𝓔𝓹𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓭𝓮 34

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Kiara's eyes vehemently started to become bloodshot— characterised by her truncated, erratic breathing, clinched expressions and sometimes shrieking. She cramped her face into a pillow, wrinkling it with swarming tears. The sadness drained through her rather than skating over her skin— the oblivious man deserved none of these. Kiara, lying face down, straining her palms to nip on the dust ruffle hanging from the bed, held herself accountable consistently, 

"Why?? Why does love always need to happen with the wrong person at the wrong time??" She bawled, her tonal pitch coarse and kept hitting on the headboard top rail.

Kiara burst into tears again. Right then, the woman's phone reverberated— with a stuffed, red tipped nose filled of moist she received it,

Prior to whether she would answer the caller, Kiara's skin ashened,



The afternoon sun bathed the building in its blazing light— Daeseong especially cherished working in such an aura. He felt like he was drowning, obviously in work since he slacked off for the past few days, and got glutted with other troubles. Daeseong stacked up the timelines on a piece of paper, picking up clues from drafts. 

All along, the black haired youth expected Wooshik to show up— speak of the devil!

"Daeseong?" The indicated man heard the door loosen, "What are you doing this early? What are all these papers?"

"Captain!" Daeseong settling all the dishevelled papers carelessly, turned to the taller, "I was jotting the timelines."

"All of a sudden?" Wooshik stopped and peered intently.

"Erm…" Daeseong eventually trying a few tentative gestures sufficed to Wooshik's doubts, "Well I felt that the case's progress is too slow. It almost feels like this case is the one that is continuing for the longest which none of our cases have so far. We used to solve distresses within the blink of an eye. So, I thought that making a timeline may speed things up, like it had done before. See, I even drew the map on our floor with chalk to demonstrate. That's only why…"

Wooshik came across as being ingeniously off his guard, "Once you are over with your work, make sure to mail those to me, input them into the software, copy them in a secured folder and forward it to our group."

The younger dropped a curtsy, "Sure. I will keep things in mind." 

Succeeding the trail of conversation, Daeseong caught Wooshik still standing, "Do you need anything, Captain?" He dubiously dispersed his gaze all around. 

"Daeseong, how is your foot now?" Wooshik asked, already looking at the other's feet covered with crepe bandages, "I'm sorry," he sighed, grossed out at his own self. 

"It's a lot better now. The ointment you bought is indeed very efficient," blatantly Daeseong spoke, "I can walk without hobbling now, as you can see!" He beamed, which noticeably alleviated Wooshik's guilt. 

"But if you need anything more or even if you feel pain, let me know!" Wooshik asserted.

Daeseong smiled, nodding, "Sure! Will keep that in mind."

"Around this eveni-"

"Captain, I am really sorry but we are not free this evening," Daeseong sheepishly said. 

The other man aimed a quizzical look,

"I was going to ask you to take a break but what do you mean anyway?"

"This is Seung and Juliah's anniversary today. She invited us so we will have our dinner there tonight."

The information dawned on Wooshik's mind, "Is…Sehun going too?"

Amassing the papers which then made Daeseong’s palms moist into a satchel he responded affirmatively, "Since Minnie will be going, I'm positive he will tag Eve along with him too. And if they both are attending the party, as their temporary leader, I have no choice left."

"Hmm…I see!" Wooshik put fingers beneath his chin, "See you at the party, then!"

"Huh??" Daeseong's acquired the dazed look of bewilderment, "You are really coming? In the previous years you never-"

The elder man chipped in on, "Forget about previous years from now on!" Running a palm through his blonde streaks, Wooshik heeded to the exit, "Now I really need to leave, take care, bye!" 

Bemused by how well Wooshik had conned the art of hiding, Daeseong did not bother to lift his eyes, "Captain?" Before the dyed blonde could pull out of the building, Daeseong asked for him. "Have you…always been like this?" 

"Hm? Like what?" Wooshik's steps came to another rest.

"You get hurt, too hurt. Although rarely, you cry away the pain behind everyone's eyes. And then resume your life like nothing even happened?" Daeseong, with squinted eyes, stared blankly until Wooshik turned his handsome face to the black barnets. 

"Daeseong, if I don't know how to get my pieces together, then how do you expect me to keep all of your pieces aligned? If I was not like that, then sadly you all would crumble down," he let out a remiss humourless chuckle, 

"So…Feel. Cry. Move on."

