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𝐛𝐲 -𝐬𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧

— — —

"PETER?" Lucy asked, her voice full of anxiety. They watched the entire room fall away, revealing an abandoned building with only concrete support beams put in place.

"Fury—" Peter glanced at the man, who pulled out his gun.

"Nick, don't!" Lucy screamed, holding her hands in front of her face. A sudden blast clipped Peter's shoulder and hit Nick in the chest.

"Fury!" Peter cried out, jumping to his feet. They both turned, watching a drone hover towards them with blasters activated.

It shot Peter, hitting him in the chest. Peter's body flew back, hitting a beam and falling a few stories down. Without thinking, Lucy jumped over the edge after him to avoid getting shot. Slinging a web, Lucy lowered herself down to stand over him.

"Wow, Peter, wow." Beck's voice echoed around them. Lucy gritted her teeth angrily.

Bending down, she laced her hands around his bicep. "Come on, baby. Let's go." She whispered breathily, pulling on his arm. Lucy winced, but ignored the pain as they stood.

"I thought we all were close." The hum of a drone made they turn again. The two froze as multiple green lasers pointed right at the two. "Fury always had to die. But not you two."

"Stop hiding, Beck!" Peter yelled, slinging one web at a drone. The web fell through and the drone disintegrated away. He turned in all directions, trying to push Lucy behind him every time.

"I tried to help you walk away. Now you're making me do this." Beck continued, the comments directed more on Peter.

They turned in all directions as the building slowly turned into pitch black. Peter reached down, finding Lucy's hand and giving it a tight squeeze.

His black suit suddenly turned into his red and black one and he sparred a glance at Lucy. Her white and red had changed into her red and blue one.

In the distance, florescent lights suddenly fell above them, and lockers shifted forward on the sides. Beck had created a hallway from their school. In the middle of the hallway, as he stood in his Mysterio costume. "You told me you were just a kid."

When Peter and Lucy both tried to fire webs, it came out as green smoke.

"You told me, you wanted to run after the girl!" Beck appeared right behind the two and Peter swung up, attempting to punch him. A concrete beam suddenly appeared and Peter bent over, clutching his fist in pain.

"Peter!" Lucy screamed out, and Peter whipped around, watching Lucy get dragged away by the collar of her suit. "Help me!"

"Lucy!" Peter yelled, sprinting after her. His shoulder collided with a nearby classroom door and he quickly skidded to a stop when he was now on the edge of the Eiffel Tower.

"Peter, help me please," Lucy said, tears running down her face. Her mask was held in her hands. She stood on the very edge, about to fall off.

"I know this isn't real." Peter hissed before Beck appeared behind Lucy.

"Do you, though?"

Lucy suddenly gasped for air, grabbing at her throat when Beck picked her up by the neck. She audibly gagged and choked, clawing at his hands.

Peter called out her name again, rushing forward. At the last second, Beck let her go, allowing her to fall off the Eiffel Tower. Peter dove after her, heading straight into darkness again. Lucy's screamed echoed, causing him to get goosebumps.

He landed headfirst into the sudden ground that appeared as Lucy's screams fading out.

"I don't think you know what's real, Peter." Beck hissed bitterly. Peter rubbed his head before suddenly getting jerked back. Flashes of streets lights zoomed past his eyes before he stopped in front of his apartment building in Queens.

"WHERE IS LUCY?!" Peter roared up at the building. "I need her back, now!"

A massive fist suddenly broke through the doors of the complex, smacking Peter back. Peter seemed to break through a glass wall, falling down into the black abyss. Lucy's cries were heard again as Peter fell down stretched out webs.

"You need to wake up!" Beck's voice bellowed as Peter was harshly snapped back into reality, crashing into the windshield of an old car.

LUCY felt tears prick her eyes when she felt Beck lift her by the back of her neck. Pain rippled down her spin before Peter's eyes widened in horror.

