I Love You Stranger - YJ [completed]

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Okay, my new fanfic starring DBSK and with the supporting cast of SuJu! I'll try to keep this one pretty short. So it might not be so detailed as my first fanfic. I'm in need of a poster again!^^ Please leave me comments.

Title: I Love You Stranger

Genre: romance, drama, and action

Rated: R [i'll try to keep it to a minimum^^]

Starring: Yunho + JaeJoong [YunJae], YooChun + JunSu [YooSu], Changmin, and SuJu! [i think all my stories will basically be these 18 hot guys^^]


JaeJoong lives in America and on a friday night after going out with co-workers he helps a stranger in need. Not knowing anything about the stranger, except for his name was Yunho and that he was Korean. Yunho came into JaeJoong's life for a weekend and just disappears. They meet again at a club when JaeJoong goes back to Korea for his sister's wedding. JaeJoong is thrown into a war between the good and the bad. And Yunho is at the center of the war, but he doesn't really know if Yunho is on the good side or on the bad side.

Will this be another happy ending like 'An Act Of Kindness'? Or have I gone totally crazy and made my Yunho into a badboy and leave my JaeJoongie with a broken heart? Find out in this short story! ^^

Chapter 1

saengil chukha hamnida

"I'll see you guys on Monday!" JaeJoong shouted to his co-workers at the bar.

"Are you sure you can drive home?" the lady in a black dress called to JaeJoong.

"I'll be fine! You guys know I don't drink much," he shouted back. "Just make sure you guys call for a taxi, alright?" he reminded them.

"No worries Jae, I've got yellow cab on speed dial," the bartender called back.

"Thanks Mack, I'll see you next Friday!" JaeJoong waved to the bartender and his friends and headed for the exit.

"See ya!" the bartender called back.

JaeJoong and his co-workers would come out to the local bar after a late shift every Friday. It was a routine thing. And JaeJoong being the light weight, couldn't drink more than 2 beers. He mainly went to the bar to socialize with his co-workers.

He got into his car and got on the highway. It was 9:30pm and for some, the night was just starting. But for JaeJoong he had a routine of calling his sisters in Korea at noon their time. He was living in Iowa of all places. Most of his friends didn't believe him when he said he was moving to Iowa from New York a few years ago.

"Yah, it really is all cornfields here," he said when he first got there.

But after 2 years, he's gotten used to the harsh winter, and the tornado and flood warnings come every spring. Graduating from NYU but taking a job offer for a sales director position for a small financial business didn't go so well with his relatives in Korea. His uncle and aunt wanting him to get into the big bucks right after graduating. They were the main reasons why he chose to take the job offer in Iowa. He felt it was the only place he could go to where his relatives wouldn't visit him. He feels bad that he's ignoring his aunt and uncle, but he knew better than to have them meddle in his business. While he was in school his aunt had tried to set him up with another Korean woman who was in med school. And that bothered JaeJoong very much, because all his life he knew that he didn't like girls. He just didn't have the heart to tell anyone about it.

Exiting on the highway he took a left at the intersection. There were barely any street lights and most of the stop signs were crooked or lying on the ground. No one needed it anyways, there were no cars after dark. Right when he took a left turn, out of nowhere something ran in front of his car.

"What the heck!" JaeJoong shouted and stepped on his brakes.

He wasn't sure if he hit the thing or not. But he saw it fall in front of his car. He put his car on park and unfastened his seat belt. He pulled himself up and looked over his hood to see what just ran in front of his car. He didn't see anything. He slowly opened his car door and slowly walked up to the front of the car. A body laid a few feet away from his car!

"Are you alright?" JaeJoong called and kneeled down to see the person.

"Help me," the person mumbled. There were blood all over this face and on his jacket.

"Are you alright? I'm going to call the cops!" JaeJoong was in shock and tried to go back to his car for his cellphone.

"No, we don't have much time. We have to leave now!" the man told him.

"What? Is there something chasing you?" JaeJoong looked around to make sure.

"We have to go now!" the man ordered.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to call the cops!" JaeJoong tried to go back to his car again but the person grabbed his wrist.

"You have to listen to me, if we don't leave right now we'll both be in danger!" he explained.

JaeJoong looked at the person's face and saw that he was serious. Without thinking much, he pulled the stranger's right arm around his neck and dragged to the passenger's side. Opening the door he set the stranger down in the seat. Then he ran back to the driver's side and got in. He took off.

"I'll take you to the police station," JaeJoong spoke.

"No," the stranger put pressure on his forehead to stop the bleeding. "I can't go to the police station," he said.

"What? Why not?" JaeJoong was getting nervous now. He had picked up a stranger who had blood all over his body, and now he's saying he can't go to the police.

"I'm not an American citizen, I'm a tourist. And I don't have any information on me," he explained.

"You shouldn't be worried about that right now. You're bleeding for god's sake!" JaeJoong said. "I'll take you to the hospital then," he offered.

"No, I have nothing on me. Plus they can't know I'm here," he said.

"Who can't know you're here? And how would they know you're here?" JaeJoong was so confused.

"I can't tell you right now. Take this," he handed JaeJoong a little piece of paper with his bloody fingers. "Don't take me to a police station, a hospital, or a hotel, take me some place private and call this number. Tell them 'saengil chukha hamnida' and tell them the address of the place. Memorize it, 'saengil chukha hamnida', you have to say it correctly," he mumbled and tilted his head in silence.

JaeJoong hearing the phrase 'saengil chukha hamnida' jumped a little. "He's Korean?" he thought. It was hard to tell with all those blood on his face, plus he had flawless English.

"Hey! Are you alright?" JaeJoong stepped on the brakes again after seeing the person's eye shut and his head tilt to the side. "Hey! You! Wake up!" It was no use, the person didn't respond.

"Is he dead?" JaeJoong wondered. He brought his hand up to the stranger's nose, relieved when he felt air on his fingers.

"Should I just take him to the police?" JaeJoong wondered. "Who cares if he doesn't have any identification on him," he thought. Then he looked at the little piece of paper in his hand. It was an international number, a phone number for Korea. "He is Korean, I should do as he says," JaeJoong thought. "But what if he's a bad person?" he looked at the unconscience face over next to him. "But as a Korean, I should help him," JaeJoong decided.

"You're so heavy!" JaeJoong commented as he carried the stranger on his back. It was a good thing that his garage was attached to the house. He made his way thru the door to the kitchen. He carried the stranger to the dark brown leather sofa. Forgetting about the blood on the stranger's body, he laid him down.

"You're heavier than you look," JaeJoong commented as he stood up. He finally saw the blood and got a little light headed. He ran to the bathroom and washed up his face. "I should clean him up," JaeJoong told himself. He ran into the kitchen and grabbed the biggest bowl he could find and filled it with warm water. Grabbing the unused hand towel from the closet he quickly went back to the stranger.

After cleaning him up, JaeJoong finally saw the stranger's face. "He sure is Korean," JaeJoong thought. "And he sure is good looking," JaeJoong told himself. "Aish! What the heck?" he shook the thought out of his head. He pulled himself up and looked around to see where the blood was coming from. A slit on his right side of the head was the cause he figured. He grabbed the first aid kit he had bought a year ago, but never had used it so there were plenty of supplies. After carefully bandaging up the slit he proceeded to taking off the stranger's bloody clothes. He figured that he would just cut the shirt off, since the blood stain had dried on some parts of it. Then he unzipped the stranger's jeans and pulled it off. "At least he's got a boxer on," he thought. JaeJoong found more bruises on the stranger. The elbow, knee, and a strange horizontal cut on his left waist. JaeJoong looked back up at the stranger and wondered what kind of situation he had been in.

After bandaging him up, JaeJoong came back to the living room with a shirt, pillow and a blanket. "You'll have to wear my shirt for now," JaeJoong kneeled down to put the shirt on the stranger. JaeJoong carefully put the shirt on him and buttoned it up. He placed the pillow under the stranger's neck and pulled the blanket over him. Right as he was going to leave get cleaned up himself, he felt a piece of paper in his pocket. "The note," he thought. He brought it out and stared at the number. "Do I call it?" he wondered. He turned to look at the stranger who was still knocked out. "What the heck! I've already come this far!" JaeJoong went to the kitchen and grabbed his house phone. JaeJoong thought back to what the stranger's instructions were. Then he dialed the number.

"Yeoboseyo," a little kid's voice came across.

"Saengil chukha hamnida," he said with a stutter. JaeJoong waited, thinking someone would say something after that.

It was complete silence.

"Umm, 1133 5th avenue southeast, Northwood, Iowa," he spoke.

They hung up.

"What the heck?" JaeJoong thought.

Chapter 2

a good-bye note

"Ahhh!" the stranger yelled out as he woke up.

"What's going on!" JaeJoong jumped up.

JaeJoong had slept on the recliner across from the sofa where the stranger laid.

"Ahhhh!" he yelled again.

JaeJoong ran over to the sofa and grabbed the hands that were about to rip the bandage off.

"Don't do that," JaeJoong told the stranger.

"Who are you?" the stranger turned to look at JaeJoong. "Where am I?"

"You jumped in front of my car last night," JaeJoong explained. "I was going to take you to the police station or hospital but you refused, so I brought you to my house," JaeJoong finally letting go of the stranger's hands.

The stranger looked at JaeJoong's face for a few seconds in silence. "Oh, I remember now," he said.

"How the heck did you remember? You were barely conscience," JaeJoong pointed out.

"I have good memory," he replied. He pulled himself up to rest his back on the armrest of the sofa. "Thank you," he said.

"You're very welcome," JaeJoong replied. "But can you tell me why you couldn't go to the hospital? Even without your," JaeJoong was cut off.

"Did you call the number I gave you?" he seemed anxious.

"Yes, I did," JaeJoong nodded quickly.

"What did they say back to you?" he asked.

"Nothing, they just hung up," JaeJoong answered.

"Who picked up the phone?" he asked.

"I don't know," JaeJoong pulled himself down to sit on the carpet. "But it was a little kid that answered," JaeJoong remembered that much.

"Did you give them your address?" he asked.

"Yeah, after that kid picked up he didn't say anything else when I said 'saengil chukha hamnida' so I just said my address like what you told me to do," JaeJoong explained still confused as to what was going on.

"That's good," he said relieved.

"How is that good? No one said anything else back to me, they just hung up," JaeJoong scratched his head.

"I meant, it's good that you followed all my directions," he said. "Thank you," he bowed.

"What is your name? And what is going on?" JaeJoong asked.

"My name is Jung Yunho, I'm a tourist," he said.

"A tourist? We don't get tourists around here, especially not Korean tourists," JaeJoong explained.

"I didn't plan to come all the way here," he clarified. "I was in Chicago and came over to Minnesota with a few friends to see a football game, but I got lost and ended up on a bus to the border of Iowa," he explained.

"And how do you explain all those scratches and bruises?" JaeJoong pointed to the stranger's head, knees, and arms.

"When I got off the bus at the border some thugs followed me around and stole my things, I was beaten up so I ran as fast as I could to hide. After that they still chased me so I ran without looking and got lost in the woods. When I got out to the street I saw your car and ran towards it, but I collapsed," he explained.

JaeJoong sat listening in amazement. "Something's fishy about this story," he thought.

"I think you know better than anyone else what happened after that," he said.

"So, do you have to call for help again? Or will someone come get you?" JaeJoong asked.

"Someone should be coming to get me soon," he said.

"How do you know?" JaeJoong asked.

"You gave them your address, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, but to a little kid. Who didn't say anything back and just hung up," JaeJoong explained.

"That little kid is smarter than you think," he assured JaeJoong.

JaeJoong felt his head getting dizzier with each question. He finally just gave up.

"Okay, I'll take your word for it," JaeJoong said as he stood up. "I'm Kim JaeJoong by the way," JaeJoong smiled.

"You're Korean?" Yunho asked.

