• Surprise for shivaay •

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Anika composed herself and held his hand back. Rubbing his hand with her thumb. She looked at him.

Anika " Shivaay, what you're saying and why? Do you even know? How much it hurts." she spoke with her sad voice

Shivaay " Yes. I know, I'm useless." he whimpers and looks at her

Anika "tell me the reason shivaay... I know you're hurt with the atmosphere out in hall." she locked their hands and looked at him.

Shivaay "Anika. My... family... They never...Praised me" he stutter and cries. "I won 3 awards in row... I.. Raised the business... Made it reach heights... But my dad... He... Never" he sobbed "He never said that it's because of me. He always said it's because of god." he cried...

He was hurt with shakti praising siddharth. Why he shouldn't be? After all, his dad never ever supported him nor praised him. It's not that he wants to get praised as he's good. He never wanted to hear cheesy praisings. He never wanted to take the credit of making Empire higher.. But he wanted to just hear "I'm proud of you My son" but he never said that to him. "You're doing good" would've worked too but shakti always said "God did it." shivaay always smiled at it even after feeling bad he never said anything and agreed with his dad. But today it had hurt him. Hurt him a lot.

Anika "i don't have anything to say here. You're right. They never praised you like they should do. Everyone was wrong. But shivaay they were wrong. Now, they're changed. And trust me shivaay they've changed for Good. Papa used to be like that... That was wrong, very much wrong. But, he realized his mistake, i know it's late too late, but shivaay you can try to give them a chance. I know you're hurt. You should be. Thing is hurting, even i would've been hurt. But apart from that you failed to notice that, everyone's changed. Give them a chance shivaay and they'll prove it too." she spoke cupping his face

Shivaay "Isn't it too late to change anika? My whole life, whole damn life i waited to hear him say that he's proud of me... What i didn't do? I did all the possible things to hear it but he never said it... My mom, she used to praise me but her praise always held that taunt... The taunt she used to throw at my... My...Brothers...
She too never praised me because i did all this... She praised me to show off... To taunt badi maa and bade papa...
I've never got that love which i needed, anika.
I'm not complaining anika. Okay? I'm just..." he paused and she hugged him, tight.

He opened up himself and started telling her things. The things which hurts him a lot. Which were the reason of him being cold hearted. He cried as she hugged him...

Anika "I know Shivaay, you're not complaining. You're just telling me your feelings... Do tell more." she parted...

Some times you get a golden chance to know-do something without even working for that thing, at that time. It was same for anika. She always wanted him to tell her everything... Share everything. Open up his heart and let her sooth his heart. But, he never did it. He never wanted to... And now it's happening and without any try...

Shivaay " you know anika. When i was a kid... I had dreams and wishes to achieve and live... I too wanted to play with my friends... To go on trips... To enjoy the parties. Live like there's no tomorrow... But i never got to... Bade papa and badi mama had conflict's. Their conflict's effected my brothers. My mom and dad never loved me the way, i wanted. My dadi was my only support and when you've big responsibilities in minor age, then support of parents matters the most." he swallowed

Anika felt as someone pricked her heart. Vulnerable shivaay isn't easy to see. You'll need much more than your daily strength to not break down, while handling the broken shivaay.

Shivaay "I've no complaints with them. With no one. Not a single... In fact I'm thankful to them, as because of them only, i got the chance to live with my brothers and got some golden memories." he paused "It's not like that, i love our childhood. No! I don't love it. It was worst, a worst nightmare. But we three brothers and the little prianku managed to create magical and golden memories out of those scary nightmares..." he wiped his tears and looked at anika. Who was looking at him with love, patience and calmness... He couldn't guess how much she was hurt seeing him and that's why he easily, blurt out.

Anika "Keep telling me shivaay. I'm listening" she kissed his hand and he nodded

Shivaay "Badi maa and bade papa used to fight a lot. When bade papa... Used to come late night from Svetlana's house. Rudra was a kid and he used to sleep with them... I still remember anika. The day when first time rudy came to my room... He was 4 years old. As usual he slept in his parents room and they fought. More than usual and ended up breaking things... All the breakable things. Rudy ran away and came to me... He was so scared... He cried for hours and then slept, while crying. Om and ru used to cry daily because of their parents daily fights. I used to support them and never let them feel alone...
But anika..
I myself was alone. After putting them to sleep, i used to cry. No one was there to wipe my tears and console me... I also used to cry myself to sleep. But there was little difference between them and me, and that was SUPPORT. I supported them and was all alone.
I've no complaints as it was my duty and love for them... But i craved for it. I got that love from my brother's only. But even they don't know about all this... As i never wanted them to see me weak. I'm their Superman. And superman doesn't fall weak!!!" he leaned on to her shoulder and placed his head on it.

