Chapter 1: Transfer

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***Cole's POV***

I had just defeated the Overseer. And suddenly my implant started glowing, and I was shooting through space, leaving my tames, house, and all other things behind. I looked around and saw that the island that I was living on was a fake artificial island. I look onwards as I see the earth was decayed and dead. But for some reason, I zoomed right past it, past all the other arks. and out of the galaxy. Into whole new one! The planet that I am currently being transited to however looked a lot better tithe earth that I saw while leaving my ark. And that the planet doesn't look like an ark. I start to glow and then I lose consciousness.

I later wake up on a beach. A lot like the one that I had first started my journey on. The only difference was that it wasn't surrounded by dodos, stones, and fallen trees. I get up and look at the implant on my arm. It had changed for some reason. Probably from me defeating the Overseer. I try to access my inventory and see that all of my Tek gear was still with me. I try to summon a dodo, one of my tames, and surprisingly. it appears. that it still responds to me for some reason. I get up and walk away whistling for my dodo to go away and it teleported? I walk somewhere and I soon see a city. I look down and see that I am, once again almost completely naked. With nothing but my undergarments on. I quickly equip all of my Tek armor except for my helmet and walk into the city seeing a lot of different people. Some have cat ears, and other animal-like parts as body parts. I walk around, seemingly for hours. until it becomes night.

After walking some more for a couple of hours I come across a small store selling what seems to be this world's version of extreme energy. I believe it is called Dust. As i walk by it, I see a man in a bowler hat, and yes despite being trapped within a virtual world for many years, I know what a bowler hat is. Along with a couple of cronies. I sneakily walk by and look at what they are doing through a window. I can faintly hear what they are saying, but it is muffled by the glass. "Uh just take all of my *muffled* please don't hurt me!" The shopkeep said. "Oh I don't want your lien," Lien? is that this world's form of currency? I continue listening. "I want your dust." Said the man in the bowler hat. Well, this is a robbery. I decide to stay out of it as my survival instincts are telling me not to bother. I look over to the other window and see a girl wearing red headphones, a red cape, and looks a lot like little red riding hood, reading a comic book. One of the bowler hat man's cronies walks up to her. I look away from the horror as I cover my ears. I didn't want to see a person die in front of me.

Suddenly I hear a loud crash. I can see the man on the ground and he looks at me. He points his gun at me. I sigh as I put on my Tek helmet as the GUI loads up. I use the jetpack on my back to fly up and dodge the bullet. I grab my Tek assault rifle and start wailing on the guy. None of the bullets did any damage though. I watch as the girl from before come up to me compliments me. "Nice armor!" She says. I just prepare my rifle and get ready for defense. The bowler hat man comes out of the shop along with a few of his cronies. Along with multiple suitcases of what I can only assume is dust. The man sends his cronies after us when he sees that the man the girl had sent crashing through the window was knocked out. I was taking out two whilst the girl was also taking out two of his men. I flew up into the air and shot all of them with impeccable shots. Needless to say, all of them hit. I landed and used the boosted strength that the suit gives me to knock them all into a wall. After that, I used the super speed that the Tek suit also gives me to quickly run to one of the men as I switch to my longneck rifle and loaded a tranq dart and shot it in him, which knock him out. I did the same thing with the other person. I look to my right and see that the girl is also done. We both look toward the man in the bowler hat and see that he is escaping. "Well, this has been fun. But I do have to run. Ta taaa!." He says. As he climbs a ladder attached to the helicopter. We chase after him on the rooftops. I grab some of the medical tape that I had gotten for free and tape the area where my implant is supposed to be. To hide it. I see a woman in a red dress attack us. However, another woman steps in the way and blocks the mysterious woman's fireball. She turns to me and the girl and brings us into a room where a mysterious man in glasses is waiting for us.


*yawn* I am writing this on the plane back from my vacation in Canada...

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