Chapter 1

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Hey guys, Percy here again retelling my life's events to Mr. Riodran after the Giant war. Here we go.

It was the final battle, 3 of the 7 still standing; Annabeth, Frank, and I. The closest bodies were the corpses of Piper and Jason. A tomahawk meant for Piper staked through Jason's cervical vertebrae, a spiked arrow ran through Piper's sternum, just through her heart, the arrow's feathered tail looking like a broach on her chest, which was covered in blood. Leo disappeared during the battle after a fireball hurtled into the sky, the measly coward. Hazel, poor innocent Hazel, lay scrambled on the ground crushed by the Giant she created, Porphyrion, as she rode into battle on Arion.

Arion now protected what was left of her body as Frank gained the blessing of Mars whether out of grief, anger, or sorrow, I do not and will not ever know. With that, he transformed into a bronze lion, his silver claws tearing through their ranks. That was until he stopped mid-leap, a dirt spear poking out his back, as he fell he turned human again. Behind him, spear in hand was Gaea herself who had risen after the deaths of Piper and Jason.

Annabeth and I tore through the Army until it was just us and Gaea, we launched at the primordial, we fought hard, until Annabeth was caught off guard, Gaea's sword poking through her chest, blood soaking the once orange fabric rapidly. I ran to her pale form and held her, Gaea cackling madly behind us. She only had so much time, tears in her eyes she whispered her final goodbye as the intelligent light left her stormy gray eyes. I placed her corpse of the ground as I stood and kissed her nose, I wiped my eyes with my forearm and grasped Riptide so hard my knuckles turned white. Rage and adrenaline coursed through my veins. I do not remember much from the fight except the light leaving her Grass green eyes, my sword sticking out of the same place she stabbed my Wise Girl, and the look of fear and respect on the immortalized Olympians faces, as I slipped into unconsciousness.

When I awoke I was startled to be in a familiar cream-colored room, the camp infirmary. The flood of memories came rushing back and I sat there and cried, for my Wise Girl and the Seven. surprisingly, none of the other campers were hurt. I slammed my hand against the table cutting it. Expecting red blood I was surprised to see Ichor. I got up full of rage, for never being able to see my Wise Girl again as I was immortal.

I thought about doing what Eros did, but it was too risky, what if they hurt her! I would never let them touch her, I would kill them before they had the chance! I marched out of the infirmary, to the stables, mounted Blackjack and took off. Ignoring all of the stares and whispers, insanity lurking behind my eyes. As we flew Blackjack felt my anger and didn't beg for donuts.

We landed on the pavement in front of the empire state building. I ran inside the doors and glared at the doorman, he hurriedly gave me a key stuttering "Lord Perseus,". Not bothering to correct him I stalked towards the elevator, sliding the card in as I entered, ready to make the gods face my horrid wrath.


There I stood in the gaudy elevator listening to horrible music. I ran a hand through my sweat soaked hair angrily. The doors opened, I walked out of the elevator, rage filling every step as I stalked towards Olympus. Once I entered the marble doors,


I bellowed at the sky, lightning flashed, the air thickened, ozone filled the air as Zeus flashed in on a bolt of Lightning. he sat in his white and gold marble throne adorned in his royal robes with a look of boredom plastered upon his shaggy salt and peppered face.

"What do you want sea- spawn?"


He looked at me like I was a small bug underneath his shoe, but, was that fear behind his cold eyes? My head throbbed from rage,

"Who wouldn't want Immortality? Except you of course."

"I wanted to die, I wanted to see Annabeth and the Seven again, I wanted to grow old with my family, but you of all people wouldn't understand that, for you "My Lord" have no heart."

I was seething by the end of my rant. It felt good mocking the king of the gods.

"There is a way to resurrect your fallen friends," the king of the gods confided in me,

I perked up at this, as quick as lightning my sword was at the god of lightning's neck, he blanched.

"Tell me now unless you want to rot in Tartarus for the next decade," I growled out,

He nervously smiled and pushed my blade away from his neck with his index finger,

"You have to go out into the Mortal world, meet new people gain friends, be happy, only then will I be able to resurrect them, Percy you have gained my respect, and I want my boy back."

