Depressed Shu kurenai x reader

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Requested by Champion_Aiger10
Thanks for requesting ❤ Hope you like it...

I tried to make it different from others.

WARNING ⚠: Contains suicidal content

Well I tried to write in a simple way. So I think it's not emotional. But still...

Let's go.....

Currently, Shu sitting remembering his past after his defeat against Phi.

Valt : Are you okay shu? *in a concert voice*

Shu : Valt... It's my fault...

Valt : Hey it's okay.. Don't stress about it...

Shu : I don't stress about my match with Phi.

Valt : Then?

Shu : A-Actually...I am thinking about Y-Y/n....I lose her because of my deeds. *cracked voice*

Aiger : What is he talking about Valt and who is Y/n? *confused*

Valt : Actually.... Y/n is Shu's ex-girlfriend-

Aiger : WHAT?! Then why they broke up?

Valt : When Shu become red eye he push Y/n away from him and also broke her beyblade. When he come back to his real self he apologized to her but....*sights* she don't forgive him and left him...forever.....

Fubuki : Sad to know... *sad voice*

Shu : I am going guys...I want to rest.

He went towards his room and go inside bathroom and splashed water on his face.

Shu : Y-Y/n...I am s-sorry....

Guilt and pain is again taking all over him. He grab a sharp blade from the shelf and start cutting his wrist and arms several times until he started feeling dizzy and soon he fainted on the ground while blood is all over the floor.

After some hours ~

He slowly opened his eyes and found himself on a hospital bed and a wire connecting with bag of blood.

Shu : I am still alive? Why? I just want to end this all...


He flinch at a sudden familiar voice and turned see Y/n standing with teary eyes.

Shu : Y-Y/n? I am dreaming??

Y/n : No! You are not Mr. Kurenai! And how dare to think of hurting yourself??!! ARE YOU THAT WEAK!!

Shu : I can't bear this pain and guilt-

Y/n : What?! You just thinking about your guilt and pain?! What about me? Don't you think how much I hurt when I heard that YOU TRY TO SUICIDE?!! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU!!

Shu : Y-You still love me?

Y/n : Of course I do idiot!!!

Shu : P-Please forgive me Y/N for what I did to you back then-

She cutted him off by smashing her lips on his. He shocked at the sudden action but felt relaxed and peace.

Y/n : I forgive don't ever think of taking your life or I will leave again-

Shu : I never until you are with me! *hugged her*

Y/n : *hugged him back* Then I will stay forever.

The End!!

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