What are you hiding?

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Y/N POV: ever since Blake and I got together, things have gotten slightly better in my life, I've gone on dates with Blake, hung out with ruby and luna, hung out with my team, killed Grimm, yang and the "family" haven't bothered me for a while so that's a plus but there's one thing that's pissing me off and that's ozpin, I've asked him about that orb that trapped me and my team and that nightmare but he's always said "we'll talk later" and it's gotten to a point where I want just beat the shit out of him, right now I'm we're at goodwitches class, currently watching delsin beat the shit out of CRDL while sinon is on her scroll, raiden is leaning back in his seat watching while I'm just deep in thought, after about 4 minutes the match was over and we were free to do whatever we wanted, right now we're currently walking around just chatting about random subjects although I'm in my own little world, I kept thinking about what oz was doing, he sends us on a mission, we get trapped in our nightmares and he doesn't explain himself even though he said he would, I was brought out of my thoughts by someone shaking me, I look and see it was raiden.

Raiden: you alright? You look like you spaced out.

Y/N: yeah.... just dandy, I'm gonna go for a walk in the forest, I'll catch you all later.

I took a few steps before jumping into the air and gliding into a forest before I touchdown and started walking with my hands in my pocket, after about 2 hours of walking I decided to walk back only to have grimm surround me, I morphed my hands into my claws and got ready to fight only for them to slowly back away.

???: Y/N Mercer.... so glad we can finally meet.

3rd POV: Y/N turns around and sees a woman in a black dress, her skin and hair was pale white, she had black veins across her body, her sclera was pure black and her pupil was pure red, she was grinning at Y/N who remained cautious and prepared for a fight if needed.

Y/N: who are you?

???: well to put it simply, I'm the one who controls the Grimm.

Y/N prepares to attack but the woman puts her hands up.

???: there won't be any need for you to attack, I'm just here to talk.

Y/N: and you expect me to believe that?

???: well that's up to you to decide, but as I said, I'm just here to talk.

After some time thinking he slowly puts his claws to his sides and morphs them back to his normal hands.

Y/N: what is it that you want to tell me?

???: well since I know your name its only fair that you know mine, my name is salem and I'm the queen of grimm.

Y/N: (sarcastically) oh I never guessed.

Salem: shut up smart ass, (clears throat) anyway, I want to tell you that you shouldn't remain at beacon and leave.

Y/N: why should I listen to you?

Salem: simple... he isn't to be trusted.

Y/N: and you aren't to be trusted either.

Salem: let me ask you a question, what does he have that makes you trust him?

Y/N was about to open his mouth and speak but thought about it for a moment, then salem spoke.

Salem: I mean the only thing that was truthful about him was that he told you that, that belladonna girl was heading to beacon.

That made Y/N tense.

Y/N: how do you know that?

Salem: I have eyes and ears everywhere, now, besides what I just said, I'll ask again, what makes you trust ozpin?

Y/N began to think but couldn't think of anything, salem saw how he couldn't think and began to talk.

Salem: can't think of anything? (begins to walk behind a tree and suddenly appears behind Y/N) not surprising, ever since you joined he's done a lot of cruel things to you has he not?

Y/N turns around and sees Salem leaning on a tree looking back at him, Y/N's heart began to beat a little bit faster and his right hand begins to twitch, salem continues talking.

Salem: if we were to go over the bad things he's done, they are quite severe, he called you a rose during the initiation even though you threatened him (stands up and starts walking slowly towards Y/N), he told your abusive family that you were at beacon and he sends your team on a mission which led to your team being unconscious.

Once salem was close enough to Y/N she began to walk around him, observing his little movements such as his hand twitching and chest moving up and down due to his breathing.

Y/N: why tell me this?

Salem: that's for you to find out, I could be removing you from this battle that me and ozpin have or maybe I just want to help.

Y/N: highly doubt that.

Salem stops once she's in front of Y/N.

Salem: but there is also the nail in the coffin, during the initiation what were the relics?

