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It is now morning as the sunlight reaches a window hitting a H/C hair young man causing him to open his E/C eyes. This is Y/N L/N, an ordinary young man. He stood up and looked around his room. 

(What Y/N's room looks like)

Y/N got up to get ready for the day, he lives a boring life...until recently...

???: YO! Y/N!

Y/N: *Looks over his shoulder* Hey, Mei.

(Ignore the sword)

Mei: Are you getting ready for school?

Y/N: *Confused* School? Do we have school?

Mei: Uh, yeah!

Y/N looked at the clock and realized it was 6:00 am. Y/N quickly rushed into the bathroom while Mei giggled at his reaction. You may confused about why Mei Dragon from the TV show Lego Monkie Kid is living in a house with Y/N, well, Y/N found her in his backyard and took her in, his parents decided to adopt her into the family and even enrolled her in the same school as him. Today is her first day at her new school.

Y/N got out of the bathroom already changed, he started going downstairs with Mei following him, and he saw his mom making breakfast for the both of them.

M/N: Oh hello, Y/N, Mei. Do you want any breakfast before going to school?

Y/N: I'll take it with me. What about you, Mei?

Mei: Nah, I already ate.

Y/N and Mei were outside to wait for their bus, after a few minutes of waiting. The bus arrived, the duo made their inside and immediately the guys started going "Woo" and "Ahhh" at the sight of Mei. Y/N already knew this wasn't going to end well for him. Mei noticed this and was about to speak to him until he took her hand causing her to blush and sat down at the back of the bus.

Mei: *Still blushing* Y-Y/N, what was that?

Y/N: Nothing, just...forget it.

Mei noticed her adopted brother's expression, it was a mix of anger, guilt, and sadness. She knew this expression too well because she had the same expression when she unlocked the Samidai Fire.

(A few minutes later)

The bus stopped at its last destination: Starlight High School. The students started getting off as well as Y/N and Mei. Once inside, a random student pushed Y/N which caused him to fall on the floor, this shocked Mei but also made her angry. She extended her hand up to Y/N which he took.

Random Student #1: Look, nerd boy needs a girl to protect him!

Several students started laughing at the H/C young man which caused him to get a tick mark and signaled Mei to follow him. Mei is now very concerned about Y/N, she's never experienced bullying before but she knows what it is but seeing it happen right in front of her and to her adopted brother made her angry. Soon, the both of them reached the cafeteria and sat down at a table, Y/N got out his breakfast but Mei stopped him from taking a bite.

Y/N: What's wrong, Mei?

Mei: What happened back there?

Y/N knew what she meant, but tried playing it off.

Y/N: *Image below* It's nothing, Mei. Really.

Mei: I don't buy it. Those students back there were picking on you.

Y/N: ...

Mei could tell something was wrong but didn't know what it was. She hated feeling like she couldn't help her friends. The pair heard footsteps, they looked over to see a boy with light blue hair and a boy with sunglasses with green hair.

Light Blue: Hey, Y/N. How are you?

Y/N: Nothing much, Ben.

Greenie: Y/N, you ok, dawg?

Y/N: Yup, I'm fine, B3.

The pair called Ben and B3 moved their attention to Mei who could tell that they were friends with Y/N.

Ben: Hello, you must be new. I'm Benjamin Fairest and this is Harry but Y/N and I call him B3.

Mei: Hello, nice to meet you.

Harry: Y/N, Ben and I saw what happened back there. You know I could get Neo-.

Y/N: No no, it's fine guys. I can handle it...really.

Y/N went back to eating his breakfast while Ben, Harry, and Mei got to know each other. She learned that Ben comes from a very popular family while Harry is transgender and that they met Y/N one day at the park when he was sitting alone playing on his phone. Ben commented that he was playing Pokemon Go.

Mei: Pokemon Go? What's that?

Ben: It's an AR monster-catching game based on the Pokemon games, which are pretty popular. Y/N used to play that game A LOT when he was younger, heck we almost got arrested because he tried going to private property to catch a Pokemon...what was it again, B3?

Harry: I think it was a Charmander.

Mei giggled a bit, even though she'd been on Earth for a couple of days, she already loved it here.

???: Well well. If it isn't Nerd Boy.

Y/N, Mei, Ben, and Harry looked to the source of the voice and saw the biggest bully in the whole school...

Y/N: *Cold tone* Ethan...

Ethan: Wow, you're still wearing that face mask? Wow, you really are just pathetic.

Mei: Hey! Leave my brother alone!

Ethan looks at Mei and gets a smirk on his face.

Ethan: Well beautiful, you seem pretty cute. How about you hang out with me?~

Mei: Ew. No. I won't just hang out with someone who's messing with my friends, especially my brother!

Ethan didn't listen, instead, he started to touch Mei's hair which caused Y/N to get up and grab his hand out of anger. This action caused the whole cafeteria to go silent, no one ever dared to stand up against Ethan, and when they did...they would just vanish.

Ethan: That was not very smart of you, Nerd.

Ethan then punches Y/N in the face making him let go of his hand. Mei went over to Y/N's side and helped him stand up. The duo made their way to the nurse's office to see if anything was broken.

(Small Timeskip)

In the nurse's office, Y/N was holding a bag of nice on his cheek while Mei was writing a statement so the teacher could handle Ethan later. She looked over to Y/N who was deep in thought, she isn't good at being a therapist but she instantly thought of something that could cheer Y/N up.

Mei: Hey, Y/N.

Y/N: Hm?

Mei: Wanna watch some puppy videos with me?

Y/N: *Smiles a bit* I would love that.

Mei sat down next to Y/N and pulled out her phone so they could watch puppy videos. After maybe 1 or 4 videos, Y/N was smiling again almost like he forgot his earlier pain. The two of them then made their way to the front office to get Mei's schedule.

Mei: Y/N, thank you.

Y/N: *Confused* Huh? What do you mean?

Mei: Well, it's only been a couple of days and we're already brother and sister. There's still so much I need to learn about this world but as long as I'm with you, I'll be okay.

Y/N was speechless, he didn't know what to say. His favorite character just said that as long as she's with him, she'll be okay. Before he could say anything, Mei hugged him, it felt comforting. Y/N didn't know what to do or what to say, instead, he just returned the hug. After a few seconds, Y/N tried to part from the hug, but Mei didn't let go.

Y/N: *Chuckles* Hey Mei, you can let go now.

Mei: Just a little while longer. You feel so soft.

Y/N didn't say anything, he just allowed Mei to hug him. Soon, they were able to get her schedule, and lucky for them, Mei had the same classes as Y/N. They sat right next to each other in every class but some of the guys were trying to get Y/N to swap places with them but one quick glare from Mei stopped them.

Y/N couldn't help but smile. Before Mei showed up, his life was hell, always getting bullied at school, and his parents tried talking to the teachers but it was resolved. But now that Mei is in his life, he wouldn't trade it for the world.

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