JaeJoong nodded his head.

"Nice to meet you," Yunho nodded.

"I'm going to go cook something to eat," JaeJoong said. "Is scrambled eggs and toast alright for you?" he asked.

"That'll be great, thank you," Yunho said.


"Here," JaeJoong handed Yunho back the jeans that he washed.

"Thanks," Yunho said.

"It's past noon, how long will it take your friends to get here?" JaeJoong asked.

"I'm not sure," Yunho said as he looked out the front window. "Do you have to go anywhere? I can go wait outside if you need to leave," he told the homeowner.

"No, I don't. I was just wondering," JaeJoong explained.

Yunho slipped on his jeans. It was still warm from the dryer.

"Well, I guess my stomach is call for more food," JaeJoong said rubbing his tummy. "Anything you want to eat?" he asked. "I have chicken, pork, beef," JaeJoong couldn't even finish explaining.

"Anything is fine," he said.

"Alright," JaeJoong said as he took off into the kitchen.

"There's something really weird about that guy," JaeJoong told himself. He looked around and saw his metal baseball bat in the corner. "Just to be safe," he told himself.

The whole afternoon passed and the stranger just sat at in the recliner looking out the window.


"Hey, it's time for dinner," JaeJoong called.

The stranger looked over to the dining table then out the window again. He finally got up and walked over to the dining table.

"Maybe you want to give your friend a call again?" JaeJoong offered as they sat down.

"They should be on their way," he answered.

JaeJoong just shrugged it off, since this was about the 10th time he's offered him to call his friend.

"I'm sorry for intruding like this," Yunho spoke as he picked up the fork. "I can't say anything else but, thank you," he bowed.

"It's alright," JaeJoong explained. "We're Korean, I'm glad I can help you out," JaeJoong said.

The two ate their meals in silence.


"You can sleep in the room down there," JaeJoong pointed to the room down the hall.

Yunho looked down to the room. "Is it alright if I just sleep in the recliner?" he asked. "So I can see when my friends get here," he clarified.

"Sure," JaeJoong said.

"Thanks," Yunho bowed again.

"It's alright," JaeJoong didn't really know how else to answer. He couldn't just kick this injured man out on the streets. Especially being another Korean. "Just call for me if you need anything," JaeJoong smiled and went into his bedroom.

"I know you don't believe everything I say, but at least you haven't called the cops on me," Yunho said to himself. "Hopefully back up comes before I'm kicked out," he went to sit on the recliner to look out the window again.


"Hmmmmmmmm," JaeJoong yawned as he pulled himself up from bed. "It feels good knowing I don't work today," he said to himself. "Hmmm, what am I going to do today?" he wondered. "The weeds are growing tall in the flower garden, I'll go take care of that after breakfast," he told himself. Quickly he jumped out of bed and out the bedroom door.

"Ah!" JaeJoong shrieked as he saw a body on his recliner.

Yunho jumped up to look at JaeJoong. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Oh, I totally forgot about you," JaeJoong took his right hand up to his left chest to calm his fast beating heart down. "Oh my," he breathed.

"I'm sorry," Yunho turned his head away.

"No, it's my fault. I totally forgot about you. I'm sorry for waking you up," JaeJoong said.

Yunho had turned his head away from JaeJoong but it wasn't because he needed to look out the window.

"Excuse me," Yunho quickly walked passed JaeJoong.

"Yeah," JaeJoong moved back a little for Yunho to get thru. "What is wrong with him?" he thought. JaeJoong walked into his kitchen and to his refridgerator for a glass of orange juice. Right when he opened the refridgerator he felt the cold air attack his body. "What the heck?" he thought and looked down to see that he had absolutely nothing on. "Ahhhhhh!" he screamed as he ran to his bedroom.


"Sorry, about the," JaeJoong took a big gulp of orange juice. "About the incident," he finished.

"It's alright," Yunho nodded as he took a bite out of his toast.

Cough. "So, where in Korea are you from?" JaeJoong finally asked.

"I'm from Seoul," Yunho answered.

"Oh, I have family there," JaeJoong said.

"You're from Seoul, also?" Yunho asked.

"I was born in New York, but my family moved back to Seoul when I was only 8 years old," JaeJoong explained. "My parents passed away when I turned 10 so I was sent to live with my grandma in New York and I've been in America after that," JaeJoong took another sip of his orange juice.

"So, you've never been back to Korea after that?" Yunho asked.

"I had bad memories there, so I don't really have the desire to go back, I guess," JaeJoong explained.

"That's a shame, Korea is such a beautiful place," Yunho told him.

"I do get pictures from my sisters, who want me to go back, but I don't know," JaeJoong said.

"Do you speak Korean?" Yunho asked.

"Surprisingly, I do. I was told I don't have any accent," JaeJoong explained.

"That's good," Yunho said.


The day went by fast. Yunho still sat and waited for his ride. JaeJoong did a few chores around the house and only talking to the man in the recliner when it was time for food.

"Are you sure you don't want to call your friends again?" JaeJoong had to ask again.

"They should be on their way," Yunho said again.

"Alright, here's your pillow and blanket," JaeJoong put them on the sofa.

"Thank you," Yunho bowed.

"You're welcome," JaeJoong answered. He walked into his bedroom.


"It's Monday! Time for work again!" JaeJoong told himself. "Is that stranger still here?" he had remembered about the stranger this morning. JaeJoong quickly ran to the door. But stop and looked down at his body to make sure he had clothes on. He opened the door and walked out. Looking to the recliner his eyes became bigger.

There was no one on the recliner. JaeJoong went closer to the recliner. The blanket was folded up neatly, the pillow on top of the blanket, and a little note was on the pillow. JaeJoong flipped the paper open and read.

Thank you for everything. You are a beautiful person for helping out a stranger.

Your kindness is unmatched by anyone I've met in my life. If fate brings us to

meet again, I hope I'm in the position to repay you. Thank you.

-Your Stranger

Chapter 3

stranger at the club

"JaeJoong-ah!" a lady from behind the gate called.

"Hi!" JaeJoong shouted to the lady.

JaeJoong ran up to the gate and gave his sister a hug.

"Yah, you have to greet me in Korean, you're in Korea now," the sister requested.

"Annyeong haseyo," JaeJoong said with a bow.

"That's more like it!" the sister hugged her younger brother.

"I missed you so much!" JaeJoong held his sister's hands.

"I've missed you too. Everyone here has missed you so much," the sister explained. "I was worried you wouldn't come back to Korea again," she tilted her head admiring her younger brother.

"If it's not for your wedding, I don't think I'll come back either," JaeJoong explained.

"I'm glad you came back for me," she said.


"Welcome home!" two more ladies greeted JaeJoong as he walked into the house.

"Thank you," JaeJoong hugged his two other sisters.

"It's been over 3 years!" the one in the white to said.

"I told you guys to come visit me in Iowa," JaeJoong said.

"Yah, there's nothing in Iowa," the one in the pink top answered.

"I told you guys, there are cornfields," JaeJoong laughed.

"Is aunty back yet?" the oldest sister who picked JaeJoong up from the airport asked.

"Not yet," the youngest one in pink answered.

"Where did she go? Did she get a job?" JaeJoong asked.

"Are you kidding me? Aunty getting a job?" the one in the white top laughed. "More like she's out gossiping at the cafe down the street," she clarified.

"Here," the youngest gave JaeJoong a glass of water.

"Thanks," JaeJoong sat down on the sofa. "I brought you guys gifts!" JaeJoong said as his sisters opened up his suitcase.


"So when are you going to move to a bigger company?" the elderly lady asked from across the table.

"Aunty, my job is very nice. I'm happy there," JaeJoong explained.

"Happy, but the pay probably is less than the income I get from renting out these apartments, right?" his aunt hissed at him.

"I don't make fortunes, but I make enough to take care of myself," he explained.

"You only think about now when you should be planning for the future," the aunt argued.

"Okay, who wants dessert?" the oldest sister cut in.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I'm full," the aunt got up and walked off mumbling something.

"Aish, aunty don't be like that," the middle sister called to her aunt.

"JaeJoong-ah, don't take her seriously alright?" the oldest sister spoke.

"I know," JaeJoong smiled.

"Hmmm, how about we go out for a fun time?" the youngest sister asked.

"Go out?" the oldest sister asked.

"Yeah, that new club that just opened up by the university is very nice I hear," the youngest sister suggested.

"Hmmm, what do you think?" the middle sister asked JaeJoong.

JaeJoong smiled, "Alright!"


"Wow, this is huge!" JaeJoong told his sisters.

"What?" the oldest sister asked.

"It's huge!" JaeJoong screamed over the loud music.

"Yeah, it is!" she screamed back.

"Come on!" the youngest sister called to the rest.

Everyone followed her to the dance floor. It big dance floor was packed. Different colored lights flashing everywhere. Loud hip hop music boomed from all angles of the club. JaeJoong's sisters let loose. Dancing and laughing with each other. JaeJoong was too busy looking around still amazed at how many people were there. There was a small bar at the right corner, a couple of signs to the bathroom, and a huge stage in front of them. By the stage he noticed a couple of guys in black. They were huddled into a circle as if discussing something important. Right as JaeJoong was going to pull his face away the guy that stood with his back to JaeJoong turned around quickly.

"That guy!" JaeJoong's eyes couldn't believe it. "It's that guy!" he said to himself.

Yunho looked around the room to see if the target had arrived yet. But instead he saw a guy at the edge of the dance floor staring back at him. "Is that really him?"

The two stared each other in the eyes for a few seconds.

"Yunho, lets go," someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Yunho turned around. "You guys go ahead, I'll be right in," he said.

Yunho quickly made his way towards JaeJoong.

"Is he coming to me?" JaeJoong thought.

Sure enough Yunho came straight up and stopped next to him. Without looking at him he said, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here with my sisters," JaeJoong turned around and answered back.

"Don't look at me," Yunho bumped him on the arms and JaeJoong turned his back to Yunho. "Get out of here now," he told JaeJoong then walked off.

"What?" JaeJoong didn't really understand what he said.

"Do you know that guy?" the oldest sister noticed.

"No, not really," JaeJoong lied.

"Oh, I thought I saw you say something to him," she said.

"Nope, he's just a stranger," JaeJoong told her.


"So, the money will be in my account after you recieve the products?" the man in the green suit asked.

"There won't be any problems if you don't create any problems," Siwon smirked.

"I want to get rid of the products and money is the only exchange I want for it, why would I create any problems?" the man replied.

"Then lets see the product," Yunho cut in.

"Show them," the man in the green suit told the man standing behind him.

A black briefcase was placed on the glass table and opened up. Then it was turned over and exposed to Siwon and Yunho. Siwon picked up a bag of the little yellow pills.

"There's 500 in each bag," the man in the green suit explained.

"You wouldn't mind if I test one, would you?" Siwon looked over to the man.

"Of course not," he answered.

Siwon took out a pocket knife and cut the bag open. He took a pill out and placed it on a white sheet of paper. Then he crushed the pill. He took his left pinky and dabbed some of the crushed pill and licked it. Then spit it out.

"Yah, don't waste them," the green suited man yelled.

"I only sell them, I don't do them," Siwon explained.

"Smart guy," the man replied. "Now, when will my money be in my account?" he asked.

"I'll take care of it right now," Yunho took his phone out of suit pocket. He hit a few buttons. "Start the transfer," he said and hung up. "You'll get your money in 2 minutes," Yunho explained.

The man sat back and got his cellphone out. Ready to check his account any minute.

"Boss! The cops are here!" a man rushed into the room.

"You think you can mess with me?" the man in the green suit stood up and pointed at Yunho and Siwon.

"You're under arrest for dealing illegal drugs," the men that stood behind Yunho and Siwon shouted as they pulled out their guns.

"Put down your gun!" more men rushed into the room as they ordered the man behind the green suited man to drop his gun.