Anika "Why shivaay? Why you didn't tell them that you're also weak for some reason's and at some points ?" she held his hand and he swallows hard...

Shivaay "I didn't wanted it... If i had told them, then they would've stopped telling me their problems... They are so caring and soft Hearted. If they knew that I'm weak, then they would've hidden their every problem from me... And i didn't wanted that, i wanted them to be tension free and happy, all the time. I couldn't help them in their parents matter, but i had choice and power over this, and i did chose wisely. If taking away their tension on me could help them then... It's the best decision... Isn't it?" he looked at her and she shook her head.

Anika "You made them dependent on you, shivaay. And i think, that's nowhere good, at all." she gulped

Shivaay "Maybe, but i never made them dependent on me completely. I made the independent and dependent both, with a difference." he smiled little "i made them to never hide anything from me and always share their problems with me. They depends on me in case of tensions and problems. Their problems were never theirs, they were mine, always. But they were alwats free to do whatever they want to... I never interfered in their lives except in problems... They were never meant to be theirs.." he sniffles

Anika "You don't trust them enough? That's why you never let them solve their own problems? Because if you had trust then you would've let them tackle it? Didn't you?" she asked shocking him and he frowned

Shivaay "No. It's nothing like that. I trust them more than anyone... And it's not the reason. It's just that... That i didn't wanted them to be like me... And tesnions would've made them, such one. I do trust them... And I'll never finish. Never ever." he shook his head and she held his hand...

Anika "It just broke shiv. You don't trust your brothers, that's the only reason you walked away from there. Right?" she looked in his eyes and he shut them...

Reality!!! He was hurt and walked out. Not only hurt, he felt as his brother's changed and don't love him anymore, and in this way he also doubted them... And that's the reason she pointed on his trust...

Shivaay "It..It's not...Nothing like that" he turned his face and she chuckled

Anika "By turning your face, you can't change it or avoide it, nor the question neither the fact." she made him look at her and he sobbed little...

Shivaay "Yes..." he gulps hard and held her hand "The way rudra called sid bhaiya and sat beside him, held him... Laughed with him... Had hurt me anika. I don't know anything and I'm not eager to even know, but... I just felt as if they're no more my brothers but his... Maybe because I'm no more their superman, couldn't help them and solve their problems... But sid did..." he hitched for breaths and she hugged him tightly...

His insecurities were so right... He wasn't wrong. Anyone on his place would've thought same.

Anika "Sshh.. Don't cry... Sshh..." she rubbed his back and withdrew "You're right shivaay... Let me tell you one thing... What ever you felt and did, wasn't your mistrust but your insecurity, and justified!!!" she cupped her face...
"You're shivaay, their superman and dadi's billu... Don't cry now. Nothing changed between you all... It just increased. For good!!! They loves you and depends on you, still..." he looked at her and cupped her face

Shivaay "Good to hear. But..." he paused "Maybe it's not like the way you're saying? I was useless... Since an year... They didn't told me anything... Because they believe I'm no more of use?" he clearly said his thought's and she chuckled..

Anika "Shivaayyy... You're over thinking. You'll get your answers soon... Trust me and your brother's and their love. Do you?" she asked and he nodded... "Then trust us and your heart, stop trusting your idiot mind. You'll see everything with different VIEW. And it'll clear everything for you. Just TRUST YOUR HEART." she smiled and he hugged him...

Shivaay "Thank you so much anika... You solved a big problem" he withdrew and kissed her side of mouth and walked to washroom... Leaving astonishing anika behind.

"O bete ki" she blushed touching where he kissed...

Shivika returned to the hall where everything was dark and it shocked shivaay...

Shivaay "Where everyone is? And why so darkness?" he wonders and stops as he hit with someone...

Suddenly a light bumps on his eyes and he shuts them tightly to avoid the light... But he opens as he hears...

"Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you dear bhaiyaa... Happy birthday to you...Shivaay" he slowly opens his moist eyes...

~~~Shivaay's POV~~~

I opened my eyes, which were moist after hearing the surprising wish..

I was so upset since last night but managed to hide it... No one wished me... Literally no one. I thought they'll wish me in morning but still... Same! Disappointed!!!

I waited so much but got hurt only. I was hurt that my family and brothers forgot my birthday. The special day of mine. Which they never forget...

That was the reason behind me more upset and hurt... But i didn't told anika. As even she didn't wished me...

But to my surprise they remember... They were standing in line infront of me with a beautiful cake in mid of us on table...

My favorite CHOCOLATE CAKE!!

My eyes welled up as they hugged me tightly...

"Bhaiyaaa i love you... You know it took so much of strength to not wish you, till this time... You know naaa.. I always wish you every second..." rudy whined and kissed me on cheek. In return i too kissed him on his hair...

"Shivaay, sorry i know you'd be hurt, but we wanted to surprise you. Surprise birthday party." om too kissed me on hair and i kissed back...

I looked at the cake and there it was written which i felt i lost...

"Welcome back to Being the superman, happy birthday billu..." i chuckled reading billu and hugged them again...

"You don't know how much i loved this... I needed it..." i mumbled

"We know..." they whispered and i hugged them Tighter

"Am not your step sister." prianku joined the hug by pushing herself in the left out space and hugged us...

Siddharth was smiling seeing us with moist eyes...

"Wese no one is allowed in this, obero moment and hug. But as you can see... Prianku is also here and it's a siblings hug now, then why you're standing there? Come man, join us." i told siddharth and he stood sill, i guess unable to digest the fact that I'm saying this...

Mallika pushed him and we hugged him too... We parted as prianku shouted being suffocated by us...

His POV Ends...

After the hug cake was cut and all happily ate.... A pair of eyes was watching all this with tears, hiding behind pillar, in veil...

"Shivaay you haven't done right. I'm your mother." she cried and sneaked back to her room, store room...

Anika was leaning on pillar with mallika, prianku somu and gauri by her side...

She heard some gossips which boiled her blood , which also didn't go un heard by other girls...

Almost all boiled in anger...

Anika "Hey you" she was loud enough to make all attentive and made the gossipers jerked with sudden shout...

Person "Yes?"

Gauri "What yes? What crap you're uttering?" she glared him and he smirks...

Person "so you listened? What wrong is in that? We were right.. And almost all will agree with us that they looks like gays" he disgustingly looked at shivomrusid...

Mallika "Are you nuts? Or you've been drinking?"

Other person "What wrong did he said? He's right. Who behaves such? Only gays. It's not the first time..."

Somu "what's not the first time? You thinking brothers as gays?" she spoke and they made faces

Person "They behaving as gays."

Shivomrusid stood still and didn't even defended themselves as their wives were on duty.

Anika "Shut your dirty mouth up. Always shitting around? Is it your hobby? Btw... What's wrong in hugging your brothers?"

Person "What's not wrong? No brother hugs like this and kisses???"

Gauri "Why do you kiss and hug your father then? Are you also gay? Or maybe your father? As he kissed you and Hugged you when you were born. And still he kiss you and hug you. Soo...?" she stretches

Somu "Bhabi... Leave it... He have no brother and saying all this in jealousy. Don't you? Such cheap thoughts about brothers. It's better to keep your mouth shut when you've no guess..."

Prianku "Before pointing at someone else. Look at yourself. You're holding his arm as if he's your wife. Are you gay?" she asked serious and rest laughed...

Mallika "You know what.. Leave. Party is over for you. You just come to every party to defame and point at everyone. Who you're to do this? A fuc*ing bas...d. Leave" she yelled and they left...

Mallika recognized them both. They're not some businessman or anything. They're just mad persons must be appointed by some rivals of all... And their work is to ignite the fire and rest would be done by media. She had faced it before also in Her
reception party . When he made issue of something and later he was humiliated and had to leave... As he was tounge tied by her.

All stayed in there for some more time and left after the reception party of shivika finished...

As decided both families gathered in hall as someone from youngsters wanted to tell something... Adjusting on sofas all waited for someone to speak up so they can go and relax...

And finally....

To Be Continued...

Precap: Youngsters PARTY!!!!

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