Chapter 30

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Whoo! 30th chapter! Shoutout to kollerkats for commenting, citing, and being a great friend! Go follow her!

Third person - so bear with me, because this is the style I'm worst at writing in.

People began to file in, and seat themselves at the temporary benches at the edges of the rooms.

A song struck up, and harry turned to Ginny, putting out his hand as he stood up.

"May I have this dance?" He asked.

"It would be rude to say no." She took it and stood up. He led her to the centre of the floor and took her hand and waist, as she gripped his hand and shoulder.

They began to dance together in circles, swaying from side to side. Ginny was unaware of the fact, but since he was so bad at it, Harry had been getting dance lessons, and using YouTube when Ginny was out.

The guests watched them, smiling. Many wished that their other half liked at them that way because of no particular reason.

Harry looked deeply into the eyes of Ginny, as she looked back at the emerald green pools which mirrored her love. She rested her head upon his chest, as he held her close, and whispered into her ear.

And they stood there, swaying, gazing into the other's eyes, listening to the music, and happy at the fact that they were married.

After the first dance, more people tricked into the dance floor. Everyone had fun, laughing, dancing, and singing.

"Come on Mollie, you know you want to!"

"No, I really don't."


"But I'm not even-"

"Save it. You are brilliant at it, and you know it."

"I'll really not that good. And I've never done it in front of this many people before!"

"What's going on?" Harry asked. He had just seen his wife (he loved that word) arguing about something with Mollie.

"Mollie is a brilliant singer, but she won't sing for us."

"Well if Ginny says you're brilliant, you must be pretty dam good. I'm amazing, but she denies it." Harry mock-pouted.

"But Harry, you really are bad."

"I second that." Hermione's voice said from no where.

"But it's my wedding day, you have to be nice to me!"

"It's mine too dear. They're being nice to me right now. So Mollie?"

"No." But Ginny wasn't accepting that as an answer. She pointed at the raised dias.

"Sing." She commanded.

Sighing in defeat, Mollie slumped over to the "stage".

"Er hi everyone. I'm Mollie, and er, Harry and Ginny have... requested... that I sing for you. So um... Here's a song for you."

Music began to play in the background, and Mollie began to sing.

"When you try your best, but you don't succeed.
When  you get what you want, but not what you need.
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep.
Stuck in reverse..."

Harry took Ginnys hand and steered her over to the dance floor. Placing his hand on her hip, he guided her hand to his shoulder.

People began to follow the lead of Harry and Ginny as they danced together.

"Mollie really is good at singing." Harry commented. Ginny simply nodded her head.

"Lights will guide you home.
And ignite your ones.
And I will try... to fix you."

The song fit the feelings of so many in the room. Ginny knew that Harry sum had so much having to do, but it was occasions like these in which proved that he was recovering.

After several songs - sung by guests and artists alike - the usherers got everyone out of the room, then back in again a couple of moments later. Instead of the benches, there were now dozens if rounded tables dotted around. People found the seats with their name plaques - Hufflepuffs helping - and sat down.

The bridal party, bride, groom, best man, and bride's parents sat at the long table upon the raised platform, which would - during term time - usually be occupied by the teachers and members of staff.

Harry and Ginny sat together, whispering and occasionally giggling. Their hands were clasped under the table. On Ginny's other side sat Hermione, and on Harry's other side was Ron. They kept shooting glances when the other wasn't looking, before diverting their gaze again.

"They should totally just have make up sex already." Ginny whispered to Harry. He looked at from Ron, to Hermione, and back again, before nodding.

"Definitely. Whatcha bet they will either today, tomorrow, or the day after?" He replied.

"Unless they've already had it, making it more awkward."

"Nah, that's just how their relationship is." Harry decided. "Oh, and I keep on meaning to mention. What was that Hinny thing about with Gracie?" Ginny blushed.

"Oh, erm..." And so she explained the concept of shipping to her husband.

"Hang on, so people ship Dramione?! But- but- no. I've heard that term before, but-" Harry shuddered."-Hon is it?"

"Romione." Ginnt corrected.

"In that case, Romione for life. And Kaco, I guess it is. Romione, Kaco, and Hinny for life."

"I have to say Harry, I most definitely agree. Hang on, Kaco?"

"Kat and Draco." Harry rolled his eyes. "Honestly woman, keep up."


"Keep up with what?" Hermione butted in.

"The Kaco ship."

"Ah, I see." She nodded seriously. "Hang on Gin, you didn't know of the Kaco ship?"

"What? Even I know about the Kaco ship. And that is a ship I will go down with." Ron claimed, placing a hand over his heart - on the wrong side, but the gesture was obvious - as he gazed into the distance.

"If Ron knew, it must be a pretty solid ship."

"Hmmm." Harry replied, as a sort of agreement, sort of thinking sound. "But nothing can beat Hinny."

"Well I reckon-" Ron was cut off by Hermione's look.

It's their wedding! Leave it. She seemed to say.

"You reckon what?"

"It... It's time for the Best Man's speech."

"Do you actually have it with you?"

"Of course I do! What do you take me for - an idiot?" No one said anything. Ron huffed in annoyance. "Well that's nice." He paused for a moment. "That said, I'm just gonna check."

