𝓔𝓹𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓭𝓮 9

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His impassive eyes couldn't be moved from Kiara, as Chris watched her shambling off the perron. Seeming oddly distrait, he came out of their kitchen, attaining to the lady who just made her departure. 

Mindlessly cautioned in opposition to getting caught, Chris promptly chanced upon a burly man and they impacted against each other.

"Oww!!" He kneaded his back, "Who the fuc-" he was going to curse in gritted teeth.

But, Chris froze at his place almost at once, after he has recognized the man in a subdued streetlight, 

"Ca- Captain??" 

"Can you lend me some fire, Chris? My lighter ran out," the cigarette pressed between his dusky lips, awaiting a flame.

Chris bowed, retreating an oil lighter from his classic flap of denim jacket, "Here, Captain."

"Light it for me, dear," both of his hands put into his cargo pants's embellished diagonal pockets on either side. His words partly put away due to the cigarette being bore between. 

And not anybody would pluck up the courage to defy the most infamous terminator if not a prominent assassin of Sejong, 'The Lee Wooshik'. 

Chris lit the lighter, and held it to the tip of Wooshik's cigarette for some mere seconds before the man inhaled while the flame still touched its tip, and Chris could get to release the lighter thereafter. 

Wooshik puffed his lungs with a long pull from the nicotine, "Chris, who or what were you looking at before running into me?" 

"Huh? Wh- when?" Chris's last few words were indistinct, him making every effort to look away to avoid confrontation, although he knew it was too late. 

"Before you ran into me." 

"Oh that, that- that, that I was looking at the ambience outside. It is kind of too pretty today," his unavailing efforts on lying were all blatantly diminished by Wooshik. 

"Kneel down." 

Chris raised his eyebrows, "May I beg your pardon?" He murmured lowly, agonized.

"Squat," he said, blowing out a cloud of smoke in that cold air. 

Chris acted in accordance with despite his knees acting sore. For he till date remembers the way he was covered with syrup and put into the repository by Wooshik to be devoured by bugs. The plan terrifically worked. 

"Good. Now, clean my boots," Wooshik extinguished the stick, putting it beneath his feet on the floor. 

Chris nodded, his eyes brimming with tears. He bit in his lips to keep the tears from falling. His lips fluttered out of grief. As Chris got on to wipe Wooshik's combats, the elder made him to leave off. "Why are you using your bare hands?" 

"Huh?" Chris ceased.

"Take off your cute green pullover, and clean up with it." 

"This?? It is my fav-"

"Come on," Wooshik wore an illegible countenance. "I have not got the entire night. Come on!!!" 

Conquering his resentment, he buffed Wooshik's combats with one of his treasured clothes, up until it gleamed. 

"Thank you," the smile Wooshik evinced unnerved Chris. It was only a matter of time before Wooshik stomped on Chris's pre-injured arm. As Chris moaned with each press, Wooshik put on more weight. 

He only stopped when Chris couldn't submit to it anymore and he bled a river, his bandage all soaked from it. 

Wooshik kneeled, "This is what you get for lying to me, hm?" He whispered at last before flashing a derisive smile at him. 


"A limeade, bring it to me in only ten minutes. Go!!" 

She sat on her daily vinyl, "I'm stepping in here after so long, right?" She monitored the bar, "It is very hard for me, too. To stay away from my sole love." 

"Anyway, now spill the beans. Who has caused the disappearance of their little informant?" 

A chilling stillness scattered around.

"Are you all mute?" The lady said, toying with her table display. 

"Ma'am …we think Kiara might know something." 


Sehun started to shift around a little before he actually woke up, making roaring noises as he stretched. He figured a piece of leather cloaked around him, it was apparent that the clothe was put on him with vast care. 

"This is…"

His eyes squinted, he sat up on the derelict divan and he hung the leather in air, "This is Minnie's jacket." 

Just when Sehun was weighing up on Minhyuk, he heard someone in that same room as his,

"Do you think Minnie cares for you?" 

Sehun looked at him. It was Daeseong. 

"Because he put a jacket around you? Do you really think like that?" Daeseong was on the cot Sehun slept last time in. 

"What are you meaning to say?" Sehun put away the jacket. 

"Minnie. He put your head on his own lap last night, did you know? Maybe because he knew how tough it is to sleep on that divan, without getting hurt by its edges, on each side," Daeseong pulled his jaw back, appearing like he wasn't convincing Sehun, he was convincing himself. 

Sehun had a blank face, "What are you trying to say?" His words almost all drowsy.

"That he doesn't care for you. He- he doesn't, he doesn't, doesn't, doesn't. Or- or else he would have let you sleep on this cot, this is more comfortable than the divan. But you know why he couldn't let you sleep on it? Because I was sleeping, I- " Daeseong heaved, "I was sleeping on it. And Minnie would never compromise with my comfort, never!!! He doesn't care for you, Eve!!" 

Daeseong took his leave in a fit of wailing. 

Contemplating of Daeseong’s words, Sehun was puzzled…puzzled so much that he couldn't think anything straight. Why did Daeseong get so distraught? Was it because he felt the one he liked was getting into someone else? Was caprivated by a different person? He was losing that sense of ownership? 

Or was it because he feared losing Minnie's dependence on him? He feared that Daeseong’s value would be minimized to Minnie from now on, since he has found someone new and Daeseong would be in remains of a nothingness. Daeseong would lose his identity, he would become a none. 

"Eve? I brought some tea for you. It is not of the best quality but it works. I made it for you myself," Minnie came in, making some space to sit beside his 'Eve'.

"Do you drink tea? Sorry, I…didn't ask beforehand," Minhyuk scratched the back of his ear. He behaved like the high schoolers who fell in love and was now trying to approach his crush, he wanted to make a move, the first move. 

"Minnie, did you sleep last night with my head on your lap??" Sehun set unstinting eyes at that man. 

Minhyuk chuckled a little shy, "What could I have done? Your head was often hitting the edges. And I slept well too." 

A blush creeped on his neck, warm as the summer. 

"Did you give me your jacket because I was cold?"  

Minhyuk nodded, staring down, steering clear of the sight of Sehun. 

"Minnie, I dreamed of my mom last night. I- I dreamed that my mom took my head and placed it on her soft, delicate lap. I was too small to be fit into her lap. That smell of alcohol, that smell of cigarettes, the scent of her vomit…why do you have it all, Minnie? Your lap shouldn't have been so comfortable to me, it is a sin Minnie," Minhyuk saw Sehun's despondency in each sentence he uttered. 

He put down the cup of tea, "Hug me, Eve. I will be your mother. I will be a psycho. I will be anything you want me to be. Don't think much, hug me." 

"Minnie…do you care for me?" 

Minhyuk lips spread in a timorous smile, "I do," he spoke softly. His eyes gazing down.

Sehun didn't spare his thoughts, and ran into a hug over that monster's chest. Minhyuk embraced him like a mother, he held him like a psycho, he felt Eve all over him. Minhyuk wanted to keep Sehun like he was only his Eve, only his. 


(𝙣.) 𝘼 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡, 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙙 𝙤𝙧 𝙪𝙣𝙪𝙨𝙪𝙖𝙡 𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙖.

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