Remembering the party night

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All were sleeping peacefully in their respective places.

Shivaay and anika were in their room, wrapped in a blanket with their clothes resting on the floor. With the present scenario of their room, anybody could guess what would've happened here last night.

Om and Gauri were sitting behind one of the pillars of the hall with their clothes on but the state was messed up.

Soumaya and Rudra were laying on the floor of the kitchen with many vegetables scattered around them. The scene was, as there happened some war between vegetables.

Priyanka and Ranveer were laying behind the corner with many emptied bottles of wine around them.

Mallika and Siddharth were in the room of Om and Gauri. They were half naked, Something left incomplete.

Tia, Romi, riddhima and bhavya were sleeping like monkey's at the poolside only.

*Simultaneously happening scenes.*

"Phail Gaya raita" Anika almost shrieked seeing shivaay and herself and then the marks on his body.

"What happened?" Shivaay opened his eyes and widened them seeing her.

"NO WAY!" They both shook their head not believing the thing they were seeing.

"Did we?" Anika signed through her hands and shivaay gave her a slight nod and they both immediately turned their head to another side.

Anika was the first one to get in action, She pulled the whole blanket to her side and wrapping it around her body, she ran to the washroom.

"Heyyyy..." Shivaay yelled covering himself with his hands. "What I'll do?" He asked falling off the bed in the try of covering himself.

"Idiot, You can wear your clothes!" Aanika yelled from the washroom and he smacking his own head wore his clothes.

They both one by one went to freshen up and afterwards sat down on the couch to remember the night, holding their heads.

"D-Do you remember anything?" Anika asked looking at shivaay who nodded in No while moving his fingers on his temples.

"Do you?" Shivaay looked at her and she shooked her head in a NO.

"Let's go out" Shivaay stood up and they both walked out covering their necks which were showing the of proof love they shared last night.

Om was sitting comfortably but Gauri wasn't in a comfortable position. She was slipping again and again but her hold on om's shirt had saved her till now.

Gauri once again was slipping but this time her hands were free and she wasn't holding om's shirt.

"AHHHHH" Came out the wince from om's mouth as Gauri got to hold on his hairs to prevent her collide with the floor.

"What happened? Who fell?" Gauri woke up shouting.

"Leave my hair" Om yelled and she biting her tongue left his hair and stood up.

"Sorry" She muttered stretching her arms in the air.

"Ahh, What sorry? You have pulled out the bundle of hair" He glared her and she looked at her hand which was still having much hair of om which was now lost from his head.

"I was sleeping" She held her head and om closing his eyes stood up "I guess my head is paining"

"What's there to guess, Of course, it's paining." Gauri too stands by his side and holds her head.

"How can you be so sure?" Om looked at her and she shooking her head in disbelief started walking.

"Omkara ji, We had little of alcohol last night. Isn't it obvious that we'll get a hangover and our head will pain like anything?" Gauri was about to slip when om held her.

"Careful!" He made her stand and then seriously looked at her. "You knew there was alcohol. You knew that you're pregnant. Still, Still, you chose to have it? How irresponsible of you!" He ended it like he was scolding a KG wing child.

"Hold on! Why you're shouting at me as if I've not had alcohol but some poison? Mr Artist, It's okay to have little and that too just once." She wrapped her arms around his neck and he gulped hard.

"Stop!" He literally shrieked when she gazed his lips. She flinched on his high pitch and clutched his shirt tightly.

"I- 'm sorry!" He whispered and wrapped his arms around her as she got scared.

"Y-You scared me" She rested her head on his shoulder as tears escaped from her eyes.

"I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry." He slowly caressed her hair and she became normal.

"I just wanted to remind you that we're in the hall and already in the bad state." He smirked and she blushed as they observed themselves.

Gauri's lipstick was all over his face and neck and She herself was having so many hickeys over her neck and shoulder.

They both stood still for sometime before moving to their room.

Rudra opened his eyes and looked at the beautiful ceiling of the kitchen and smiled.

"Somu, look bhaiya changed the ceiling in the night only. It's so cool. Isn't it?" He murmured while tapping Soumaya's head.

"Let me sleep." She smacked on her hand and he narrows his eyes flipped and looked at her.

"Hahaha" Came out from his mouth as he saw her.

