twenty one

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Bonjour! je suis retourné :)



Baekhyun sighed as he stepped into the hospital, seeing an abundance of people, either rushing round frantically or sitting down, waiting for a doctor.

Today was the day Chanyeol was to be moved to the mental health unit. He knew the younger was strictly against it and would do anything in his will to prevent going but-- it was too late.

The tall male laid limply on the hospital bed as he was wheeled to the unit. His eyes darted around, looking at everything from the nurses to the walls surrounding him. He once caught a glimpse of the outside through a window.

It was raining. The sky looked grim and sad. It was-- depressing.

A sigh escaped his cracked lips as his gaze landed on a sign.


There were no longer hushed whispers, no crying children or whining people. Pure silence.

Chanyeol smiled slightly, finding the silence somewhat comforting, safe even.

'If only it was like this everywhere..' He thought to himself as he was wheeled into yet another room, this one being completely bare, besides from a space for a bed and a bedside table.

His bed was put on the breaks as he sat up, getting somewhat familiar with his new surroundings.

"Your new nurses will be on their way shortly, Mr Park. We have to get back to our own unit." One of the nurses that wheeled him there informed and with a nod of Chanyeol's head, they were off.

Finally, Chanyeol was left alone with his thoughts. He stood up and knelt down infront of the bedside table, opening the drawers to find that they were filled with harm free necessities; there was a hairbrush with plastic balls on the end of each brissle, some toothpaste, a toothbrush, some extra pyjamas and some soap, along with a sponge.

A distant cough snapped Chanyeol out of his thoughts as he looked up at the door to find a proffessional looking man, along with a petite woman.

"Mr Park Chanyeol?" He asked, waiting until Chanyeol nodded before he proceeded, "may I come in and have a chat with you?"

Chanyeol nodded again.

The man walked in and sat down at one of the chairs besides the bed, the woman doing the same. Chanyeol, though skeptical, walked towards them and took his place on the bed, sitting cross-legged as he furrowed his eyebrows at them.

"I'm sorry, you must be confused, I'm Doctor Kim, I'll be your leading doctor until you're discharged and this is our Senior Nurse, Seohyun, she'll be your leading nurse, in charge of caring for you until you're discharged. We've come to discuss your regime and what you'll be doing while here in the MHU, is that okay?" Doctor Kim said, giving a small smile towards the boy on the bed.

"Sure..." Chanyeol whispered, his voice somewhat hoarse.

"Great. So, since it's your first day here, you won't be expected to do anything but become accustomed to your new surroundings, you can wonder around the unit if you want and become acquainted with the other patients here and you mustn't leave the unit without a nurse. If Seohyun isn't available then you must have a different nurse from the team with you, just incase," The doctor paused momentarily, allowing the information to sink in before continuing, "you'll also be able to wear your own clothes, given a family member or friend brings it in for you. You're also allowed to have memories from home, like a stuffed animal or toy. However, anything that could possibly cause harm to you will be confiscated and sent home. Is that okay?"

Chanyeol's eyes lit up at the sound of being able to wear his own clothes, he looked down at his basic hospital gown and smiled, sending a nod towards the doctor.

"Do you have any questions?" Seohyun asked.

"Um-- will my-- boyfriend be allowed to visit? Or is it just family?" Chanyeol asked, feeling hopeful. A small smile played on both of the elders faces.

"Of course." They both said simultaneously, afterwards excusing themselves and leaving Chanyeol alone once again in his room.

The tall male fell back onto his bed, a wide smile decorating his skinny face.

"I'll be able to see Baekhyun.." He said as he shivered in delight, unable to contain his happiness.

"I hope he comes to visit me soon."

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