Chapter 14

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The song on the side is because why not? Plus, it's been going round my head...

As she entered, Ginny and I jumped apart, blushing profusely.

"Oh er, sorry we were just-"

"It's fine... Harry." The word was foreign on her tongue, as much so as Vernon was fat. "I actually came in here to well- er- I came in here to-" she gulped a little nervously. "To apologise. We er- well, you've not been treated as you should have. And I was... jealous of you. I'm sorry for- for everything. And er, I just wanted to let you know that."

"Oh. Right. Um... I er... thanks."

"Always been one with words, haven't you?" Ginny teased me.

"I never claimed I was."

"That's because you could never truthfully say that you are."

"Well- be quiet you." I bopped her on the nose playfully.

"You look like Lily, you know." We turned round. Aunt Petunia was looking at Ginny, a misty look in her eyes. "If you two just swapped eyes... You could pass as her. Harry, you didn't just loose a mother that night you know."


"I lost a sister." And right then, right there, I felt a rush of sympathy for my Aunt. Yes, until a few days before my eleventh birthday I had the cupboard under the stairs as a bedroom, and was punished by being sent there without food or water. And yes, I was punished for things I couldn't control.

But at that moment I saw everything from her point of view. Growing up with someone who could do magic, when you can't do it yourself. You were best friends until you called her a horrible name becuase of jealousy. And then she gets married to a handsome man, and have a child. And one day, you find that child in your doorstep, with a message saying that your sister died trying to protect him, and the only way for it to not be in vain is to take him in. So for her sake, you take him in and even at a young age he shows that he posses the ability to do the same things.

And the child has her eyes. A constant reminder, every day, that you broke that friendship, and never got to say goodbye. Never got to say sorry. Or make amends.

"I'm sorry too."

"What for?"

"For not thinking about how it must've been for you. And that I was a constant reminder. I was an extra mouth to feed, and when I finally found out what I could do, I wasn't afraid to pull some strings."

"It's not your fault."

"Maybe it is, maybe not. But I'd like to make amends with you. But... no just for me. On behalf of my mother too." And Petunia smiled. A proper, real smile. One I'd never seen before.

"Thank you. I would- I'd like to put it to how it should be too."

"Well. Isn't that just great then. Everything forgiven in a matter of minutes. Everything that was done to the both of you, just fine like that?"

"Well yes. Because that's what family does. Forgives and forgets."

"And I suppose he's also forgiven for influencing Dudders?" Everyone turned sound to see a large, wide man standing in the doorway, his moustache twitching as it always did when he got agitated and angry.

"Yes Vernon. Because it wasn't his fault."

"He supposedly saved Dudley's life with magic Petunia, and ever since, Dudley has felt like he owed him. As though he owes the boy a debut. So he proposes to a girl he's only known for a little bit, and it just so happens that she has magic."

"Vernon, you know they love each other. And besides, its been two and a half years."

"Well I daresay these two -" he shrunk a bit at Ginny's glare "- people have know one another for longer."

"Yes, we have. We've known one another ever since that day when my friends broke me out from the bedroom, and you were left trying to hold onto my ankle." He turned a deep red colour. "But we started dating four years ago, had to break it off because of a war, and got together again when it ended." I told him cheerfully.


"Well, I presume you were going to say that we've known one another for longer and aren't engaged yet, so I was going to point out that there was another reason to come here today."

"Which is?" Petunia prodded, the tip of her lips twitching as she saw Ginny's hand.

"We're getting married." Ginny told them simply.

"We're here to invite you."

"I'll be there. Vernon, are you going too?"

"Well I- of course not- why would you even-"

"Just remember that I'm one of, if not, the most famous wizards alive, in out entire world. Which means that the people there will be high classed people, and they'll almost definitely want to meet my guardians and family."

"So? What's in it for me?"

"Oh well for one, the good and drink is amazing. House-elf cooked, and butterbeer. Another is meeting people who can say er- well, I daresay they can perhaps pull some strings with your business."


"More adverts. Making sure that people such as squibs and muggle borbs kbiw that the owner is the uncle of Harry Potter. People'll practically beg for you to take their money."