"What has gotten into you? That too early in the morning dumbo?" She yelled and rubbed her eyes.

"You're looking like a Potato on some veggies table." He kept on laughing.

"What the hell do you think you're blabbering?" She yelled and sat up.

"TRUTH!!" He laughed.

"Holy Shit!!!" She cupped her mouth and he looked at her sitting up.

"What happened?" He asked and she glared at him.

"Dumbo. Haven't you seen the place? We've messed up bhaiya's kitchen. He will kill us." She fearfully stood up and he too swallowing hard.

"Well, he's my bhai. He'll not say anything to me." He smiled and raised his imaginary collar.

"Shut Up. Last night he got all these veggies and himself cleaned the whole effing kitchen. He'll not see the person as his brother. He'll just chop off our hands." She kept on blabbering when he covered her mouth with his hand.

"My cute sweet wifey. If you don't want bhaiya to see all this. Then stop your blabbering and let's clean this. But, Let's clean ourselves first because we're looking horrible." He cutely said and she agreeing walked to their room with him.

"Sid... Sid..." Mallika was shaking him slowly while scratching her head with another hand.

"Wha..." Sid turned to her and his mouth was left wide open.

"Get me something to drink. There's no water in the jug." She didn't open her eyes and was just ordered.

"Fuck! Wake up, you little-sleeping beauty" He badly shooked her and she opened her eyes and then closed them.

"Mahn! Where are your top and bra?" He again shooked her and she smiled opening her eyes and looking at him.

"In my almirah, of course." she again closed her eyes.

"Idiot. I'm not asking about that one. I'm asking about the one you were wearing last night." He spoke and she sat up straight.

"What do you mean.?" She looked at him and he pointed at her with his eyes.

"Dammit!!!" she immediately covered herself with the blanket, snatching it from sid.

"Well, I know where are my top and bra." She said smiling mischievously.

"Where?" He arched his brows and she chuckled.

"There, where your pant and boxer is" He looked down as she bursts into fits of laughter.

"Fuck man!!!" He almost shouted and covered himself with his hands as Mallika didn't let him take the blanket.

They both were glaring each other when Mallika suddenly jumped off the bed with a pale face.

"We're not in our room or house. It's..." She paused.

"Omkara's room" he gulped and she nodded before searching their clothes like a maniac.


"Shutup and wear your pants." She threw his clothes toward him "And. There's nothing we can't do if by chance they see us like this. They're married and knows everything. But, It'll not happen as We've worn our clothes and we're going." She sighed before pulling him out with him toward the guest room to get freshen up.

*After Some time.*

All the sleepy heads reached the hall and settled on the dining table for the breakfast.

"Where's Priyanka and Ranveer?" Shivaay asked as he noticed them missing.

"I guess with their Childs?" Mallika smiled and all looked at her.

"Opsie. I forgot elder took them." Mallika smiled and all started searching them so they all can have breakfast and finally, after the struggle of 20 minutes they found them where they didn't expect them to be.

Yes! Behind the Bar Corner.

Well, Nobody thought they would be there as they both were not that kind of person for them. They both were laying hugging each other and not at all in their senses.

"They look so cute," Somu said and all smiled before taking them to their room as they were overdrunk and a passed out case.

Settling them in their room all got back to the table and started having their breakfast quietly! 

Well, Not really quite because all were busy whispering something in their partner's ears. And why not? Their last night wasn't normal they had to talk and impatient people's started that on the breakfast table.


Shivaay Picked up the toast and looked at anika who wasn't eating but was just lost in some thoughts.

"You... What happened?" Shivaay touched her with his elbow and she looked at him with a smile.

"N-nothing." She said and started eating her breakfast.

"I'm sorry. I ruined our special night." Shivaay pouts and anika looks at him.

"N-No you didn't do it deliberately." She immediately smiled and placed her hand on his "It happens." 

"I can't revert it but I can make you happy. So, Meet me in the backyard after the 20 minutes" Said shivaay and walked away without listening to her.

Anika smiled and started having her breakfast but now it wasn't easy for her to eat because curiosity was just increasing. Anxiety overtook her and she too left her breakfast in the middle and walked to her room.

All were stunned with their behaviour as it was the first time they left the food without eating.