"You bastards!" the man in the green suit shouted.

"Yeah, tell that to the judge," Kibum grabbed the man and pushed him down to the floor.

"You're the bastards!" ShinDong grabbed the other man.

Then all of a sudden, gunshots could be heard as everyone threw themself to the floor.

"What was that?" Yunho asked. He quickly looked around to see if anyone was shot. "The sound came from outside!" he thought. He ran out to the dance floor. The music was still playing but everyone was on the floor. And people were screaming. Yunho did a quick survey. Then he saw a guy walking from the bar with a gun. Then he saw a figure start to get up. It was him! "Get down!" he wanted to shout but before he could shout it, his feet was already running towards the figure.

JaeJoong had been dancing with his sisters a few feet away. He had been keeping a close eye on the hallway that the stranger disappeared in. And he saw more man in black walk that way after a few minutes. Then all of a sudden, 2 loud thunder like shots were fired. Everyone including JaeJoong fell to the dance floor. Then he as he lifted up his head he saw that stranger run out of the hallway again. "Get down!" he wanted to shout. "You'll get shot!" he wanted to shout but it didn't come out of his mouth. Instead JaeJoong's leg pushed himself up.

Yunho saw the man behind JaeJoong raise his gun. "Get down!" Yunho screamed as he grabbed JaeJoong and swung him down to the floor missing the bullet by an inch. Then he quickly grabbed JaeJoong by the arm and ran towards the back of the club. A private exit where he had planned to run to if anything was to go wrong with the plan. Yunho and JaeJoong ran hand in hand. Not turning back once.

Chapter 4

he carries two guns

"What the hell was that?" JaeJoong finally flung Yunho's hand off his. His hands on his knees.

"Didn't you hear me? I told you earlier to get out of there," Yunho was also breathing hard. His hands on his head and neck.

"No! You just bumped into me and mumbled something and left," JaeJoong explained.

"Aish!" Yunho went to stand in front of JaeJoong. "Next time, listen carefully," he ordered.

"I don't think there will be a next time," JaeJoong explained.

"What are you doing in Korea anyways? And how'd you end up at that club?" Yunho asked.

"I came back for my oldest sister's wedding. And my sisters were the ones that took me there," JaeJoong took in more air. "Shoot! My sisters!" JaeJoong finally realizing his sisters were still back at the club. He turned back and started to run towards the club.

"Yah!" Yunho caught him before he could take more than 3 steps. "The cops are probably there by now," Yunho told him.

"So? I still need to go find my sisters," he yelled trying to break free.

"They'll be taken cared of," Yunho assured him.

"What is your problem? Let me go!" JaeJoong called.

"The cops would probably question them a bit and let them go," Yunho explained.

"I still need to go find them," JaeJoong finally stopped struggling.

"You know I don't like cops," Yunho pointed out.

"I don't care if you like them or hate them, I just need to go find my sisters," JaeJoong answered.

"By the time you get back there, your sisters would already be gone," Yunho explained. "We've been running for a good 30 minutes," he pointed to his watch.

JaeJoong gave a helpless expression, "Ahhh! I knew I shouldn't have come back!"

"Here, try giving them a call," Yunho handed him his cellphone.

JaeJoong looked up at him. "I don't remember my sister's numbers," He frowned.

"How about the house phone?" Yunho asked.

JaeJoong thought about his aunty who was probably in bed, if she had to get up to answer his phone call at this time of night, he'd be dead when he got home.

"Don't tell me you don't remember that one also," Yunho asked.

JaeJoong's gave him another frown. "If you can take me to a computer with internet, I can check my emails, it should be in there," JaeJoong finally remembering something.

"A computer?" Yunho asked.


"Here you go," Yunho logged on to his computer.

"Why didn't you just take me to an internet cafe? I saw a few on the way here," JaeJoong wondered.

"It's safer here," Yunho took off his black suit jacket.

"You carry guns?" JaeJoong's eyes bolted to the two guns hanging on the straps on each side of Yunho's chest.

"Now, you know why I don't like cops," Yunho explained. "Mind your own business and look up your sister's number," Yunho ordered as he took the gun strap off and grabbed his jacket. "I'm gonna go change, don't be snooping around now," he warned.

"Of course not," JaeJoong turned quickly back to his computer. "What the heck!" he thought to himself. "Is he a bad guy?" he thought.

Yunho got into his room. He shut the door and stopped. Then he leaned his back onto the door. A smile formed on his face. Then a giggle as he shook his head and went to his closet.


"My sister isn't picking up," JaeJoong told Yunho who was in the kitchen now.

"Maybe she's still being questioned," Yunho explained.

"It's been a good 2 hours since we left the club," JaeJoong explained. "Maybe I should just go back there," he looked up to Yunho.

"The clubs closed by now," Yunho sat down and handed JaeJoong a bowl of kimchi noodle.

"No thanks, I'm not hungry," JaeJoong frowned.

"Hungry or not, you should eat," Yunho shoved it into his hand.

JaeJoong had no choice. He took the bowl in his left hand and looked at the bowl. He sees Yunho slurping the noodle in as if he hasn't eaten in days. Finally JaeJoong took his chopstick and began to eat.

"This is really good," JaeJoong told him.

Yunho just nodded back to him and continued eating.


"Hello," a voice came over the phone.

"Finally you answer me!" JaeJoong exploded.

"JaeJoong-ah!" she called.

"Are you guys alright?" JaeJoong asked.

"Yeah, we are. How about you?" she asked.

"I'm alright," JaeJoong told her.

"We were so worried about you," she said.

"I'm fine, I met an old friend and he helped me out of the club," JaeJoong looked over to Yunho who was cleaning his guns.

"Where are you right now? We'll come get you," she said.

"No, that's alright. Just give me the address to the house and I'll come home," JaeJoong explained.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Yeah, I can find my way home," JaeJoong wasn't so sure but he was hoping to get help from Yunho. JaeJoong quickly took a pen and a piece of paper and wrote down the address.

"Just call me back if you need any help," she said.

"I'll see you soon," JaeJoong hung up the phone.

"I told you they'd be safe," Yunho told him as he assembled his guns back together.

"Do I call for a taxi or do I just go out and get one?" JaeJoong asked.

"At this hour?" Yunho asked. "You'll be lucky if you see a car period," Yunho now putting his guns back into the strap.

"So, what do I do?" JaeJoong gave his helpless look again.

"Where is your sister's house?" Yunho asked.

JaeJoong handed him the sheet of paper with his writing on it.

"You can't write it in Hangul?" Yunho asked.

"I can write Hangul, but English just comes to me naturally," JaeJoong explained.

"This is a couple of divisions up north, about 45 minutes away," Yunho pointed out. "You can't walk on the street at night around here if you don't want to get beaten up," Yunho warned.

"So, what am I going to do?" JaeJoong asked.

"I'll take you home tomorrow," Yunho got up. "Follow me," he told JaeJoong.

JaeJoong didn't move.

"Yah, didn't you hear me?" he asked.

"Huh?" JaeJoong looked up.

"Follow me," Yunho gave him a stare.

JaeJoong got chills just by the stare. He got up and followed Yunho into the bedroom.

"You can sleep that side," Yunho pointed to the one closest to the wall.

JaeJoong looked around the room. It was a tiny bedroom, half the size of his room in Iowa. And his curtains were pulled shut. "Why?" The view would be spectacular from this 15th floor apartment," he wondered.

"Here," Yunho handed him a towel. "It's not new like the one you let me use at your house, but it's the only one I use," Yunho said.

"Thanks," JaeJoong took the towel. "YUCK! He wipes his face and his body with one towel?" JaeJoong screamed in his head.

"The bathroom is out there on your left," Yunho told him.

JaeJoong walked out the door. He went to the bathroom and shut the door. "Am I a guest or a hostage?" he thought. He looked at his own face in the mirror, "What have you gotten yourself into?"

In the bedroom Yunho couldn't contain his chuckle as JaeJoong left the room. He could barely put his pajama on as he tried not to keep his laughter down.

JaeJoong came back into the room to see Yunho sitting on the edge of the bed with a weight in his left hand. WITHOUT a shirt! "Oh my god! Those abs! The muscles! The hard chest!" JaeJoong screamed in his head. His feets frozen at the doorway.

"Oh, you're done?" Yunho put down the weight and got up. "I'll be back," he grabbed the towel out of JaeJoong's hands and ran to the bathroom.

"Breathe JaeJoong, breathe," he told himself. JaeJoong made his way onto the twin size mattress. He laid down with his face up to the ceiling. "I have to sleep next to that?" he asked himself. "Ahhh," he screamed in his head. "I have to fall asleep before he gets back!" JaeJoong told himself. He turned around to face the wall and shut his eyes, "SLEEP! DAMMIT! SLEEP!"

Yunho came back after a few minutes. He threw the towel over the basket by the door. "Are you asleep?" he called.

"Hell no, I'm not!" JaeJoong screamed in his mind. But he didn't answer Yunho.

"You sure sleep fast," Yunho said. He flipped the light off and walked towards the bed.

"Ah!" Yunho yelled as he tripped over the weight that he put down in front of the bed earlier. Landing ontop of JaeJoong.

JaeJoong's eyes flew open. "What the hell?" he thought. "What is he doing?" he screamed in his head.

"Shit! Yunho pulled himself down to his side of the bed. "Stupid weight!" he yelled.


"Hello?" Yunho picked up his cellphone with his eyes still shut.

"Hello? Who is this?" the voice came back.

"Who did you call?" Yunho asked as he yawned.

"I'm sorry, but are you JaeJoong's friend?" the lady asked.

"Oh, you must be his sister," Yunho finally remembering.

"Yes, is he still there? He didn't come home last night," the sister explained.

Yunho opened his eyes down to look at the person sleeping next to him. "Yeah, he's still here," Yunho explained.

"Can I talk to him?" she asked.

"He's still asleep," Yunho clarified. "I'll bring him home in a few hours," Yunho said and hung up the phone. He laid the phone on the floor where it was being charged. Then he turned back to look at the face on his arm. Mesmerized was a good word to describe Yunho's reaction to the person's face. "You look like a little kid when you're scared," he thought. "A cute little kid," he smiled.

"Hmmmmmm," JaeJoong finally woke up.

Yunho quickly shut his eyes.

JaeJoong rolled over to his back. "Hahhh," he let out as he extended his arms. "Ouch!" he yelled as his left hand hit the wall. JaeJoong opened his eyes to see a white wall. Then he turned to his right. "Ah!" his eyes almost falling out. He pulled himself up to sit. Then he remembered where he was. "I always forget!" he told himself. He cupped his face. As he lifted up his face from his hands he saw his jeans at the foot of the bed. His eyes almost bulging out and his heart started to race. He looked down at himself. "NO SHIRT!" he screamed in his head. "Pants!" he lifted up the blanket. He was totally naked!

Chapter 5

an oversized blue sweater

JaeJoong pulled the blanket up to his chest and laid back down on the bed. He turned to look at the person lying next to him. "Why do I always have a habit of stripping when I sleep?" he hit himself on the head. He pinched his jeans with his toe. Slowly pulled it up under the blanket. And slid his hand down the blanket to pull his pants on.

Yunho lying next to him could figure out what was going on. He wanted to laugh so much, but figured it was rude.

JaeJoong pulled up his pants to his thighs. Then stopped. "SHIT! My boxers!" he thought. He pulled himself up and looked around. It laid on the floor next to Yunho. "How in the world did it get there?" he wondered. With his pants still around his thighs he pulled himself up on to his feel. "I just have to quietly get off the bed," he told himself. After carefully planning his route he pulled his left feet over Yunho's waist and hopped over.

"Ah!" he yelled as his left foot slipped off the bed. Landing right onto Yunho's stomach.

"Ah!" Yuho yelled out in pain.

