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I have a new found interest in reading those competition books and imagining what it would be like to enter and win or smth 😂 dont judge me okay 😂



Minji stared at her phone, which displayed the message that she'd just received from Mrs Park.

From: mum

Park Minji get your ass home RIGHT now and explain to me what you've done to Chanyeol.

She typed a quick reply.

To: mum

I'm not coming home if either he or Baekhyun are there.

Minji locked her phone and stuffed it back into her pocket, only to grab it once more when it vibrated. She knew better than to ignore her mothers messages.

From: mum

Tough. Baekhyun is on his way over here. Chanyeol is in the hospital, which is where Baekhyun will be going back to as soon as you explain yourself.

Get. Home. Now.

Her eyes widened as she read the last message. Chanyeol's in the hospital.

She gasped, "what have I done?" Was all she could say as she excused herself from the meeting with her friends.



Baekhyun sat next to Chanyeol's mother, staring down at his hands, which were resting in his lap. He felt a hand delecately rest on his shoulder, calming his nerves.

"It'll be okay, so will Chanyeol. You'll be able to go and see him again in a bit." Mrs Park assured him, smiling sweetly.

The front door opened and Mrs Park frowned, staring dissapointedly at Minji, who walked through into the living room.

"explain yourself right now."



Chanyeol stared blankly at the white wall of the hospital room. His arms were disinfected with alcohol and bandaged.

He remembered that Baekhyun had left with his parents to find Minji but he didnt care. Nothing mattered to him anymore. It was all empty.

A nurse walked in to check up on how he was doing but stopped when she saw Chanyeol's gaze shift to his bandaged wrists. She watched as he began to wrap his hand around one arm and squeeze the injured area, not even flinching.

"Sir!" She spoke up when she saw red liquid begin to soak through the clean bandages. Chanyeol stopped and stared at her.

"What?" He said bleakly, his voice monotone and blunt.

"Y-You can't do that, it'll just injure you more--"

Chanyeol raised his eyebrow, "well isnt it blatantly obvious? Thats what I'm trying to do."

The nurse gasped and dropped the clipboard that she was previously holding. She rushed out and immediately called for a doctor, who came into the room as well.

"What seems to be the problem here?" The doctor asked, looking at the nurse then to Chanyeol. The nurse leaned up and whispered something into his ear, Chanyeol tried to listen in but all he heard was psychiatric ward.

He began to shake slightly, which didnt go unnoticed by the doctor, he looked over at the nurse and shook his head before walking over to the scared boy on the hospital bed.

"Mr Park? Why are you-- what's wrong, why are you shaking?" He asked calmly as he used the palm of his hand to rub soothing circles on his back. Chanyeol didn't calm down though, if anything it got worse.

"I'm-- I'm n-not going to the psychiatric w-ward." He stuttered, staring wide eyed at the doctor. The latter nodded his head and took in a deep breath.

"Well, we still need to have a further look into your mental stability but if all goes well, there'll be no need for you to go there." He assured Chanyeol, who had begun to calm down slightly.

Just then, the door opened and in walked Baekhyun, accompanied my Mrs Park.

"Mum?" Chanyeol croaked, reaching out to her like a child that had fallen off of his chair. Mrs Park smiled and walked over to him, hugging his thin frame. The sound of the door opening again caught Chanyeol's attention as he looked in that general direction, his eyes widening.

Minji walked in with her head hung low and her hands clasped together.

"Someone owes you an apology." He could hear his mother say as he continued to look towards the nervous girl as she played with her fingers.

"I'm sorry Chan," she mumbled, still looking at the floor, "I didnt know you'd end up here. I'm sorry, I got out of hand."

Chanyeol stood up off of the bed and put his hand on her shoulder. However he immediately removed it once seeing Minji's disgusted face as she looked at his hand.

"You're not sorry." He said, realising that whatever Minji would say is a lie. She's not sorry. Look at her face. Its just a fake personality so that mum let's her off the hook.

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