"And why would I have to go to your wedding for this to work? Why would you want me there?"

"Oh I just thought you may want to see Hogwarts. Plus, you did kinda raise me. If you don't want to though, it didn't really matter."

"It's going to be at Hogwarts?!" Petunia gasped. "You mean the actual Hogwarts? And - and I'll be there when I'm at your wedding?"

"Yep. The one and only. They may even let you go round - no promises though."

"Well I don't care whether you go or not Vernon, I'm going."

"Petunia, the boy's mad! For one thing, how, and another why would he have his wedding at his old School?"

"Because it was the first place I can remember which actually felt like home. It welcomed me with open arms."

"I'm sorry, but what? At least we gave you a roof over your head, and a bed to sleep in!"

"And not an ounce of love of any sort, simply punishment for what he couldn't control." Ginny shot back.

"I- we- it's none of your concern."

"I take it you're not going then. Good? Good. Glad that's sorted. Petunia, we will send you details once their sorted."

"Oh, are you going already?"

"Well he's certainly making it clear that we're not wanted here. So we'll get in touch. We can meet up soon or something."

"Oh. Alright- alright then. See you soon."

We were almost at the door when we heard a shout.

"I'VE JUST REMEMBERED!" Called Petunia, and she came rushing down the hallway, a pile of envelopes in hand, "These are letters for you that were sent to us. And an invitation for Dudley's wedding. He's really grateful from that night, you know."

"Thanks, and I'll get in touch with him." She nodded. "Thanks again, and we'll see you soon."

"Okay. See you."


Me and Ginny stepped out, and into our car. Vernon was watching to make sure that we were leaving, and his piggy eyes widened as he saw that the Porsche was ours.

Upon returning home, I opened the invite to Dudley's wedding.

"Dear Harry and Ginny," I began to read out.

"His does he know my name?"

"Beats me." I shrugged "But anyway."

"Dear Harry and Ginny,
You are invited to the wedding of Dudley Dursley and Cho Chang."

"Oh. So thats how - Cho."

"Did you want to hear the rest of it?"

"Oh right, yeah. Go on."

"It shall be held:
On: Saturday 27th of June.
At: 13:00
The address being: 126 Magicla Place.

We hope to see you there, and that you will join us in this bonding of two people, that shall be there for life.

Hope you are both well.
With love,
Dudley Dursley, and Cho Chang xox

P.S Harry, I know we've not seen each other in years, and frankly I don't deserve anything from you, but please accept this invitation in watching me and Cho being married as one that is also a letter and indication of being sorry. I understand if you do not wish to come, nor to accept the apology, but I truly do say this from the bottom of my heart. And when I say I'm sorry, I mean it. For everything.

"Wow. It looks like your Uncle's the odd one out then, eh?"

"Yeah." I said, shocked. Sure, I knew that he was grateful, after finding it out the day before my seventeenth birthday. But he really was filled with gratitude and was no longer scared of magic, but accepting of it.

"Isn't he the one who Hagrid tried to turn into a pig, but he was already too much like one?"

"Haha, yes actually. He is." I replayed the scene in my head, and saw that when you're not an eleven year old, who's terrified to bits... It was a rather funny thing to happen.

May it be filled with happiness, Hinny, Harry Potter, FBAWTFT, kindness, and all the rest of it :p

Filler chapter though. Ew. Sorry. Plus, I think it's short, but don't know because all of this is on my phone.

I'm sorry about the filler, but I think that the whole Petunia/Dudley apologies had to happen.

Don't shoot me?

Questions (you know it by now so I won't put the whole thing):

Favourite part (in this chapter)?

Least favourite part ("")?

Favorite part (of the book so far)?

Least favourite part ("")?



To improve?

Thanks! This feedback really does help you now. And regarding the A/N chapter, it looks like this will go up until James starts Hogwarts!

I was thinking about doibd a time skip, up to say May 2nd (anniversary of the war). Would you guys like that, or not?

Thank you all, and as I say, I hope you all have had a great 2014, and an even better 2015!

-Alice xoxox

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