First Shot

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Heya guys, 🙋

I am here with my first TS on RagLak.

Like always I planned to write an OS and it got in two shots. So here it is.

Hope you guys will enjoy 😊


Raglak were childhood friends. Laksh met Ragini when he was about 7 years and Ragini was 5. His father transferred to Delhi, so they came to live with their Family in Delhi. His Grandfather and and grandmother lived in Delhi from so long, Infact Laksh was born in Delhi only, but due to his father's job they left the city and now after 7 years later they came back.

Laksh was playing football when the ball hit a small girl.

"Hey, You alright? " She nodded shyly and he smiled." I am Laksh " he forwarded his hand and she took it with a shy smile. "Ragini "

From the day till they turned 18 and 16 they were inseparable. If you want to find Laksh, look for Ragini and you will find Laksh sitting beside her, chatting with her. All were happy about their friendship except Laksh's grandmother. She never liked Ragini from the start. She got really happy when Laksh told everyone that he got the admission in one of the best Institute of Economics.

Laksh was studious from the start and very ambitious about his career but his heart hurt to leave Ragini behind her. "Don't be sad. Go, live your dream. I'll be fine here with everyone. And besides, we will talk everyday on Skype right?"

He nodded and hugged her tightly. He bid bye to her that evening and Ragini burst into sobbing as soon as his car took turn. She was holding her emotions in front of him but all she felt was her heart broken inside.

Laksh was always there whenever she need someone. He was her Knight. And now she left her alone, it's like he took some part of her heart with him.

Laksh informed her as soon as he reached there. They chatted more than an hour telling each other how much they missing the other one and kept consoling that they will be fine. It's just matter of three years.

2 years passed like this, they kept video calling regularly, nonstop chatting and late night long conversation. He came twice in those years and they couldn't remain apart from each other for a second. His grandmother was very unhappy to see them together after this much distance also.

This is the last year of his college and they couldn't contain their happiness to be together again.

One day, Aruna, his grandmother, called her and told her to accompany her to the temple.

She was more than happy to see her being friendly towards her. She walked beside her smiling, jumping in her heart to see his grandmother taking her with her. Because from the day she remembered she never looked at her with love. And now she herself ask her to accompany her.

"What are you planning after your degree, Ragini? " dadi starts the conversation.

" I am thinking to join baba, in his business, Dadi. He is too busy handling the business alone, I want to share his burden and took my responsibilities as a daughter. "

That's what she doesn't like in this girl. She was shy in the starting but she grown-up she became a confident girl. Putting her wishes in front of all. Voicing out her thoughts and and raising her voice at the wrong. She never find this girl suited in her family.

But the closeness between Laksh and her made her worried. She wants this girl out of his grandson's life. "But don't you think, a girl should be stay at home and serve her family."

"No, dadi. Just like every boy has the right to be independent, it same goes for girls. People think that it's only girl's duty to serve her family and boy should work for their food and living. But why don't we think the other way around. Why can't a boy stay at home and a girl earned for their living? Or why can't both work as well as manage home? "

Dadi looked at her with displeasure and she continued.

" A girl has every right to be independent, to work outside her home, to earned for her family just like a boy do. It's not only a boy's duty to take care of his family's need, Infact it's equally a girl's responsibility to took care of their wellbeing and needs "

" You can't expect your husband to stay at home and you work, right? " Dadi asked skeptically.

"I can't expect to be at home while he work as well. My parents did their best to give me this education, It's my pride, I can't put it aside just to be someone's wife."

She thinks about Laksh who always agreed with her on this discussion. He knew how much she wants to join her father's business and he always encouraged her to do that. A beautiful smile spread on her lips to think about that Laksh has no objections about her working in her father's company.

Dadi kept calm after this. She didn't want to tell her directly that she doesn't want her around her child. So she is thinking a way to make her away from him. They prayed in the temple and returned back to home.

Few days passed and there was no call from Laksh's side in last few days. And whenever she called him, he said he is busy and will talk later. She was getting restless day be day not knowing about his wellbeing. This distance made her realise how vital part he is, in her life and how much she loves him. Yes, she falls for him, very hard.

Her days were passing gloomy without him. She missed him a lot. She kept looking at her phone to wait for her message or call but none. In starting of few months he said he was busy but they talked at least twice in a week but after 3 months, he stopped calling her. And whenever she called him, either he doesn't  receive the call or it goes into the voice mail.

