Jerry executed his plan against abigya¶omisha stopped rudy engagement

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Hi guys this is sowji...thank u for your support...lets move to ff...

Purab is continuously searching abi...he went to check their favorite place,regular place...he checked everywhere...but still he can't find abi... Abi where are you huh??where did you go without informing to us?..purab looks tensed...@pragya home,bulbul come along with their parents...janki saw sarala...she is crying...she called sarala..sarala look at janki...she goes towards her...she hugged her..she sobbed I trusted my daughter...but she cheated's literally hurts me..she sobbed to janki...bulbul asked badi papa!!where is pragya..he claims she is in her room...bulbul goes towards pragya room...she knocked her room..she said this is bulbul...di open the door..but she never get any reply from her...bulbul looks tensed..they heard bulbul loud voice...all rushes towards pragya room...Ali asked bulbul what happened...y r u screaming...bulbul informed them...she is continuously knocks her door...she is not opening her makes me worry...Ali please open this door...all screamed the door..@purab car,purab was continuously searching abi...he gave file complaint about missing abi in police stations..he was worrying about abi.. Purab get a call from unknown number...he heard their voice...purab phone fell down from his hand...his eyes filled with tears... he dropped his phone...His phone battery fell down from the phone... purab stopped his car..he is crying...y di...y did you do this...I know are worrying about bhai...I told you.. I will find him...y did u attend doesn't think about can you do this.. suddenly purab look at his phone...immediately he put battery in his phone... he called same number...Ali attended his calls...purab asked bulbul how is di now...Ali claimed purab this is ali...we are going towards the hospital..don't worry...nothing will happen to her...purab I was driving...I will call you later..Ali,prabul family reached the hospital...Ali screamed doctor just save this girl...she attended informed just give complaint to police...after that we will attend this suicide case...sarala asked doctor sir please save my beti...Ali said we already gave complaint...police will be there with in few minutes...just save this girl...jerry looks on...jerry asked bhaiyya when did you give file thinks they are lying to him...Ali said just keep told don't say lie to us..we will never do treatment without gave file complaint...jerry think now no one can save this girl...u rejected my bhai...I asked you to accept my bhai proposal...u refused that..that's y I added rat killer powder in your one knows more thing,your rock star will never come back to you..flashback begin abi dropped pragya....after that he reached his home...suddenly he get a call from producer ...he informed I will be there...he got ready...he saw time 3am..abi think if I wake up disturbs her I will call them at morning...jerry reached abi home...he saw abi..he hided in car diggy...he left without their family....suddenly abi stopped his car...he feel very thirsty...oh god I can't see any shop here...I really feel thirsty...suddenly abi saw one petite shop..he get down from his car..he goes towards that shop..jerry saw abi...after he get down from his car...he cut down the break wire of his car...he hided behind the tree..he heard abi car sound...jerey smiled evil manner... I hope he died now...poor she has no choice...she must marry my bhai... jerry said doctor just do the treatment to my di.he did good believed his words...they started to do treatment...sarala thanked him...jerry said maa...we are all know that..bhai loves pragya di....he will never allow any harm to reach pragya di...Ali looks on...Ali never utter any word...sarala said you are right beta...that's y I choose him as my groom...bulbul, ali,bulbul family,pragya father looks shocked...jerry smiled evil manner...pragya father said we will think later about her we wanna think about her health...purab reached the hospital...he asked receptionist about pragya...purab called them...sarala hugged purab..she sobbed...purab said maa don't worry nothing will happen to di...bulbul hugged purab...she is crying like vulnerable doll..bulbul asked I can't see my di in this situation..purab consoles her..they looks very tensed...bulbul signalled purab...rabul came far distance from emergency ward...berry saw them...he followed them...he heard their conversation...bulbul asked did you find anything about bhai...purab nodded his head as no..I don't know where he went...I gave file case about his missing...suddenly purab get a call from police..purab said bulbul they are calling...I think they found news about abi..bulbul asked plze purab put phone in speaker...purab put his phone in speaker...police said Mr.purab kharna..we heard news about one car number...can you verify it...that's abi car number or not..purab said sure sir...police told car number...bulbul gesture him...purab nodded his head...rabul looks very happy..purab said yeah sir that's abi car number... Where is he now...police said I am sorry to say this..hills station officier called me...they told yesterday this car was driving rashly in the hill station...this car fell down from the cliff...rabul eyes filled with tears...purab phone fell down from his hand...jerry looks very happy...he said poor pragya bhabhi...she doesn't know her boyfriend rockstar abishek prem mehra passed away...don't worry we will go to his last funeral ceremony... he smiled left from there...bulbul asked what happened my he k???bulbul called purab...he looks shocked...he heard bulbul loud noise...he come back to his sense...bulbul said nothing will happen to my bhai... purab told I will be there with in few minutes..bulbul hugged purab...purab I looks very anything happen to bhai...di can't live without him...purab said I trust him...he promised me...he will never leave us...don't worry nothing happen to di need you...don't tell anything to our family..I will go that cliff..bulbul get tears in her eyes...she hugged purab..she said i am waiting for your call....purab left from there...bulbul saw god idol...she goes towards the god...she prayed...please nothing will happen to bhai and my di...please save them...she is crying..suddenly doctor come out from the emergency ward...sarala asked doctor how is she k??..whole family looks tensed...whole family asking questions to said she is littlebit out from danger...but still she never get conscious..we checked her body...everything is normal...but she will never get conscious within will be critical condition...whole family looks scared and said she can hear your voice...she can listen your voice...her brain can hear your voice..suppose she will never respond to your voice within 4hours...she will go to coma stage...Ali said no doctor...we will try to get her conscious....purab reached that hill station..police asked sorry purab...we got one body...just check he your friend or not??..purab said no sir that's not friend....nothing will happen to him...commissioner claimed I can understand your situation..we are also think like you...just see him for our sake...suppose he is not your friend...we can send our team to search him...we are doing this verification... commissioner goes towards that body...purab looks tensed...his body is shivering...police man opened the white bedsheet from his face...purab slowly goes towards that body...purab murmured I trust him...he will never break my promise...this is not my abi...purab saw his face...purab eyes filled with tears...he looks shocked...
Ali said we have only half hour...suppose she never get conscious...our pragya will go to coma stage.. sarala,janki,bulbul, pragya father get tears in their eyes...suddenly bulbul claimed we have only one solution...ali asked what solution...bulbul said abi bhai...jerry looks angry.

