Chapter 3

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If you find any mistakes, don't be afraid to comment and tell me! Love you guys, I hope you enjoy this!

  I sat at the table, drumming my fingers on the wood.

  It was now three days after Y/n had gotten here, and I still hadn't gotten up the courage to ask Thomas all the questions that were running through my brain.

  I had fallen asleep before they finished dinner the first night and just chickened out on every other opportunity. Other than that, things were...fine, I guess.

  Thomas was going to a therapist and Y/n had gotten a bit more lively. I guess because she was new she didn't really have emotions or a personality yet. I'd seen her a couple of times, but I mostly tried to stay in my room.

  Right now the Sides (save for Remus and Janus) and Thomas were having some kind of game night in Logan's room. They do this sometimes, and usually I play with them, but I just didn't feel up to it tonight. I heard them invite Y/n, but for some reason she had declined.

  I sighed and lay my head down on the table.

  When will they be done?

  I heard cheering and various voices from the floor above me.

  Maybe I should have played with them. It probably would have been better than sitting here moping.

  I sighed and stood up, heading to the fridge for something to drink. I pulled it open and barely got a look at the contents before I heard someone walking down the stairs.

  "I'll be right back guys, I just want a drink of water!" I heard Thomas yell.

  I looked over at him and immediately slammed the fridge shut. He stopped in his tracks and jumped.

  "Virgil! Geez, you gave me a heart attack!" He said, clutching his chest. "What's with the violence towards our appliances?" He asked. I ignored the question and grabbed his arm, steering him over to the table and sitting him down.

  "Thomas, we need to talk. I've been trying to get this out for three days, and I'm not gonna let it mess with me anymore."

  Thomas looked alarmed and slightly confused, but said nothing and waited for me to continue. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

  "I think...I think I'm straight. Or, you know, bi, at least. Is...that possible?" I asked, still uneasy and nervous.

  He looked shocked and didn't seem to have a reply. He looked away in thought and rubbed the back of his neck.

  " be honest, I don't know. I'm gay, I know that for sure. But...I never thought about you guys having separate sexualities."

  He sighed and looked back to me.

  "I guess it's possible. I mean, if you feel this way, I can't exactly say 'no' and force you to be gay. If that's what you think, then...I don't know, I guess there's really no one who can do anything about it except you."

  He gave me a small smile and I smiled back before looking down to my hands, which were fidgeting nervously on the table. I thought for a moment then sighed deeply.

  "I think I'm straight. Or at the very least, I feel...attracted to a girl."

  I looked up to see Thomas nodding silently. He seemed to be thinking about something else.

  "Well, I haven't seen any girls except for my doctor in a while, so I'm just long have you been thinking about this?" He asked, and I could see that he was about to put the pieces together. I quickly cut in and answered him before he could connect my sudden attraction to girls to the sudden arrival of one.

  "For a while now, actually. Yeah, since...I dunno, last month or something." I said while rubbing the back of my neck.

  He nodded and that seemed to satisfy him for now. He smiled at me and stood up.

  "Well, I'd better get back to the game. They're probably waiting on me. I'm glad we got a chance to talk, Virgil."

  He started walking to the stairs.

  "Hey, Thomas?" I said, stopping him at the base of the staircase.


  I looked at him and gave him a small smile of gratitude.


  He smiled back.

  "Don't mention it."

  I got up and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

  "Hey, think fast!" I yelled and chucked it at him.

  He turned around quickly and put his hands up to catch it, but ended up tripping over his own feet and almost went hurtling down the stairs. He caught himself on the railing as the water bottle plopped on the steps and began rolling down. He stuck his foot out to stop it and glared playfully at me.

  "Thanks a lot."

  I laughed at his misfortune and sat back down.

  "Don't mention it pal."


  I lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling.

  I didn't want to join the rest of them for game night because I didn't think I would be any fun.

  They would have to keep explaining the rules for me, and it's no fun to play games with someone who's never happy.

  I sighed and stood up. I walked over to my mirror and gazed at my reflection for a moment. I smiled.

  Looks fake. That'll never fool anyone.

  I tried again, keeping Patton's words in mind.