"But Captain, all while if you only keep thinking about us, what about you?" Daeseong expressed his worries— attested, his brows hung lower, "Closeting away all your emotions all the time is not healthy, Captain. You have to take care of yourself too!"

"Maybe I might begin someday, when I find a reason to do it, cutie!" remitting those words with a last wink and italicizing on the word 'cutie', Wooshik ultimately took his leave from their foxhole. 

"Reason you say," Daeseong moved his face, his eyes trained on the couch— Sehun fell asleep in Daeseong’s embrace last night, thus the elder did not find it any good to wake him up. Sehun was still deeply engrossed in slumber, 

"There is only one reason…"


He stood impassively, covered with black mask, a black cap and a pair of sunglasses of that very same hue. Something hopeful stirring up in his chest— "Wooshik?" Bringing a consequence to his tireless wait, Wooshik ultimately showed up on his Hyosung. 

"Oh finally!! What took you so long?" Dahyun questioned.

"Sorry, I overslept," lying was another skill at which Wooshik mastered— he reasoned the exact opposite so artfully that none could get the slightest hunch about him not paralleling his eyelids the night before, "Good work by the way. Now, hop on! We have to seal your properties first. So you need to guide me through the directions."

"S- seal what? Seal my properties? For what reason exactly? I won't seal my properties!!" Dahyun objected. 

"If that is what you want, then you need to be responsible for the raid too. Apart from that, when those properties would be confiscated, I am really not going to be of any help," Wooshik turned the engine off, "You decide."

Dahyun could not help but fiddle with this thumb, "I understand but seal?? Can I keep them mortgaged instead?" He offered. 

"To whom?"

"You of course!"

Wooshik snickered, "What if I cheat you out of it??"

"You won't do it, I know it!!" 

"Fair enough. But just so you know the people I work with all have good know-hows of breaking in. So, even if you keep those as mortgages to me or even sell them to me, they either won't be safe or at the end they all will become mine. Which one would you prefer?" Wooshik put his elbows on the brake, "Make your decision fast! I haven't got the entire day with me."

"Can I…can I answer you later?" 

"Fine. Hop on!! There is another pertinent thing I need to show you," Wooshik turned on the ignition.

"Uhm…Wooshik, can I…ask you something?" Dahyun was sheepish. Nonetheless, he splurged the words. 

Wooshik permitted through the black helmet. 

"Why does it seem that you are extremely laid back about this case? Almost like you don't want this one to be solved?" 

The motorbike came to a termination with a ear splitting screech,

"You're partially right. But it is not the crime that I do not want to be solved. It is the criminal that I don't want to get caught…"


"Daeseong hyung, are you done putting locks on the doors? My legs are getting numb, I can't stand any longer!!! This outfit is horrible!! Whose idea was it to put me into a black plain tee, a green bomber jacket and ripped jeans!! Arghhh! It's drizzling literally," Among all of them, Daeseong lodged into memory who he was to avoid when it came to anything related to Jihyo was also the boy who was the hardest to avoid. 

"Jihyo hyung, I need to leave now. Sehun is already looking for me. Hang up. Right now! Please!" Daeseong murmured on the call, indistinct. 

"Okay, okay. But tell me where are you heading to, cutie?? Maybe we might bump into each other? I will make sure that happens. So, where are you heading?"

"To hell!"

"Okay cutie, see you in hell. Bye!!"

After Jihyo put the call off, fussy at heart Daeseong joined the others,

"Sorry, one of the locks was frozen. And Chris is not coming, he says he feels sick."

"That's alright. Now, let's book the cab? It's starting to drizzle, so let's get to the destination fast! Should I put the crosswalk as the location where the cab will pick us up?" Minhyuk asked, inputting their details, "Let's just all of us head at the crosswalk."

Once Minhyuk had started trundling, Daeseong was alarmed, "Wait! Captain is not here yet."

"What??" All the remaining three of them exclaimed, harmonising, 

"Captain never joined us before," Joon curled his lip.

"Of course he wants to join us this time, Joon! Don't you get why?" Minhyuk treated the situation contemptuously, his spirited eyes meeting with another pair equally perfervid.

Minhyuk, shouldering internally tightly, grabbed Sehun's wrist— right before Wooshik's eyes. Wooshik, nonetheless continuing to put the hands in his pockets, rolled his eyes at that sight, touching his tongue to the wall of his left cheek— one of the signatures he would show every time he felt terribly jealous. 