Y/N was confused but answered nonetheless.

Y/N: chesspieces.

Salem: what were they on?

Y/N: a chessboard.

Salem: and what chesspiece leads the others?

Y/N: a king.

Salem: correct, now let me ask you this, ozpin and I are the kings but what are the huntress, huntsman and grimm?

Y/N: the pawns, knights, bishops and queens?

Salem: and what is the chessboard?

Y/N: a battlefield of sorts.

Salem: yes, now if your smart enough, try and connect the dots.

Y/N began to think about what she was talking about and then sudden realisation came to him.

Y/N: we're all pawns in ozpin's game.

Salem smirked a little and continued to talk.

Salem: that is correct.

Y/N stood shocked but immediately shook his head and backed up and glared at salem.

Y/N: no.... I can't trust you, everything you're saying is lies.

Salem shook her head in disappointment and looked at him.

Salem: if that is what you think then why don't you take this into your own hands?

Y/N said nothing and began to think about it but was broken out of it when he saw salem open a portal.

Salem: heed my warning, ozpin is nothing but a lier, he will use you and then get rid of you, plain and simple.

Salem then walked into the portal and then it closed. The Grimm around him began to leave the area, leaving Y/N to his own thoughts, after some time, he started running back to beacon, unaware of someone who was watching the whole conversation.


It is now night time and team F/LSDR are currently in their dorm room sleeping, all but one, Y/N was awake looking up at the top bunk thinking about his conversation with the Grimm queen, he then looked down to his left to see Blake sleeping on his chest with her arms wrapped around him, now your probably wondering, shouldn't she be in her own dorm, all that would be the case, but the problem is that she and still hates yang and refuses to be in the same dorm room as her, she is ok with ruby as she understood that her actions held consequences and learn't that she should never do that to someone. Blake has been going to F/LSDR's dorm for so long that it became natural to see her pop in, anyway, Y/N carefully removed Blake's arms around her and quickly left the room, unaware of 4 people seeing him leave, Y/N takes an elevator to ozpin's office and waits until her gets there, when he does, he sees that the office is completely empty and starts looking around for anything suspicious, after about 5 minutes he hears someone cough and on instinct, he morphed his hand into a blade and turns around and points it at whoever is behind him, he sees its raiden, delsin, Sinon and Luna, raiden moves the blade away from his face and begins to speak.

Raiden: I didn't think you'd go through with this.

Y/N: first off, don't do that again, I could've killed you, second of all go through with what?

Raiden: well first off, you couldn't kill me if you tried and second, I saw you talk with that salem person.

Y/N: ok, well first of all fuck you, I can easily whoop your ass-

Luna/delsin: debatable.

Y/N: shut up, (looks at raiden) and second of all, how did you know I spoke to her.

Luna: I technically knew, is Grimm pair connected to the Grimm queen, so I found out through the link.

Y/N: well that's lovely to know, so what are you gonna do, stop me?

Sinon: not really, we thought about it, let's be honest, oz is kind of a dick for not answering us, so we decided to help you.

Y/N: thanks.

The team then begins looking around the room to see if anything was out of the ordinary but unfortunately found nothing, as they were about to give up, raiden saw something using his visor in the elevator.

Raiden: guys let's head back in the elevator for a minute.

They all went into the elevator and watched as raiden punched the the buttons making the elevator doors close and descend.

Delsin: what the hell did you just do?

Raiden: we're about to find out.

After about 5 minutes raiden puts a hand on his head and starts shaking.

Luna: hey you ok?

After some time raiden stops shaking.

Raiden: y-yeah, something just messed with my systems.

Delsin's right arm suddenly started creating smoke.

Delsin: why is my arm screwing about?

Y/N then used hunting pulse to try and see what was going on only to be hit with a sudden rush of unknown power hitting him.

Y/N: wherever we're going could cause be interesting cause I just got hit by some odd power.

Luna: I can feel it too.... it feels so familiar.

