Chapter 1

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(1003 words) 

Your POV 

Present Day




Lifting my head from my hand as I was leaning on it at my desk, staring at my homework as I look over to my window. There was another tap against the glass as a small pebble was thrown at it. Getting up and opening the window, the masked figure that I had come to know as Jack climbs into the window, making no sound as he does. He stands up straight, looking down at me before taking his mask off. This was a normal occurrence, the same creature that had attempted to steal one of my kidneys would climb into my window almost every night. 

I'd imagine you'd think I've utterly lost it, but honestly, I feel normal, better than I have before. His light brown hair moves as he takes the hood off of his head, sitting down on my bed. 

"What are you working on today?"

Looking over to the cannibal I hum and shrug slightly. "Just more anatomy stuff." 

"Yeah? I can help if you want." 

Raising a brow as I look at him I hum. "You know anatomy?"

"Did I not tell you? I was premed before I ended up like this." 

Stopping as I blink I hum gently. "That does explain a bit." 

He nods as he gets up and comes over. Sitting down next to me, his grey skin catching my attention as he looks at things, still being able to see without having his eyes. 



"What color were your eyes before... you know." 

He stops as his head lowers. Thinking about it for a moment before lifting his head at me. "I'm pretty sure they were hazel. I've been like this for so long, that it's hard to remember how I used to be." 

I nod gently before getting up, walking over to get a sketchbook that I had. I can feel him watching my every move as I grab it. Opening it up, and flipping to a page of what I had imagined he looked like before. Handing the page to him, he takes it in his hands, scanning the page before he gives a sharp tooth grin. 

"You did this?" 

I nod as I sit next to him again. 

"I drew those after you took your mask off for the first time. I got curious, and started drawing you with different eye shapes, I think my favorite are the rounder, almond shaped ones. Now that I know what color they were, I can draw you in color." 

He nods as he looks at the page. Tracing the features of how he used to be, the man he was before. "Sometimes I forget I used to be human. Which is why.." 

"Why what?"

"I was really shocked to have stopped that night I got in here. The first time we met. You looked at me, with such indifference. No one has looked at me like that before, before I steal one of their kidneys, but then again people don't wake up." 

"The substance that drips from your eyes was what woke me up. It dripped on me when I was asleep and that was what woke me up. As for why I ended up not saying anything and not caring when I saw you standing over me. I didn't care. I didn't care you were there, or what your plans were." 

"Why not?" 

I shrug. "I've been pretty much by myself for my entire life, all 18 years of it." 

"Don't you have parents?" 

"I do, yes. But they're not like everyone else's parents. They don't acknowledge me, it's like I wasn't wanted to begin with." 

He nods as he listens. "What about your friends?"

I shake my head. "What friends? I'm a freak at school, I'm a freak at home. It's why I'm always in my room. If I'm not at school, I'm here." 

"Friends are overrated anyway. I had some, look what happened to me." 

He points to his eyes as I smile gently. "The odds of me finding a cult are fairly low." 

He laughs gently as he looks at me. Tilting his head he looks at me for a moment. Before I could say anything he gets up, putting his mask back on. "I gotta get back, Slender will get mad if he finds out what I've been up to." 

I nod as I sigh gently. "Before you go, I want you to know that I think you're my friend." 

He stops as he has one leg out the window already, turning to me as he's quiet. Wrapping my arms around myself, I look away. 

"I-i guess, if you don't want to we don't have to be, I just thought that since you're here so much and we're both freaks. Not that I think you're a freak, I-i think you're actually kinda cool. Kidney thief or not." 

He brings his leg back into the house as he stands up, towering over me slightly. Jack was tall, 5'11 before the cult tried to sacrifice him, he was only 19 when it happened. His whole life stolen from him and now he's like this. Blinking as I feel a hand on my shoulder, I look at it to see Jack's gloved hand. Looking up at him, he gives a bit of a crooked grin. 

"You're pretty cool too, shame I'm the only one who knows that." 

He takes his hand off of me as I stand there, looking at him in surprise. "But I've really gotta get going, I have a couple kidneys to steal still, I'm starving. " 

Nodding I watch as he gets out of the window and into the tree, before climbing effortlessly down the tree, stopping and waving at me before he runs off into the woods that butts up against the edge of the property. 

Watching him disappear I close the window and turn around, going back to my homework before sighing, only now remembering I had forgotten to ask when he'd be back. 

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