Abi reads Pragya letter ¶ Omkara give shocking surprise for gawri

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Hi guys this is sowji...thank you for your support... let's move to ff...
Sarala insisted Pragya go along with abi ...she agreed for mom sake...abi feels very happy...Pragya feels irked...abi shows victorious smiled towards Pragya...At purab room, Purab gets a call...he looks surprised and shocked... They informed Purab got "THE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AWARD"...Purab looks very happy...he thanked them...Purab called abi...Inside the car,abigya are sitting in the car...suddenly abi phone rings,abi is thinking about something...he never listens about his ringtone. Pragya sees abi...pragya touched abi shoulder....abi come back to his sense..he stopped his car...he looks at pragya..abi asked what...Pragya gestures him to look at your mobile....immediately abi pick up that call. Purab said hey abi where are you??.abi said I am on the way to my shoot.pragya sees abi...he is speaking with purab.pragya get down from his car without abi knowledge...she is written something in the paper....she kept that paper in her seat.she left from there...few minutes later,suddenly abi turned.Pragya is missing from his car...he is shocked..abi said purab...we will talk in our home.I will call you later...he cut down his call.immediately he get down from his car..he is searching for her.he can't find her.he is panicked.abi think in his mind, how can she left from my car. I think she is still anger on me.after abi started to leave from that place.suddenly abi sees one paper inside in his car.abi opened that letter...thank you for your help...I mean Mr.rockstar ji...and sorry I never need your help.that's why I left without informing you.I know that,you are very stubborn...you won't allow me to go.that's why I escaped from your clutch..abi read this lines...small smile appear in his lips.....further he read her letter... one more thing, I never want to irritate you again...suniyil hereafter I won't appear in front of you...I will just stay away from you...I am always being your fan...if you think I crossed my limit with you.I am asking sorry for that.don't worry hereafter, I will not disturb you..suniyil one request from you...Please we will just act in front of our family.we will just talk like formality friends...rabul, our family never know about our separation...I thought, I never want to share our problem with them...please just act in front of them...I promise you...I will always stay away from you...I feel proud of being your fan. I am always your fan..goodbye suniyil...take care of yourself...by your die-hard female fan pragya.abi feel bad.he can understand how much she hurted in his words.abi kissed that letter.he said no pragya...I will never allow you to go away from me...I like your Pragya...I know...I hurt you a lot...I will solve the problem between us..sorry is not enough word to cure your pain...but I promise you...I will never hurt you again...I can't see your sad face...I will never allow you to go away from me...I misunderstood you...you are not my irritating person...you are my cute fan...after abi reached purab house...he informed to abi.abi looks very happy...after bulbul reached there...bulbul congrats him...abi said we will arrange the party in our home...Purab said no abi...we will arrange the party in 5star hotel. Pragya told...lots of people have alcohol..dadi will never like this....so the hotel is the best place...Pragya suggested to me...abi think in his mind,mastermind teacher..abi said she is right purab...dadi never allow us to drink alcohol in our home...it's better we will celebrate this party in a hotel...Purab said I will go to award function on day after day...coming Sunday is the best day..we will call our friends..they will come to attend this party...that is convenient for them..bulbul said exactly purab...few days after Purab got an award...they family and friends are congrats him...abi make all arrangements in that hotel..bulbul supported abi...now time is 6 pm, every guest arrived there...
Pragya avoided to go there...again she never want to see abi face...she thought she never to disturb abi..At hotel,purab friends and his business mate are gathering in that party...abi saw bulbul...he asked about pragya...bulbul said she will never come...she has some work...I don't know..she will join with us or not...few hours later... abi saw someone.. abi asked who's that person...purab said did u know that person...purab said don't know abi...bulbul said who is that person...that person was talking about purab... abi goes towards that person..he said excuse me. She turned...abi said you...bubul saw her...she screamed di..purab look at her...abi asked what is this...y r u serving this...Pragya said shuhhh...Pragya look at everyone...all looks at pragya...pragya said chup...just come with me...abi was speaking something continuously...pragya left from there...abi saw her...abi murmured how dare she...how can she leave me...

One guy disturbs pragya...abi sees them...Pragya is trying to avoid him...one guy come towards him..he said hey karthik...Karthik sees his face..he said hey ragu..how are you...ragu said hey good...what are you doing here...Karthik said see her...she is very pretty...I am trying to talk with her..she looks very shy..ragu stopped him..he asked hey, she is middle-class girl...karthik said I don't mind about her background...I like her...she started to describe Pragya beauty...abi heard his words...he is trying to control himself ..his words increase abi anger.

Omisha eyes filled with tears..she turned opposite to rudy..rudhra can't see her pain...her tears hurt him a lot... it's really affecting him..omisha said so I thought to leave from this Oberoi mansion...I never want to give more burden to you. I will leave from here..rudy looks on... Omisha leave from the rudy room...rudy look at omisha...she goes towards her room...she locked her room...she cried alot....rudy was shattered...he can't see her pain...he looks sad...he thinks about his dream..he thinks about omisha proposal,her kiss,her moments with him...At omri room,gawri get a call from an unknown number...om screamed please save me gawri...I was struck at XYZ place...gawri is panicked...she thinks in her mind,she will ask help from shivay baiyya...after she went to see shivaika room...they are doing romance...no gawri...I never want to disturb them...I will find Omkara ji...she left from Oberoi mansion...she was searching for om...she screamed Omkara ji...she reached that place...om sees gawri...she looks worried and tensed... suddenly the light goes off...... Gawri said what happened to this light...sankar ji...Please help me...I want to find Omkara ji..she screamed Omkara ji...suddenly light came... gawri looks shocked...she was dumbstruck...om gave a surprise to gawri... She saw omkara...she was running towards him...immediately she hugged him very tightly(background plays janam janam)...she cried...omkara consoled her...after they break their hug...gawri asked I was panicked if anything happens to you...how can I live without you...suddenly she stopped her words....she looks at om....both are eye lock...

Rudy comes to omisha room...rudy screamed omisha...omisha is missing from that room...rudy sees the letter..he read that letter...he is shattered..anika and Gauri come to meet omisha in her room...anika and gawri saw rudy...they are panicked..gawri asked what happened rudy baiyya..anika sees some letter in rudy hand...she took that letter...she looks shocked...

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