I Love You No Matter What

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I froze seeing my mother run up to me and Thalia stood up quickly looking ready to fight but my wraps her arms around me quickly pulling me to her

"I am so sorry! Your father should have never said that type of thing to you ever! I left him on the spot Will, used my card and flew out here as fast as I could." She says quickly as tears fall down her face

She....she loves me? She isn't leaving me..

My body crumbles as I hug her back and I burst into tears and she holds me tighter and we both end up on the ground hugging each other

"Sweetheart. If I have to choose between you or your father. It will always be you. You are my world, all I want you to do is succeed and be happy. I love you more then anything" She whispers and I bury my face in her shoulder

"I was so scared." I sob and she rubs my back and kisses my head

"Don't worry. I'm here. And I am not going anywhere." She says and I take a shaky breath and wipe my tears away

She smiles at me softly and I help her up as we hear footsteps approach us

It was Thalia and Hades coming outside and I realize she must have went and got him

Mom wipes her tears away and Hades approaches her and gives her a kind smile but had a stern look

"Thalia here told me you arrived. I wanted to make sure we aren't going to have issues with anything." He asked and my Mom looked at him then at me then smiles

"I assure you I am not my husband. I have no issues with Williams sexuality. I was actually very excited when he told me. You have no need to worry with me." She assures and I smile widely and Hades relaxes

"Good. By the way Will, Nico is asking for you." He says and I look at my Mom and she gestures for me to go on and I hug her tightly and run back inside

I rush too Nico room feeling amazing and when I run in Nico was caught by surprise

Everyone was gone except a nurse who was writing something

"Alright Mr.diAngelo. You should be just fine. We are suggesting a to go see a Therapist. We highly suggest it but the decision is up to you and your father. Your father is already signed your release forms so whenever your ready you can leave." She says and he nods

"Thank you miss." He says and she smiles and as she leaves she gives me a kind wave

"You alright Will?" I hear and I see Nico who was sitting on the edge of the bed

"My Mom is here." I say and his eyes widen

"Is everything alright?" He asks worried and and I grin

"Nico, she accepts me. She left my Dad and flew out here to tel me she loves and accepts me. She is actually excited for us!" I exclaim and he worry face turned into relieved and happy one

"Will that's amazing!" He says and I go over and kiss him which causes him to squeak in surprise

"I'm so happy. Your okay, Bianca is okay. My mom loves me." I say and he grabs my face resting his head on mine

"You always say things work out in the end. Maybe I should adopt that optimistic attitude of yours." Nico jokes and I chuckle a bit

"So Hades said you were asking for me?" I ask and he nods

"After I change I'm going to see Bianca. And...I'm scared. I heard she is awake and can speak but she is still hooked up to everything...I'm scared I'm going to break down." He says and I grab his hand

"Nico...it's okay if you do. Your her little brother you have every right to be scared and upset. But you need to see her." I say and he sighs

I get up and go to the counter where fresh Nico clothes are folded. Jason drove to the house and picked these up earlier

I hand them to him and kiss his head

"Trust me on this Nico. Be optimistic." I say with a little smile and he snorts remembering his earlier statement

"Asshole." He says standing up and leans up and kisses me and goes to the bathroom

After a minute or two he comes out in a long sleeve black shirt and grey sweats and he grabs his bag that has his things in it and takes a shaky breath

"I'm gonna go in alone...but please walk me to her room...I'll back out of I do it myself..." he says and I smile softly and grab his hand and we male our way to her room

It was a silent walk, the sounds of heart monitors and small chatter filled the halls and soon we stop in front of a closed door and Nico stares at it

"Nico." I say and he looks at me and I lean down kissing his head and then lean mine on it

"You got this." I whisper and he closes his eyes and sighs nodding

I open the door and he steps in and closes the door behind him not looking back at me

You got this Nico

Nico Pov

(Talks about suicidal thought. No attempt was made)

I close the door and turn to the bed and turn towards the bed.

Bianca is laying there, breathing tubes in her nose and an IV in her arm and other things hooked up to her

She turns her head to me and gives me a weak smile

"Nico...I was wondering if you were going to come see me." She says softly and tears brim my eyes and I take a deep breath as I walk up to the side of her bed

"Well here I am..." I whisper looking down at her sheets and take another deep breath

Calm your nerves.