JaeJoong sat on Yunho's stomach without another word, both their eyes staring at each other. JaeJoong again gave his helpless look.

"Yah, what are you doing?" Yunho couldn't contain his laugh anymore, he let out his loud laugh.

"I'm trying to get out of bed," JaeJoong explained as tears begin to flood his eyes.

Yunho was still laughing so hard. He couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Hey, stop laughing!" JaeJoong protested.

"Yah, how can I not? You're pant is around your knees and you're naked butt is on my naked stomach!" Yunho's hand came up to wipe his own tears.

"Ahh!" JaeJoong wriggled trying to get up. "I can't get up!" JaeJoong's tears now rolling down his eyes.

"Yah! That tickles!" Yunho fell back on his back still laughing.

"Help me up!" JaeJoong yelled.

Yunho pulled himself back up again. "There!" he pushed the back of JaeJoong with his left hand.

"Ahhh!" JaeJoong went flying halfway across the room. "Ahhhh!" JaeJoong landed on all fours with his naked butt up in the air.

Yunho was still laughing hysterically on the bed.


"Yah, do you always sleep naked?" Yunho asked as he pulled his jacket on.

"No!" JaeJoong lowered his head. "I go to bed with clothes on, but when I get hot I tend to..." he couldn't even finish his sentence.

"Take them off?" Yunho tried so hard to keep a straight face but even he had to turn away and laugh.

JaeJoong just gave him a 'whatever' look and walked towards the door.

"Here," Yunho handed him a cap. "Wear this and try to look down when you get out of the apartment," Yunho instructed.

"What?" JaeJoong asked.

"Just do as I say. And if someone walks pass you don't stare at them," Yunho added.

"What?" JaeJoong repeated.

"Don't ask, just do it," Yunho told him.

JaeJoong took the cap and put it over his dark chocolate colored hair that ran down to his shoulders. "Why do I always listen to him?" he wondered. "He's really strange. Is he really a bad guy?" he thought. "As long as he doesn't hurt me," he thought.

"Wait," Yunho went to his closet and ran back with an oversized blue sweater. "Put this on," he told him.

"What? It's not that cold out there!" JaeJoong explained.

"I told you not to question me, just put it on," Yunho grabbed the cap off of JaeJoong.

JaeJoong pulled the sweater over his head and sure enough, it was twice his size. The bottom of the sweater went down to cover his butt. Yunho then placed the cap back on JaeJoong's head.

"Hold on to my arm and don't look up, okay?" Yunho ordered.

JaeJoong nodded. He didn't know what was going on, but his gut just told him to follow this man's instructions.

The two walked out of the elevator and out of the front door. Sure enough there were people in the lobby. Most of them were what JaeJoong would describe as 'druggies' and the girls standing around could only be 'prostitutes'. They made it out of the building and out to the streets. JaeJoong still holding onto Yunho's arms tightly. 'Don't look up," he repeated in his head. Yunho walked them down the street to a stop light. Once the light changed colors Yunho pulled JaeJoong across the street. He then waved for a cab to pull up. Yunho opened the door and had Jaejoong get in first, then he got in.

Yunho gave the driver directions and sat back down.

"Yah, what is all this about?" JaeJoong blurted out.

Yunho's hand grabbed JaeJoong's wrist without turning to look at JaeJoong.

JaeJoong stopped talking as if the hand on his wrist was a signal.

"What do you mean, what is all this about? I told you it was a one night thing!" Yunho now turned to face JaeJoong. "I told you my parents can't know about us! That's why I brought you all the way down here," Yunho whined.

JaeJoong was confused, on top of all the things, this was the most jaw dropping experience. "What?" JaeJoong let out.

"I'm sorry, babe. I know you love me, but do you want to kill your parents and my parents? You know how it is for our... kind. We can only do this in secret. I know it's not fair, but please you must understand. I don't want to hurt my parents," Yunho grabbed JaeJoong and pulled him into his arms. "Keep quiet," Yunho whispered. "I love you!" he shouted.

JaeJoong sat in his seat still trying to clue the puzzles together. "Was someone spying on him?" he finally thought. "What kind of a person is this stranger sitting next to me?" he asked himself.

For the next 20 minutes the two sat in complete silence as Yunho occasionally brought his head down to lay on JaeJoong's shoulder when the cab driver snuck a peek at them.

"We're here," the cab driver announced.

Yunho grabbed some money out of his pocket and handed it to the driver. Then he pulled JaeJoong out of the car. the cab drove away.

"Okay, what the hell was that all about?" JaeJoong snapped.

"I should of had told you not to talk," Yunho said.

"What? What the heck is going on!" JaeJoong was getting pissed. He was confused and he didn't like it anymore. "What the hell is going on?" he said pulling his cap off. "This cap and this sweater and," JaeJoong was cut off.

"I told you to keep the cap on!" Yunho snapped as he grabbed the cap and put it on JaeJoong.

JaeJoong could feel goosebumps all over his body. His could feel his tears start to form in his eyes again. "NO! I can't cry right now," he told himself.

"Come here," Yunho grabbed JaeJoong by the wrist and dragged him down the street to another light. He waved for another taxi. "Get in," he said as he opened the door to that cab.

JaeJoong just followed the man's order. There was no point in asking. He wouldn't get an answer anyways.

The two sat in silence for the next 20 minutes of the cab ride.

"Here you go," the cab pulled to a stop.

Yunho handed him the money and got out of the cab. "You gonna go home or what?" Yunho called to JaeJoong who was still sitting there.

JaeJoong looked up and climbed out of the cab.

"Do you remember which way your house is?" Yunho asked.

"Ummm," JaeJoong looked around, there were 4 streets. "That one?" JaeJoong asked as he pointed to his left.

"Yah, we just came on that road," Yunho told him. "Come here," he leaded the way down the opposite direction. "And you can take the sweater and the cap off it's too hot," Yunho told JaeJoong.

"Aren't you going to tell me what just happened?" JaeJoong asked as he trailed behind him.

"Believe me I want to tell you. But it's better if you don't know anything," Yunho turned to look at JaeJoong. "Just know that it was for your protection," he stared into JaeJoong's eyes. "It's best that I remain a stranger to you."

Chapter 6

bathroom talk

"JaeJoong-ah!" the three sisters came running out of the house.

"Are you guys alright?" JaeJoong asked his sisters.

"We're fine! How about you, let me look at you," the oldest sister turned JaeJoong around to check.

"I'm alright," JaeJoong said.

"Where did you spend the night?" one of the sister asked.

"I stayed at a friend's house," JaeJoong explained.

"What friend? You have a friend in Korea?" the youngest asked.

"He's.." JaeJoong turned around to call for Yunho, but there was no one there. "What the?" JaeJoong said.

"What's wrong?" the middle sister asked.

JaeJoong looked left and right. Yunho was gone. "Nothing," JaeJoong turned back to his sisters.

"Let's get inside, now. You must be terrified from last night," the oldest sister said as she dragged her brother in.

Yunho hid behind a car across the street. "Lets hope this is the last time we meet," he said to the person walking into the house. He waited until JaeJoong got into the house safely, then ran off.


"Yah, you guys lost your brother last night and now you're taking him out again?" the elder lady complained as she cut up the cabbage.

"Aunty, we're not taking him to a club. We're just going to a picnic," the youngest sister replied.

"And YooChun is also meeting me there," the eldest one added. "He'll take care of us," she smiled.

"Aish, you kids are always looking for a reason to go out anyways. Nothing I say will stop you," the aunty complained as she started to salt her cabbage.

"Let's go," the youngest pushed her siblings out the door.

"Is it alright to leave aunty like this?" JaeJoong wondered.

"It's alright, she just complains, but never really gets upset," the middle one smiled.

"So, you didn't tell YooChun we were all coming?" the youngest sister asked the oldest one.

"Nope, I want to surprise him with a picnic. And I want him to meet JaeJoong," she answered.

The four siblings walked down the street with baskets in their hand. It was a great day to for a picnic.

JaeJoong wanted to finally meet his future brother in law. "Will he be anything like that stranger?" he thought. JaeJoong looked around to see if anyone was following them. "Why am I looking for him?" he asked himself. "Why am I even thinking about him?"


"You guys set up here and I'll be right back," JaeJoong told his sisters.

"Where are you going?" the oldest one asked.

"To the bathroom, mom," he answered with a smile.

"Alright, becareful," she smiled.

JaeJoong ran off to the bathroom they walked passed earlier. He ran into the bathroom and saw no one. He went about his business.

"What do you mean you can't tell her?" a voice came from a stall at the end.

"We're days away from walking down the aisle," another voice came.

"So, you're going to marry her? You're going to marry her when you know that you don't love her at all?" the first voice shot back.

"Keep it down, someone might hear us," the other voice responded.

"I don't care! You told me you're going to end it with her last night, but you didn't!" the voice came again.

"I called her but she didn't pick up her phone all night. And she never called me back until this morning. That was when she asked me to come meet her here at the park. Please believe me, I love only you," the other person assured the first person.

"If you don't end it with her today, I'm not going to talk to you ever again," one voice shouted and stormed out of the stall.

He stopped when he saw JaeJoong at the urinal. Then he ran rushed out of the bathroom.

"What the heck was that?" JaeJoong wondered.

Then another guy came out of the stall. As he saw JaeJoong, he too ran out of the bathroom.

"Korea is such a weird place," JaeJoong said to himself.

JaeJoong washed up and exited the bathroom. He saw an ice cream stand down the hill by the street. He smiled and ran down to the street.

"Can I have 4 please?" he asked. "No, make that 5, please," he asked thinking about his brother in law too.

"Here you go," the old man put the ice cream cones on a tray for JaeJoong.

JaeJoong handed him the money and quickly rushed back to his sisters.

"I got ice cream for everyone!" he shouted as he got up to the group.

"Ice cream!" the youngest sister shouted.

"JaeJoong-ah, I want you to meet someone," the oldest sister pulled her fiance up to JaeJoong.

JaeJoong looked up and stared at the guy. "He's the guy from the bathroom!" he shouted to himself in his head.

The guy staring at JaeJoong was as shocked as JaeJoong was.

"This is YooChun, my fiance," the sister introduced. "This is my brother JaeJoong," she tapped on YooChun's arm.

"Nice, nice to meet you," YooChun swallowed his own saliva.

"Nice to meet you," JaeJoong kept a straight face.

"JaeJoong hasn't been back to Korea for over 12 years and even before that he was here only for 2 years so if you could take show him around Korea that would be great," the oldest sister asked. "You know, like a guy's night out," she smiled.

"Sure, sure, no problem," YooChun smiled to her.

"Umm, can you excuse me for a second? I gotta go make a quick phone call," YooChun asked.

"Sure," she smiled.

YooChun walked away as he put his left hand in his pocket searching for his cellphone. "Shit," was the only thing that ran through his head.

"JaeJoong-ah, what do you think?" the oldest sister asked him.

"He looks young, doesn't he?" the youngest sister asked.

"Well, that's because he is," the other sister chimed in.

"You guys!" the oldest sister whined.

"He's 2 years younger than JaeJoong, right?" the youngest asked.

"But he's really mature for his age," the oldest protested.

JaeJoong's curiousity got the best of him and he decided to find out what the argument in the bathroom was all about.

"I'll be right back," JaeJoong said.

"Yah, were are you going again?" the middle sister asked.

"I saw something on my way back, I'm going to go get it," JaeJoong ran off.

JaeJoong ran down the hill to where YooChun was standing.

"That's what I'm telling you!" YooChun spoke into the phone. He didn't even notice that JaeJoong was now standing behind him. "I'm sure he's suspicious," he said.

"Suspicious of what?" JaeJoong asked.

"Huh?" YooChun turned quickly. "Ah, JaeJoong," he said.

"If you don't mind me asking, who are you talking to?" JaeJoong asked with a stern voice. "Could it be your friend from earlier?" he asked.