  We'll always be there for you and we'll love you forever!

  It looked a bit more sincere this time. I sighed.

  I might never get this right.

  I stuck my hands in my pockets and fiddled with the small blade again. In the short time I've been alive, I've noticed it's become a habit of mine.

  I heard a light knocking on my door and turned around to face it.

  I thought they were all playing games. Who would wanna see me? I wondered.

  The knocking came again and I was brought out of my thoughts.

  "Come in." I said, just loud enough for whoever was out there to hear. The door opened and I saw Virgil, the Side I had seen the least (other than Janus and Remus, but that kinda goes without saying).

  He had his hands in his pockets as well and his jacket was zipped up halfway. I decided to try out my smile on him.

  "Hey Virgil, what brings you here?" I said.

  He smiled back, but he looked kinda nervous.

  I guess it's because he's Anxiety. It's gotta be tough for him to meet new people.

  He opened his mouth to say something, but got distracted by some of the posters on my walls.

  "Hey, you like this type of music too?" He asked, tilting his head towards a poster of a skeleton in a marching band uniform. It was stylized to look like an old piece of paper with ink droplets all over it. I thought it was pretty cool.

  I shrugged. "I dunno. This stuff all just appeared in here on my first day." He nodded and looked around at everything.

  "Hey, would you...maybe wanna..." He tried to say something, but he couldn't really get it out.

  "Wanna what?" I asked. He looked down at his shoes and I heard him take a small breath. He looked back up at me and tried to look me in the eyes, but he kept on diverting his attention elsewhere.

  "Do you...wanna listen to some of this music with me?" He finally asked. I nodded.

  "Sure. I don't have any of it though. I looked around and I couldn't find anything but empty notebooks and unopened packages of markers." I said.

  That was true. There were about four notebooks in the end table on the left side of my bed and a bunch of markers in the right one. I had already filled a few pages of one with random doodles.

  He smiled at me. "That's fine, I have all of them. Your room or mine?" He asked. I shrugged. "I haven't seen your room yet. Roman and Patton showed me theirs yesterday." I said, sounding slightly disinterested.

  Shoot. I didn't mean to say it that way. I hope he didn't notice.

  His smile faltered slightly and I could practically see him overthinking what I had said. I was quick to ease his troubles.

  "I didn't mean to sound like that, don't worry. I really do want to hang out with you." I smiled, and this time it really was genuine.

  His shoulders relaxed slightly and his smile returned, although he looked slightly embarrassed that I knew what he was thinking.

  "I can't control the way I sound sometimes. It's kinda weird, but I guess it comes with the whole 'alive for three days' thing."

  He laughed lightly and smirked at me. He jerked his head to the door to kinda say 'come on' and walked out. I followed and made sure to shut the door behind me.

  Once we entered his room, I found that it looked quite a bit like mine. He had cool posters all over his walls too, quite a few of them resembling mine.

  There was no light in his room except for a small plug-in nightlight in the shape of a spider next to his dresser and the faint red glow of the numbers on an electric alarm clock that made it's home on his nightstand.

  His bed was unmade and there were clothes and shoes all over the floor. He knelt down and scooped up a few shirts that were in a small heap next to the foot of his bed.

  "Sorry, I don't really clean much." He said, and I saw that his cheeks had turned a light pink.

  "It's cool. I don't mind." I said.

  He moved quickly and grabbed a few more articles of clothing before dumping them all in a laundry basket next to the door. He turned back to me and smiled.

  "You can sit on the bed if you want. You might have to wipe off some crumbs." He said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

  I laughed lightly and did as he said, brushing off some crumbs before plopping down on the dark purple comforter that was all bundled up near the head of his bed.

  He walked over to his dresser and pulled open the top drawer. I stood on my knees and looked over his shoulder to find that it was full of CD cases.

  "Wow, that's a lot of music." I commented.

  He looked back at me and smiled.

  "And this is only the first drawer. I've got two more full of music and a couple with some movies." He said, looking proud of himself. I chuckled at his enthusiasm and plopped back down.

  He pulled out two different CDs and held them up for me to see.

  "These are two of my favorites. Which one first?"

