Chapter 1

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"Gemma! Help me!" Maya, Gemma's sister called. Gemma pushed her off of the cliff. "You stole him from me."

Gemma woke up from her slumber. She saw Maya blissfully sleeping next to her. She was healthy and alive. But Gemma wondered, who was him? Who did Maya 'steal' from her?

Maybe this is a mystery that'll remain unsolved..

Gemma walked out of the cave.

She saw a Houndoom with an Espeon and Delcatty.
"What are you doing?" She asked them.

"GET EM, GABE!" The espeon yelled.
The Houndoom ran towards Gemma quickly. He pinned her to the ground. She blushed. He picked her up by the scruff of her neck. Her carried her to the espeon and Delcatty.

He placed her on the ground and held her down by putting his paw on her stomach.
"Tell me, who are you?" The espeon asked.
"I could ask you the same thing." Gemma said.

Maya woke up. She saw the three growling at her sister and saw Gemma was pinned down. She ran towards Gemma and bit Gabe's leg.
He howled in pain.
The espeon bit Maya on the tail.
Maya backed down.
Gemma could've bitten Gabe, but she didn't.
Gabe realized this.
"Wait! She's not hostile!" Gabe yelled.
The espeon and Delcatty backed down.
"Are you ok?" Gabe asked Gemma.
"Y-Yes.." Gemma said quietly.
Gabe smiles.
Maya saw this and immediately got
And you know what jealousy can make Pokémon do.
They can hurt people they care about to achieve a certain love status of someone they're competing against.
It's not good. You know this
Gabe helps Gemma get up. He spots Maya and waves*. Maya blushed.
Gemma saw Maya do this and scowled at her.
Maya scowled back.
This civil war starts here
Gemma asked Gabe, "Want to join me for dinner Saturday? 7: 30 PM?"
"Oh.. um sure. Can Sakura and Lola come, too?" He asked.
"Sure!" Gemma said happily but she wasn't very happy they were coming.
Gemma waved goodbye to Gabe and went on her merry way to set things up for their dinner date.
Maya approached Gabe a few hours later.
"Do you want to want to watch s movie with me Saturday from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM?"
"I'm sorry, I'm already going to dinner with someone else.." Gabe said apologetically.
Maya thought. "But it's really important to me!"
"Why? We just met today!" Gabe said.
Maya looked down in retreat.
"I'm sorry, but I can't!" Gabe said apologetically.
Maya looked up, tears stinging her eyes.

She kissed Gabe.

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