The door suddenly opened and the team proceeded to walk out the elevator and see that they're in some kind of basement, they then look ahead of them to see a pod with a women in it, the woman is dark skinned with brown hair, her face has a scar on the left side of her face.

Y/N: what the hell?

Raiden uses his visor and starts scanning her vital signs.

Raiden: she's alive, but her vital signs are showing a lot of negatives.

Sinon: meaning?

Luna: she's slowly dying.

Y/N: walks up to the pod and places his hand on it and then uses hunting pulse again and feels the same power that he felt in the elevator resonating from the girl.

Y/N: well I can confirm that strange power I felt before is coming from her.

After some time Luna moves closer to the pod until she falls completely to the floor and starts shaking violently.

Y/N: hey what's wrong?!

Luna: t-that p-power is that of a f-fall m-maidens.

Sinon picks up Luna and backs away from the pod making Luna stop shaking.

Delsin: wait, did she say fall maiden? Like those old fairy tails?

Raiden: there's no way they're real.

Luna: sadly they are.

Y/N: so... ozpin is keeping her down here huh? I guess that salem chick was right, ozpin can't be trusted, if he has someone like this being hidden.... I don't want to know what else he's hiding (starts walking to the elevator).

Delsin: where you going?

Y/N: I'm gonna pack my things and leave.

Sinon: seriously?

Y/N: (turns around) yep! I refuse to be in a place where I'm being used as some goddamn pawn, so I plan to leave, what about you guys gonna do?

The 4 begin to think but raiden quickly walks up to Y/N and speaks.

Raiden: I don't plan on being controlled like last time.

Y/N: last time?

Raiden: long story.

Y/N: right, (looks at the others) what about you guys?

Sinon: I like to live free so yeah I'm getting the hell out of dodge.

Delsin: same here.

Luna: me too.

The group then begin to head to the elevator to pack up their things, unbeknownst to them, someone was watching them and was disappointed.

???: you weren't supposed to find out about this (sighs and presses a button that sends information on F/LSDR to certain groups).

(Bzck with F/LSDR and Luna)

FLSDR and luna have just made it to their dorm and slammed the door open, waking up Blake.

Y/N: sorry about that blake, but we're in a hurry.

Blake: (rubs eyes) what's going on?

Y/N then begins to explain what they just saw and what they're planning to do. Blake was in shock at this new found information and didn't like how she was being used like when she was in the white fang.

Blake: I'm coming with you.

Y/N: wait what?

Blake: you heard me, I'm not repeating myself.

Delsin: you sure you wanna do that? You could get in trouble or something.

Blake: yeah well trouble always tends to find me somehow.

Y/N: Blake (holds her shoulders) are you sure you wanna do this?

Blake: (pecks Y/N's lips) you're not leaving me behind.

Y/N: (sigh) alright come on.

Blake quickly gets changed and packs some of her things and then she along with F/LSDR and Luna leave, once they get out of the building, they saw an unmanned bulhead and decided to take it, raiden and delsin were in the cockpit while sinon, Blake, Y/N and Luna stay seated in the passenger area, the bullhead takes off and starts flying to who knows where.

(In a secret facility)

A lady in a trench coat is sitting at her desk looking at a report before she gets a notification on her computer, she looks at it and sees it's an email with a picture of delsin and information on him.

???: I've got you now bio terrorist, better get hunting.

(In an underground facility)

A tall muscular man in a black suit is currently walking around until he gets a notification on his scroll and sees it's a file on raiden.

???:slippery little bastard, you can't hide from me this time.

(In a warehouse in vale)

A man wearing a cloak and a skull mask gets a message on his scroll and sees it's a picture of Sinon and some Intel on her, the man touches the picture.

???: sinon, you cannot escape this time.

(In blackwatch facility)

A bald man is currently looking at a file that was just sent to him and sees that it's a file of Y/N.

???: you may have halt our progress kid, but we have all the Intel on you, now.... were coming for you.

