Introduction. Chapter 1 Love at kill #123

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         LittleMissKitty007 here! Thank for reading Tsunamilicious! Also this book will contain gore, and some suggestive scenes.   But don't worry Tsunami Croft lovers! She'll be in here along with her siblings and friends! Our story begins six years ago in Rush Springs Oklahoma at Birchwood elementary school,  right after the death of May Hinata and many others.

     (Milo's pov)
    I looked at what I've done to May Hinata.  God! She was about to turn 5 years old tonight! And I. I mean he! Killed her!!! I punched the ground, "DAMN IT JOHNNY!" I yelled, "What?" said Johnny in my head. I'm Milo Woodrow and I have a split personality.  My split personality's name is Johnny Coffin, he's a cold hearted murderer and he just killed a four-year old! May. She didn't deserve this! "WHAT HAVE I DONE!?" , "May. I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry kid!" I repeatedly said "I'm so sorry" over and over again. "Johnny you have gone TOO FAR!" , "YOU KILLED!" , "May." , "A child." , "And her blood is on my hands BECAUSE OF YOU!" I yelled.  "That's not the only thing in your hands! Look!" , "I'm not going to." I grumbled. I dropped what ever was in my hands on the ground. "Why." , "Why did you have to kill the kid!?" , Johnny chuckled, "She saw our secret!" , "I had to STAB STAB STAB her!" said Johnny. "Besides.  I killed other children tonight!" . Johnny's memories flooded into my head, he was right. He killed six children including May and her older brother Damien Hinata.  He didn't kill Carlos' sisters or my friends Angelica and Meriwether's sister.  He also didn't kill eight year old Alex Hinata.   "May?" I herd a sweet little voice say. I looked to my right and I saw one of my best friend Carlos Croft's little sisters Tsunami.  She stared at May's corpse.  God, I. May. Tsunami.  Please. Even that she's only eight years old.  She's been through hell and back and she knows how to use that bullwhip of her's. Tsunami glared at me, "M-Milo!" , "May!" , "Please. Don't. Die!" wailed Tsunami. The poor kid was covered in May's blood because.  Of me. Johnny took over and tried to kill Tsunami.  Thank god her brother was able to save her. But Johnny stabbed him in the left eye. "Not my best friend!!! Please!!" I screamed. We herd someone scream. It was Angelica. Johnny fell heads over heels in love with her. He hated it. Heh. Johnny jumped out a window and somehow we survived. 

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