Chapter 22

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Because I'm sad, I just put all the chapters (not any notices/competitions e.c.t included) into a word count. Excluded the A/Ns. Turns out that that the story part of this story is 48,622 words long. So approx. 12,00 away from being a novel!

"Don't worry about him." Ginny told me.

"No, I- this is my fault. I'll go and try to find them. You can have some time with your brothers." I hurried out of the room, shaking my head to myself.

It wasn't long until I heard a bunch of yells. I sped up, and rounded a corner to find my two best mates I'm a fully-fledged argument.




"No. No! I didn't mean-"

"You didn't mean that either?" She spat at him.


"Is that because you don't understand me? Is it really that hard to understand your girlfriend?" Her cheeks were coated with tears that glistened in the light.

"Look, I-" Ron began, trying to make up for his mistake.

"Answer the bloody question Ronald. Is it that hard to understand me?" She choked the words out, but the seriousness in the words were razor-sharp. A wrong answer would destroy everything.

"N- Ye- I don't know!"

"You don't know? That's a yes then, isn't it? You don't - you can't - you can't understand the girl you've known for eleven years, and have dated for four years? I can't believe you. And do you know what? In that- in that case... You can have your "stupid" ring back." She took it off and threw it at his feet. "I don't want it. We're over."

Then, she took off down the other end of the corridor, tears flying down her face. I backed away slowly, around the corner and down the corridor. I rushed away to the room Ginny was in, and when I reached the inside, I bent down, panting.

"I have to go Gin. I couldn't find them, but I saw Hermione and she was crying and ran away. Dunno what happened, but I'm betting Ron'll kill me the next time he sees me." I explained.

"Hermione was crying? Uh-oh. Alright Harry, go." I gave her a fleeting kiss on the cheek, then went to the reception. I bought a pass and pouch of Floo Powder to use one of their fireplaces, then went home. Kreacher was awaiting my return.

"Master Harry, what is wrong?"

"Er- just... If Ron or Hermione asks if I'm here, I'm not, okay?"

"Yes Master. Can Kreacher inquire why? The last time Kreacher did that Master Sirius died."

"It's just-" I hesitated, before deciding I could trust Kreacher. "-I think something's happened between them, and er- they might blame it on me." He nodded.

"Kreacher understands."

"Alright. Oh- and if they ask if I told you to say that, or anything similar to that kind of question, you have to say I didn't tell you. Just pretend you don't know. Like, ask what you'd normally do if I wasn't here. Got it?"

"Yes Master. Where should Kreacher say you are?"

"Don't. Just say I left this morning, and you haven't seen me since. And if wither of them decide to come here anyway, give me a signal. Like... Go to Regulus' room and jump up and down ten times."

"Yes Master."

"Thanks Kreacher."

I went upstairs to my room. There, I lay down on my bed and decided to have a go at reading a book. There were a range on my shelf - from kid's Roald Dahl to fiction to non-fiction - so I chose a random selection and was soon immersed in huge variety of lives. One after the other I read the books, and quickly realised why Hermione loved reading so much. One of the books turned out to be a scrapbook.

Inside were photos of me, Ron, and Hermione throughout our years at Hogwarts. My first Hogwrats ticket was in there, as well as little notes and letters shared between us. It brought back so many memories. Like in fourth year when Ron realised he fancied Hermione, and asked me for advise. And all the while I was trying to impress Cho Chang. Of course, I failed. Miserably.

And now she's some model travelling the world. And engaged to my cousin. Which is sort of weird. Anyway, I was lucky enough that neither Ron nor Hermione actually came into the house, but Ron did (I later found out) enquire about my whereabouts.

Days went by, and on each one I visited Ginny for as long as I could. It wasn't long before she was released and able to come back home. Gwenog was quick to ask why she hadn't been at training, and when she'd be back, but once she found out why Ginny hadn't been there, she stopped sending demanding letters every three hours. Instead, it was a "get well soon" card which was signed by all the team members.

