Cause and Despair!

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3rd POV

Y/N and his companion Alice is sitting inside of a cafe in vale. Alice took a sip of her tea as she looked at Vale from the side of the window.

Alice: Such a nice place and beautiful weather we are having. It's so good that it makes me want to burn it to the ground...

She said with a smile as she continued sipping her tea. Y/N only chuckled at her statement but soon caught from the corner of his eyes the news pertaining of what transpired yesterday night.

"This is Lisa Lavender reporting live here at the site of a now burning Emerald Forest as events of what supposed to happen last night had left fear in the hearts of the citizens of Vale"

The news then showed the Emerald forest as it is still burning and a part of it had already been turned into ash. It then shifts to a nearby site of a crashed bullhead as it was destroyed beyond repair.

"Reports had also state that a group of 2 teams comprising of males had been reported dead as their bodies or used to be their bodies are now charred beyond recognition"

The scene shifts to a picture of 8 males that are probably students of Beacon as their bodies lay on the ground and covered over as several individuals are gagging at the site due to the smell of burnt flesh.

"The bodies belong to Teams CRDL and SSSN as the headmaster of beacon had just gave us a statement about sending 2 teams to investigate the phenomenon. So far the Headmaster only stated their identities and refused to further say anything else..."

The news droned on as Y/N reverts his attention back to his tea while Alice only giggled at the news.

Alice: Serves them right for snooping around something they shouldn't uncover!

Y/N: Agreed. It makes me think of how stupidly confident the headmaster is thinking he can disrupt Behemoth's lunch.

Y/N sipped the final content of his tea as he looked at the city of vale.

Y/N: A painted scenery to deceive the eyes of the people living in it. Society judged by how "Useful" you are to people who see you as a tool and not as a human.

Alice chimed in as she looked outside as the streets of Vale is littered with people.

Alice: That is why you are here Big Brother... You are going to be the one who will change this world's fate... 

Y/N: Indeed it is... now then let's start our "Reformation" of this world. starting with the little friends of my dear old Headmaster


in the tower located at Beacon Ozpin is seen watchig the news as his assistant Glynda Goodwitch is by his side watching as well. Ozpin rubbed his forehead as his frustration is building up.

Glynda: Headmaster? are you okay?

Ozpin took a sip of his coffee before leaning back to his chair as he looked at the ceiling.

Ozpin: I'm fine Glynda any news to the phenomenon that happened last night? Qrow was supposed to report about an hour ago and he still didn't report back

Glynda: About Qrow... Ozpin you may not want to know what happened

Ozpin: Why is that Ms. Goodwitch? What happened to Qrow?

Glynda was silent before she reached out and gave Ozpin a box which he opened and found the skeleton of a person. Ozpin was shock to see the content as he looked at a now pale Glynda Goodwitch. 

Ozpin: Glynda? is this...

Glynda: ... Yes

Ozpin was shock at the revelation as he dropped the box and the remains of Qrow scattered on the floor.

Ozpin: No... It can't be...

Glynda: And it gets worse...

Ozpin looked at her as she produced her scroll and showed him a Video.

Glynda: It'll be better if i just show you... but please prepare for what i'll show you

Glynda tapped to her scroll as she showed a video that was sent to her by someone... or rather something.

 [A/N: Credits to the one who owns this video and it is not mine. Replace the person With Qrow Branwen]

Ozpin watched the video as Glynda looked away not wanting to watch it a second time. after watching the two were silent as Ozpin gripped his coffee mug and Glynda silently lament for the lost of someone.their silence was then brocken as Glynda's scroll began showing a static screen before the silhouette of a monochromatic bear appeared and one of its eyes glowed ominous red.

???: Greeting you peasants! I sure do hope you enjoyed the presentation! Ufufufufu!

Glynda: Who is this! answer me and how did you hack my scroll!

???: Ufufufufu! Impatient are we? Do you really want to take that tone towards me? let me tell you this... YOU DON'T WANT TO ANGER ME

Glynda: Answer me or i'll-

Glynda was cut off as an explosion occured at the side of the school as Ozpin and her looked at the smoke as students were rushing out of it. the bear then coughed as their attention was on him.

???: Ufufufufu~ looks like i hit the wrong switch~

Glynda: You-

???: Your tone madam~ you might not know~ i'll hit the wrong switch again~

Glynda went silent and paled at the thought before Ozpin grabbed the scroll and the figure just laughed at him.

Ozpin: What do you want!

???: Ufufufufu~ simple really... I just want to convey a message

Ozpin: What message!

???: Let's just say...

The video then turned static before it show a dimly lit room with two people who are gagged and tied to a chair as a light shone on top of them. 

???: i'm just here... to execute those... who do not deserved to live! Ufufufu

the video then shifted to the right showing the monochromatic bear as behind it shows several monitors lighting up as he just looked at them and laughed.

???: So enjoy the show! because you will be the grand finale! HAHAHAHAHA!

The feed turned of as Glynda and Ozpin were silent before he took a sip of his coffee and sat to his chair.

Ozpin: Glynda... warn the other Academies and make sure that the students are-

before he could finish Glynda's scroll light up as she looked to have a message. she opened it and paled as she immediately showed it at Ozpin and he too paled at what he sees 



The monochromatic bear laughed at their reactions as it heard a door being opened and the bear turned around and smiled at the person who entered.

???: Having fun Monokuma? let me join as well

Monokuma: Ufufufufu! i sure do Junko~ tell me has big brother gave us the go sign?

Junko looked at Monokuma before her personality switched as she had a psychotic look on her face and Monokuma just laughed.


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