"Nico...I know your upset with me...don't hide it...I've been waiting for it honestly." She says and I look up at her

"Upset? That doesn't even cover it...Bianca you almost died." I say and she sighs

"I kno-" She starts but I cut her off

"No you don't know! The bullet was suppose to hit me! ME! You and Will both stupidly tried to jump in front of it, you got hit and I almost lost my sister!" I shout and she goes quiet

"If Will got hit...I would go insane yes. But if you died...I would have tried to join you." I admit tears falling down my face and I fall to my knees and grip the side of her bed staring at white blanket

"Nico..." She starts but I continue talking

"I went into a state of shock...and before I heard you were alive I was planning on taking my own life...I knew where Dad kept the other gun and the pass code to the safe...I was gonna end my life the same way you were about. By bullet." I say finally admitted the thing I've been keeping to myself since I came too

"Nico are you crazy? Do you have any idea what that would to Dad? To Hazel? To Will?! They would have already devastated about me dying but you too?" She says and I look up and she had tears falling down her face

"What if you did it before you found out I was alive? What would I do? Nico if something happened I would never forgive myself thats why I jumped in front of the bullet in the first place! I'm your big sister it is my job to protect you." She sobs and I clench the blankets on her bed as tears stream down my face

"Bia...your the last thing I have of Mom. Her eyes...her face...I couldn't stand the idea of losing her a 2nd time..." I whisper and her eyes widen hearing that

"Nico...your life is more important then grief. The last thing I remember asking Will was to protect you. He would have been there every step of the way. Death effects everyone differently but he would have been there. That's why I was okay with leaving, I may have not wanted to die but if I did I knew you would be in safe hands." She says and finally I break down and hug her tightly making it a point to be careful

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I sob and she carefully hugs me right back and grips my shirt

"Nico it's okay. It's okay. Your alive, and I'm alive. And we have each other." She reassures and I continue to cry as she holds me

I stayed like this for a long time letting out all my emotions before I finally calmed enough to speak again

"Nico you need to see a Therapist. You may have not attempted but you thought about it. And with all that happen I think it's important." She says and I nod wiping my face

"I-I know I...I already planned on it..." I admit and she smiles then sighs

"And, you need to tell Dad." She says and I look down

"B-but...that just adds another problem for him." I whisper and she looks at me sternly

"He needs to know. Dad loves you Nico, he just wants you safe and happy." She says and I look up at her and nod

"I will but after you are discharged. But, I'll tell Will later tonight. So he can be there with me when I tell Dad..." I say and she smiles and scoots over and pats her bed

"But your wound...and your IV." I say and she rolls her eyes

"It will be fine. I'll be careful." She says and I go and sit down and lay back next to her

She starts running her free hand through my hair and soon starts singing

"Close your eyes
I know what you see
The darkness is high
And you're in ten feet deep
But we've survived more terrible monster than sleep
And you know I will be here, to tell you to breathe
tu sei il mio soldatino (You're my little soldier)
la ragione per cui vivo (The reason i live)
non ti scordar di me (Don't forget me)
io veglierò su di te (I'm watching over you)
Stumbling lost; the last choice of all that you meet
It's the cost of ruling those 'neath your feet
Paths you've crossed, and trust you're trying to keep
You're exhausted, listening for a voice that can't speak
(ma nico, mio caro)
tu sei il mio soldatino (You're my little soldier)
la ragione ho vissuto (The reason i lived)
non ti scordar di me (Don't forget me)
io veglierò su di te (I'm watching over you)
So you run; through shadows you roam
Seams undone by the love you thought you could own
But he's just one of many that you might call home
And maybe someday, the bitter will fade from your bones
eri il mio soldatino (You were my little soldier)
ora un principe oscuro (Now, a dark prince)
ma anche per te, c'è una luce (But even for you, there is a light)
che ad un'altra vita ti conduce (That leads you to another life)"

I drift off and I hear a small laugh

"Works every time. Sleep well Soldatino"

Then I was out like a light

I am so sorry it took so long to update I very much apologize for that. But I do have some good/sad news

This Book is coming to an end. 4 more chapters!

Thank you so much for the support I love you so much!

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