"Girlfriend" is the word which Sehun had not forgotten yet— and being with Minhyuk at that moment did not feel half as bad for the youngest as long as the bluehead respected his boundaries. 

The cab arrived ten minutes late.

"I have motion sickness," Sehun stood at the end, "I will prefer to sit by the window, if that is okay."

Daeseong looked at their Captain since he suffered the same issues. 

"It's fine with me. I will sit in the front passenger seat," Wooshik got into his place, afterwards the others settled. 

Two hours had fleeted by until they had reached the party— Sehun would definitely not deny parties weren't where he belonged, not at all. Thankfully, the food was good. He is secretly thankful that Minhyuk was with him, or else he perhaps would have felt more awkward than he already was. Daeseong had been busy with his phone as soon as they arrived. Joon found his group of bosom buddies. And about Wooshik, Sehun in all honesty did not prefer to embarrass himself again. To top it off, Wooshik was enjoying the time of his life with other young, pretty youths, of which the prettiest girl in a red ponytail and a green split bodycon dress sat by him. 

Therefore it was only Minhyuk that Sehun stayed close to, and felt comfortable in staying close to.

"Attention everyone!!"  The stage lit up, and a feminine figure surfaced under the spotlight, a mic held by her hand

"Before we proceed to the cutting of the cake, let us partake in the special event organised by our stars of the show, Park Juli-ah and Park Seung. And the special event is….??? Any guesses???" The MC bent with her knees, her pair of sheeny teeth peeking through the red glossed lips, she seemed enthusiastic and buoyant in carrying out the celebration smoothly. 

"Ball!! Ball!! Ball!! Danceeeeee!!!" The hall shook owing to its roaring population, nearly appearing that it would collapse at any time. 

"So, choose the love of your life and groove along with the beats!! Alright, alright, we know that not all of you have met the love of your life yet…" she paused, her eyes minutely assessing the crowd.

Sehun, narrowing his eyes, stared at Wooshik in a roundabout way— Wooshik seemed enlivened with the group he was accumulated with, especially the girls who encircled him, almost as if the youngest's presence or absence did not matter much to him. Sehun heaved a downhearted sigh turning to Minhyuk whose eyes were incidentally targeted towards the stage, at the woman who was speaking. 

By implication, after Sehun who was sitting four tables apart from Wooshik had retrieved his stare, Wooshik, amid that cluster of people who he strained so much to be chummy with, could not forgo looking at the boy who was located four tables away— with Minhyuk. 

It indeed hurt. It did hurt Wooshik's heart. But he could and he would do nothing about it…

"So, those who have not yet found their soul mates, maybe today is the day?? Just pick a partner and move your body!!! Just move it! Woohoo!!" 

The ceiling buzzed with applause again!! Soon the giant stage had no inch left with couples and those who were in "search" of their partners, covering it from very left to the very end. 

Sehun was too affectionate towards dancing— he loved to let his body wave orienting to the flow of music, the very moment the notes would hit Sehun's ear, his body would automatically begin moving.

It was no different this time— after the DJ played their record, 'Stay With Me by Punch & Chanyeol' piano cover, Sehun's feet began tapping against the vinyl plank floor. 

A smile played on Minhyuk's lips while he took notice of it, "Eve…want to dance??" 

Sehun nodded keenly, "Can I go on the stage?? Please??" Minhyuk knew if he then denied, Sehun might get even crabbier.

"But everyone is dancing in pairs there!" The bluehead said. 

"Uh-" Sehun persistently shook his leg, he became so impatient, "You can dance with me."

"Are you sure about that? Have you thought about what you are saying?" Minhyuk clawed at Sehun's chin, his lips structured into the teasing smile, razzing him about it.

"What is there to think about it?" Sehun took Minhyuk's hand in his and zoomed on top of the stage, "Just dance!!" Moving past the table where Wooshik was at.

Wooshik witnessed Sehun yanking Minhyuk behind him, holding Minhyuk's wrist steadfast— Wooshik's heart dropped, as he felt a weird throbbing transpiring through it.

"Oh, Wooshik, would you mind dancing with me?" The pretty lady in her green glittery clothes laid her palm.

"Gina, I'm not good at-"

"You ARE!! I have seen your dancing videos with Leia. Come on, since you and Leia are over now, you gotta dance with me!! Don't spoil my mood." 

"If you say so…" folding his lips in, he shrugged, giving in to the other beautiful woman, "Let's dance I guess."