Gin waved it off, but you could tell she was still slightly annoyed by the priorities of her captain. I was also rather annoyed - it had been in the Prophet that Ginny was hospitalised (their suspicions as to how were missing) - yet it took a letter written by an irritated nurse to get the message through to her. And when I say that, I mean it took fourteen letters from a posse of top-quality Healers.

In other news, Ron and Hermione still weren't talking, resulting in guilt eating away at me, slithering into the centre of my mind so I couldn't get it out. Ginny told me it wasn't my fault, but the intended purpose of it helping didn't come into action. The fact that the Weasley brothers did blame me wasn't that good a contribution either. None of them hesitated to remind me how excruciatingly painful and long it had been for them to get together in the first place, and that Ron had finally saved up enough to get them engaged, and I had ruined it all.

They all thought of Hermione as a sister already - as did I - but no-one could utter even the slightest amount of her name in the vicinity of Ron without him blowing up in words of tears (sometimes it was even the mix of both). So I had ruined that too, because I couldn't have been better towards Ginny. Ginny disagreed, but that was a natural characteristic of hers. Like fire, you couldn't reason with her.

In the end, I decided to write a letter to Ron.

Dear Ron,
Please don't set this on for when you see the handwriting. I know you don't ever to speak to me. I wouldn't either. But I'm really, really, really sorry. And I want to help. So... Meet me at 1 o'clock, at The Three Broomsticks. Tomorrow. If you're not there, I'll asked you burnt this, so I'll send a howler instead.

-Your... Well, Ex-best friend, I s'pose.

I tied it to Ginny's owl's leg, and sent it off.
"Make sure he reads it." I told him, before getting him to fly off. I watched until the back dot was no larger than a small crumb, before turning around, and walking away from the window.

"What was that?" Ginny asked.

"Oh, er... Nothing?"

"What was it?" She repeated.

"Nothing, honestly."

"Harry-" she silently shook her head to herself, a curtain of ginger bouncing as she laugh-sighed under her breath. "-Harry, I've known you for ten years. I'm engaged to you. I can tell when you're lying."

"It's nothing that matters."

"Well, if that's so, you'd tell me." She smiled at me, in a I've-won-give-up sort of way. I sighted deeply.

"Look, you'll just tell me off, and say that it's not my fault."

"So it's 'bout Ron and Hermione then."

"No. Well... yes. But at the same- Sort of." She raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. Yep, it is." I flailed my arms in a defeated manner.

"And what was it about then?" I wasn't going to win any questioning.

"An offering to try to help Ron- and yes, I do know you think they should work it out themselves, but they're my family. I have to be the responsible younger brother."

"The younger brother to the incest older siblings?"

"Okay, bad analogy, I get it. They are... The parents trying to get a divorce, and I'm the little kid trying to stop if, but infuriating each even more."

"Yeah, stop a moment."

"What this time?"

"Did you just say "infuriating"?"


"Since when did you use long words?"

"Since I was so bored I read half the Oxford English dictionary?" She looked at me. "Don't judge. I was bored."

"So you read half a dictionary? Because that's not going to be even more boring, is it?" I could feel my face then up the heat.

"Anyway. I'm meeting Ron tomorrow. Just... See if there's something - anything - I can do."

"I'm not going to stop you Harry. But if you need to do something, I can help too. Show then that we argue too."

"And that we're not a perfect couple - even though we are - so that they see. And then they'll realise that even though we don't fight as much, we do fight, but because we love each other we don't let it get the better of our relationship."

"Exactly. Now, let's go."


"I still have a pass for not doing any sport. But I heard that they're painting the Eiffel tower today, and I've always wanted to go to Paris..."

"Are you okay to apperate?"

"Better than you are. You're still not allowed-"

"What? How did you-"

"-They Healer told me dear. Which'll be a slight problem..." She trailed off, and a look of deep thought graced her features. "I know where we can go." She decided, abd stood up from the kitchen table. "Get your coat on."

"What, where-"

"Just do it."

I did so, and waited for a moment. Then, she came down the stairs, smiling brightly.
"It's all sorted."