He patted all of his pockets, and he'd triumphantly. "See, I have it."

"Is it the right thing?" Ron opened it up.

"Er- no. Wait, what is this? "Once upon the was a cat and and a crup and-"" he stopped, and tried to shoved the parchment into his pockets. But it was too late. Smirking, Ginny grabbed it.

"We can read that later."

"No, give it back. And I need to find that speech! Hang on..." The colour defined it off his face. "Wait, either that piece Ie'd the speech, but disguised. Or..." He winced. "I burnt it."

Ginny smirked again.
"You'll have to do better than that."

"No, but it really is! I need -" he slapped himself on the head. "Accio parchment." He declared, and the parchment went zooming towards him. "Ha. Hermione rubbs of on you after a while."

He tapped his wand abd lugrered a few words, before signing in relief. Standing up, he went over to the section which had the Sonourus charm placed on it, so that anyone who went there would have their voice raised.

"Hello everyone." Most people had been watching the exchange between the four earlier on, with much amusement, so their attention was already directed at him.

"Okay, so. Er, well. Harry Potter is a great guy. He deserves my sister. And frankly, I've always thought she's in a league of her own. That no one deserves her. But he does. That's one more feat he's managed, that can be added to the list surely someone must have made by now.

"Harry is smart. I guess." Laughter rung through the room, giving Ron a spur of confidence. "But he's everything a friend needs. When I was so nervous about a Quidditch match I wanted to resign, he faked putting Felix Felicis in my goblet so that I thought I was more lucky. I felt like I could do anything. The point im making is that he knows what to say and what to do to lift someone's spirits, and I know he'll take care of Ginny. And I'm gonna say it. They're a great couple.

"I can remember in sixth year. There were 3 dementor attacks in one week and all a certain person did was ask Ginny whether it was true that Harry had a Hippogriff tattoo on his chest. They were gossiped about more than the muggle killings! Because they're so right for each other.

"It's certainly weird, that it's him and my like sister. But I wish you both the best. Harry, look after her. I know you will. That says though, hurt her and you will never see her "nice skin" again. To Mr and Mrs Potter."

He raised his goblet (which he'd brought over with him) as a toast. Everyone copied him.

"To Mr and Mrs Potter."

Ron went back to his place. He state down, and chatter filled the air once more. Soon, the food sprouted up. There were tables with banquets, and tables where you order the food by requesting it from the menu.

Ron - needless to say - was stuffing his face. 

People came over to congratulate Harry and Ginny, and they realised that it was a bad idea to have the "loud area" when Gracie was nearby; at one pont, she strode over and yelled "HINNY IS CANNON BOYS AND GIRLS. As in... More canon than it was." She added on the last but thoughtfully.

"Gracie!" Mollie scolded. "Just let them relax. That said... Where are they?"

This caught many people's attention. Murmurs broke out, and soon the guests were looking for the bride and groom.

"POTTER!" Ron roared.

"Ron, leave them. They deserve a bit k of alone time." Hermione said gently.

"Unless that 'alone time' is in a broom cupboard."

"Ron, they wouldn't do that here, in a broom cupboard of all places. Make they're just-"

"Did someone call me?"

"No, I called for  Harry."

"Well it sounded like Potter to me." Harry came in and replied.

"That's because I called for Potter."

"And as Mrs Potter, that applies to me too."

"Look, where were you?"

"Outside." Harry replied casually. "We decided to take walk. For old times sake."

"GET IN THERE PRONGS JUNIOR!" Sirius' voice yelled. Harry looked at the portrait, which winked at him.

"Sirius, shut up."

Meant people just continued dancing, dating, and having fun. A couple if prior decided to watch.

"Y'see that Prongs? Your son gets more action than your ever had."

"Sirius, shut up."

"I love being me." Sirius mumbled yto himself.

"Anyway, what were you actually doing?"

"We went outside for a stroll. Not that it's any of your business. In fact, please leave Ron. This is our big day, we don't need a git to ruin it."

"But I'm not-"

"Go mate. I'm sorry, but... Do as the wife says."

Ron have them each a look. It contained a mix of hurt, anger, and jealousy.

Confusion, however, was added when Harry and Ginny just out laughing.

"Only messing with you. We actually were just outside, but then I heard you yell so we decided to... Well, mess with you."

"So you're not… actually annoyed?"

"It's fine. But, we better get an apology for your accusations."

"I'm er... I'm sorry."

"Well, now that's sorted..." Harry clapped his hand together. "Dessert anyone?"

Time skip

At last, it was told for the new couple to go. They mounted a broom together, and set off into the night sky. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes fireworks were used to spell out congratulatory messages, and a couple if hijacked ones.

Upon arriving at the luxury hotel in Paris, they smiled and entered to check in. All too soon, the best day of their lives' came to a close. But at that moment, something beautiful happened:

The rest of their lives began.

I feel like this is a good place to leave it, buy many of you have previously said that you'd like this to go up until James hours to Hogwarts.

So do you think I should do a sequel or continue it from here? Or just end the book altogether?
Sorry it's pretty bad, I'm ill and tired, and 3rd person is my last preferred style of writing.

I love every single one of you. Thank you for sticking with this book until the 30 th chapter!

-Alice xoxox

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