Chapter One

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Brring! Brring! Brring!


"Thanks," an exhausted reply to the sudden silence emitted from across the room, followed by the quiet groan of the one who caused it.

Derek Trumhall, a young bartender, sat up in his bed with a sigh. He didn't want to hear the alarm clock's annoying wails any more than his best friend and, conveniently, roommate.

"Why do you even have that thing set?" Riley Scott complained, groaning into his pillow. Derek stretched a bit before standing, stifling a chuckle. "It's your day off, right?"

"Yes," came the reply, with Derek grabbing his dog tag and slipping it over his neck. It fell to his chest, reflecting the sun's light from it's metal surface. "Buuut you wanted to leave early."

Another wine came from the pillow before Riley turned away from it, sitting up himself. Obviously exhausted, he forced a smile. "What time is it? I wanted to sleep in. Or out. I don't really care where."

"Eight," Derek answered, "Two hours before you wanted to get up. I know. I didn't think you'd wake up with me, though, so-."

"Can I at least sleep in, then? Twas was enjoying Wonderland."

Forcing an amused grin, Derek shook his head and slipped a stray shirt on, already getting motivated. "I need help lifting your shit into the truck. You're getting up before I have to carry you."

"Always so bossy," Riley mused, standing up. "Let me change, Der, and I'll be with you."

Giving a nod, Derek watched Riley grab a few pieces of clothing and retreat into the bathroom. He always felt bad for him and constantly told him he never had to hide to change. He didn't mind Riley being transgender. But he on the other hand felt like it was an issue sometimes, and regularly changed in the bathroom.

Shrugging it off this time, Derek stepped out of the bedroom and into the small space they called both their living room and their kitchen. Being a rented spot in an apartment, it wasn't glorious. This is why Riley was moving out. He was going to be attending a college too far to walk from the apartment, and decided to live on the campus.

The two boys had been friends for years, so of course Derek would be rooting for him. It was only two years after they had graduated high school, giving Riley a better chance at this college. Although this would be the first time they'd be separated in a long time. The two were as close as glue. But calls and texts would be made every now and then to make sure neither were dead. So everything seemed fine.

Derek grabbed the keys off of the countertop and grabbed the door knob to the front door. He made his way outside, where his truck was sitting in the apartment building's parking lot. Pressing a button on the car key, he unlocked the truck and started walking over to it just as he heard a loud crash.

Whirling around to meet the loud noise and it's culprit, Derek chuckled. "Good job."

Riley, picking himself up from the ground, dusted himself off. He looked at the box he'd dropped and laughed. "Well, it was a nice fall," he stated simply, picking it up and carrying it over to Derek. "But I guess I'm more of a spring guy myself."

"You should become a comedian," Derek replied sarcastically, helping the box into the vehicle.

"I already am," Riley smiled sheepishly as he picked up something that'd dropped from the box and set it in the passenger seat. "I have one more small box, then a bag. Get your things ready 'cause we'll be on the road in a few!"

He seems excited, Derek thought sadly. He was excited for his friend, that much was true. But he'd no longer have anyone to spend time with. He was always so busy with work at night and Riley was his savior from that. From worry, from stress.

God, he was cheesy. But Riley was the best of the best. The most amazing friend a guy could ask for.

Derek walked around the truck and slid into the driver's seat, watching Riley scurry back outside with his bag and the small box in hands. He stashed them into the truck and hopped into his side, his strange shade of grey eyes shimmering with enthusiasm.

"I'd say bon voyage," Derek started, turning his keys in the ignition. "But you haven't left yet."

"Man, you spoiled the surprise," the shorter male snickered. "Now you've gotta say something else."

Derek shook his head, a small grin forming on his face. "I'll think of something."

And they set off. The ride wasn't long, yet it certainly felt that way. Derek never liked goodbyes. In fact he hated them. He'd never say "goodbye" or anything of the sort. He'd instead say "see you later" or "text me". Anything along those lines. He felt as if saying a simple goodbye meant he'd never see that person again.

"We'll still hang on weekends, right?" Riley asked, breaking the silence. Derek nearly looked over to him, yet remembered he was driving and thought against the action.

"Of course," he answered a few moments later, turning the corner. "But if you have a huge exam or something, don't expect me to show up. I'm not getting in the way of your studying."

Riley huffed, turning his head to hide the fact that he couldn't keep a straight face. "Party pooper."

Derek rolled his eyes. "You're talking to a bartender, and I'm a party pooper?"

Riley stifled a laugh, staring outside the window. "Its up here."

The truck pulled into a parking space near the dorm Riley would be staying in, halting in a timely manner. The dorm was fairly large, and it seemed each student shared one room with another. The rooms, however, seemed large as well. At least to what Derek could see through a few open windows.

But that didn't matter right now. He had to help his friend.

"Don't worry about the boxes, Der," Riley quickly spoke, opening the passenger door and jumping out of the vehicle. "I've got 'em."

Or not.

"Are you sure?" Derek asked, his voice a little higher than normal. It wasn't hard to tell, since his voice was a bit deep. But Riley didn't seem to take that into account.

"Yeah," he replied, taking the boxes out and stacking them, sliding the bag over his shoulder to have room to pick them up. "I've got 'em."

Derek nodded, leaning against his seat. "Bon voyage."

Riley smiled, rolling his eyes and shutting the door with his hip. "That wasn't different, ya liar!"

The bartender shrugged, giving a smirk. "Text me later, alright?"

"Yeah, duh!" Riley agreed, turning to leave. Derek didn't blame him for being so eager. He had to get moving before his roommate tears up the place. "See ya!"

Alone again. Who knows how long it would take him to get used to the silence of the apartment room he'd have to go back to? How long before he finds someone to move in with him, if someone at all?

Sighing, Derek pulled out of the parking space and started his journey home.

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