Chapter Two

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I've become a manager of the team, which is kinda surprising, as I normally play instead of managing. I've been introduced to the members, and a few of them intrigued me. There's a girly looking boy, Kirino, who doesn't like the boy I bumped into the other day, Kariya. I've made firm friends with Shindou, I mean he's such a gentleman, it's hard not to like him. And then there's Tsurugi...I'm acquainted with him, but he still scares me a bit. Although, he's kinda attractive. He's so cool and mysterious, but still scary at the same time. Oh, and Tenma is sweet too. And yes he's frickin' adorable, I mean look at that cute face! But enough about my new friendships, let's get to what's happening now.

"Y/n, could you hand out water bottles and towels today? Thank you." Akane handed me the first load of bottles and towels, and I made my way round the boys. Kirino and Kariya seem even more cold towards each other today, but I'm not sure why. Rumor has it that they fell out over a girl, (Three guesses who. Yep, it's the reader! Lol spoiler alert.) which is strange. Oh well, it's not my business. I began handing towels and bottles to people, starting with Shindou. "Hey, you guys were excellent today." "Thanks, I think we improved a lot today." I had a few words with Shindou before going to Kirino. "Hey, you did well today." Kariya smiled at me. "Thank you Y/n-senpai." Yeah, this kid calls me senpai. I find it sweet. "No problem, now here, freshen up." I handed the towel and water bottle to Kariya and made my way around the other players.

Eventually, I arrived at Tsurugi. "Here you go, Tsurugi. I-I think you did very w-well today." I nervously handed him the bottle and towel and turned away, but he spun me back around to face him. "Why are you scared of me? I don't bite you know." To my surprise, he was smiling. "I- I know, I just..." He laughed. "Well, you have no reason to be scared, we are friends after all." I blushed ever so slightly. "Friends? Neat." I smiled at him, and then turned to go to someone else.

Eventually, I was done for the day, and I could finally go home. Well, not quite. I usually go to the park to practice after school. I headed to the park, and I decided to take a shortcut through Field street. I turned the corner, and for the second time that week walked into someone. "Jeez, watch where you're going!" It was a boy, with white and silver hair in a low ponytail, and burgundy eyes. He seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite place my finger on it. And then it hit me-- this guy was Hakuryuu. Famous football player and my old childhood friend. "Hakuryuu?" I asked. He seemed startled for a minute, and he looked me up and down, before recognition flashed in his eyes. "Y/n?" I nodded, unable to speak. He instantly pulled me into a hug, and I gladly returned it. "You have no idea how much I've missed you!" he cried out in joy. Yeah, when I was around 6-7 we had to move away, and I didn't get to say goodbye properly. Poor Hakuryuu was heart broken, and I hadn't seen him for seven years. Until now, that is. "I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye, Hakuryuu. We had to move so suddenly, and I really missed you." I said once he pulled away. "It's fine, I'm just glad I can see you again. Do you go to Raimon now?" I nodded. "That's great, that means I'll be able to see you more." We chatted a little bit more, before Hakuryuu had to go. We did exchange phone numbers, so we could chat more, and then I went straight home. Screw the park, I want food. What shall I make?

Okay I decided on sushi because its like the only thing I can make without poisoning myself, and then I decided to flick on the TV. "And I'm other news, strange doppelgangers have been mysteriously appearing. The way to recognise the imposter is their signature purple eyes. Please be careful, as they are dangerous. Lately they have been targeting schools around Japan, so please be careful. Thank you." Oh sugar. That sounds bad. I hope I don't run into one of those. Ah well, I'm safe, right?

And the second part is done! Oooh, alien doppelgangers that are dangerous. Sounds fun! I hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry about the slow updates, I recently started school again and I've been off school for about half a year, so I've got a lot of catching up to do, so I can't update too often but I'm trying! I promise I will update, just maybe a little slower than expected. Thanks for understanding, love you all! Byee!

-Author-chan 💕

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