He cried out her name before lurching forward. Beck released her, sending her plummeting into the void below. Another painful scream ripped out of her throat, losing sight of Beck, the tower and Peter when he dove after her.

After only three seconds of falling, Lucy landed on her back, knocking the wind from her again. She coughed, body curling inward.

"You're not like Peter, huh?" Beck's voice teased the girl as she gasped for air like a fish. "You're just a normal person. You don't have any powers or special abilities..."

Sucking in a lungful of air, Lucy forced herself to get up.

"No tech or armour,"

A cry of pain escaped her, echoing out into the darkness, her left hand holding the right side of her waist tightly.

"You're nothing."

Lucy was suddenly pulled into the school halls again, and a few students walked past her, bumping into her shoulders. Memories of high school made her eyes squeeze shut.

"I know this isn't real, Beck! Come out and face me like a man!" She gritted out, tasting blood in her mouth.

She huffed cockily, reaching up and pulling off her red mask. A trail of blood trickled down her chin and out of her left nostril. "That is...if you even are one."


Her cocky attitude quickly diminished as her head turned to the side. The school hallway had disappeared, leaving her in the blackness. Peter laid on the floor, panting heavily. "Peter,"

She shoved on her mask again, rushing up to him. Sliding down on her knees, she cradled his head.

"Lucy," another voice called out to her.

Turning her head sharply, her mother gazed at her with tear-filled eyes. She stood for a moment before getting lifted off the ground by the throat; again by Beck. Lucy gasped, as she reached out towards her. "No!" The scenery changed in a blink and Beck threw her mother off one of the many tall buildings of Queens.

Lucy sprang off her knees when Peter disappeared, jumping over the edge at her mother. Allison reached out towards her daughter. When their hands brushed, Lucy was suddenly slammed into the ground, landing on her side.

She felt something shift inside her, and Lucy was sure she had either broken or cracked a rib. She gasped at it—the action causing a horrible pinch of pain in her chest.

When her name was called out yet again, she shut her eyes, trying to tune it out the voices when they started to overlap; Peter, her mother, MJ, Ned, Tony even...

Slowly standing, her fingers crawled up the sides of her head, pressing firming onto her ears. Lucy hissed at the noise and gritted her teeth tightly.

A hand touched her shoulder and with thinking, Lucy snatched it tightly, giving it a sharp twist. A quiet grunt of pain was heard, causing Lucy's eyes to snap open. Turning her head up slowly, she found Peter standing over her.

Tears filled her eyes again as she slowly let his hand go. Peter laced their fingers. "P-Peter? Is that really you?"

"Yeah, it's me." Peter sighed in relief, voice wavering. He pulled her into a hug and she instantly hissed at the contact. Lucy pulled again, pressing her hand into her side where her ribs were.

"I think I broke or cracked a rib." Lucy muttered, and Peter slowly helped her up. The stood, back to back with their left hands intertwined tightly.

Suddenly, large jagged pieces of glass formed a circle around the two.

"I mean, look at yourselves."

They both stared at their reflections in different shards. Absentmindedly, their hands slowly pulled apart when they approached their piece of glass. Peter reach forward, hesitantly touching the reflection.

Lucy raised a hand, slowly moving it back and forth, watching her other self do the same. Extending her arm, she pressed her hand full on the reflection.

At the same time, all the duplicated reflections of themselves jumped after them, forcing them to the ground before attack them. Lucy curled herself up into a ball, attempting to shield her chest and side from her other selves.

"You two are just scared little kids!" Beck snapped as the others disappeared. Peter sprang to his feet as Lucy slowly got up.

Peter was dressed in his first makeshift suit; a sweater and sweatpants with goggles. His eyes went wide as he glanced at Lucy. She was dressed in blue athletic tights, with a simple red long sleeve on; the 'suit' was back when she had first heard about Spider-man, and wanted to be like him.