They all immediately finished their breakfast leaving their secret talks and decided to follow them.

"I don't think we're doing good by following them!"  Gauri speaks up and doesn't move from her place.

"Shutup Gauri.  Let's follow them" Mallika frankly said and pulled her with them and left behind with no other option she starts to spy on SHIVIKA with all. Seeking forgiveness from her Shankar jee.

They all peep in their room where only anika was sitting on the bed ready in a beautiful pink sari which most likely was gifted to her by shivaay as she had never bought one.

"Why Bhabhi is blushing so much?"  Rudy raised his brows.

"We are here to know that only." Om smacked his shoulder.

As they were busy trying to figure out the reason Anika's cell ranged and she rushed out. They all immediately hide behind the pillars.

Thank God that she didn't see them.

"OMG! We were almost caught." Sid dramatically said and all walked behind anika shaking their heads in disbelief.

"Bhabhi is going toward the backyard," Soumaya speaks up.

"We can see that somu." Rudy chuckled and got a glare in return.

They finally reached the backyard and hide behind their comfortable pillars or bushes. Which they got first.

"Look there is shivaay" Mallika pointed and all nodded.

"What is this? Why is shivaay smiling? And why did he arrange an LCD over here?" Sid asked and all glared at him.

"No wonder why mom and dad call you a second rudy and DUMBO!" Mallika rolled her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Sid narrows his eyes.

"Guys you can argue over it later too. Stop your argument otherwise, we will be caught." Gauri tells and they turn their faces in Opposite directions.

Meanwhile, Anika was surprised seeing shivaay with LCD and her heard was pounding thinking of the thing which could happen.

"You ready?" Shivaay asks with a hoarse voice and sighs as she nods positively.

Shivaay gets down on his knees and holds her hand.

"Oh Gosh! Bhaiya is going to propose Di" Soumaya shouts but on time rudy closes her mouth.

"SHUT UP!" All glares at her and she zips her mouth.

"I'm sorry Anika we had our first night in effect of alcohol and that too without knowing if you wanted it or not." Shivaay pauses as Anika tries to speak.

"No Anika.  Don't interrupt and let me complete first." He nods negatively.

"Somewhere I feel like I forced you though I know nothing of that sort happened all was normal but the fact we weren't in senses makes me guilty of forcing you. I don't know what you would be feeling So, I'm really sorry." Shivaay looks down and kisses her hands.

"OH SHIT!" All looks down and holds back their chuckles as they just heard their private conversation but they didn't felt embarrassed and enjoyed it to tease him later.

"I've said it before too and would like to tell you again and again till my last breath that 'I LOVE YOU.' I always loved and always will. You know I've some surprise for you. Just a CONFESSION." Shivaay looks at her and she smiles with tears.

"I LOVE YOU TOO SHIVAAY." She went to her knees and hugged him tightly.

"What's the surprise.?" She asks and he smiles and stands up with her.

"What could be the surprise?"  Rudy arches his brows.

"DUMBO! He's going to show that only." Om smacks him and he pouts sadly.

Shivaay moves toward the LCD and plays a video over there seeing which all smiled and cried along with anika and she immediately hugged him while whispering I LOVE YOU.

"Awww... So cute." Gauri smiles

"Yeah. We never thought that shivaay could love someone other like this." Om wipes off his tears.

"Yeah." Mallika smiles leaning onto sid's shoulder.

"They look so cute." Somu smiles with tears and side hugs rudy.

It was the video which shivaay recorded when he wanted to confess his love but couldn't confess due to his over-shyness. 

Shivaay hugged her back and smiled as he now knows in real what they both meant to each other.

"Are you ready for that?" Shivaay whispered in her ear and she blushed while nodding.

Shivaay picked her up and she rested her head on his shoulder while her arms were encircled around his neck. He then walked toward the house.

"It's enough. We shouldn't follow them anymore." Gauri stands up and walks away from them.

"She's right." Om agreed and bidding by to all followed his RI.

"Let's go." Mallika and sid too went toward their car while soumaya and Rudy went to their room.


Gauri sat down on the bench in the backyard and was smiling when om reached her and leans his head on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you. I shouldn't have done that." Om apologized and Gauri looks at him with a smile.

