A/N: An apology/YOU CHOOSE!~

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Heya bros!

It's Waffles, and yes.

This was the first book I ever kept up out of the first ones I've wrote.

And it has become very, very successful!

So would you guys be okay with a remake?

I mean, I should do a remake.

I just read the first chapter and I got feels.


The reason why I wanna remake it is because aside from the whole "Green becoming Gym leader" arc, I've been lost as to what to use as a good plot.

That's why I haven't been updating.

When I write books, I think about the beginning and the ending, but not what happens in between.

It's weird, I know.

You all probably hate me XD

That's why I haven't posted the Alola arc yet, cause I'm brain dead about what to do.

So, I'm sorry.

I keep saying I'll update, but I never get around to it.


So, as an apology I can do one of many things.

1 - Remake this and try to think of a better plot.

2 - Make a fanfic about a different Pokemon ship. (Like, Silver X Lyra...)

But If you guys vote for the second option, tell me which ship you'd like me to do!

Please comment your opinion!

[I MAY DO BOTH! hehe!~]

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