𝟙𝟘. Lying Has Consequences

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I opened my eyes again softly and sighed. I looked around and immediately froze seeing him. I hate jinxing myself, but I just did. Tord was here. And with the same two people.


They looked hidden though. Not wearing any beach wear. I grabbed a towel to drape it over me, but not over my head. I then put my sunglasses on too to hide myself. I didn't want him to notice me.. but so lucky of me, one of the people who are with him looked at me and watched my quick movements.

I saw them speak to Tord and then Tord looked over in my direction. I got nervous and looked away quickly which made them more suspicious of me.

Tords POV

"Sir, there is someone over there moving quite quickly once they first saw us" Pal says. "Can you identify who they look like?" I ask not really in the mood if there is any spy's.

"No, but it's female," Pal says and I took a look over. "God damnit..." I muttered quickly knowing it was y/n. Why is she everywhere I go?! Why can't I just relax with her all around... but she is alone again..

"Would you like me to ask who she is?" Pal asked. I saw him hold his gun in his pocket. "No, she isn't a threat... but I'll to speak to her.." I said as I made my way over there.

I watched her movement carefully. She seemed nervous I was coming over. I was quite frankly surprised she wasn't telling me to leave her alone. She just let me walk over there.

"So... what brings you here?" I asked her. "The other wanted to go. What about you?" She asked me in a pissed off way. "I like the ocean, is that a problem for you?" I asked in a pissed off tone back. "I never said it was a problem." I heard her voice lower. "Now leave me alone." She says once more.

"Y/n, please forgive me. Yes I will...I will try to get the other to.. forgive me... but I want your forgiveness first because I know they trust you.." I said. Deep down, I know they won't forgive me. I mean, who would?

"I told you to get the others to forgive you first, didn't I? I won't forgive you until they do, got that?" Y/n says and stood up looking up at me sense I was taller then her. "But the won't forgive me" I said looking down at her. "Well that is your problem. Not mine." She says sitting back down. "Now go." She demanded.

I hated when people demanded things to me. God I hate it so much, but deep down... I know she will make a perfect queen...


"Fine..." Tord says and leaves.

I really didn't expect him to just leave like that. I thought he was going to stay and try to keep asking me to forgive him.

But... this will be a good opportunity to ask him questions about things I recently learned. I got up and quickly went to him. "Tord Wait..." I said. He stoped along with the two other people with him and looked at her. "Yes?" Tord asked coldly.

"I need to ask you a few things...." I said quietly as now I grew nervous. "I-I...I know...who you are..." I said. I can see his eyes widened. "What do you mean?" He asked sternly. "You are red leader..." I said. He stood there as his friends looked shocked.

There was a long pause. A very long pause, but to break the awkward silence I said; "am I correct..?" I said.

"How did you find out? Who told you? Who are they?" Tord demanded as he had more of a stern tone in his voice.

Tord POV

I can't believe it. She knows. Out of all people, she was the one who found out.

"N-no one told me! I just found out" y/n says looking up at me. I can feel the vibes she is giving off and I definitely know she is lying. "I know you are lying. If you don't tell us who told you then there will be some consequences..." I said. Pau and pat know exactly what I mean when I say those words.

"Tord I'm telling the t-truth! No one told me, it was just me ok?" Y/n said stepping back. "I'll give you one more chance y/n, tell me who the fuck told you who I was!!" I snap at her. I didn't mean to, this is how I usually act when people find out. I try to sound as threatening as possible because if y/n knows how serious I am about it, she would tell me. But I saw her give me a scared look.

That's the same look she gave me when...I hurt the others...

"L-look.... no one told me. Ok?" She says looking off to the side. I kept my eye contact on her. Pau and pat both looked at me waiting for my signal to let them go to action.

"I want you two to get her, but don't fucking hurt her." I spoke sternly in Norwegian to Pau and pat. They nodded and they both quickly grab y/n as one of them pulled out a sleep dart gun. It's usually used for hunting but the darts were much smaller and made for humans. Then they shot her leg.

I watched as y/n struggled and even tried to scream. But the dart affected her way to quickly for her to react. "Let's bring her to the base... and I'll see what I can do" Tord says walking to the car. Pau then carried y/n in his arms to the car.

Tom pov

I came back to the beach spot. I looked around and got confused not seeing y/n there. "Y/n?" I called out looking around.

I walked around our beach spot and noticed in the distance some people... and Simone carrying a girl that looked a lot like...y/n?!

"Hey!!!" I called out dropping my drink. "Put her down!!" I yelled and started to run after them. They were too far though. The ran as soon as they heard me and rushed into their car. I tried running up to see their faces and my eyes widened. I saw a glimpse of Tords face.

A waive a anger came over me and ran back to the beach spot and meet the others there. "Tord took Y/n!!" I said.

"What?! How?!" Edd said socked. He sets down his cola and looked at me. "Is she ok?!"

"I hope so, she seemed to be unconscious when someone was carrying her. When I ran up to see who they were, I got a glimpse of Tords face in the window as they drove off!" I said. I looked over and saw Matt not caring and just eating ice cream. I groaned in frustration.

"DAMNIT!!!" I yelled mad. " we need to get y/n back!" I said. "Yeah!" Edd agreed and already started to pack up the beach stuff. I helped him too as Matt didn't do shit.

Next time I see Tord... I'll make sure he is dead.


I don't really have much to say, but I hoped you enjoyed the chapter -LB
1,255 words

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