7: A Trap?!

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It was another dream...
"...Can you hear... Me..?"
The voice said again.
"...Why, Haven't you helped me... yet..."
I couldn't reply.
"I don't know where you are..." I finally managed to say.
"I'm in the... Southern mountains..."
.... . . .  .

"Hm...?" I awoke to someone poking my face. "Meh.." I said turning over. "Do I have to shake you again, Keita?" I recognized that voice. "Tch... OI WAKE UP!!!" She shook me, again... "Shadow stop! Please I have a headache!" I said. "Oh, you do? Ah! Sorry!" She said, letting go of me. "You're fine..." I said getting up. "That dream I had... Probably gave me the headache..." I said. "Like mine...?" She said. "I don't know." I replied. "It asked me why I haven't come to help yet." I said. "Well... Did you wanna, go help this person...?" She asked. "This person said that they were in the southern mountains." I said. "I know just where they may be! The mountains are literally right there." She pointed behind her.
10 minutes later...
"PLEEEAASSSSEEE SENSEEEII???" Shadow asked. "Sigh... Fine." He replied. "I'm trusting you two to come back in one piece." He said. "I'll make sure that we will." I said. "Now that I know how to use my powers." I continued. "I'm trusting you two."
20 minutes later...
"In here... Maybe..?" I asked. "...help.." I heard a faint voice. "In here!" I yelled.
???'s POV:
"Heh... they're here... Martin..."

"I'm aware... I can hear their voices... Thank you for your help, Varian..."

"I want to kick their asses!! I wish they'd get here faster!"

"Calm down Krimson... They'll be here soon enough. And speak of the devil..."
Keita's POV:
"It's pitch black in here. I can't see anything." I said. "Tell me about it- KYAAA!" Shadow screamed. "Shadow? SHADOW ANSWER ME!" I started to yell, and the room was suddenly lit up by two Chandelure. "You..." I was pissed. Martin Was there, holding Shadow hostage. There were two other Pokemon I haven't seen before. A Raichu, and a Mew. "Enjoy your... Dreams?" The Mew smirked at me. "YOU BASTARDS! LET HER GO!" I yelled. My yell echoed throughout the room. "Heh... He looks like a weed." The Raichu said, mocking the pokemon I had become. I ignored him. "HEY! NO ONE IGNORES ME!" He charged at me and started throwing punches faster than lightning. I dodged them all, not getting a single mark. I caught his wrist on the last punch. "Who are you calling a 'Weed'?" I glared. My bright red eyes pierced him. "Tch..." The Raichu said. I let him go. "We have what we need, let's go. Light, Bright, cut the lights. "Yes..." One said. "...sir!" The other one finished. It all went dark. 'What... Have I... Done..?' I thought to myself. I had broken the promise... And I was going to be the one who fixed it. Because, I. Was. Pissed.
Special thanks to:
- ShaneJopling as Varian the Mew
- CrimsonUndead as Krimson the Raichu!
:3 bye bye!

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