealers, highlighters, blushes, lip balms, and many more…

The brunette's palm abated into a fist, drawing back, at odds with the woman's eyes— they were now poised enough to look at the real themselves. Leia's face was blemished with dark spots, which her exquisite makeup products put behind everyone's eyes for all these days. Leia ran a finger through such blotches, smiling as she prohibited any branded nonsense to feel her skin, messed yet a masterpiece. 

Leia heard the honking of a Hyosung motorbike outside— Wooshik had arrived just at the right time!! 

She winked at her smiling reflection before leaving the building, with the most truthful smile she had come across in all these years.

"Sometimes, falling in love might not show you the real you but falling out of love will."


The milk began to seethe in a tinned brass pan, unmindful about Kiara's lapsing attention to it. Kiara's phone sat on the countertop before her, Chris's chat opened— that man had become snappy, and he might get snappier if Kiara refused their meeting concocted by Chris himself, at least for a minute. 

Fuming and fumbling, the milk got overboiled, as a consequence of which it was spilled everywhere in that small kitchen. 

"Ah!!" Kiara groaned from the pain which mowed down the girl to a brutal reality. She looked at her forearm, the searing milk had splattered— "Ah! This cannot be happening!! We don't have anymore milk left with us," a lofty Kiara loured, taking the empty tray with her to their sundeck, where her mother awaited a good hot cup of coffee,

"Mom…I am sorry. I spilled the milk again."

The other lady pulled her head up from the weekly medical magazine she was reading, 

"Again?? What is wrong with you Kiara darling?" The woman stood on her feet, letting go of the magazine she was holding in her hands, advancing to her meek daughter instead, "Is anything bothering you, dear?" She kissed on the black lock's broad forehead, "You know that you can tell your mother everything, right?" Mrs. Su-Ji Kim engaged her fingers with the younger one's.

"Mom…" Kiara rested her head over her mother's haughty emboss, playing the voice text she received from Chris with her other hand.

"Kiara, I don't know what is bothering you but I want to know it. Even if it is something that I have done to you, I am willing to take responsibility for it. Please Kiara, meet me at least once. I will be waiting at the alleyway behind June-Way. Until you show up, I am going to wait there, whether the day turns to night or the night turns to dawn, I don't care. I am going to wait, Kiara. So don't take it as a joke, because I mean it. Just meet me once, if after that you don't want to see me ever again, I will respect your choice. But I need to know what and where is it exactly wrong between us. I'm heading to June-Way now!! I am really hopeful that you will come and not stand me up."

Su-Ji withdrew herself from her daughter's nuzzle, "Kiara, look at your mother," she cupped the young one's face. 

Eyes brimming with tears, Kiara looked at her mother, buttoning up from those salty liquids to stream down. 

Su-Ji skimmed her thumbs at the corner of Kiara's eyes, "I know everything...

But he truly loves you Kiara. Give him a chance!!"

"But mom…"

"He is waiting for you, go there...please. I know that you like him too, I can see it in your eyes," Su-Ji tousled the black ringlets on Kiara's head and put the daughter's head over her own bosom, "Kiara, eyes never lie."


"Sehun, I give you this ring as a symbol of our vows, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honour you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. With this ring, I wed you," after reciting his vow, Wooshik slipped the wedding ring into Sehun's willowy finger, deeming the younger boy as a reddened mess.

The Minister then turned to Sehun, "By the same token, Sehun, you may place a ring on the finger of your groom."

Sehun, fighting shy of the sight of Wooshik, claimed his to-be-husband's arm, sliding the ring in his finger, all while biting his lip he avowed,

"Captain, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you."

The minister then prepared to declare the pronouncement,

"Now that Lee sehun and Lee Wooshik have given themselves to each other by the promises they have exchanged, I pronounce them to be husband and husband, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!!" Ensuing, he returned to the grooms, "You may now kiss each other."

Wooshik came closer with a smirk plastered, to reduce the distance between him and Sehun in a comfortable manner, "You are mine now!" The younger bloke met his husband halfway, standing on the tiptoes so that his Captain did not have to bend too much. Wooshik passionately embraced Sehun's waist, closing his eyes and Sehun puckered his lips, and was just about to lay on his man— 


At the booming bellow from Daeseong, Sehun shied away in horror, "D- Daeseong hyung??" He looked at the older man in stark shame. 

"I've been calling you for what feels like a decade now, bro. You just did not seem to respond, you kept blushing instead. What were you thinking of?" Daeseong prattled on. "Do you have a fever?"

"Huh? N- no, of course not. I was not thinking about anything, I am so sorry hyung," Sehun rejected with contempt, covering his red-hot cheeks, "When did you wake up?"

"Maybe some few decades ago??" Daeseong shunned by joggling his head, "Anyway, I will go and make breakfast. Congee today, and let me tell you I make the best Congee," he patted on his chest in an effort to brag, "I will go to the kitchen, then! Freshen yourself up."

"Wait, Daeseong hyung," Sehun pulled out of the couch, bringing Daeseong to a halt, "Can you tell me…if Captain was here?" He said modestly, nearly making it hard to hear.

"What? I couldn't hear you," even though Daeseong heard the brown fringes perfectly the first time, he did indeed want to pull the leg of his younger brother, "Hm?" He raised his eyebrows, folding his lips to curve them into a teasing smile. 

"Was Captain here? Did he…did he come here?" Sehun said looking down at the floor, his ears getting stained in a red hue again.

"Uhm- I'm not sure, I was probably sleeping. Why do you ask?"

"Oh no no, it's nothing!" Sehun was too swift in his conduct that it made him seem out of his usual character, "Well, can you tell me where has he gone? I saw that the door to exit was open."