"JaeJoong," he lowered his head in shame. "I'll call you back later," he said to the person on the phone and hung up. "I can explain," he said.

"What I know so far is that you're going to marry my sister in 5 days," JaeJoong shook his head. "But you're telling another guy in the bathroom that you're not going to marry her?" JaeJoong looked directly at him. Never had he been this mad in his life.

"I..." YooChun was interrupted.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" a loud cry came from the hill.

"My sisters!" JaeJoong looked up.

Chapter 7

a friend's help

"What happened?" JaeJoong asked as he reached his youngest sister who was on the grass.

"Three man came up and tried to grab us, but I kicked them so they only grabbed the other two," she explained.

"Which way did they go?" JaeJoong asked.

"That way!" she pointed towards the parking lot.

Right as JaeJoong looked over he saw a van speed off. JaeJoong bolted towards the van. YooChun followed close behind. The sister on the grass got up and ran after them.

"Stop!" JaeJoong screamed as he came to a stop.

"Call the police!" JaeJoong called back.

YooChun grabbed his phone from his pocket.

"Mister," a little kid came up to JaeJoong.

JaeJoong looked down.

"Here," she handed him a little piece of paper and ran off.

"Wait!" JaeJoong called after her but she didn't stop.

Go to your friend from last night, if you want your sisters back.

"What the hell?" JaeJoong was shocked.


"What are you looking for?" the sister asked JaeJoong.

"Which cellphone did I call last night?" JaeJoong went thru the oldest sister's bag for the cellphone.

"This one," she grabbed the cellphone out of her pocket.

JaeJoong quickly looked thru the call list from last night. Once he found the number he hit dial.

"Hello?" Yunho finally picked up.

"What the hell have you done?" JaeJoong hissed.

"What are you talking about?" Yunho asked.

"My sisters were just... kidnapped! And the note said that I have to go to you to get them back!"JaeJoong walked away from his sister.

"Did you see the people that took them?" he asked.

"What are you talking about? Didn't you or your people take them?" JaeJoong yelled.

"Where are you right now?" Yunho asked.

"I'm at the park. If anything happens to my sisters, I'm going to kill you!" JaeJoong threatened.

"Are you hurt?" Yunho asked.

JaeJoong was a little shock by his question. He was surprised at how calmed he became himself. "I'm alright," JaeJoong answered.

"Come meet me at the intersection the cab dropped us off last night, in about 30 minutes," Yunho explained.

"Where are you right now? I need to find my sisters!" JaeJoong asked.

"Just follow my directions," Yunho hung up.

"That ass! Argh!" JaeJoong wanted to kick something.

"What was that about?" the younger sister came up to him.

"You stay here and wait for the police to show up," JaeJoong told his sister. "I have the phone if you need to get ahold of me," he ran off.

"JaeJoong-ah!" the sister called after him.

YooChun also bolted after JaeJoong.


"Hello?" JaeJoong answered the cellphone.

"Someone is following you," the voice came across.

"Where the hell are you?" JaeJoong asked.

"I'm watching you right now, but there's someone following you," Yunho repeated.

"Following me? Where?" JaeJoong turned around but saw no one.

"He's hiding behind the yellow car," Yunho told him.

JaeJoong quietly walked up the street and snuck up behind the back of the yellow car.

"YooChun!" he called.

"How'd you know I was here?" YooChun asked in shock.

"What are you doing here?" JaeJoong asked.

"I need to go with you," he said.

"Go with me?" JaeJoong asked.

"I heard you talking to your friend, I know you're going to go help your sister. I need to go with you," YooChun explained.

"Why? What do you care? You weren't really going to marry her anyways," JaeJoong just now remembering about the bathroom incident.

"I'm sorry for that. I, I just didn't know how to tell her," he begin.

"Don't you dare try to excuse yourself. And I'm not the one you should be talking to anyways," JaeJoong said.

"That is why I need to find her," he started.

"So that you can break her heart?" JaeJoong yelled.

"No, I want to help find her," YooChun started to beg, "Please!"

"Let me see the note," a voice came from behind JaeJoong.

JaeJoong turned around to see Yunho. Without thinking he grabbed Yunho by the collar, "Where is my sister!"

"I don't know yet," Yunho let JaeJoong push him into the side of the car.

"What do you mean you don't know! The note said to go find you!" JaeJoong was furious.

"Let me see the note," Yunho said in a calm tone.

JaeJoong took out the piece of paper and brought it up to Yunho.

After carefully examining it he pulled JaeJoong by the wrist and walked down the street.

"Where are you taking me?" JaeJoong asked.

"I know where your sister is," Yunho said.

"You just said you didn't know!" JaeJoong called.

"I can tell by the note," he explained.

"How? It only said to go find you!" JaeJoong asked.

"It's written in red ink," Yunho said. "There's only one kidnapping service that uses red ink in this area," Yunho waved for a taxi.

"Kidnapping service? Is this what you are? You kidnap people?" JaeJoong asked.

"If I was the kidnapper, why would I help you?" Yunho finally asked.

JaeJoong couldn't answer that question.

"Get in!" Yunho ordered as a cab pulled up. Yunho then got in with JaeJoong. Right after Yunho was done giving directions the front passenger door opened.

"I'm going too!" YooChun explained.

Yunho looked over to JaeJoong.

After 20 minutes the cab took the three guys to a warehouse behind a factory. They got out and ran to the bins next to the warehouse.

"You stay here and after 10 minutes call the police and tell them where you are," Yunho said to YooChun. "You come with me and after they release your sisters take them and run away," Yunho said to JaeJoong.

YooChun nodded.

JaeJoong still looked confused.

"You! Did you hear me?" Yunho tapped on JaeJoong's shoulder/

"Yeah," JaeJoong nodded.

Yunho grabbed JaeJoong's wrist and walked up to the entrance of the building. He kicked the doors open. The people inside turned to look at the door.

"You finally came," the girl sitting on the table called.

"If you wanted to see me, why didn't you come find me?" Yunho asked as he pulled JaeJoong and walked towards them.

"I don't like to play hide and seek," another stood up. "I like it when you walk right into our trap," he added.

"Well, I'm here. Let them go," Yunho bargained.

"Bring them out," the first girl spoke out.

The two guys standing by her went to the door and opened it. They went in and after a few seconds they brought back two big sacks. The sack was huge and it was moving. The two men put the sack down on the ground and opened it.

"My sisters!" JaeJoong told Yunho as he tried to move towards them.

"Hold on," Yunho stopped JaeJoong.

"I'm gonna go help my sisters!" JaeJoong shouted.

"Let them go and you'll have me," Yunho called.

"Should we really let them go, Tiffany?" the girl standing up asked.

"First I want to have a little fun," Tiffany said. "Tae-Yeon, go bring me the bottle I told you to bring for me," Tiffany asked.

The girl went behind the table and brought up a plastic bag. "This bottle?" she asked.

Tiffany opened the glass bottle with a piece of clothe wrapped around her hand. She poured some onto the floor. As the liquid hit the floor it started to sizzle and white foam appeared, then smoke rose up.

"I wonder what will happen if I was to.. say.. accidentally pour this on their faces?" Tiffany asked Yunho.

"You bitch!" JaeJoong screamed. "Stay away from my sisters!"

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You shouldn't have called her that," Tae-Yeon spoke.

Tiffany moved towards the two sacks on the floor.

"Yah!" Yunho screamed. He let go of JaeJoong's hand and ran towards the group. Three guys rushed towards him. Yunho jumped up and stepped on the three man's shoulder and flew past them. As he jumped down he kicked the bottle of liquid out of the girl's hand and it flew up. The liquid fell down to the face of the one standing behind Tiffany.

"Ahhhh!" Tae-Yeon screamed as she held her face with her hands.

"Tae-Yeon!" Tiffany yelled as she ran back to see her friend.

Yunho was now kicking, punching, jumping, and moving quickly around the three men. Within minutes the three men were all on the ground.

JaeJoong was amazed and shocked at the same time. He finally snapped out of his shock and ran to his sisters.

Tiffany grabbed the metal rod that was lying on the table and ran towards the girls. She swung the rod up and aimed at the first girl in the sack.

JaeJoong saw the girl with the rod and her aim. He quickly slid down and blocked the hit with his left arm.

The metal rod landed right next to JaeJoong's elbow. Yunho turned to see the sight of the girl hitting JaeJoong's arm with the metal rod.

"You bitch!" Yunho screamed and ran over to do a back kick, which landed on her stomach.

"Ahhhhhh!" She flew 5 feet back hitting Tae-Yeon and then both crashed into the table. And was knocked out unconscience.

"Are you alright?" Yunho went down to look at JaeJoong's arm.

"Ahhh!" he let out as Yunho took hold of his arm.

"I called the cops!" YooChun ran into the warehouse.

Chapter 8


"Go look at my sisters," JaeJoong told YooChun.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you," Yunho's face was red from anger.

"It's alright, I'll be fine," JaeJoong told him.

"We've gotta get you to the hospital," Yunho explained.

"When the police get here they can take me," JaeJoong explained. "You should go now," JaeJoong told Yunho.

"Huh?" Yunho couldn't believe what he heard.

"You should go," JaeJoong told him. "I know you don't want to see the police. Go!" JaeJoong told him.

Yunho stood up, he didn't want to move. He knew what JaeJoong said was true but he didn't want to leave JaeJoong when he was hurt.

"Go!" JaeJoong shouted.

With that Yunho ran off.


It's been 7 days since the kidnapping and JaeJoong still couldn't figure out what those kidnappers had to do with Yunho. And why they kidnapped his sisters to get to Yunho. His sister's wedding was even pushed back to next month due to the kidnapping.

"Was it because they saw me with Yunho? But then why didn't they kidnap me?" he questioned.

"JaeJoong-ah," a lady came into his room.

"Huh?" JaeJoong turned to look at the head that was poking thru the crack of the door.

"YooChun is here and he said he'd like to talk to you," the oldest sister informed.

"YooChun!" JaeJoong thought. "That's right, he hasn't told her the truth yet," he thought.

"JaeJoong-ah," she called. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be down in a minute," JaeJoong answered.


"You boys have fun!" the sisters all waved goodbye as YooChun drove off with JaeJoong in the passenger's seat.

They both sat in silence for a good 10 minutes.

"Are you still angry?" YooChun asked.

"What do you think?" JaeJoong asked.

"I can explain," YooChun started. "I was never in love with your sister," he said.

"What? How could you say that? You're about to marry her!" he argued.

"I was confused about myself and didn't want to admit that I ... I like men," YooChun stopped his car in front of the restaurant he had planned to bring JaeJoong to.

"Confused? If you were so confused, how could you propose to her?" he asked.

"I know you're angry, but please let me explain," YooChun asked looking over at JaeJoong. "Please," he asked.

JaeJoong followed YooChun into the restaurant. Their tables were secluded in the back.

"Go on, I'll give you 15 minutes," JaeJoong told him as he looked away.

"I met JunSu in college," YooChun looked down to his feet. "He was ... not like anyone else I've met in my life. He was kind to me and seemed to understand me the most," YooChun brought his right hand up to place over his chest. "He made me feel things I've never felt. It was exciting being with him."

That phrase caught JaeJoong's attention. It was reminding him of when he was with that stranger.

"And then one night he told me he loved me," YooChun's tears were visible. "I told him he was crazy and I left him, even when he told me that I felt the same way for him, I didn't care," YooChun was getting louder as if the louder he got, the more JaeJoong would understand him. "After that night, I never talked to him again for the remaining 2 years of college. I went to work at the same company as your sister. She was so nice to me, when the other people looked at me and treated me like a rookie," YooChun looked around on the floor as if he was searching for words. "To me she became like an older sister," YooChun looked up at JaeJoong.

JaeJoong took a big breath of air when he heard the word 'sister'.