I knew how the gods worked, give something, take something, an eye for an eye.

"Whats in it for you?"



"You stay a God and become an Olympian, we need your wisdom on the council."

"No way, then I will just see them die over again!"

"What if I made them, and your parents immortal, my final offer."



*5 hours later*

After I left Olympus, I had nowhere to go. Of course, I had Mom and Paul but, after what happened hours ago, I wouldn't be going back,

*Flash Back*

It was my first visit back after the war. I walked into the apartment complex, excited and nervous to see Mom and Paul after so long. I wrung my hands as I stalked towards the door with the brass 818 on the side. I walked up to the blue door and mustered the courage to knock. I heard shuffling inside and braced for impact. Paul opened the door, he stared at me tears in his eyes, he whispered incoherently.

"Hey Paul," I said,

He launched at me overwhelming me in a hug, my Mother walked over to see what all of the commotions was about when she saw me she covered her mouth with one hand tears in her eyes, in the other, a pink bundle of cloth rested. My eyes widened comically, my mother nodded, Paul let go, but my mother replaced him handing the bundle to Paul. I hugged my Mother letting all of my grief and sufferings leave for just a moment. She held me at arms length, inspecting me, her ocean blue eyes boring into my soul.

"How about we sit on the couch and talk about this," my Mother suggested,

So, there I was retelling my story to my parents, tearing up at certain parts, so in return, my Parents told me their life's events over the past year. Including introducing me to Andromeda Atalanta Jackson. I knew I needed to make a choice,

"Mom, I don't want Andromeda to have a hard life like I do. So, to protect her, I will leave the picture until she is older. Just to protect her, but, promise me that you will tell her that she has an older brother, who loves her and will protect her in her times of need."

I decided, with a flick of my wrist the air swirled, twisting and turning into a golden chain with a pegasus charm. Paul stared in awe, tears still flowing. I took the necklace in my hands and placed it on my sister's dark brown haired head, her crystal blue eyes stared up in wonder, as I kissed her head, tears flowing freely down my face.

"This necklace will alert me to protect her, while others can't, Bye Mom, bye Pau-Dad."

They looked about to refuse but I was already gone, vapor traveled to nowhere in particular.

*Flashback End*

So there I was roaming the streets of Manhattan, nowhere to go, no place to hide. See, this is why I hate being a Half-Blood.


And so again I am wondering the streets of Manhattan. I daydream about my WiseGirl and friends aching for them still to be alive. I walked to an alleyway and leaned against the rough bricks. I slid down, crying softly into my hands, my Pegasus necklace heavy on my chest. I just miss them so much. I pull out Riptide weighing my options, A) I could mourn and grieve for eternity or B) reform in Tartarus as emotional therapy (as Otis so graciously requested). I uncapped the ballpoint pen, which in turn transformed into the familiar bronze leaf-shaped blade. I hefted the blade pointing it towards my chest. I reeled back to puncture my heart. Then,

"KID! STOP!" someone screamed making me go off balance and stab my stomach. Ichor poured out of my wound as a man with the Iron suit flipped mask up revealing a middle-aged man and then proceeded to flip his shit. The last thing I heard was,

"Oh shit, Bruce is gonna kill me." before I slipped into the warm embrace of unconsciousness.


I woke up strapped to a hospital bed. No effing joke, my arms were bound with leather straps along with my legs. Tear stains littered my face, sweat poured down my forehead. An I.V protruded from my arm filtering golden blood. WTF, how did they get that? Where did that Iron Man bring me? Who is Bruce? Questions were circling around my head a mile a minute. I pulled against my restraints forgetting they were there. I pulled and they snapped, I stood still weary as I stumbled to the bathroom. I splashed water on my face and newly stitched sword wound. I was ticked that I wasn't in Tartarus. But, maybe I'm fine right now. I walked out of the bathroom just as the guy with the suit, a doctor, and a Pirate came into the "infirmary",

"Fury he is just a kid, that I saw trying to kill himself!" Said the tin man nonchalantly,

"Fury he needs to rest not be cooped up in a holding cell!" yelled the Doctor,

"It looks like he is fine to me." said the Pirate,

Their heads swiveled to the bed, and then to me. Jaws hitting the floor.

