Chapter 1

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Heya! So yeah, this is my new book! I already have a couple chapters written, so I know for a fact that I won't leave you at two this time! There is a trigger warning for this one, so if you can't read books that include depression, self-harm, self-hate, people hating or being against the Reader, suicidal thoughts and/or tendencies, possible attempted suicide (I haven't decided if I'm going to add that yet, if I do I'll put a warning on the chapter itself) and probably some other things that I'm forgetting, then please don't read this! I want you all to stay happy and in good mental health! I love you all, please stay safe and wash your hands! Enjoy!

  The first thing I saw was darkness. Then, a small light. I stared at it, unable to look away. I watched as it slowly grew larger and larger, curious as to what it was. Then I realized that it wasn't growing larger, it was growing nearer.

  It was so, so bright, but it didn't hurt my eyes. I watched, enamored with it as it slowly began to engulf me.

  I felt my eyes drift shut and I got the sensation of falling asleep for a moment before I was violently jolted back to life.

  My eyes shot open to reveal darkness once again. Then, the darkness began to clear up, and in it's place a room took form. I realized that I was sitting on a bed.

  I was stock still at first, unsure of how to move, or if I even could move. I slowly turned my head to the left. A closed door with a plastic laundry basket next to it and an end table.

  To the right. Another end table and a long mirror that hung on the wall.

  Back to the front. A dresser and a small built-in closet, which had an open bypass door.

  I turned my stiff body slightly to look behind me. A bed with black sheets, a large black comforter, and two pillows with no pillow cases.

  The end tables and dresser were made of a black wood and the room had virtually no customization. It looked like a brand new room that no one had moved into yet.

  I moved my neck from side to side. I slowly kicked my legs out, noting the black leggings and black jean skirt I was wearing. I rolled my ankles and saw that I had on black Converse high tops. I stretched my arms out to the side, then to the front. I twisted my torso and saw that I had on a black, nondescript hoodie. I ran my hands over my head and found that I had h/l hair that was put up in a ponytail.

  I slowly stood up and walked over to the mirror and finally got a good look at myself. I had never seen myself before.

  I scanned over my body, taking in the fact that I now had a physical form. I looked at my eyes in the mirror and I felt trapped for a moment. It wasn't a bad trapped, it was just...kinda captivated. I looked at my eyes for God knows how long before it came to me.

  My name.

  I heard the sound of my door opening and in the mirror I saw seven men with vaguely the same appearance standing in my doorway.

  I turned around slowly, still uneasy in my new body. One of the men stepped forward, and I could feel that he was important.

  "Hi, uuuhhh...I'm Thomas. This is...well, my mind. And uh, wh-who are you?" He asked, confusion evident on his and the others faces.

  I swallowed hard, not sure if I could speak. Well, I'll never know if I don't try. I cleared my throat and opened my mouth.

  "Depression. I am Depression."
I had been alive for two hours and forty-three minutes and already I was wishing I wasn't.

  I guess it's because of who I am. I'm Depression, so it makes sense that I would be depressed.

  I was sitting on the couch in the living room, moving and stretching to test out my limbs.

  Shortly after Thomas and the others had come into my room, they taught me how to sink out to Thomas's house and had set me down on the couch while they talked upstairs.

  I could hear them arguing, but I wasn't really listening. I was thinking. I caught pieces of their conversation here and there, but I didn't understand much. Two hours arguing. I wonder when they'll be done?

  "Well Thomas, why didn't you tell us you were depressed!?" I heard a voice yell. The voice had a flair and a certain accent to it.

  "I-I thought it would go away! I didn't want to worry any of you!" I heard Thomas yell.

  "Guys, let's just calm down. Thomas had a perfectly good reason to-" "Patton, just stop! We're trying to talk about something really serious here, and you just keep blindly advocating for Thomas! Just- go downstairs and talk to the girl or something." The last part was a bit muffled, but I still heard it. That voice was a bit...lower than the others, but it didn't have any kind of accent to it.

  I heard footsteps and saw one of the men walk down the stairs. He had on a blue shirt with a cat hoodie tied around his shoulders and tan slacks that were held up by a dark brown belt. He also wore a pair of black glasses. I noticed that his eyes were red and he had tear streaks down his cheeks. Despite this, he smiled and sat down on the couch beside me.

  "Hey kiddo.'re a new Side, aren't ya?" He said weakly. I looked at him and nodded.

  " you know where you came from?" I shook my head no.

  He wiped his cheeks and rubbed his eyes, still trying to smile.

  "You're...Depression, huh?" He said, his smile dropping a bit more. I looked down at my lap.

  "Yeah, name is Y/n." I spoke slowly, my voice still brand-new to me. The man I assumed to be Patton smiled again, and I could tell there was a bit of genuine happiness behind it.

  "Well...welcome to the family kiddo. I know it doesn't seem like much of a family right now, but...soon you'll see. We'll all be there for you and we'll love you forever!" He said, picking up a happier tone. I smiled slightly, but it wasn't genuine. I didn't believe him.

  "Oh, and by the way...I hope you don't take any offense to me saying this, but...why are you a girl? The rest of us are boys." I shrugged. "I think it's just a coincidence. Honestly, I'm surprised more of you aren't girls." He nodded and looked down, thinking.

  Both of us looked to the stairs as we heard the rest of them coming down in a cacophonous mess of footsteps and hushed voices. I noticed that one of them wasn't there. The one in green who had a mustache was gone.

  Thomas looked back at the rest of the guys, then over to me. He smiled slightly.

  "Hey. So yeah, I've...I've been feeling more down than usual lately." He looked down to avoid eye contact. I noticed he was fidgeting with his hands.

