4: Dreams, And Mysteries

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"Hey? You awake?" I recognized that voice. It was Aurora. "Meh." I turned over. "He up yet?" I heard Shadow's voice. "Nope." Aurora answered. "Let me try!" Shadow said. She grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me. "HEY! YOU'VE GOTTEN AN EXTRA HOUR OF SLEEP! WAAAKKE UPPP!!!" She said loudly. "Ah! Okay, okay, okay I'm up!" I said. "Sensei wants you!" Aurora said as her and Shadow walked out of the room, closing the door. "Alright then." I said, scratching the back of my head as I got up. I walked over to the table, only to see my outfit clean, and folded neatly. "Hm. Well then." I said as I got dressed. I walked out of the room. "Ah, Good morning Keita, sleep well?" Sensei asked. "Uh, yeah." I sat across from him. "I've been having the same dream over and over again." I said. "What is the dream about?" He asked. "There's nothing, except for a shining light, and a voice that talks to me. It's weird because I know that I'm dreaming." I said. "AH! SHADOW! AURORA! GRR...." I heard Kyoko yell. "HAHAHAHAHA! YOU TOTALLY FELL FOR IT!!" Shadow and Aurora yelled. "That is odd." He said, looking concerned. "Can you describe the voice and what it says?" He asked, and I nodded. "The dreams started the night I entered this world. It said this world needs your help, and then it cut out for a second. Then it was a different voice. That's all they've said so far." I said. "Ah I see..." Sensei said.
A few minutes later...
After I had explained everything to Sensei, he told me that I should get stronger. To help this person in my dreams. I walked out to the field, to see everyone but Shadow. 'That's odd...' I thought to myself. "Oh! Keita! Over here!" I heard Crystal's voice. She was sitting down in the flowers. "Have you decided which one of us will train you?" She asked me. "No, not yet..." I said, falling backwards into the flowers, looking up at the gorgeous blue sky. "I'll train you if you want." She said. "Yeah, but I don't want to make the others feel bad." I said. "Pfft! Don't worry about it! They'll forget all about it the next day!" She said laughing. "Hm..." I said looking up. 'I wonder if there's anyone in this world that's in the same situation I am...' I thought to myself. "I kind of want to teach him too, Y'know..." Shadow said walking over to us, sitting down next to me. "You're most likely better off with me. Because if you and Crystal are practice fighting and she hits you with an ice type move, you're going down." Shadow said. "Good point." Crystal said. "Y'know, I'll let you train him." Crystal said. "Thanks!" Shadow said, waving her hand for me to follow her. "Where are we going?" I asked. "My secret hideout!" She said. After a minute or two of walking, we reached a little cave. "In here." She said. We walked into the cave to see a wooden door. She opened it and a giant room was revealed. "Whoa!" I said looking around. There was a small bed with a little stuffed doll on it, A bookshelf filled to the brim with books, a desk covered in drawings, and on the wall there were old drawings and posters. "Yeah! Impressive right? I decorated all of this by myself over the years..." She said. "Good job!" I said, we both started laughing. "Oh, if I may ask... What is that on your desk?" I said pointing to a little box. "Oh, that old thing? Hang on." She said picking it up, and winding it. She opened it and a little tune started to play. "This was one of my first belongings. I got it from Sensei, on my 8th birthday." She said. "He was like a dad to me, Crystal, and Kyoko." She continued. "He trained us to be powerful Pokemon, he taught us the basics of battle, and how to be nice people." She said. "He may seem a little strict or stern on the outside, but he's actually one of the nicest people on the planet!" She said smiling. "Wow... I respect that." I said, causing her to smile.

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