Chapter 11: Possible Pals

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I wake up the next morning feeling sick to my stomach. My phone lies on my nightstand beside me, but I don't reach for it. I don't want to see the stream of notifications I most definitely have.

My mom and Hannah spent hours on the phone yesterday, yelling at lawyers, assistants, and magazines, but from Hannah's unusually downcast expression late last night, it didn't go well. I'm sure the incident has blown up all over the internet by now. How could it not? Not only did it pretty much confirm the rumors about me being Ava, but it also contained a bunch of yelling, and every internet troll loves that.

Footsteps pound outside my door, and before I can duck back under my covers and pretend to be asleep, my mom comes in and turns on the lights. She's wearing skinny jeans and a v-neck, and her hair is pulled back into a tight bun, but even makeup doesn't cover the stress and exhaustion clear on her face.

"Oh, good, you're awake." My mom shifts awkwardly in the doorway, obviously uncomfortable. She looks around my room for a moment, then asks, "Have you seen the news?"

I shake my head.

" should be careful. There are some people saying some...things about you. But don't reply to anyone. Hannah's handling it."


"And don't leave the house for a couple days. We don't need any more unflattering shots of you as Avaline posted."

"Fine," I say, trying not to show my hurt. I shouldn't be affected by her words. She's said them so many times to me before. But I am. "Thanks," I add in a monotone.

"Great." My mom steps backwards out of my room and the door closes. I stare at it for a moment, unmoving. Then I reach for my phone. I can't avoid it for much longer, can I?

@AvalineQuinn26 — You have been tagged in an update by @ava_hate_page1

A notification from Updater flashes across my screen as I turn it on. I tap twice on it to open the app. Both my Avaline Quinn account and my Ava account are filled with notifications. I go through my Avaline Quinn account first, which has significantly less notifications since it's a private account.

You have been tagged in an update by @JadenQueen01: did you hear...

@marie231 commented on your update: Is it true t...

You have been tagged in a comment by @SkyGirl: @AvalineQuinn21 is als...

I inhale sharply when I see the preview of Skyler's comment. Would she really betray me like that? I click on it with a shaking finger.

Comment by @SkyGirl: @AvalineQuinn21 is also a really close friend of mine and an amazing person. Stop hating on her & mind your own business.

This almost puts a smile on my face. I debate whether to go and beg Skyler for an apology immediately or not, but in the end decide against it and scroll through the comments of the original update instead.

Most of the comments are from curious fans spreading rumors and speculating about why I would do such a thing, but there are also a number of comments from users hating on various insecurities of mine and supporters defending me and what I did. Skyler's username appears multiple times in the chain, replying to others with either "mind your own business" messages or emoji hearts.

Skyler's actions confuse me. Is she back on my side, or is she just trying to look good? Why is she suddenly supporting me when just days ago she was dropping hints about me being Ava? I hesitate for a second, then send her a quick text.

Avaline: Can we talk?

The message is marked as seen seconds after I send it, and the three dots that indicate Skyler's typing appear. I wait for a few minutes, but nothing comes through, and a moment later, the text bubble disappears. Oh well. It's a start.

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