"You don't have to be sorry. I love it when you care about me. But, Just don't shout much." Gauri pinched his cheeks and he smiled.

"You know that's what makes you different from the other girls. You are really understanding." He kissed her on cheeks and she blushed.

"I LOVE YOU MRS Omkara Singh Oberoi." He kissed on the side of her lips and she blushed. "I LOVE YOU TOO." 


"Why do you call me Dumbo? I don't like when you make fun of me." Rudy drops himself on the bed while throwing daggers at her.

"Why so? Why you mind me calling you dumb and not others?" Soumaya asked laying beside him.

"Because other are others and you are you, My Wife.!" He looks at her making the puppy face.

"And what if I say that I call you that with love and not making fun of you?" She lean little toward him.

"Then..." He pauses finding no words.

"I know you don't have an answer. Rudy the way you call me sumo with love and sometime moti. The same way I call you crybaby and dumbo. I never mind then why do you?" She pecks his cheeks.

"I LOVE YOU. That's why I show it." She laid back and he then leaned on her.

"I LOVE YOU TOO AND SORRY." He kissed her back.

"I LOVE YOU MORE." They snuggled into each other and laid down.


They both wake up together and on getting senses completely they look at each other.

"I think Ranveer bring me here." Thought Priyanka while Ranveer thought the same and they both looked at each other with more love.

"I LOVE YOU." "I LOVE YOU MORE." They said and shared a deep mouth kiss.

S & M~~

"Do you regret ditching shivaay?" Sid asked and Mallika looked at him with shock.

"NO WAY! WHY WOULD I REGRET?" She asked and sid smiled.

"I don't know. You seemed little upset seeing them there so..." Sid looked down and she smiled.

"Yeah, I was really very upset there as I could feel them there. You know when I ran away from our marriage and stayed with them. At that time I realised that they both love each other and ignores it. You can guess how much old their love is and now after years, they were able to confess it. That all delay because of Pinky Aunty. I was really sad because they had to wait and crave so much. Won't you be sad realising it that they suffered so much because of his mom?" Mallika smiled with tears and Sid nodded.

"HMM... I LOVE YOU" He hugged her and she smiled "I LOVE YOU TOO." 


Shivaay placed her on the bed and locked the door. Adjusting all the curtains he walked up to her and hugged her while sitting beside her. After the long hug, he kissed her on her neck and tracing his tongue on her neckline reached near the earlobe.

"Shivaayyy" Came out a moan from Anika's mouth as he licked her earlobe. He then travelled to her lips and captured them and started kissing her wildly as she was responding with the same power and soon they parted getting low on oxygen.

He moved back and dropped her pallu and started kissing her breast as his hands travelled to her back and did their work by unhooking her blouse. He was enjoying kissing her naked breasts while she was busy moaning and unbuttoning his shirt.

Soon they were half naked. Shivaay laid her down and started sucking and biting her nipples making her moan in pain and pleasure.

His hands then travelled down to her petticoat and with swift he threw it away and she was fully naked now. She blushed to feel his gaze and covered her face with her hands. He smiled seeing her and threw away his other clothes and laid over her all naked.

She couldn't face him after feeling his all the parts on herself.

"LOOK AT ME." He kissed her face while his hands travelled to her wet part and she tightens herself feeling his fingers.

But she didn't look at him and just blushed.

"Last time asking. Won't you look at me?" He asked inserting his fingers inside her womanhood. She moans out loud but doesn't look at him.

"Okay" He smirks and starts moving his finger at a fast pace. she struggles under his weight and moans out loud. After fine minutes of fingering her, he pulls out his fingers and sits aside as her body stiffens and she reaches her orgasm but before she could relax down he had already pulled out his fingers disappointing her and she uncovers her face with a red face and pleading eyes.

"YOU'LL LOOK INTO MY EYES?" He asks and she nods

"Good" He adjusted himself on her and entered his manhood in her.

She moaned loudly with pain and pleasure but didn't closed her eyes or looked away.



They kissed each other and moved in sync till they reached their climax and later laid hugging each other and whispering sweet 'I LOVE YOU'

**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**-**THE END~~

Finally, this book ends with their LOVE!!!

It was a nice journey with you all. Stay with me by reading other books as you're all precious.



Love ~ Annie...

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