Cold/Busy Shu x soft/sick reader

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Requested by MiaKurenai2

Sorry for the delay.... And too
Sorry if you don't like it....Actually my mind is not clear


Shu was doing his works after coming home late night. Y/N come towards him.

Y/n : Shu..I want to tell you something...

Shu : Not Now Y/n.

Y/n : But-

Shu : Can't you see I am busy? Now go away! *frustrated tone*

Y/n : Okay...*sad tone*

She left from there.

Y/n and Shu are couple for years but.....

From few months.... Shu is too busy in his works that even don't have any time for his girlfriend. But she understands him and his work. He didn't even realize he started behaving cold toward her. He is coming home late and didn't even glance at her.


From few week Y/n didn't feeling well. First she thought to tell him but seeing him too busy in his works make her don't want to disturb him.

Currently, Y/n is making dinner for tonight but she started feeling dizzy and starts feeling weak. She took her phone and called Shu.

Shu was busy in his meetings but he got a call from her. He frustratedly answer the call.

Shu : What happened? Why did you call me?

Y/n : S-Shu..I was not feeling well....


With that he hang up.

At night ~

He was coming home after finishing his all works.

Shu mind : I went too harsh on her. I have to apologize.

He opened the door and confused seeing all the lights off. He called her but no response. He started getting worried. He turned on all the lights and go inside kitchen and shocked to see Y/n lying there unconscious.

Shu : Y-Y/n?

He quickly picked her and called the doctor.

Shu : W-What happened to her?? Is she okay? I dare if something happened to her then I will kill you!

Doctor : She is fine... She has a very high fever...If you not come on time then may be something serious could happen...but she is safe now and gain conscious.

He started feeling guilty for not taking care of her.

He sat beside her while holding her hands.

Shu : I am so sorry... This all happen because of me.

Y/n : Don't blame yourself Shu....It's not your fault-

Shu : No! It is! If I listen to you then this should not happen. I am sorry love..From now I only care about you! No works before you!

Y/n : but-

Shu : No Buts! This is final my love!

Y/N : okay....

The end!!

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