𝟚𝟟. A New Fresh Beginning

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Last chapter;
It was going to be a long night with dealing with him.


I was at edds house. I was upset and worried about Tord. I know pat told me he was fine but.. I just wanted to see him. Like I said before all I wanted to do was spend time with him.

I was sitting on the couch with Edd. Having a nice conversation and all. "Hey y/n.. I need some help with something. It's about Tom," he said. I got worried, "what's wrong?" I asked softly.

"I need help finding him someone. Like.. to help him get over.. you," Edd said quietly. I sighed hearing that and ran my hand through my hair. "Oh.. he still.. likes me?" I asked edd quietly. Edd nodded with a sigh. "I just want to help him find someone so he feels better. He just needs someone there again, like you were with him when Tord left." He says.

I thought for a moment. "I think I know who but I don't know if he would like this person," Edd said and pulls out his phone. He pulled up a picture and showed me. I gasped seeing her. It was y/oc. "I know her! She is one of my friends!" I said looking at him. "Really? Do you think he would like her?" Edd asked and I nodded quickly. "Of course he would! She is amazing! When I go back to the base I'll tell her about him. You tell tom about who she is and if he is interested I'll let her know," I said grinning.

"Thank you y/n." Edd says with a smile. "Of course, anything for Tom.." I said quietly. I looked to the side rubbing my arm. "Hey what's wrong?" I heard Edd ask. I looked up at him, "oh nothing, I.. I just feel bad.. he as liked me for so long and I didn't even give him a chance. But I also still loved Tord and I couldn't let go. I still love Tord a lot, it's just.. last time I was here.. Tom and I.. we went far.. and I wasn't thinking you know? I don't want Tom to be upset that I didn't chose him," I said softly. "It's ok y/n. I get how you feel but you don't have to feel bad. You do what makes you happy. Just think, Tom is most likely like y/oc and you shouldn't feel too bad about it." Edd says. I sighed "I guess so, I just don't like to see him sad," I said softly. "I know, me too," Edd says.

"Let's look on the brighter side. Once we get those two together he will be happy." Edd says and soon got up and stretched. "Yeah I guess," I sighed looking at him. "Would you like me to dive you back?" Edd asked. I thought about it and nodded. I really wanted to see Tord.

"Alright, want to get going now or later?" He asked. "I'm fine with whenever," I replied. I slowly got up to stretch. I saw him checking the time, "it is pretty late, I guess we should now?" Edd suggested heading to the door. "I guess," I said following him.

Eventually Edd began to drive. I'm surprised Tord let him get directions to the base. But it's nice that they are getting along better.

"Hey y/n, if you don't mind me asking but when you were talking about how you and Tom did stuff the last time you visited, what exactly did you do?" Edd asked me. I blushed, "I regret it a lot but it was my fault for letting it happen. But.. Tom and I.. we almost had sex.." I said quietly. I was embarrassed.

"Really? I mean I have no place to judge but did Tord find out?" Edd asked. "Yeah.. it was a bad fight but he forgave me.. I don't know what I was thinking that night but I won't let it happen again," I said softly. I felt a bit better when he said he wouldn't judge but it was still awkward. "That's good, anyways, has Tord asking you anything yet?" Edd asked me. I shook my head no. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Oh just wondering, I thought of something we talked about a few days ago, I forgot what it was but I was just curious," Edd says smiling. I looked at him and hummed, "alright, and if he does what do I do?" I asked. "Just let me know," Edd says chuckling softly.

I rolled my eyes, "sureee," I said sarcastically. Edd laughed softly, "any plans for names?" Edd asked me. "Well since we are wanting the gender to be surprise when it's born I thought of a few. But final decision will be made when we find out the gender," I said smiling softly. "Awe thats so cute! When I have a kid, I wouldn't have the patience to wait that long," Edd says chuckling. "Oh it's driving Tord nuts, he really wants a baby girl," I said smiling. "It could be for how much he wants it," Edd says, "I hope so," I says smiling more.

Eventually we reached the base. I said my goodbyes to Edd and got out of the car. I made my way in and headed to the room. "I wonder what he meant by ask me something..." I mumbled thinking about what Edd said.

Tord POV

I finally finished with Mr. Davis. He is gone. Finally.

Let's just say he went out burning. I wasn't in the room of course but the screams were able to be heard.

I head back to the room after getting cleaned up. I hoped y/n was back by then. Once I opened the door I gasped when y/n tackled me in a hug. I chuckled hugging her tightly.

"Are you ok?!" She asked looking up at me and cupped my cheeks. I smiled gently brushing some hair behind her ear, "yes of course, it wasn't that bad. We don't have to worry about him anymore though." I said smiling and kissed her head. I felt her hug me tighter and I kept her close. I was glad she was ok.