"And why did you assume it was Captain who went out, hm? It could be anyone, couldn't it…be?" Daeseong battled against his urge to burst out in laughter, "What ya say, bro?" He gave a slight push to the brown barnets, causing the other to stumble a little before he could stand steadily.

Sehun rolled his eyes with a disreputable sigh, "Forget it! Can you at least tell me when Captain returns if he goes somewhere??" 

"It varies. But from what we have known him, he usually doesn't stay out past 12 a.m," Daeseong shrugged. 

"Oh- ohkay!" Sehun gulped sheepishly, "I like congee. I'll go upstairs, alright? To collect the sketches of our case. I need to change these stinky clothes too. Make us some delectable food, bye!!" 

Daeseong kept a watch over the young lad, until he passed from his own sight to upstairs, 

"Hilarious!!" Daeseong clapped his hands together, hooting with laughter. 

"Let me just text Captain asking about when he is returning. Or else our Eve might get lost in another reverie, so alienated from the world we live in, pfffffft!" Still chuckling, Daeseong plucked his phone from the table— only to prance with fear as a call from an unknown number flicked on the screen.



Sehun entered at the room upstairs, strolling lethargic— Minhyuk was playing games on his laptop, whereas the other man, Cha Joon, was occupied with enhancing the pixelated pictures obtained from other CCTVs.

He sauntered forward, making his headway to the cot, beneath which Minhyuk kept all the rough sketches. Sehun bent down to collect the papers filled with sketches of in and around June-Way, and slithered back out of it, picking up a pair of one white flimsy shirt and Caramel chinos. He had no business other than that in that room, thus he made himself scarce— only to delay at the doorway. He turned around, nearing to Minhyuk,

"Minnie…" Sehun desist from touching any portion of Minhyuk, not even the upright ones, "I am sorry. I was too soon to judge you, I shouldn't have done that. I'm really sorry!" 

Minhyuk sniggered, to allay the environment, "I know you know how to take responsibility for your actions, Eve. At that time I knew how heated everything was, so don't worry," he dishevelled Sehun's brown hair, "It's okay!! I knew that you never meant to be as aloof to me."

Sehun smiled, "You lifted a heavy burden off my chest, Minnie. I was really anxious about how you would have interpreted my shock which led to a foolish anger."

"And now that anxiety is mitigated?" Minhyuk spread his lips into a grin.

Sehun reciprocated the gesture, "Hm. It is," he then looked at the sketches, "Well, I will go now. I have to work on this case, you know that right? Let's talk some other time!! Will see you soon. Bye Minnie!" 

"Wait, Eve!" The indigo barnets snatched the younger's wrist, hemming in his attention. Sehun turned around, "Huh?" 

"Joon," Minhyuk dismissed the another man, motioning only with his fingers to ask him to leave, and afford him and his Eve to be all alone— in that dark, cold morning.

Joon fetched all of the documents, his devices, bowed before Minhyuk and Sehun both, and left the room.

Minhyuk held Sehun fast against the wooden door, after blocking the ingress with a loud bang obviously with a lock— Minhyuk had a hold of Sehun's hand that indeed felt distasteful to Sehun and it hurt. 

"M- Minnie…" 

"Shh!" Minhyuk put a finger over Sehun's lips, as his other hand trailed through the details of Sehun's facial structure. 

"Minnie I don't want-"

"I said silence," Minhyuk whispered, "In this hour, you are all mine!" The man's hands groped on Sehun's breast, as the latter's lips fluttered. The same abominable hand escalated to Sehun's neck, as Minhyuk veered to bite on it.

"Minnie please!! I don't like this. Please let me go, please, I beg you.…" Sehun's frame shuddered, not of stimulation, but of fear and disgust— he turned his head away from that source of disgust, he didn't even want to witness the mere source. 

Minhyuk turned a deaf ear, hungrily smooching all over the younger one.

"Minhyuk.…pl- please…" Sehun huffed, as the tears began to pour out of both of his eyes, "L- let me go, pl- please… you are har- harass- ing…" hiccups which could adorn were only at a remote distance. Sehun's eyes were narrowed, while he swallowed hard— putting his best efforts to forgo the scenario before him, it was more of a nightmare.

"You said I can use you, you punk!!" Minhyuk squeezed Sehun's cheeks, wetting his lips to mesh with the brown fringes. He inclined more towards the boy, brushing his lips a few times over Sehun's before he actually intended on pushing his tongue all the way downwards to Sehun's throat. He tweaked Sehun's lower lip and almost stuck his tongue inside,

Sehun's chest rose and fell frantically, with his chin fluttering. He held himself back owing to the affliction, but he could not impede anymore— "MINHYUK!!" A stringent slap cut across the older man's cheek, throwing him a few steps farther. Sehun's eyes were darkened and hazed with tears, as his left hand toiled to unsecure the latch,

"I hate you, Choi Minhyuk…" the young boy broke down. 

"That's funny. Because, I don't hate you," Minhyuk snickered as he shoved his body against the brown head, and caught hold of his neck, cocking his head to one side to keep his and Sehun's pair of cupid's bows at a parallel distance. Minhyuk's face kept closing in on, heedless about the younger's countenance or disgust, it kept approaching closer until there was no space left between the two— but before Minhyuk's lips could be intermeshed, a robust grip took custody of the blue strand's neck, pushing him away. 

Despaired, and fazed, Sehun opened his eyes which he squeezed shut to not look at anything that was occuring; the tears staining his corner of eyes, and his tanned cheeks— he freed himself from Minhyuk's grasps, and looked to his side, 

Sehun's eyes widened at the sight of that unexpected man, "Captain!!?" 

Wooshik sweeped his eyes to Sehun, "Are you okay?"

"Captain!!" Sehun collapsed on the blonde's chest, as tears of so many different feelings erupted from his eyes. 


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