"Again, Congrats Stark you caught the most wanted terrorist in the Index."


So now here I was, lying in a FREAKING cell. I could just flash out but even though I am a god that stab wound hurts like hell.

I heard a wrapping n the bar, I looked up to see 'fury'.

"What do you want Pirate man?"

"My name is Fury, Nick Fury. And I have a proposal for you,"

"Dude, we just met at least buy me a drink first!"

Fury facepalmed,

"You are just like Tony,"

"I am offended!"

"So would you like to join the Avengers™?"

"You mean the people that prance around New York like its Comic-con™ "saving the world" or whatever?' Yeah no,"

"What? Why not?"

"Because I don't want to,"

"Join or your going to rot in that Cell for eternity,"

"Fine, I have all the time in the universe, but, I also have ADHD. So what the heck, why not."


Fury enters a conference room, inside are the com-icon imitators.

"Avengers," Fury says,

"You have a new member, his name is Perseus Jackson,"

'Percy!" I corrected

"No way a kid can be on the team!" and other enraged and objections filled the air shouts filled the air.

Except for one blonde guy who looked about to piss his pants from excitement. This man had power rolling off him in waves, just not like mine. They weren't greek.

"I need names, or would you like comicon names?"

The muscular man, with blonde hair and blue eyes spoke up, "Steve Rogers, or Captain America,"

"Nico is gonna kill me, my cousin, he is your biggest fan, from before you came out of the ice,"


"Let's just say your not the only man out of time, next,"

He stared at me dumbfounded, a man with brown hair with slivers of grey spoke up,

"Tony Stark, aka, Iron Man," he said with a cocky attitude,

"Nice to meet you," he looked like he was slapped,

"Bruce Banner or -" a man with curly brown hair spoke, he was wearing a lab coat,

"The Hulk," I finished, he looked sacred for my reaction,

"Cool," he looked relieved,

"Natalia Romanova," a woman with red hair stated,

"Wrong," I said,


"Your actual name isn't that and I see a spy when I see one, Hi there Mrs. Natasha Romoanoff, or Black Widow," she looked like she was slapped too,

A man with sandy blonde hair spoke, "Clint Barton," Now it was my turn to look like I was slapped, my mother's friend Clint?

"Clint Barton, you don't remember me?"


"How about this then?"

I reached into the duat, something I could control now that I was a god, my hand disappeared for a bit, reaching for a fluffy item. The mortals looked in awe at my missing hand, I grabbed it. Yanking my hand out, exposing a light blue dolphin, its fluffy skin soft to the touch, its ocean blue eyes stared up at me, I threw it to Clint saying,

"Now do you remember Uncle Clint?"



"How is Sally?"

"Fine, I just am not allowed to go back there, to dangerous, for Andi."

"Oh, Andromeda, every-time I go over you are "with your dad" or something."

"Something like that,"

"Sorry to break up this reunion, but Clint, how do you know the terrorist?" Natasha said,

"Terrorist? What have you done now Percy? His mom is a  friend, I've known her since I started shield."

"Alright, we still have introductions to do." Fury stated,

"Thor Odinson, Lord Perseus, Norse god of Lightning, though you have had enough run ins with lightning gods haven't you Perseus? And, they tell of your quests and achievements on Asgard, and you have met my fellow Magnus haven't you?"

"Hello, Thor, we won't speak of this right now. And yes I have met Magnus, for he is... was my Girlfriend's cousin."

"What has happened to Lady Annabeth? Lord Jason? Lady Piper? Lord Frank? Lady Hazel? Lord Leo? Lady Thalia? Lord Nico? I have not been notified of the endings of your fight."

"Thor I said we will not speak of this right now!"


"No," I said in a deathly whisper, as I slipped into unconsciousness.

Letting my PTSD take over.


I awoke strapped to another hospital bed. -_-

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