Chapter 2: See you again

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Chapter 2: See you again

Frustrated, Taehyung can't believe he got embarrassed by his father in front of many people. All he did was be an outstanding son to his father, but his father always sees his failure as if he hadn't done anything good for the company's sake.

He's the one who did so much to survive the company from being bankrupt, yet it doesn't get appreciated by his father. One mistake just happened, and all of his efforts were ignored.

What does he need to do to prove that he is worthy?

Were his efforts not enough?

“Fuck!” He threw the frame from his desk away, clenching his fist.

The frame almost hit Yoongi who was his right hand for so long now and the one always by his side. The older ones didn't flinch in his position, used to see Taehyung being like this.

“You should forget what your father said to you. He was just disappointed because you failed with the transaction with Mr. Yang, that's it.” Yoongi stated with a plain face as always.

“Leave me alone for a moment, Hyung.” Taehyung told him, leaning his head on his seat.

Yoongi simply bowed his head and left his office. Taehyung gritted his teeth, clenching his fist. Suddenly, he felt something wet yet warm rolling down his cheeks. He touched his left cheek to see what it was and looked at it.


It's been a while since he let out tears. He never even remembers when was the last time he cried.

A strong man doesn't cry, right?

That's what Taehyung learned, he was taught by his great father not to cry because it means weakness. He shouldn't cry, even though he witnessed how his mother died in front of him and the killer was none other than his father.

What a beautiful family he got, isn't it?

Letting out a sigh, he stood up from his seat and grabbed his coat from the hook. He left his office, not minding the mess he just made.

“Where are you going?” Yoongi asked him.

“Don't follow me.” Taehyung replied and walked passed by him.

“You have to go to the mansion for the meeting, do you understand?” Yoongi told him.

Taehyung didn't respond and left the company, going out to calm down his nerve to kill random people.

He went to the convenience to buy cigarettes, bubblegum, and candy.

“What a handsome young man you are.” The old lady greeted him while he was at the counter to pay for what he bought.

Taehyung just gave her a faint smile and left the convenience store. He leaned his back on the glass wall of the convenience store, beside the entrance, and lit up the cigarette to take a hit. He puffed the cigarette between his lips and looked at the pet shop in front of him.

He noticed one of the guys wearing a white coat like a doctor usually wears and two familiar silhouettes inside the pet shop. He narrowed his eyes, seeing one of the guys who look familiar to him. The tattoo on that guy's arm, he felt like he had seen it before, but he didn't remember where.

He watched the guy wearing a white coat give money to the tattooed guy. And the tattoo guy patted his hair with the money.

“Pathetic assholes.” Taehyung mumbled under his breath.

He rolled his eyes and continued to take a hit on his cigarette. He looked in his pocket to take the bubblegum he bought.

“It's you again.”

Taehyung stopped rummaging in his pocket when he heard a voice in front of him. He looked at the person in front of him and right, and he remembered this guy. He can't be wrong this time.

“Isn't fate destined us to each other?” Jungkook smirked.

Their faces were close enough, one wrong move, and they will kiss at any moment. No wonder why the people walking passed by them were glancing at them with questioning looks.

“Destiny, my ass, what are you? A kid to believe such as useless fantasy like that.” Taehyung responded, tapping the end of his cigarette to lessen the ash on the tip.

“What's wrong, though? It would be fun if I were destined for you.” Jungkook sneered.

“Get out of your imagination, it's not good for your mental health.” Taehyung pushed him away from his personal space.

“Really? But you would be good for me. Don't you think so?” Jungkook grinned, touching Taehyung's cheek with one hand.

“Fuck off, will you?” Taehyung slapped Jungkook's hand from his cheeks.

“My name is Jungkook, how about you?” Jungkook subtly changed the topic, stepping a little bit away from Taehyung.

“Not interested knowing you.” Taehyung replied and puffed the cigarette between his lips again.

“As I expected, you are V after all. They said you are no joke, you don't need to introduce yourself, I heard a lot about you though.” Jungkook giggled.

“Alright, now will you leave me alone?” Taehyung said, not interested in talking to him.

“Not so fast, if you give me a kiss, I might consider that.” Jungkook snickered, gazing into Taehyung's eyes.

Taehyung pushed his hair to the back and punched Jungkook in the right cheek.

“My fist kissed you, are you satisfied now?” Taehyung was annoyed by Jungkook's presence.

Jungkook poked his tongue in his inner cheek and looked at Taehyung.

“That tickles me a bit, I admit. But I guess you need to learn more.” He giggled sinisterly.

Taehyung was taken aback when Jungkook held his neck, choking him to the glass wall, and the cigarette fell to the ground. However, he just showed a plain expression in front of him as if he didn't feel pain from the choking.

He wanted to overpower Jungkook's strength, but he was pinned against the wall and Jungkook's left leg was between his legs, making him have a hard time defending himself while he was holding Jungkook's wrist with both of his hands, trying to push him away.

The grip on his neck tightened, causing him to get out of breath. He can't even utter a word due to the lack of air. His nails dug into Jungkook's skin, but it didn't even pain Jungkook.

“You're lucky, you're my type, or else I already kill you right here.”

Jungkook finally let him go after a minute of choking him. Taehyung slid down while panting heavily, catching his breath. He glared at Jungkook, who just smirked at him, seeing his teary eyes.

Jungkook crouched down to get on his level and grabbed his hair, pulling him closer. Jungkook took the cigarette on the ground and took a hit too.

“Still, can't deny you're gorgeous in this state. See you next time, but behave, okay?”

He blew the smoke on Taehyung's face and let go of his hair. He stood up and threw the cigarette while walking away from Taehyung.

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