Awake and Alive

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Issei took heavy breaths as he stood there looking at your semi-motionless body, he had a friend he had known all his life laying at death's door, a fuckton of high-class devils after his ass, devil genes which did practically Jack shit, zero actual combat training, and a sacred gear with power he could only barely understand let alone how to control.

Ddarig: You need to calm yourself, because panicking won't help him.

Issei: But I'm not-

Ddraig: I'm attached to your subconscious, I can tell when  your panicking.

Issei: . . .

Issei sits down and begins to breathe, Ddarig was right.

Ddraig: Better?

Issei: Not very. . .

They sat there in silence for a moment as Issei places a hand on his chest, he starts thinking about the 8 pawns stuck in his body and if there was a way to remove them himself without him having to die.

Iessi: Can't be a stray devil if I'm not a devil anymore, can i?

Ddraig: Don't ask me, I wouldn't know.

Issei sits down and leans against a wall.

Issei: *groans*

(Meanwhile at Union Academy)


???: You heard me Celestia.

Princess Celestia Stands as she slammed her hands down onto the table.

Celestia: Cardin Winchester and Rais Gremory are both responsible for the death of a student on Campus Grounds, and yet you tell me that they aren't going to receive any sort of punishment for their actions!? 

Ozpin: You must understand, If word got out about this our reputation would be ruined and we would lose students, and we need heroes and hunters alike if we can people safe.

Celestia: Heroes, HUNTERS, SAFE!? All I've seen since I've became a head mistress is racism, entitlement, And belief that power equals superiority, you and the other headmasters are not making protectors your making Terrorists.

Ozin: DON'T YOU DARE compare the student body of this school to that of criminals, they're the Best defense we have against-


Ozpin: You'll just have drop it and let it go, I'm sorry but you don't have a choice. . .

Celestia shakes her head in disappointment, she starts walk away.

Ozpin: Excuse me but where are you going?

Celestia: I'm making a choice, I Quit  and I'm taking all of the students under my authority with me.

Ozpin: Hold on now, you don't have the right to just force students to drop out this school!!

Celestia: That's just it, I'm not forcing them to leave they're doing that of her own accord, they  see this school for It's become, a joke. . .

And with that left shutting the door behind her, Ozpin looks down at his cup of coffee and knocks it off the table. Opening  his coat he pulls out a flask taking a large swig of it's contents placing his flask on the table he then runs his hands through his hair. 

Ozpin: What have I let this place become. . .


Your now laying topless on a mattress in the floor with Issei sitting in a chair just 3 feet away.

Iessi: *breathes in* . . . *breathes out*

At that moment a kid with green hair walked in.

Broccoli top: Hey, you Ok Issei?

Issei: *sighs* As OK as one can be after finding one of his dearest childhood friends viciously Stabbed in the torso.

Broccoli top: M'k point taken. . .

Issei: Izuku, you sure your mom's ok with this?

Izuku: Yeah, she's been to Union so she knows how bad shit is right now. . . So how is he?

Issei: Somehow, surprisingly ok. He's breathing, his heart is beating, and his wounds are *snaps fingers* gone. There's not even any scars as if he was never hurt in the first place.

Izuku: Yeah well this begs to differ. . .

Izuku hold up the dark blue hoodie you were wearing, the lower torso was still covered in blood along with several cuts designating were you were stabbed several times over. He then tossed it to the side as he pulled over a chair and sat across from Issei on your opposite side.

Izuku: Forgive me if this sounds a little insensitive, but I'm kind of excited to see what he has.

Iessi: Really?

Izuku: Yes really, we all grew up together without any quirks, semblances, etc, but now look at us I've got a quirk that's so overpowered that my body can't handle it's full power, you have a sacred gear that has the powers of one of the strongest dragon's to ever to exist, and here's home boi number three right here sleeping off his own death.

Issei: Could be a sacred gear.

Izuku: How'd you figure?

Issei: We'll Rais said he had "some sort of power", and the fact that she knew i had a sacred gear when i was fucking dying, to me at least, suggests she has some capacity to sense sacred gear's.

Izuku: I mean. . .well It's definitely possible, but if that's the case what would his sacred gear even be?

Issei: Fuck if i know. . . . Any ideas Ddraig?

Ddraig: Not a clue.

Izuku: What's he think?

Issei: *sighs* He said and I quote, "not a clue."

at that moment your body begins to shift ,Izuku and Issei both take notice of this the get down beside you as the shaking of your body gets more and more violent.

Izuku: Shit something's happening !!


Izuku: His hands, look at his hands!!

Issei looks down taking notice of black marks slowly forming on his right hand, while his left hand started turning black completely with streaks branching off of it, when his body slowly stopped shaking the marks had completed themselves. the left had looked like it had reached out and took ahold of darkness itself . . .

And the one on the right looked more intricate and elegant with a sun centered on the back of his hand. . . (A/n: the circle is a sun)

Issei: Ok now I'm a bit jealous, these marks look so badass. . .

Izuku: I agree they look awesome!!

At that moment you shoot up into a siting position breathing heavily, the pupils of your eyes were slits but didn't stay that way long as with a few blinks your eyes are back to normal. taking a moment to calm yourself you take notice of your two best friends siting beside you.

Y/n: Izuku. . ? Issei. . ? where am I. . .

they didn't speak but instead opting to pull you into a three way bro-hug which you slowly bring your arms up to return. . .

( To be continued. . .)

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