(Meanwhile on a random rooftop in vale)

Alex is currently looking down at the city with Heller currently on the phone having a chat with his daughter, when he ends the call he looks behind him and sees someone he and Alex haven't seen in a while.

James: son of a bitch.

Alex smirks and turns around to look at the newcomer.

Alex: it's been a while.

???: it has.

Heller: (chuckles) how you doing snake?

Snake: same shit, different day.

Snake lights a cigarette and starts smoking and then looks up and sees a man gliding in the sky with blue lightning coming out of his hands, he then lands and looks at the others.

???: I didn't expect us to meet up again.

Snake: I didn't think you'd even show up.

???: aw come on, I know you missed me.

Snake: (smirks) go and fuck yourself.

Alex: glad you could join us Cole.

Cole: I wouldn't miss this get together.

Suddenly snake gets a call and answers it.

Snake: what is it otacon..... what?!...... ok send me their location (hangs up) SHIT!!!

James: what's up?

Snake: we got a problem, turns out that blackwatch has information on (points at Alex) your kid, (points to Cole) another conduit, some blue haired girl and an old teammate of mine.

Alex growls at the sudden information and looks back out to the city.

Cole: fuck, where are they?

Snake doesn't speak for a moment before looking up in the sky and pointing to a far away bullhead.

Snake: they're in that bullhead.

Suddenly 5 blackwatch bullheads and 8 desperado bullheads appear flying in the direction of the bullhead where F/LSDR are, Alex, Heller, snake and Cole here powerful engines below them and see some D.U.P vehicles driving in the direction of the bullhead that holds Y/N's team, they also see some unmarked bullheads heading the same direction of where the other armies are heading to.

Snake: shit.

James: this is fucked.

Alex: this is something we've should've expected.

Cole: what are we standing around here for, (starts building up electricity in his arms) let's save their asses and Frye anyone we see.

Snake: (loads a clip into his assault rifle) I'm good to go.

James: (creates whipfist on right arm and tendrils on his left arm) let's kill some fuckers.

Alex: (creates blade on right arm and claw on left arm) let's do this.

The 4 start making there way to Y/N's team, hoping to save them before they get taken down, meanwhile, Y/N has his eyes closed currently trying to get some sleep but then opens his eyes and looks out the window to see multiple bullheads heading in his teams direction, upon closer inspection he sees the blackwatch symbol on the bullhead, he then looks down and sees some D.U.P vehicles with anti air weapons, he then looks up again and sees other bullheads that are unfamiliar to him, when he sees this, he can only say one thing.

Y/N (in head): well fuck.... this is gonna be one hell of a fucking flight.

A/N: hey everyone, its ya boy, I just want to say thank you for being patient with me, I've been having issues with college work since I have to hand everything I've done in before the end of June and il slightly behind, so it's been rather difficult but I'll manage, anyway again, thank you for being patient with me, I also want to let you all know I'll be making 2 chapters for my neglected naruto story since I prefer my books to have more than one chapter so expect an update on that book and then one for my dxd story and then my venom story will be after that, I also would like ask this, you see me and a friend of mine were doing this thing called fortress battles where we'd pick certain characters for certain for categories, randomise them and have a discussion on who would win in a battle, the categories were:

Who you want to be.

A wife.

2 female characters.

4 Male characters.

3 monsters.

1 God character.

And 1 mech.

For the mech I chose EVA unit 1 from neon genesis evangelion, while he chose streletzia from darling in the franxx, when it came to the mech part I knew mostly everything about the EVA units since I watched neon genesis while he knew mostly everything about streletzia since he watched darling in the franxx, now I didn't know anything about streletzia while he didn't know anything about EVA unit 1, so when we discussed about who would win, we kept talking about their skills and what type of feats they've achieved, eventually we couldn't decide who would win since neither of us have watched either neon genesis or darling in the franxx so we kept it as a draw, now I would like to ask you who would win in a battle?

EVA unit 01?



Anyway that's all I wanted to ask, thanks for reading prototype - what are you hiding? And as always.... PEACE✌✌

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