Omisha claimed right now, u wanna know...which person send him here....whole family looks puzzled...rudy nodded his head...omisha said it's me sent him here to act her boy friend.whole family looks amazed and shocked ... rudy asked what do u mean omisha??y did you send him here?y did you try stop this engagement?.shivaika,omri looks at each other..they smiled...omisha said rudy ji...suddenly she thinks if I say the truth to them or not...rudy said I know that,u feel jealous on her.because u loves me...then y r u hiding your feelings with us...anika and gawri looks very happy...anika said rudy is right..she feel jealous...that's y she was trying to stop this engagement...gawri asked but di I can't understand...y did she trap svetlana...if she told...we will marry her with rudy bhai...anika thinks about gawri words...anika said you are right gawri..she is hiding something from us...svetlana clapped her hands...svetlana goes towards omisha...she said I know that...u loves him...but so sorry to say this...he can't marry you...rudy asked svetlana just stop your rubbish I get now I will do engagement with her...svetlana laughed loudly...omisha thinks I know about your next move.. I just wanna fool you for a while minute...after that u can't guess about my one can save you from me..omi be cool...lets play a game like her..omisha looks upset...svetlana said Mrs.rudhra singh oberoi u must marry me...else your papa will go to asked what do u mean?? Svetlana goes towards the shivay,om,rudy...she shows some image..they looks shocked...shivay hold svetlana hand... whole family went along with svetlana except janvi,dadi,pinky, gracy,omisha..janvi whispered what will you do??.omisha smiled...janvi looks confused...she again speak..pinky she looks calm...gracy asked omi if you hide anything from me...omisha said maa sometimes we can hide good things from good will make smile in evil face...gracy looks on...she asked omi I can understand...omi said maa...I mean... she heard svetlana voice..she turned..they came out along with svetlana from the room...shivaika,omri looks upset....janvi asked what happened shivay??dadi asked y r u looks so sad...what did she say??shivay said dadi... Svetlana asked now u have no option...u wanna marry me...rudy looks on...shivay,om,anika,gawri looks angry....rudy look at omisha... omisha smiled... rudy think in his mind y she is smiling like a mad...I already worrying to marry this this omi never looks worried...I can't guess what thoughts running in her mind..
Anika said dadi she showed some proof against tej uncle...if she never marry with rudhra...she will send tej uncle to jail...dadi said shivay,om..shivay said dadi don't worry...we will solve this issue...svetlana asked rudy shall we go...whole family gave death glare towards svetlana...svetlana hold rudy hand...rudy removed his hand from her hand...rudy said dadi this marriage will never happen...don't worry...shivaybhai,om bhai will solve this issue...I trust my baiyya...shivay,on hugged rudy...svetlana smiled evil manner...svetlana thinks they can't stop their emotional drama...they can't do anything Against me...svetlana,rudy reached the stage..svetlana asked rudy hand...svetlana forward her hand towards rudy...rudy hold rings in his hand...svetlana and rudy heard loud voice...I love you Mr.rudhra singh oberoi..rudy turned..ring fell down from rudy hand...whole family looks shocked..rudy saw omisha...his eyes filled with tears...svetlana asked what are you blabbering Omisha...he can't marry you...omisha laughed loudly...omisha asked really...svetlana said rudhra I think she lost her brain...just leave her....lets we do engagement...omisha screamed I know trapped my papa and tej uncle...tej,suraj,gracy, shivaika, omri,rudy,sakthi uncle looks on..omisha said miss.svetlana I agreed, this engagement will happen..but not with you...rudy will engage with me..suraj asked beta what are you speaking...omisha said papa hereafter u will never act in front of her...shivay asked act??.om asked y should he act with us...omisha said baiyya wait I will explain you everything...gracy asked omisha....we can't understand what are you speaking???omisha smiled...he said maa u too joined with dad...I will show you...then after u can stop your act...omisha played a video...tej,suraj conversation after that tej hold omisha photo...he revealed his secret...omisha slept in her room...suraj hold omisha hand...after he revealed secret to finished....whole family looks shocked...rudy asked it means suraj papa never rejected our love proposal...suraj,gracy eyes filled with tears...shivay,om looks stunned..rudy looks very emotional...he gave death glare towards omisha...svetlana said omisha this is old interesting news is rudy will engage with svetlana...if u get down from this stage...I will upload this video on social media..rudy get anger on svetlana...he stopped..
Svetlana kept knife on omisha neck...whole family looks shocked..

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