"Why won't you-" POOF! A sheet of darkness enfolded my vision. "Y'know, it'd have been easier to just take away my glasses." I was sure I heard a slight laugh, before my hearing disappeared too. Cue the resent of my sences separating from me.

Something happened - though I couldn't tell you what - and then evwrthibg returned. I could see, hear, smell, feel, taste everything again, and it was as thohh I were getting to grips with my senses for the first time - like I was a toddler again.

It took me a moment, before I realised where we were.

"Ginny, we shouldn't be here."

"Why not? It belongs to you."

"But it feels so wrong. That I'm here, and they're- ouch!"

"What it is?"

"I-I don't kno- woooah!"

I felt like I was exploding, and then everything fell back into place.

"Mama!" I cried happily, smacking my hands together, mimicking her.

"Hello Harry! Well done! You did very well, didn't you sweetie?" She cooed at me. "Abd you didn't fall over at all! No, you didn't. No you didn't."

"Hehehe." I giggled as she tickled me, causing me to wriggle around in her lap - which I had just successfully walked to by myself. "Stop it! He he, stop it!" I told her, bringing a smile to her face.

"DADA'S HOME!" A loud voice called, abd I jumped up, squealing excitedly.

"DADA!" Daddy came in, grinning as he gave me a hug.

"Yes! Yes it is! And guess what Dada brought with him?"

"Urm... Present!" I shouted, jumping up and down again, much to his amusement.

"Well, sort of. You can play with him. And... You've seen him before..."

"Mr. Cuddles? You finded him?"

"Aw, sorry Stag junior. I'm no Hufflepuff. Siri, come on, emergency!" He told me the beginning gently, and then yelled out the last but when he saw I was upset.

Mr. Cuddles had got lost during a picnic. Tears welled up in my eyes, as I began to wail for my favourite Hippogriff toy, but they soon dispersed and left me hiccuping as joy was brought to me once more.

"PA'FT!" I yelled, launching myself to his leg, where I attached myself.

"You got me. Gee Harry, you've grown!" I let go and nodded importantly, looking up to him.

"Mama 'nd Dada say I grown lots. Lots 'nd lots 'nd lots."

I was thrown back to the present day, where I found myself kneeling down and looking upwards as though Sirius was still there.

"You alright Harry? Sorry, I should have checked whether you wanted to come back first." Ginny was saying.

"No, it's... It's fine."

"No it's not. You're crying Harry. What happened?"

"I- I saw them again. Not like- it was a flashback. I was really little. And it was when I had recently learnt how to walk, and my mum was playing with me. Dad came home and gave me a hug. Sirius was there too." I spoke softly, and soon realised that indeed, old drops of salty liquid were making a journey down my face.

"Are you sure you're okay though? Let's go home."

"O-okay. But I want to come back here sometime, y'know? I- oh gosh, I had this little Hippogriff toy. And I had lost it when we had a picnic in the garden. I didn't know why, but my mum abd dad didn't go out to get it. I get it now of course."

She rubbed little circles on my back.
"Sound great."

"Yeah. Hang on-" I stood up, abd wiped the dust off of my clothes.

"What? What is it?"

"Accio Mr. Cuddles!" The toy zoomed its way to me, before landing in my hand. I examined it softly, wiping bits of dust abd dirt out of the fabric feathers.

"Was that-"

"Yeah." She smiled at me.

"Its lovely. Adorable. Maybe some day our kids can play with it?"


"Um... Assuming you'd want-"

"Of course, but only if you-"

"No, I'd love to."

"Great. Um... Home then?" I asked - albiet nervously - as she came closer. She kissed me, and those silly little fireworks exploded.

"Of course. Come on Mr Potter."

"Certainly Miss Weasley." She led me to the fireplace.

"Floor powder sir?"

"Certainly M'Lady."

We each took a pinch abd stood together.


Together, we whizzed home, Mr. Cuddles in tow.

Guys. It's been an entire decade.
An entire decade since Doctor Who was revived.

An entire decade since I - and so many others - saw 'Rose' for the first time (the episode).

This is... It's pretty big. I mean. Ten years. Ten. Woah.


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