"But I guess she mistook my friendliness," YooChun took a big breath. "I was going to tell her my feelings, but then I got a call from JunSu. He asked me to meet him for the last time and he'd never bother me again. So I went to meet him and I got drunk before I went to see him. It was stupid of me, but that night JunSu confirmed what he said was real," YooChun's tears were running down his cheeks now.

JaeJoong was also starting to feel sorry for him.

"When I woke up that morning with JunSu in my arms, I almost went crazy! I didn't know what to do! I went to work that day thinking I was going to quit my job and move back to my parents in the countryside. But that day, your sister came up to me and was very nice to me. She asked me out on a date. I was so shocked that I said no to her. Then someone came up to me and told me she was crying in the bathroom. I felt horrible. So I told her I'd like to take her out," YooChun shook his head. "I should of had just left that day!" he wiped the tears from his cheeks. "JunSu saw me and your sister that night, and he told me he was jealous and that I had to stop seeing her. So I saw an opportunity to get rid of JunSu and kept going out with your sister," YooChun took the napkin from the table and wiped his tears. "After that I lost touch with JunSu for a couple of month. And just last month he came back to me and I finally realized that my feelings for him never left me," YooChun shook his head. "I'm an idiot!"

"Then why'd you propose to my sister?" JaeJoong was now holding back his tears.

"Actually, JunSu had prepared a surpise for me. He set up my apartment with roses and bought me a ring. But that night your sister and I had work to do so we decided to go to my apartment. When she saw the dinner table, roses, and the ring, she thought it was for her," YooChun was now sobbing.

"So, you really don't love her? And all of this was a misunderstanding on my sister's part?" JaeJoong asked.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say but I'm sorry," YooChun got down on his knees.


JaeJoong walked back slowly to his house. "What am I going to tell my sister?" he asked himself. "Shit! I shouldn't have agreed to help YooChun!" he scolded himself.

"How are you feeling?" Yunho had walked up behind JaeJoong without him even knowing it.

"Yunho!" JaeJoong was startled.

"How's your arm?" he asked.

"It's alright, I got the cast off the other day and nothing was broken," JaeJoong explained.

"Don't you want to know anymore?" Yunho asked.

"Know what?" JaeJoong asked.

"Why your sisters got kidnapped. And why those kidnappers wanted me," he explained.

"I believe I've asked you many times before, but you never gave me a straight answer," JaeJoong shot back.

"Come here," Yunho grabbed JaeJoong's wrist and headed down the street and waved for a cab.

"Where are you taking me?" he asked.

Yunho didn't answer. He just opened the door for JaeJoong to get in. And as always, JaeJoong got in.


Yunho had brought him to a beach house about half an hour away from the city. JaeJoong sat on the beach looking out at the sea.

"Here," Yunho handed him a cold beer.

"Thanks," JaeJoong took a sip.

"How long will you bein Korea?" Yunho asked.

JaeJoong looked over to Yunho, "Originally, I was planning on being here for another 2 weeks, but something came up, so I think I'll be leaving earlier," JaeJoong explained.

"Are you going back to Iowa?" Yunho asked.

"That's my home," JaeJoong answered.

"Are you ever going to come back to Korea?" Yunho took a sip of his cold beer.

"I don't think so. Not in the near future," JaeJoong gave a dry laugh.

"Do you have anything to ask me?" Yunho put the can of beer down on the sand.

"Will you answer me?" JaeJoong looked out to the sea.

"I'll try," Yunho explained.

JaeJoong turned himself to face Yunho. He put his beer down next to Yunho's can.

"What is your profession?" JaeJoong asked.

"I can't answer that," Yunho replied.

"The first question and you can't even answer it," JaeJoong turned back to face the sea.

"I'm sorry," Yunho moved in to hug JaeJoong from behind.

JaeJoong was shocked as Yunho's hands came around his chest.

"I wish I could tell you everything," Yunho laid his head on JaeJoong's left shoulder.

JaeJoong's heart was beating so hard. He was sure Yunho's hands could feel his heart pound.

"All I want you to know is that I never intended for you or your family to get hurt," he continued.

"Then tell me," JaeJoong said. "Are you the good guy or the bad guy?"

"Everything I do might make me look like a bad guy, but I assure you that I'll never hurt anyone without a reason," Yunho explained.

JaeJoong didn't know what he was expecting. Of course this was gonna go in cirlces again. "He'll never tell me anything," JaeJoong thought.

"I promise, I'll tell you everything one day," Yunho spoke as if he was able to read JaeJoong's mind. "But for now, just know that I'm doing my job."

JaeJoong sat there with Yunho on his shoulder watching the sun go down.

"Let's go back to the house," Yunho stood up and gave his hand to JaeJoong.

JaeJoong as always was obedient and gave Yunho his hand.

"Are we spending the night here?" JaeJoong asked.

"Why'd you think I rented the beach house for?" Yunho asked. "Unless you want to go home," he asked.

"No, it's alright. I'll give my sisters a call," JaeJoong smiled and went into the bedroom to make his call.


"Take care of yourself," JaeJoong's oldest sister told him before hanging up.

"I know, mom," JaeJoong joked.

He hung up the phone and sat on the bed. "How am I going to tell her?" he was back to thinking about his sister's problem.

Right then the door swung open and Yunho walked in.

"Are you done?" he asked.

"Yeah, I just told my sister I'll be home tomorrow," JaeJoong spoke.

"Ahhh, I'm rather tired," Yunho came and dropped onto the bed.

"Are you?" JaeJoong asked.

"Yeap," Yunho answered with his face buried in the white comforter.

"Then you go on to bed, I'll sleep in the living room," JaeJoong got up.

"Yah!" Yunho grabbed JaeJoong's wrist.

"Huh?" JaeJoong answered.

"You can't sleep in the living room," Yunho explained.

"Why not?" JaeJoong asked.

"It's uncomfortable out there on the small sofa," he explained.

"It's alright, I can manage," JaeJoong smiled and walked away.

"Yah!" Yunho called after him but JaeJoong didn't stop.

Chapter 9

not a real vacation

JaeJoong decided to come out and lay on the beach chair on the porch instead. He took in the sound of the waves while looking up at the stars in the clear black sky. He hadn't gone on a vacation like this for a long time. Well, he couldn't really count this trip to Korea as a vacation. Many things has happened. Many things that have frustrated and confused him. Especially the stranger that laid in the house. "Is he some kind of drug dealer?" he wondered. "But drug dealers from Korea don't normally end up with bruises everywhere in Iowa," he thought. "Is he a spy? But if he is, should he be that afraid of the police?" he wondered. "I want to know," he told himself.

"JaeJoong," a soft voice came from the big living room window.

JaeJoong looked up, "Yunho!"

"Did I scare you?" he asked.

"Yes!" JaeJoong brought his hands up to his chest.

"Sorry," he replied. "Are you looking at the stars?" he asked.

"Yeah, the sky is pretty clear," before JaeJoong could finish his sentence Yunho had jumped over the window sill and onto the beach chair with him.

"I want to see too," he commented.

"There's another beach chair right there," JaeJoong pointed.

"Yeah, but I want to be on this one," Yunho said as he held on JaeJoong's arm.

"What?" JaeJoong pulled himself up and went to the other chair.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"You wanted that one, right?" JaeJoong commented.

Yunho gave him a helpless stare. Then he turned back and laid on his back. "Does he not know?" Yunho asked himself. "I'm sure he knows, but why is he so cold to me?" he thought. "I have my limits!" he told himself.

"So, you're not really going to come sleep in the room?" Yunho asked with a stern voice.

"No, I want to look at the stars out here," JaeJoong answered firmly.

"Alright, I'm going to bed," Yunho got up and went into the house.

JaeJoong was surprised by the change in attitude. He glanced after Yunho as he disappeared into the room.

"What is up with him?" JaeJoong asked himself. "Being all cheerful at first then out of the blue becomes a robot again. I hate men," he said to himself.

JaeJoong laid on the beach chair for another hour before getting up to go sleep in the living room. The wicker sofa was really small and uncomfortable. He tossed and turned but still couldn't fall asleep. "What is wrong with me? I can normally fall asleep anywhere!" he asked. "Is it because of that guy?" he looked over to the door to the bedroom. "He's probably sleeping comfortably in the bed!" JaeJoong smirked.

Yunho had come back into the room an hour ago and tried to sleep too, but no matter how much he forced himself it was unsuccessful. But he knew he had his own pride to protect. He couldn't go out there again. So there he laid an hour later, still unable to sleep.

Finally the door opened up slowly. Yunho looked at the figure that stood in the doorway.

"Yunho, you asleep?" he asked.

Yunho didn't answer, but instead just closed his eyes.

JaeJoong stepped in and shut the door. He slowly and quietly moved his way to the other side of the bed by the window. He slowly got under the blanket. "Ahhh, this feels much better," he thought. He turned to face the window so that he could look out at the stars again. "I can't think of the person sleeping next to me," he told himself. "I can't! I'm suppose to be like this until he gives me some answers!" he told himself.

Then all of a sudden Yunho moved. His back was originally towards JaeJoong with some distance, but he had rolled over to face JaeJoong's back and now their bodies were touching. His left hand was then tossed over JaeJoong's chest.

JaeJoong's eyes got wider and he took a big gulp. "Don't think about him, don't think about him," he repeated in his head.

"This should teach you," Yunho said in his head. "Lets see you wriggle out of this one," he smiled.

Yunho pulled his face right up to JaeJoong's neck, but he made sure not to touch his neck though. Then he started to breathe a little harder, so that the air would hit JaeJoong's neck.

"Ahhhh, my neck!" JaeJoong screamed. "Don't do that," he wanted to tell him. "Ahhh, that feels so good," he closed his eyes. "NO! I can't do that!" his eyes bolted open again. "I have to fight this!" he said to himself.

Then Yunho's left hand started to move up to JaeJoong's chest. He did a soft "Hmm," moan then pulled himself tighter to JaeJoong. At the same time his breathing got a little heavier on JaeJoong's neck.

"Oh shit!" JaeJoong screamed in his head. "I'm getting ... turned on!" he looked down to his soldier, which was ready for action.

"Hmmm," Yunho moaned a little louder and he pulled tighter and his breathing getting a little stronger. "I'm getting hard!" Yunho realized, he couldn't believe it himself.

"Is that his," JaeJoong's chest was pounding again as he felt a hard object poke at his thigh. This was driving him insane, he couldn't take it anymore.

***** Explicit Activities! Please Do Not Read If You Are Not Old Enough!******

"Yunho," JaeJoong pulled himself up and turned around.

Right away Yunho grabbed him and pulled him down into a kiss. JaeJoong's hands were on Yunho's chest, feeling them. Yunho's hands were on JaeJoong's face, supporting JaeJoong up while their mouths played with each other. After a minute without oxygen they both pulled away gasping for air.

"Jaejoong," Yunho was able to finally reply between his gasped.

Instead of answering JaeJoong bent down to lock his lips again. Their tongues immediately interersted in each other's mouth started to explore every inch. JaeJoong's hands slowly coming up to Yunho's face also.

Yunho finally flipped JaeJoong over to his left and he got on top. He bent down to take in JaeJoong's lips again. Licking it and sucking on it like a madman. Yunho's hands slowly went down to JaeJoong's waist. He was about to lift up the shirt when JaeJoong's hands came to stop him.

"Should we be doing this?" JaeJoong gasped for more air.

"You know you'll take it off later with or without my help," Yunho also gasping for air.

Yunho didn't wait for an answer, he pulled it off in one try this time.

JaeJoong sat up as his shirt was being pulled off. He thought it was only fair if Yunho's shirt came off too, so right after his shirt was pulled off, his hands went to Yunho's shirt. He lifted it up quickly and threw it to the same side as where his shirt now laid.

Yunho was anxious and tackled JaeJoong onto the bed. He started to kiss JaeJoong's neck, something he had wanted to taste since that night in his apartment. He started sucking and kissing roughly. His hands going all over JaeJoong's chest.