She was distraughted when she found out he called his home few days back,but never bothered to returned her call. She was getting more and more weak as she skipped her food, locking herself in her room, engrossing in the books all the times.

Both the families were really worried about her. They don't know what happened between them but they know that Laksh is the reason behind Ragini's this condition.

Ragini was sitting in library when her friend Sanskaar came and sit beside her. "Why your ringtone is on silent mode?" she looked at him and gave a small smile to him.

"It's not like that. I am reading, you see blind man? " she tried to make it a joke but he came to know her in these one and an half years really well.

" Hey didn't call again, right? " he asked and a tear tripped down from her eyes."Hey, don't cry..!! I am sure he is stuck in some work and he will call you as soon as he get time "

He knows about RagLak because the first year she can't stay away from her phone, all time chatting or calling a particular person named Laksh. So all her friends in her college know about their friendship. But Sanskaar knows that it's not only friendship for her.. He is more than a friend to her from long back.

"He called at his home, to tell them that he will not come in this vacation as he has his internship in Mumbai. " she said with a small voice." See, he is busy with his studies that's why he is unable to call you back. Don't worry it's just 6th month more and he will be here with you, before going somewhere else for his job"

Her heart felt a tug, when he mentioned that he will be going again,leaving her behind. "Now let's cheer up, Come I'll give you an Ice-cream treat" he said cheerily and she chuckled at her tone and nodded.

3 more months passed and there's no call from him. Sanskaar was always there to cheer her up as a friend but he hardly make her smile. Everyone was really worried about her. Annpurna, Laksh's mom tried to talk to him but whenever she mentioned her name he made some excuse and cut the call.

One day, Dadi noticed Sanskaar with Ragini. She made someone investigate about him and gave her all his details. He is the son of a well reputed IAS officer, his mother is an IES officer but he has his interest in business. She go through his every detail and find no point to reject a guy. She looked at the file and think evilly.

"Shekhar, You saw after so many days, our Ragu is back" Aruna point at the garden where Sanskaar was running taking something in his hand and Ragini was running behind him. Both were bickering and laughing loudly. She gave Shekhar a fake bright smile and continued "This boy really makes her happy. Why don't you talk to his parents and fix their marriage. I am sure Ragu will be really happy with him"  she said pretending to be concerned about her.

Shekhar looked at his daughter and smile. 'After such a long time, he saw this smile on her face, Maybe, she is saying right..!!! Sanskaar can really make her happy.' "Let me talk about this Ragu first, then I will think about it" he said and left from there. Aruna looked at Ragini with pure displeasure.


Ragini was jumping in happiness to see her phone blinking with Laksh's name. She picked the call and shouted his name with happiness "Laksh...!!! I missed you sooooooo much..!!" she said excitedly but get no response.

"Laksh? Are you there? Laksh? " she looked at her phone in confusion.

" May be it got connect by mistake " she thought sadly.

She was about to cut the call when she heard her voice." Ra..Ragini "

" Laksh "

They were silent for few minutes only listening their heartbeats as if they were savouring the moment between them.

" How are you? " Ragini broke the ice but all she listened was a deep intake of breath.

" I want to talk something to you, Ragini "his voice came more than serious and she frowned at his tone.

" Yaa.. What you want to talk? We can Skype if you are free? "she added the last line immediately. It's been almost 10 month that she saw him.

" No" came his response.

"No? " her voice was too small to be say anything.

" I just called you to tell you that stop bothering me with your constant messages and call. It makes me disturb. I am studying here not wandering around freely to chat with you all day"

Her heart break listening his harsh words for the first time from his mouth. Tears were rolling down from her eyes, without her knowledge.

"Laksh, I - "

" I hope you will do that for me, I'll be going for my Job, direct from here. So I don't want any disturbance from your side. "

" You got the job!! Congr...Congratulations Laksh "she said making her voice cheerily but she chocked on her on words when he referred her as a 'disturbance' in his life.

"Thanks" he replied shortly. "It's good to talk to you last time Ragini. Good bye" and before she could react he cut the call.  She looked at the phone blankly but dialed his number again only to find he blocked her number from his phone, from his life.


So here is the 1st shot.


Will edit tomorrow, point out any mistake, if you find please.

Last shot will be in few minutes.

Keep reading 😊

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