  "I-I went to a doctor, and she told me I should see a therapist. He said...he thinks I have depression." He took a breath and looked up at me. "Well, you're here, so...I guess he was right."

  There was an awkward silence for a moment. I stood up from the couch.

  "I'm very sorry, Thomas. I didn't mean to do this to you." He looked at me with slight alarm. "Oh, no no no no no, you didn't cause this, you're a result of this." He said.

  I looked down and stuck my hands in the pocket of my hoodie. There was more awkward silence until Patton stood up from the couch.

  "Well, this is kinda rude, isn't it? She's a new Side and we haven't even introduced ourselves!" He looked back to me and smiled. "I'm Patton! But you can call me Dad if you want!"

  I gave him a small smile. Another man wearing a prince costume walked up and stood beside Thomas.

  "And I'm Roman."

  He bowed dramatically and smiled, although it seemed forced.

  "Forgive us for all the arguing, we had a few...things we needed to sort out." He eyed Thomas as he spoke. I gave him a slight bow, still keeping my hands in my pockets. I fiddled with something I hadn't known was in there. I couldn't tell what it was, but I had a suspicion.

  Another man wearing the same glasses as Patton stepped forward. He dressed very crisply, like a teacher.

  "And I'm Logic, but you may call me Logan if you wish."

  His voice was monotonous and basic and his face conveyed no emotion.

  Another man had a face that was human on the right side and snake-like on the left. He tipped his bowler hat to me and gave me a sly smile.

  "And I'm Deceit. But, you may call me Janus." Roman scoffed at him and Janus shot him a scowl.

  I nodded and looked behind them to see one more guy with the hood on his jacket up and his hands in his pockets. He was leaning against the railing. Thomas followed my gaze and sighed.

  "Come on Virgil, you need to introduce yourself." He said in an exasperated tone. The other guy looked up slightly.

  "Why? You just did it for me." He said, and I noted that he was the same voice who sent Patton downstairs. Thomas huffed and looked back to me.

  "That's Virgil, he's my Anxiety. He..." He paused, trying to find a way to phrase what he was saying. "Isn't too fond of new people." I nodded. "My real name is Y/n. Wasn't there another guy with you?" I asked.

  Thomas was caught off guard and hesitated for a moment before answering me.

  "Yeeeeaaaahhhh, that...that was Remus. You...just told me your name? Without making a fuss out of it?" I shrugged. "It's not a big deal. It's just my name." Thomas hesitated again before nodding. I looked down.

  "Mind if I go to my room? I'm still not used to the whole 'being alive' thing, and I'd like to get my bearings for a moment." Thomas nodded a bit too zealously.

  "Oh, yeah yeah, for sure. The uh, bathroom is at the end of the hall where your room is if you need it. It's in the same place in my mind as it is in my house." He said with a nervous smile. I nodded and sunk out to my room.

  I went and sat on the bed, still fiddling with the object in my pocket. I turned it over and over in my hand, feeling it's shape and size. I squeezed it tightly and felt a sharp pain go through my hand. I pulled my hand out and opened my fingers to find a small razor blade in my palm.

  Yeah. That's what I figured it was.

  I saw blood running down from the joints in my fingers where I had squeezed it. I stuck my hand back in my pocket and walked out of my room to where Thomas had said the bathroom was.

 I went in and washed my hand off, then dug around beneath the sink for a bandage of some sort. I found a box of Band-Aids and put one on each finger that had been cut before rinsing off the blade, sticking it back in my pocket and heading back to my room. On the way there I stopped to look at the doors to the other Sides' rooms.

  There were three on the same wall as my door and three on the opposite wall. The first one I saw was white and it had a large R painted in the center in red. There was gold glitter decorating the whole door.

  This must be Roman's.

  The one parallel to it on the other wall was black with a green R painted on it and a ton of black and green glitter. There was also a brown mustache painted over the line in the R.

  Probably Remus'.

  I kept walking. A white door with a teddy bear holding a blue P.


  A black door with a golden two-headed snake wrapping around a yellow J.


  A simple dark blue door with a dark purple L.


  And the last door next to mine was purple with patterns that resembled stitched patches and a black V.


  My door was just black. I looked at it for a moment before reaching out to grab the handle, but before I could grab ahold of it it began to change. It was now black with a (first letter of your name in your favorite color) in the center. There was a (favorite mythological creature) sleeping at the base of the letter.

  I admired it for a moment before twisting the handle and walking back into the undecorated room. Or rather, it was undecorated. Now there were posters of bands and movies on the walls and my comforter was patterned with skulls.

  The pillows now had pillow cases with quotes from what I assumed were songs on them. One of them was black with the words "I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone" printed on it in a fancy white font. The other was green and read "I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known" in a cool-looking white font.

  There was a CD player on my dresser and a wall-mounted TV right above it. I looked around, but couldn't find any movies or music anywhere.

  The closet was now filled with clothes. Most of them were black and some of them had logos and names on them that were synonymous with the posters on the walls. I didn't know what any of them were, but I felt like I would find out soon. There were also a few small stuffed animals on the bed.

  I gravitated towards one that looked exactly like the creature on my door and picked it up. I stared at it for a moment, tilting it side to side and getting a good look at every angle.

  "Terry. Your name's Terry." I said.

  I smiled softly. This is all happening so fast, but...maybe I can be happy here. My smile dropped and I set Terry down on my bed again. No. It's not my job to be happy. I sighed deeply. I'm Depression.

Hey again! So, there will be POV changes in this story, but I really, really hate writing the whole 'Readers POV' thing, so I'll use a different transition for POV changes. Instead of these *** I'll put these ---. If it gets confusing, I'll give in and write out the POV changes. I hope you enjoy this!

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