JaeJoong started to giggle at first, his neck area was a ticklish place for him. But once Yunho started to get rough, it no longer was ticklish, it was now making him want to moan. His head curled back and his neck and chest raised a little. His hands searching for a spot to hold on to finally foung Yunho's muscular arms.

Yunho could feel his own member get harder with each kiss and suck. He was curious as to how hard his partners was now. His kisses went down to JaeJoong's chest, it didn't stop there. He kept going down until he reached the soft stomach of JaeJoong. He kissed and sucked every part of it.

JaeJoong could feel the kisses move down from his neck to his chest, then down to his tummy. His hands slid off of Yunho's arms and down to the bedsheet. Gripping it for dear life. Finally he felt Yunho's hands on his pants. Unzipping it and opening it up.

"Yunho," he said.

But Yunho was too involved in his kissing and sucking.

"Yunho," he said louder. "I've never done this before," he confessed.

"Neither have I," Yunho finally responded between his kisses. He proceeded to go lower as JaeJoong's pants were opened.

"Yunho, do you think we need protection?" JaeJoong whispered between his moaning. Just knowing what Yunho was going to do next made JaeJoong go crazy and couldn't contain his moans anymore.

"Protection?" Yunho asked as he kissed the pelvis area.

"Yeah, do we?" he asked.

"I don't think so," with that Yunho pulled JaeJoong's pants off and threw it to the other side of the bed. He was satisfied with JaeJoong's hard on.

JaeJoong then pulled Yunho by the arms and moved his upper body down to kiss him. Yunho slowly slid up to get a better mouthful of JaeJoong's lips. Then JaeJoong's hands went to unzip Yunho's jeans too. He broke off the kiss from Yunho and went down to kiss Yunho's stomach as Yunho pulled himself up for JaeJoong to get a better handle. His stomach was firm with muscle, yet his skin was soft. JaeJoong pulled down Yunho's pants but it was stuck at the knee cause Yunho was on his knees. JaeJoong just left it where it was and begin to move his lips all over Yunho's pelvis. It didn't take long for Yunho to shoot his pre-come.

Yunho felt his own liquid shoot out. He used it to lubricate his own cock and sat on his butt. He pulled JaeJoong to sit ontop of his stomach with his legs spread.

JaeJoong knew what Yunho wanted. He wanted him to ride his cock. Slowly JaeJoong's hands went back to feel Yunho's member and ran his hands up and down. Yunho help JaeJoong by lifting him up a bit and JaeJoong slowly lowered himself down. Right as he felt Yunho's cock at his entrance, JaeJoong let out a big breath. And his own member let out it's first shot of liquid, followed by a moan.

Yunho could feel the liquid land on his stomach where JaeJoong was kissing him earlier. It just excited him more.

JaeJoong slowly inched his way down. With each breathe a little bit further down. He was breathing heavily now. It was unbelievable. Finally all of Yunho was inside him. JaeJoong started to pull himself up a bit then down. Then up a little more than down.

Yunho was enjoying the person's actions but he didn't forget about the liquid on his stomach. He went to wipe it up and went to JaeJoong's cock and started to run his hands up and down on it. At first softly, then the speed increased as JaeJoong's ride increased.

JaeJoong bounced up and down in complete ecstasy now. "Hhmmmm, ahhh, hhhmmmm," the moans were from his throat. He lifted up faster and went down harder as each second passed.

Yunho was moaning loudly himself. But his hands still working hard on JaeJoong's cock.

Finally JaeJoong's cock shot a stream of liquid into Yunho's hands and it dripped to Yunho's stomach and chest. His body still moving on top of Yunho.

Yunho could feel the contractions surrounding his cock and that drove him wild. His own body spasmed as warm liquid shot into JaeJoong.

They both laid on their sides now. JaeJoong was facing the window. Yunho was hugging JaeJoong from the back.

"I love you," Yunho whispered as he brought his lips up to kiss JaeJoong's cheek.

"Are you just saying that because of what we just did?" JaeJoong joked with a giggle.

"Does that mean if I say it again, I get to do it again?" Yunho responded with a giggle.

"Yah," JaeJoong was finally speaking like a Korean now. "Aren't you tired?" JaeJoong blushed.

"I was but now I think I can go for another round," Yunho explained.

"You're crazy," JaeJoong said.

"Yeah, for you," Yunho laughed at his own corny response.

*****TELETUBBIES, ANYONE? *************************************************************

Chapter 10

i don't ask you to wait

JaeJoong woke up to the smell of fresh sea water blowing in thru the open window. The warm sun gently hitting his face. He smiled as memories from last night came to him. He slowly turned over to see Yunho. But no one was there. JaeJoong's smile went away. He pulled himself up.

"Yunho?" he called.

Yunho didn't answer.

"Yunho?" he called again and tried to look out the door that was cracked open.

No one answered him.

JaeJoong looked down at the pillow and saw a little piece of paper with a round seashell. There were 2 sheets of paper. He picked up the papers and flipped it open. This was written on the first sheet.


There's not many people in this world that I want to be around.

There's not many people in this world that wants to share my sorrows.

A person that won't leave me, no matter what the circumstances are, a person that's always ready to walk by my side.

A person that loves me no matter what, a person that makes me smile.

The days that have passed in my life, there's not many that I've trusted.

A person that I want to hold hands with, and give my life to.

I have found you, you're the only one.

I have been blessed, I have met you.

Fate brought us to cross paths, for my heart to find this one love.

I have found you.

JaeJoong, you have my heart.


JaeJoong's tears rolled down his cheek. "I love you," he whispered. Then he proceeded to read the second sheet of paper.


I'm sorry, I have to leave you like this, but I need to take care of somethings.

It might take days, weeks, or even months.

But I'll try my best to come back.

It pains me that I can't tell you what I'm hiding from you.

But I promise, if I can make it back I'll tell you everything.

I'm not asking you to wait for me, because I don't know if I'll make it back.

I only ask that you keep a little part of your heart for me.

-Your Stranger


Right after JaeJoong read the note he ran out to the living room.

"YUNHO!" he screamed. He ran all over the house and the beach.


"JaeJoong!" the oldest sister called to him as he entered the house.

"Where have you been?" the other sister went to grab his arm.

"I, I, I went out with my friends. Sorry," JaeJoong bowed to his sisters.

"We were so worried!" the youngest sister ran up to him.

"YooChun is here also, he's worried sick about you," the oldest sister informed.

"YooChun?" JaeJoong finally realizing that he had promised YooChun to help him tell his sister. JaeJoong was in no mood though. Yunho just left him at the beach house and now he had to come home to deal with this?

"Ah, JaeJoong," YooChun called to him as he entered the living room. "This is JunSu," he gestured to a feminine looking guy standing next to him.

"Nice to meet you, YooChun has told me about you," he greeted.

JaeJoong took in a big breath. "How could YooChun bring him here?" he asked himself.

"Let me get you some water," the oldest sister went to the kitchen.

"JaeJoong, I'm sorry for asking you for help yesterday. It was very selfish of me," YooChun came up and whispered to JaeJoong. "I've decided, well actually, we decided to come do it ourselves," YooChun pulled away to look at JaeJoong.

"Do whatever you want," JaeJoong didn't know what else to say. He went and sat on the couch next to his two other sisters.

"Here you go!" the oldest sister brought out the water to JaeJoong.

He took it after forcing a smile.

"I have something to say," YooChun started.

JaeJoong's eyes started to burn again. "The tears I lost this morning was enough to fill apart of the sea, where else could more tears be coming from?" he thought.

"Yes," the oldest sister said looking over to YooChun.

"About the wedding," he started.

"Yes? Are you getting nervous since the date was pushed back?" she asked.

"It's not that," YooChun explained. "It's, it's," he searched for words but nothing was coming out.

"The wedding is cancelled," JaeJoong finally said.

"What?" the oldest sister asked as everyone turned to look at JaeJoong.

"There won't be any wedding," JaeJoong said.

"JaeJoong, you don't have to do this," YooChun feeling guilty for having JaeJoong explain for him.

"I don't? And leave you to mumble for hours?" JaeJoong shot back.

"Why is it so hard to tell her? Why is it so hard to tell the truth?" JaeJoong was now standing up. He was saying it at YooChun but deep down inside he felt like he was wanting someone else to hear it.

"Tell me what?" the oldest sister asked.

"YooChun isn't in love with you. He didn't mean to propose to you at all. You misunderstood the whole thing," JaeJoong finally let it out. "He is in fact in love with someone else," JaeJoong stopped as he felt like his head was going to explode.

"I am in love with JunSu," YooChun admitted finally. "I'm sorry," YooChun was in tears.

JunSu, who was also sitting next to YooChun started to tear up too. He didn't think he would be this emotional.

"So, you finally tell me," the oldest sister exposed.

"Huh?" the youngest sister asked. Everyone looked over to her.

"I was waiting for you to tell me yourself," she smiled sweetly.

"You knew?" JunSu finally spoke up.

"I wasn't sure at first, but many of the co-workers have told me they've seen you with another man at movie theatres and shopping malls," explained.

"If you knew than why'd you plan this whole wedding?" YooChun asked in surprise.

"I wanted to pressure you so you'd tell me everything," she smiled. "Plus, it was a reason to get JaeJoong back to Korea," she explained.

"Are you serious?" the youngest sister looked at her.

"Of course, if I wasn't would I be like this?" she asked.

Everyone looked at her in amazement. No one was expecting this. After awhile YooChun and JunSu said their goodbyes and left.

Everyone was still shocked at the reaction from the oldest sister. They shut the door and everyone waved goodbye to JunSu and YooChun. The oldest sister was the first one to turn towards the staircase.

"Are you really okay?" JaeJoong asked.

It took her a few seconds to turn around.

"JaeJoong!" she came running into his arm. Her tears were dripping out of her eyes.

The two other sisters turned to look at her too.

"You didn't know, did you?" JaeJoong asked as he pulled back.

She shook her head and slowly fell down to the floor. She just continued to cry. JaeJoong and the other two sisters came to sit with her on the floor and they all cried.

Chapter 11

all my fault

"Why did you say tell YooChun you about him and JunSu?" JaeJoong asked.

"I had a feeling he was different, but I couldn't get my finger on it," she wiped her tears again.

JaeJoong and his sisters now laid on his sister's oldest bed. Everyone had cried plenty enough that now their eyes were puffy and all their tears were dried.

"He never did anything more than kiss my cheeks or hand," she exhaled. "And even then he didn't do it in a romantic way," she explained.

"I can't imagine the pain you're going thru, but I want you to know that I'm here for you always," the youngest sister brought herself up from the bed and gave her sister a big hug.

"Thank you. I'll be alright. It might take me some time, but at least I found out before it was too late," she took a breath and exhaled again.

"We love you sister," the middle sister came up to give her a hug too.

"Thank you," she replied.

The siblings looked up at each other.

"Who could be coming at this hour?" the youngest sister asked.

"Let's go see," JaeJoong got up and followed his youngest sister.

"Hello, Can I help you?" the youngest sister asked as she opened the door.

"Hi, I'm detective Shim ChangMin," the man in a gray suit bowed.

"Yes, hello detective. How can I help you?" JaeJoong spoke.

"I'm here to talk to Mr. Kim JaeJoong about the kidnapping," he announced.

"Yes, that's me," JaeJoong answered.

"Do you have some time to talk?" he asked.

"Of course, please come in," JaeJoong made way for the officer.

The sister excused herself to get water for the visitor.

"What can I help you with detective? I thought we answered all the question when the officers came to question us at the hospital?" JaeJoong asked as he took a seat across from the detective.

The man took out a folder and looked to see if anyone was around. After he was sure he flipped the folder open, the letters on the folder shocked JaeJoong.