  I looked at them for a moment and pointed to one that had the same picture of a skeleton as the poster on my wall. He beamed.

  "I love that one!"

  He turned back around and put it in his CD player. He walked back over to his bed and lay down next to me, leaning over and grabbing the TV remote off of the end table.

  He looked over to me for a moment and blushed before turning away. I looked at him, confused.

  I guess it's because of how close we are.

  I moved myself a bit farther away.

  "Better?" I asked.

  He looked back over to me and seemed slightly disappointed that I had moved. He nodded and turned back to his TV. I was confused.

  He looked uncomfortable that I was so close, but he was disappointed that I moved away. I don't get it.

  I looked to the TV as well as the music started to play.

  I guess that's just one more thing I don't understand about people.

  As the first song began, I found myself entranced by the lyrics, the singer, the guitar, everything. It was hypnotizing.

. If you look in the mirror and don't like what you see, you can find out first-hand what it's like to be me.

  I turned over to Virgil with wide eyes and I saw him lip syncing with a smile on his face. He turned over to me and chuckled at my expression.

  "Do you like it?"

  He spoke a bit louder in order to be heard over the music. A smile spread across my face and I nodded my head furiously. He laughed and started to sing out loud once the singing began again.

  "Another contusion my funeral jag, here's my resignation I'll serve it in drag!"

  At the last word, he made a dramatic motion that mocked Roman's entrance. I laughed as he sang on.

  "You've got front row seats to the penitence ball, when I grow up I want to be nothing at all!"

  I listened intently, loving the combination of his voice and the singer's. We listened to the whole album this way, with him singing along and me loving every second of it.

  This is the happiest I've felt...well, ever. I thought with a smile on my face as he got up to put the other CD in.

  "Did you like it?" He looked back at me with a smile as he popped open the other case. I nodded excitedly. He laughed and put the next CD in.

  "This one is by a different band. The last one was My Chemical Romance. This one is Evanescence, they're my favorite." He explained while walking back to his bed.

  We spent at least two more hours listening to music and talking together. It was an amazing day for me. I felt truly happy, something I thought was impossible for me.

. In the middle of a Three Days Grace CD, someone knocked on Virgil's door. He groaned and paused the music before reluctantly getting up and opening it.

  "What?" He asked.

  I peered over his shoulder from my spot on the bed and saw Patton standing in the doorway.

  "Heya kiddo! I was just gonna tell you that dinner's almost here! We ordered pizza, so you'd better hurry if you want a pizza your dinner tonight!" Patton said, earning a quiet chuckle from me and a sigh from Virgil.

. "That one was kinda weak." He said, but Patton ignored him.

  "Anyway, I'm going to go get Y/n now. See ya at dinner bud!" He said before attempting to walk away, but Virgil stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

  "Don't bother, she's in here." He said and hitched his thumb back at me.

  Patton looked behind Virgil to me and I gave him a small wave. He gasped and smiled, bringing his hands to the sides of his face.

  "Awwwwwww, you made a friend!" He said, apparently very excited. I chuckled lightly at him and nodded. He clasped his hands together as he looked from me to Virgil.

  "I can tell you guys are gonna be besties forever!" He said.

  Virgil laughed lightly and gave me an awkward smile. Patton stood there for a moment smiling at us before we heard the doorbell ring from Thomas' actual house outside of the mindscape.

  "Oh, that must be the pizza! I'll see you two in a minute! Bye-bye my sweet strange children!" He said before excitedly running downstairs. We heard him exclaiming to the others about how we were now best friends and Virgil gave a small laugh at his zealousness.

  "Well, I guess we'd better head downstairs before there's nothing left." Virgil said, smirking from the side. I nodded and slid off of his bed.

  We walked downstairs together, prepared for the barrage of questions we were most likely going to be asked. Once we got there, everyone already had at least one slice of pizza on their plates, so we hurried to grab ours.

  Patton was still beaming as he and the others watched us enter the kitchen together. I smiled back at him and he gave me two thumbs up. I let out a small laugh and grabbed my slice before taking a seat next to Virgil at the table.

  I hope every day can be like this.

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