[Accused of cheating]

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Shu 's dad - you girl! You are cheater! How dare you to cheat on my son! Look shu I told you to not marry this low class girl.

Shu - B-But dad I think she is not cheater.

Shu's Dad - I have proofs.. There are some pictures of her kissing another boy.

Shu's eyes widedned after seeing those pictures.

Shu - Y/n..These pictures are fake right? You love me. Say y/n this is not true!

Y/n - No these pictures are real! I am cheating on you! I don't love you ! I never!

Shu - W-Why Y/n..? Why you do this to me?

Shu's Dad - Now get lost! You enought hurt him !

After Y/n left , Shu broke into tears. He feels like his whole world scattered.

After 4 years ,

Shu 's pov

I feel very tired of working. So I come in a park for a walk. I feel relaxed now. Since Y/n left me I was overworking myself. My dad fixed my marriage with a girl. He said you have to move on. But How I? I love Y/n only her. Why Y/n ? Why you left me? If you not cheated on me, then we live together happily and maybe with our baby. I-

End of shu's pov

Shu's thought incrupts when he saw a boy crying. He went near the boy.

Shu - Hey little ! Why are you crying ? Are you lost ?

Boy - Y-Yes...I wa-want mommy...

Shu - Don't worry little ! I will find your mommy ! Now stop crying.

Shu take out a hankercheif and wipe his tears. The boy smiled at him.

Boy - Thank you...

Shu - Welcome.. mm Whats your name?

Daisuke - Daisuke !

Shu - Okay ! Lets go to police station.

After reaching police station, officer said shu to go but he refuse and decide to stay with him while her mother comes.

Shu - So.... Tell something about your mom and dad?

Daisuke - My mommy works at a cafe. She always overtime herself to fulfill our needs.

Shu - And what about your daddy ?

Daisuke - I don't know... I always asked mommy that where is my dad? But she never tell me......

Shu thought - I am feeling bad for daisuke and her mom. I wish to become his daddy......What? What I am thinking?

Daisuke - Mommy !

Shu turned his head and froze at his place. The woman is y/n.

Y/n eyes widened after seeing shu.

Daisuke - Mommy..Do you know this man helps me to find you. He is so good.

Y/n - T-Thanks for helping my son.

Shu - Your son?! What means this.. You have a s-son. Who is his father?

Y/n immediatly take her son and run away but shu followed her After reaching there house , y/n broke into tears.
Daisuke sitting there confused.
They heard the door bell.
Y/n stands up and open the door and shocked after seeing shu standing there.

Daisuke - Woah ! You came here for us. Come inside please..

Shu come inside the house.

Y/n - Why you come here?

Shu - I-

Daisuke - Thank you so much for coming ! Can I ask you something ? Please.....

Shu bend down to his level and said

Shu - Sure ! What is it ?

Daisuke - Are you married ?

Shu - N-No Not a-anymore.....

Daisuke - Wow ! Then can you marry my mommy? I want you to be my dad and mommy's husband ?

Shu and Y/n shocked and looked at each other. Then Y/n said

Y/n - D-Daisuke..What are you s-saying? Its not possible.....

Shu - Why? Why not possible ? Don't you want to be my wife?

Y/n looked at him in disbelief.

Shu - Daisuke, can you go inside I want to talk to your mommy ?

Daisuke - Okay !

After Daisuke left from there.

Y/n - What are you saying to him? Why don't you say no when he ask to marry me?

Shu - Because I want to marry you..I want to live with you and Daisuke..I still love you....

Y/n - B-But I don't love you.

Shu - You will and always will.

Y/n - Have you forgot that I cheated on you?

Shu - No! You didn't ! You pretend to right?

Y/n - W-Who said that? I-I did it.

Shu come closer to her and hold her hand in his and said.

Shu - Okay...Then Look me in my eyes and said you don't care for me, you don't miss me, you don't cry for me and you don't love me.....say..

Y/n - I-I d-d-don't...

Shu - You know how much I miss you.. My dad even fixed my marriage to a girl but I reject her. You know why? Because I only love you forever..and I know you loved me thats why you here with our son. All alone...

Y/n suddenly hug shu and cried hardly on his shoulders. While shu hugged back and confronting her.

Shu - I know you love me...

Y/n - Yes I will and always will....

They lift up still in their arms looked at each other. Slowly, shu leaned in while Y/n closed her eyes. Shu gently kiss her on the lips. After broking the kiss..

Shu - Why you lied to me ?

Y/n - Your father blackmailed me. He never likes me from the beggining because I am from a poor family. After knowing, I am pregnant with your baby. He kidnapped my brother and blackmailed me to either leave you otherwise he will kill my brother. I- I am so sorry...

Shu - You don't have to sorry y/n. Its his fault and he have to pay for this.

Y/n - I love you.... Will you marry me again ? Did you accept me as a wife and be Daisuke's father ?

Shu - What a silly question Y/n! I am already Daisuke's father and about you I love you more than anything. I don't ever let you go even if you want to...

They hugged each other.

Shu - Lets go to our house to start a new future.

Y/n - As your wish my prince charming...

The End!!

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