"What is this? Why are you showing me that?" JaeJoong asked.

The man put a finger up to his lips as he heard footsteps.

"Here you go," the sister brought out the water.

"Thank you," ChangMin nodded. He took the glass of water and took a sip. He eyed JaeJoong and rolled his eyes to the sister.

"You should go see how it's going upstairs. She needs all the comfort she can get," JaeJoong getting the signal.

"Alright, just call if you need anything," she smiled to JaeJoong.

"Thanks, tell them I'll be up soon," JaeJoong smiled. "What is going on?" JaeJoong finally turned back to ChangMin.

"I'm an agent for the Bureau of Investigation of the United States of America," the man spoke.

"FBI?" JaeJoong asked.

"One of our agents disappeared last night," he began.

JaeJoong's eyes shot up the man's face. "Yunho is an FBI agent?" he thought.

"His last report came from this area, and you're the only one he knows in this area," the man explained.

"Who is the agent?" JaeJoong asked to make sure.

"The one that you helped in Iowa," he explained. "And the one that saved your life at the night club. He also saved your sister's from those kidnappers," ChangMin explained.

"Yunho?" he asked.

"I'm surprised he told you his real name," ChangMin spoke up. "He barely tells anyone his real name when he's on a mission," the man explained. "You must mean a lot to him," he told JaeJoong.

"Yeah, he was with me last night. I woke up this morning and he was gone," JaeJoong explained.

"Did he say anything to you before he left?" ChangMin asked.

"No, but he left me a note," JaeJoong searched his pocket for the pieces of paper. He took it out and decided to only hand him the second note.

ChangMin read the paper carefully looking for clues. "I can't believe he's going to end this," ChangMin spoke.

"End what? What is going on?" JaeJoong asked.

"He's in trouble," ChangMin explained. "I have to find him to stop him," he explained.

"What is going on? Tell me!" JaeJoong yelled.

"It's confidentiality, I can't say anymore than this," ChangMin spoke.

"If you want to know where he is, you'll tell me!" JaeJoong lied.

"You said you didn't know," ChangMin spoke.

"If you tell me, I can help you find him," JaeJoong lied, he really needed to find out what was going on.

"Yunho is in Korea for a mission. He's been spying on the dealers of a new drug called 'X'. No one knows where exactly it comes from but the last shipment that we tracked down in Iowa was tracked back to Korea. Yunho and I were sent to work on this case because we were Korean," ChangMin explained. "He was spying on the activities of the drug while I was working with the police," he said.

"So, Yunho was working when I found him in Iowa?" JaeJoong asked.

"Yes, he chased after a dealer that ran away after we busted the place. Unfortunately he was wounded and that was when you found him," ChangMin clarified.

"How about that night at the club?" JaeJoong asked.

"Yunho was helping out another team that night. He wouldn't have been discovered if he hadn't gone out to save you from the shooter," ChangMin explained. "After he was discovered, he moved around from place to place trying to investigate who the dealer was. When I figured out he was discovered as an undercover agent, I told the our government to pull him right away, but Yunho disappeared. He only reported back to me every 6 hours," ChangMin explained.

"So those kidnappers really kidnapped my sisters to get to Yunho?" JaeJoong asked.

"Yes, they took your sisters so you could go find Yunho for them," ChangMin clarified. "And you did just that, but fortunately you guys got to the warehouse before their back up arrived," he clarified.

JaeJoong was now in tears. "What have I done? I've put him in danger so many times!" he told himself. "I was the reason he was discovered as an undercover," he scolded himself.

"Yunho has a thing with drug dealers, his brother was killed by drug dealers. His dad was an officer who was also killed by drug dealers. And his mom was also kidnapped and killed by drug dealers," ChangMin explained. "That was the reason he refused to give up the mission."

JaeJoong shook his head, "It's my fault he was found out?"

"Don't blame yourself," ChangMin told him. "Yunho wouldn't want you to think that," ChangMin tried to calm him down. "Now, do you have anything to tell me?" he asked.

"No, I don't know anything," JaeJoong confessed.

"But you," ChangMin scratched his head as if he was angry. But he knew from the start that JaeJoong didn't know anything. He just wanted a reason to tell JaeJoong about Yunho. There was never an event that his best friend would lose contact and disappear with someone for a whole night. And he knew Yunho was too strict and would never tell him anything.

Right then ChangMin's cellphone rang.

"Siwon, what is it?" he spoke.

"We've located him," Siwon spoke.

"Where?" ChangMin asked.

"The warehouse we were suppose to raid night," Siwon told him.

"I'll meet you there in 20," ChangMin hung up and headed towards the door.

"What is it? Where are you going?" JaeJoong asked.

"I have to go," ChangMin ran out the door.

JaeJoong knew something was up. He ran after ChangMin. ChangMin jumped in his car and drove off. JaeJoong quickly ran to the taxi that was dropping off someone across the street.

"Follow that car!" he ordered.

JaeJoong followed ChangMin all the way to the outskirts of the town. A couple of warehouses lined up behind a fenced gate. Finally ChangMin pulled up to stop where a group of swat cars parked. JaeJoong saw a couple of man being dragged out of the warehouse and policeman with guns in their hands. When the taxi stopped he handed him the money and ran out.

"How can you follow me?" ChangMin yelled.

"Where is he?" JaeJoong ran up to ChangMin.

"ChangMin!" a group of man came running up to them.

"Where is Yunho?" ChangMin asked.

"He's still in the warehouse over there," one them pointed.

"Yunho," JaeJoong started to run towards the warehouse.

"Yah! You can't go over there!" ChangMin called and ran after him.

Three loud blasts were heard as the warehouse JaeJoong was running towards exploded into flames. Big metal cans flew up in the air. Everyone by the warehouse all fell to the ground. Then they all started to run for the opposite direction. JaeJoong froze in his step. ChangMin ran up and pulled him back.

"YUNHO!!!!" JaeJoong yelled. He looked around to see if Yunho was anywhere. He didn't see him. JaeJoong fell to his knees. Tears slowly clouded his eyes and streamed down his cheeks.

Chapter 12

i love you stranger

"Take care of yourslf," JaeJoong's sister told him as she waved goodbye to JaeJoong who disappeared into the crowd of people.

JaeJoong went straight to his terminal. He didn't have the heart to walk around to shop even though he had an hour left before his plane was going to board.

He took a seat next to an old lady who was reading a newspaper. The lady got up and threw the newspaper onto the chair and left. JaeJoong turned his head to the chair as a response.

'American Secret Agent Dies In Explosion' was the headline. JaeJoong's heart started to pound as if it wanted to escape his own chest. "It hurts," he told himself. "It hurts so much," he covered his mouth as he cried.


"Let's go Jae," his co-worker called to him.

"I'll have to pass for tonight guys, I'm still on Korea time," JaeJoong explained.

"Oh, come on, it's Friday," they called back.

"Maybe next time, you guys have fun," JaeJoong waved goodbye to his co-workers and got in his car.

It has been a whole week since he's left Korea and still the pain in his heart was evident on his face everytime he was alone.

He pulls into his garage then exits thru the garage to check his mailbox. He grabs his mail and enters the house. He scans thru the mail and comes onto a little piece of paper.

"Call this number and say 'I love you stranger' and hang up," JaeJoong read. A number was listed under that. "Then wait 60 seconds and your wish will come true," he finished. "Is this some kind of joke?" JaeJoong threw the paper onto the dining table.

He goes to his room and changes into something more comfortable. He sees his suitcase in the corner of the room. He hadn't unpacked since he's gotten back. He carries the suitcase onto his bed and unzips it. The first thing that catches his eyes was the white envelope. He picks it up and just tears up knowing what was in it.

"You'll never come back," he said to himself as he fell down next to his bed. He opened the envelope and took out the little pieces of paper. He just stared at them with tears in his eyes. Finally he realizes something. "That note!" he said. "And these notes!" he ran out to the kitchen and searches for that piece of paper. "They're identical!" he shouted in his head. He quickly runs for his phone. And scrambles to dial the number.

"Hello?" the kid's voice came across, it was that same kid's voice.

"I... love you, stranger," JaeJoong stuttered into the phone.

They hung up.

"1, 2, 3," JaeJoong counted till he reached 60.

JaeJoong ran to the door. He turned the knob and opened it. JaeJoong's eyes nearly popped out when he saw the man standing in front of him.

"Yunho!" he fell into the man's arms.

"JaeJoong," the man responded as he held JaeJoong in his arms.

"Am I dreaming? Yunho! How'd you?" he couldn't believe his yes. "But you're dead," he finally said.

"Yah, what took you so long to call? I was waiting in that van for 3 hours!" Yunho pointed to the van in front of the house.

"Yunho! Call me!" ChangMin called as the van took off.

Yunho waved to ChangMin.

"How'd you," JaeJoong asked again.

"I told you I'd come back," Yunho held JaeJoong once more.

"Am I dreaming?" JaeJoong's hand running all over Yunho's chest.

"I'm real, I'm real," he repeated.

"But, I saw the explosion," JaeJoong said as he was pulled into the house.

"You saw the explosion, but right before it exploded I thought I saw someone trying to escape thru the back. I ran after him and once I got out of the warehouse, it exploded," he explained.

"How come I didn't see you?" JaeJoong asked.

"When I came back around to the front, you were already put on a stretcher. ChangMin told me you screamed my name and fainted," Yunho clarified.

"I didn't see you at the hospital," JaeJoong tried to recall.

"I was with you in the ambulance, and once we got to the hospital I called your sister to come see you. When your sister got there it reminded me of something. If I was to be with you, those drug dealers still out there would more than likely hurt you or your family to get to me. So I had to die," he said.

"So your death was a set up?" JaeJoong asked.

"It just worked out that way. I told your sisters to not say anything to you. And I had to leave the hospital before you woke up so that I wouldn't get photographed," he explained. "Then you were the one that gave the interview to the reporters, you with your tears, how could anyone not believe I was not dead?" he explained.

"Then what happened to you?" JaeJoong asked.

"I was handcuffed and brought back to America. Since I refused an order to withdraw from the mission earlier. I was held in custody for a week before being reviewed for my actions. Now I'm suspended for 3 months without pay," Yunho frowned.

"Suspended?" JaeJoong asked.

"It's normal, I get suspended almost everytime my mission ends cause I tend to not follow orders well," he explained.

Yunho finally went in for a hug.

But JaeJoong pushed him away. "How could you not tell me? Don't you know how terrible I was?" he begin to cry again.

"I'm sorry," Yunho gave him a helpless frown.

"You're horrible!" JaeJoong started to hit Yunho's chest. "Don't you know I was going to die too?" he cried.

"JaeJoong, I'm sorry," Yunho grabbed and forced JaeJoong into a hug. "I promise this is the last time I lie to you," Yunho held onto JaeJoong.

"You're so mean," JaeJoong cried into Yunho's chest.

"I'm sorry," Yunho told him. "Please don't cry anymore," he asked.

"You're horrible," JaeJoong looked up at Yunho.

"I know, I'm horrible," he accepted.

"I hate you," JaeJoong hit him on the chest again.

"Really? But on the phone a few minutes ago, you said you loved this strager," he smiled.

"That was.. that was.. that wasn't fair!" JaeJoong pushed him away and turned away.

Yunho quickly wrapped his arms around JaeJoong. "How is it not fair? Tell me," Yunho asked.

"You tricked me," JaeJoong said.

"I don't know and I don't care. All I know is that you said, you love this stranger," he laid his head on JaeJoong's shoulder. "Tell me you love me," he demanded.

"NO," JaeJoong argued.

"Fine, then I'll make you say it," Yunho said as he slid his left arm down to grab JaeJoong's legs and carried him up.

"What are you doing?" JaeJoong was startled.

"I'm going to make you say you love me," Yunho exclaimed as he carried JaeJoong into the bedroom.

----------------THE END---------------------------

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