"So how was Edds?" I asked softly. "It was good, Edd and I actually planned on getting Tom a girlfriend finally," she said and the gasped. "I need to talk to y/oc really quick! I'll be fast," y/n says and suddenly ran out the door. I chuckled softly.

I went over to the closet to get into more comfortable clothing before she came back. Once I sat on the bed she came back in. "That was fast," I said chuckling. "Well she ain't that far away from here," She says and goes to sit by me. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her cheek. " I love you," I said softly, I then kissed her head. "I love you more goof," she says. I chuckled laying her down and showered her with kisses. Hearing her giggle always made me smile. I then kissed down her jaw to her neck. I then go down and lifted up the hoodie she was wearing and kissed her stomach all over. I saw were the baby was kicking and gently placed my hand on that spot. I smiled a lot feeling the soft kicks.

"They want to get out," y/n says chuckling. "They will be out soon," I said kissing her stomach softly again.

"Hey Tord, Edd told me something earlier and I didn't get what he meant. But he said you were going to ask me something and he wants me to tell him when you do," y/n said. My eye widen. "Do you know what he means?" I asked her. "No but do you?" She asked me. I sighed with relief but played it off, "no I don't," I said shrugging. I go up to he and hugged her. She turns over and I then spooned her. I gently rub her stomach and buried my face into the back of her neck.

She truly made me happy. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world to have a girl like her. "Hey y/n.. Want to come see something?" I asked her. She looked at me. "Sure.. what is it?" She asked me. I grinned getting up. "Come follow me," I said. I thought this was the perfect time to do something.

"Wait Tord, let me get dressed," she said and she went to the closet. I decided to get dressed myself and headed out with her. I took her to an elevator at the base. Taking her to the roof. There was a garden up there, mainly to hide the base from any satellites but it was decorated recently.

Once we got up there I saw her smile, "Tord, I never knew you had this," she said going to look around. "It's here to help hide the base. It works and it recently got redecorated," I said smiling and followed her. She went to sit on a bench in the center. "This is nice," she says softly. She looked up at the stars. Since we are far from the city there was no light pollution.


I smiled and this was really nice. I liked it up here a lot. I continued to look up at the stars until Tord stood in front of me. I up at him smiling, "get up really quick," he says grinning. I did what he said and smiled. "Can I ask you something?" He asked me. I nodded, "of course," I said gently. I saw him go down onto one knee.

I quickly covered my mouth as I saw him reach down to grab a small box. He soon revealed a beautiful ring inside. It was good, there was a diamond in the center of the ring. Golden Leaves we're supporting the diamond making it look like a rose. On the sides was engraved and decorated with small rubys to represent roses and small emerald lines as the stems connecting with each other.

"Y/n, you've really made me open my eyes and realize so much more about my feeling. I'm so glad that I was able to get you back into my life. Ever since I've known you I didn't realize how much I really loved you. We are going to start a family soon and that is something I've always wanted with you. Y/n L/n, will you continue on with me and make me the most happiest man alive and marry me?" Tord asked me.

My eyes were watering with tears of joy. I quickly went down to hug him tightly, "yes! Millions and millions of times, yes!" I cried out of happiness. I was filled with so much happiness. Tord wrapped his arms around me tightly and we stayed like that for as long as we could.

Once we soon pulled away Tord gently held my left hand. He took the ring out and placed it onto my ring finger on my left hand. I looked at him smiling widely as we both stood up. Tord leaned in cupping my cheek to kiss me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing back lovingly. I couldn't believe this was happening. But I know what Edd meant now.

Tord slowly pulled away and smiled widely at me. I smiled back brightly and hugged him again tightly. I could hug him for hours in this spot but we couldn't be out here all night. "Let's go back," Tord says softly rubbing my backs I smiled holding onto him. I heard him chuckle and pick me up. I gasped holding onto him and looked up at him, "Torddd you don't have to carry me," I said blushing.

"Of course I'm going to carry you, if I carry you I'm carrying my baby too," he says and I rolled my eyes playfully, "whatever you goof," I said jokingly and kissed his cheek.

Once we got back to the room I couldn't stop looking at the ring. It was absolutely beautiful. I probably costed a lot... "like the ring?" Tord asked me as he hugged me from behind. We were laying down on the bed.

"Of course I do Tord, it's absolutely beautiful," I said softly. I leaned into his touch with a soft smile. I felt Tords hand slowly rub my belly bump. I was exited for many things. But for not I'll just take a easy while slowly drifting to sleep.

I love him so much.

I need help with a baby name and the gender! The names are at the end of chapter 26! I think chapter 28 will be the last chapter of this book but I may make it go to 30 , I'm not for sure yet but thank you so much for support!

To pick the baby name and gender, in the comments just put, ex:
Boy: and the name you'd like!
Same goes for girl.

Thank you so much again for all the support! Go check out my Tom x reader book that I will be working on next!
Stay safe and stay inside -LB

2,232 words

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