Sehun smiled as Minhyuk took his hand and twirled the younger one into his own arms. They fell in step, letting the rhythm control their movements. All the scenery and people around them dissolved. It was Sehun and Minhyuk, alone. 

Sehun's grey eyes glistened, and a smile spread across his beautiful face— Sehun had missed being this happy in a while!!

Across them to their right, Gina yanked Wooshik, chastising the blonde's neck with her elegant arms, "Don't think of anything else!! Just dance all your pains away, okay??" She smiled, the body acting on her own.

However, Wooshik could no longer endure what his eyes were seeing— his view was ceaselessly stuck to Sehun who was right beside him, at his left yet Wooshik felt the distance between them might never be bridged.

Sehun seemed too happy to be spending his time with Minhyuk. And Wooshik had no right to steal that away from him, but at the same time Wooshik couldn't help pouring his heart into whom he saw beside him, rather than who was in front of him— his body indeed paced with the music, but emotionless. 

Whereas uncontrollable feelings surged through Minhyuk's body, and his fingers tingled in delight. They continued to dance, too lost in the music to halt. Minhyuk's body was acting on his own, no shackles to fetter him, devoid from that pure paradise. The bluehead's palm brushed across Sehun's delicate cheek, leaving a tinge of blush. 

Wooshik's clutch on Gina's waist got too tight, it became only a matter of time that his grisly nails were dug into the shorter woman's skin. The man pulled his jaws in, his eyes not faltering for a second from Sehun— his heart was crumbling bit by bit and yet he had to fake his sanity. The smoke had begun to emanate from his heart, awaiting to be caught on fire. 

Sehun began to withdraw his hand to brush away his hair, but Minhyuk's hand clutched onto his. Minhyuk carefully laid Sehun's thin arm on his own shoulder, delicately tucking the locks behind the younger's ear, and Sehun's grey eyes twinkled back at Minhyuk in greeting.

Wooshik came to a pause from the motion he got involved in with Gina, 

"Wooshik? What happened?" Gina felt concerned after she had felt Wooshik's grips becoming tight and gruesome enough on her body that her skin began to prickle and at places, ache. "Wooshik??" 

The blonde did not find it necessary to quench Gina's curiosity— he kept looking at Sehun, his hand clenched into fist, and his breathing in a jealous pattern.

Minhyuk drew Sehun close to his chest, and Sehun wrapped his arms around the elder's neck. 

That was the height of Wooshik's patience— which had not been tested for a good amount of time. He shoved Gina aside from him, and impulsively shoved the bluehead away from Sehun, causing the youngest to lose his equilibrium. As Sehun tripped upon the stage, Wooshik caught his waist, discreetly with two hands. Both who insisted on dancing with Minhyuk and Minhyuk himself were hailed with utter shock.

"Ca- Captain?" Sehun's pupils expanded, his heart pounding almost loudly enough for everyone to hear the beats. 

It brought an impeded event since then everyone was now more interested about becoming an eyewitness to a massive fight. 

Minhyuk's veins popped up, beginning from his nape to his punch— his face burned at the abrupt interruption of Wooshik's. Preparing to fight against the boorish behaviour of his peer, Minhyuk skimmed a step,

"Minnie…" he felt the tug at his shirt and he turned around— "Minnie please, don't do any such thing here, please! You are heavily esteemed here, please remember. Please, I beg you!!" 

"But Daeseong-"

"Please Minnie!! If anyone says anything bad to you I won't be able to stand it, so please…"

At the black barnet's beseech, Minhyuk thought of letting it go for the time being— but he knew in his mind that he would get to the bottom of it, at some other time; definitely. 

At that, Sehun got up from being half reclining, half standing and stood properly, yet then the arms of Wooshik guarding Sehun's sides— the younger blinked away the absurdity and endeavoured to get out of Wooshik's bosom, to no use. Wooshik had put some really rigid, vigorous arms around Sehun and the older did not loosen them— ultimately blocking any way from which Sehun could escape, Wooshik did not want Sehun to escape and thus he did not let him escape. 

"Captain, what are you doing?" Gazing down at his boots, Sehun timidly asked. 

"Dance with me!" Wooshik asserted. 

Sehun's eyes widened again, "Huh??"

"Dance with me!" 


A/N: Since I took a hell lot of time to upload this chapter, here is a little sneak peak to the next one:-

"Why are you caring for me, Captain? You have a girlfriend anyway!"- Sehun

"You would never understand the things you make me go through!"- Captain

"Eve, will you come to me?"- Minnie

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