"I created Mysterio to give the world someone to believe in. I control the truth! Mysterio is the truth!" The two craned their necks up, staring at a stone statue of Mysterio himself.

Beck suddenly appeared behind them in full armour. Lucy gritted her teeth, using what was left in her to jump away from Beck's attacks with Peter. When Lucy accidentally fell down, Peter landed in front of her, between her and Beck.

Peter shot out two webs at Mysterio, seemingly going right through him. Peter pulled, and a large crane fell forward. His eyes widened, and with quick reaction, he scooped Lucy into his arms and jumped away from the machine killing them.

He placed her on her feet and the smoke cleared around them. They were back in their red suits. When Lucy looked up with Peter, they froze to see a grave. But, not just any grave...

"Maybe if you two were good enough, Tony would still be alive."

The two read over the engraved stone; Anthony Edward Stark.

Lucy's throat seemed to close as she held back a sob. Suddenly, a hand shot out from the dirt, making them back jump back. As the corpse dressed in an Iron Man suit crawled forward, they both scrambled back with screams. "Make it stop! Please!"

The suit's repulsers activated and the corpse hovered in the air. Half of the helmet was rusted off, leaving half of Tony's skeleton visible. Lucy cried out, tears getting soaked up by her mask.

"Deep down, you know I'm right."

Peter grabbed Lucy's arm, forcing her up and holding tightly to her hand as they stared running away from the body. Only after a second of it, they suddenly collided into a barrier, backs hitting a snow pile.

Sudden spikes rose from the snow and Lucy cradled close to Peter's side. They both realized it was shrunken down buildings of Queens. "You made your choice. All you had to do was step aside."

"And now, you ha—"

They both blinked when a gunshot rang out, cutting the illusions around them. They both were laying on a pile of gravel. They sighed in relief as Nick slowly walked forward, a gun in hand. Multiple black SUV's pulled up around them.

Lucy sighed tiredly, falling back onto the uncomfortable gravel.

"Fury!" Peter grunted, sliding off the gravel and stumbling to his feet. Outstretching a hand to Lucy, he pulled her close to his side. "Lucy's hurt! She needs to see a doctor—"

"Beck's people...we're trying to find everyone who could expose him." Nick suddenly interrupted, limping forward with a pant. "Who'd you tell?"

"Uh," Peter glanced down at Lucy, who hung her head and she hugged his side.

"Who'd you tell?" Fury pressed. "I know you told someone. So just tell me, who did you tell? Who else did you tell?"

"Just...tell him, Peter." Lucy groaned, trying to shift but stopping when a spike of pain pulsed through her body.

"J-Just Ned and MJ from my class, and maybe Ned told his girlfriend Betty, but that's it!"

When Nick chuckled deeply, Lucy's head slowly lifted. Peter blinked, wide-eyed. "What?"

"You, are so gullible. I mean, you're smart as a whip. Just a...sucker." At the last word, Fury's voice changed into Beck's and the environment shifted once more. "And now all your friends have to die."

Peter pulled Lucy away from Beck, watching around them as the scene changed with every step.

"I mean, it's easy to fool people when they're already fooling themselves. But for what it's worth, Peter and Lucy...I really am sorry."

In the blink of an eye, Peter's hand is viciously ripped away from Lucy, causing her to fall to her knees. Once again, the illusions were cut off and the loud horn of the train in front of her made her jump back onto her butt.

She groaned at the pain in her side before she realized Peter was hit with a train. Shock overcame her and she froze, watching the bullet train with wide eyes. She reached up hesitantly, pulling off her mask. Underneath, Lucy's face was scratched, bruised, beaten, and bloody.

When the train had disappeared into the tunnel, Lucy sank to her knees. Gripping her hair tightly, she began to cry. Her sobs were loud and they shook her body physically. 

Beck—standing behind her—smirked devilishly before simply walking away with the drones following him.

He used the drones to cloak himself, so when she looked around, she found herself alone.

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