~Chapter 1~

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The sirens wailed behind my brother an I. We took off down the road, every once in a while looking behind us to see the blue lights still close behind. The tall buildings whipped my us, just redish- brown blurrs flying by. My 18 year old brother, Ajax and I took a Sharp left into an alley way. The blue lights stopped at the alley way entrance and the cops hopped out of their vehicles. A wooden fence was about twenty-five feet in front of us. It rose about seven feet, and I analyzed the alley. A set of boxes sat on the left side of the alley, and four three foot trash cans stood next to them.

"The trash cans, Ajax!" I cried out and pointed.

He slowed just a bit and I jumped onto one of the trash cans. I lunged off it, bending the lid, and I hopped over the fence. I landed on my feet and kept running. A set of feet clapped against the asphalt and my brother came up behind me. We ran out the alley and ran down the side walk. My chest heaved and I breathed heavily. We took a right and slowed down. We looked behind us as the loud screech of the sirens died out. No blue lights were in sight and we finally began walking. We took another left and ended up at a small shack. The outside was painted black, the door was a deep, deep shade of blue. We stopped in front of the door and we both leaned over. We breathed heavily, laughing breathly, and smiling. Once my brother and I caught our breath I pushed open the door. A worn out futon sat in the room. We had running water and electricity so for a while we were good. I threw our new "findings" on the futon. A black bag filled with twenty thousand dollars we stole from a bank just out of town.

I grabbed a towel and dried my blondeish- brown, red streaked hair of the sweat. I wiped off the sweat beading at my hair line and I placed the towel around my neck. I grabbed a cold water from the fridge and another for Ajax. I opened the bottles, handing one to my brother. We downed the water in seconds.

My blood red hues met his bright iridescent blue ones. Both my brother and I had these odd eyes. Mine were blood red circled with black. Ajax's were an inhumanly bright blue also circled in black. We never understood why we had such unnatural eyes, but I loved them.
I smiled at my big brother and he smiled back, his blindingly white smile growing wider every second. Mine did as well and my bright white teeth showed more. Soon laughter broke out, and we were both sitting on the couch.

I checked the bag to make sure I didn't lose any money, counting the hundred, fifty, and twenty dollar bills that I had stuffed in the bag. Once I was sure all the money was there I leaned back.

"Another victory. We did a good job today didn't we, eh Jax?" I laughed.

"You did the work. You deserve the victory." Ajax smiled at me.

"Don't matter. We're parters in crime."

Ajax just chuckled. I checked my watch I always wore, just to see what time it was. 9:49 pm. I decided to go ahead and take a shower to was away the sticky-ness of the sweat and change my clothes. I walked into my room, grabbing a loose black tank top with a white skull on front, and pair of short spandex.

I took my shower, and changed into the spare clothes. Ajax took his shower next and I unfolded the futon. I laid out the blanket, and I pulled the mattress next to the futon. We didn't have enough room in this old house for rooms so we decided to just add the futon and extra mattress.
Ajax walked into the room with just a pair of black shorts. I laid out the covers and he lied on the matress. I lied down on the futon and I just laid there. Ajax reached up and grabbed my hand, smiling at me with a soft twinkle in his inhumanly blue hues.

I looked down at him and smiled, that same twinkle in my eyes.

"I love you, Jax." I mumbled.

"I love you,too, Hazel." He whispered.

I never let go of his hand and I lied on my back. The last thing I saw was the creme colored ceiling before falling Into a soft dreamless sleep.

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