Lunch Dates Are Da Best

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Heading out to Percy car. Will hops in drivers side and I climb into the passengers seat

"So McDonalds?" He asks and my eyes light up

"Can we?" I ask and he chuckles at me nodding buckling his seat belt

"So what is your obsession with McDonalds?" Will asks pulling out of parking lot

"I don't know I just many memories there plus I happen to like the food" I state matter of fact

He snorts as we drive and I look out the window

"No matter what you do. No matter what surgeries or bullshit you do you are a female Nicolette di Angelo and that boy toy of yours is not gonna be interested in a fake male"

I flinch at my thoughts and shake my head trying get rid of those thoughts

I feel a hand on my thigh and I look up see Will with a concerned expression of his face

"You okay?" He asks me and I hesitate to answer

"Something Ms.Dodds said had been bugging me" I mumble and his expression grows irritated at Ms Dodds name

"Was it the recording?" He asked and hesitate

"Kind of? Just one part." I say and he seemed worried

"Which part?" He said as we pull up behind McDonalds

"No matter what you do. No matter what surgeries or bullshit you do you are a female Nicolette di Angelo and that boy toy of yours is not gonna be interested in a fake male" I quote. I struggled pronouncing my dead name

Will unbuckles his seatbelt and leans over to kiss me making me squeak in surprise

He reaches down unbuckling my seatbelt and pulls me in his lap

"You. Are. A. Man. And. I. Love. You" he says pausing after every word to kiss me

I kiss him on the lips and he runs his hands up the my sides and I shiver but soon we stop and I get a brilliant idea

"Can we skip today?" I ask snd he smirks

"Maybe just this once, but we need to bring the car back before school ends" he says and I grin

Will is such a rule follower and it's great when he breaks the rules once in awhile

I push myself back into my seat and he he gets out from the parking spot and decided to go through the drive thru and get our food and we on our way back to the house

We barely make it through the door before Will picked me up kissing me and I wrap my legs around his waist holding onto him tightly as we get to the couch putting me down gently coming down on me giving me kisses

He puts his knee between my legs and I let out small gasp as he kisses down my neck feeling him smirk against my neck

He puts his hands under my shirt running his hands up and down my sides make me shiver under his touch and he sucks on a part of my neck most likely leaving a hickey

As he takes my shirt off my phone rings and he reaches over and glares at it

"'The Bitch' is calling. I assume Persephone?" He asks and I glare at the phone

"Decline it" I say and he does and sits it down but it rings again and I groan

"Cockblocker" I mumble and he snorts and I pick up the phone

"What?" I ask and soon she is yelling in my ear

"The fuck you think ignoring me brat" she yells through the phone and I pull the phone away from my ear and Will flinches as she is very loud you could hear her

I frown and get up walking to the kitchen

"I'm at school" I lied making an excuse and she scoffs

"Does it look like I fucking care? Why havent you been home lately huh?" She asks her words slurring and I realize she is drunk

"If remember. Im staying at my uncles  private property with friends and cousins for the year" I said trying to keep my patience

"What!? I didn't agree to that!" She slurs and I roll my eyes

"Last I checked you weren't my fucking guardian" I snap

"Watch your fucking tone. Or I will get your father!" She screeches

"Go right ahead and I will show the fucking scars on my back" I yell into the phone and I feel Will start rubbing my back

"Like he would believe a wanna be male like you!" She cackles and I clench my phone

"I have a video" I threaten and she goes quiet

"What video" she asks worried sounding more sober

"I set my phone up once when you got the belt. Recorded everything" I said my voice shaking and she goes quiet

"Now shut up and leave me the hell alone" I say and hang up and slam my phone on the counter and Will hugs me from behind

"Nico?" He asks and I shake my head

"I hate her" I whisper and he kisses my neck softly in a soothing way and I sigh

"How about we cuddle instead?" He asks and I nod quietly

We get back to the couch and he tosses my shirt to the side and sits and crawl on top of him laying down cuddling and he covers us with

"Are you out to Jerome, Piper and Annabeth yet?" Will asked and I nodded

"During the hiking trip back. They cool" I mumble tiredly and he nods  

Will started running his hand through my hair massaging my scalp and I slowly fell asleep

Several Hours Later

I wake to the sound of doors opening and closing and shush voices around me

"Is he asleep?" I hear Hazel ask quietly

"Yea he fell asleep 30 minutes after we got home for lunch" Will said quietly

"I heard Ms.Dodds got fired" Frank said

"Mhm. I recorded a conversation she had with Nico on my phone that I left with him. She is done for" Will said running his hand through my hair

"Good. She sucked" Leo said loudly and he got shushed

"I don't condone missing school but I will let it slide this once" Annabeth whispered

"He seems he had a rough day" Jerome spoke

"Yea. Lets make him soup!" Thalia said and I snort opening my eyes

"Don't. Last time you made soup you burned down my kitchen" I said and they all seemed surprised by my alertness

I notice that only my waist was covered by the blanket meaning my binder was seen so I wrapped myself in a blanket awkwardly

Piper gave me a smile "I will make you soup" she said and I shake my head

"Why soup and you don't need to make me food" I declare but I go unheard as she marches to the kitchen making me shake my head and Will smiled down at me

"Hey sleepy head" he teases ruffling my hair and I snort

"Wheres my shirt" I ask and he reaches over grabbing it and I quickly put it on while everyone was talking

"Mr.Chiron said this is your work you missed" Frank said and I grab it thanking him and proceed to toss it on the coffee table

"Nico?" I hear a french accent and I look up to Jerome

"I was told you spoke Italian?" He asked looking nervous and I frown and nod

"Well, since I already took spanish and I know french the school is allowing me to take a different language and I chose Italian and when I told Leo he mentioned you were raised in Italy when you were younger and you are fluent" He said and I smile gently also finding it amusing how he was jumping around the question

"Do you want me to help you?" I ask and he chuckled

"If you could that would be lovely" he said and Will smiled

"Nico has been teaching me also we can learn together dude!" Will said and him and Jerome highfive

"Nico can I jump in on this?" Leo asked and I nodded

"You're a little ahead of them, spanish is similar in some aspects." I say and I see Frank come over

"Have you told Will how many languages you actually speak" he asks with a laugh and I glare at him

"Shhh!" I said blushing and Will looks at me curious

"How many?" He asks and everyone else looked curious

"Frank-" I warn and he cuts me off

"He speaks 10 languages and is learning more" he says and I look down blushing feeling everyone gazes on me

"Which languages?" Percy asks joining in and I give in

"Italian, English, Spanish, French, Latin, German, Chinese, Japanese, American Sign Language, and Italian Sign Language." I mumble and everyone stared at me in shock

"And your fluent?" Annabeth asked in surprised

"Yea, if you remember before my Dad married Persephone we traveled a lot before he met her and we settled downed here" I said and Jason eyes widen

"Oh yea! I remember. I think your favorite place was Japan. Man when you moved back you complained about not being back there" Jason laughed and stuck my tongue out at him making everyone laughed

"We might have to visit" Will mused looking at me and I look away blushing and Piper puts soup in front of me and I snort

"Im not sick, but thank you" I say laughing and she grins

"No problem!" She chirped and hugged me

The door slams and we look up and Bianca is running upstairs and immediately I ditch everyone running upstairs my protective brother instincts kicking in and I head to her room

I hear her sobbing and I open her door not caring and she is on her bed crying into her knees hugging them

"Bia what happened?" I ask sitting down next to her and she shakes her head and I grab her face making her look at me and gasp

She had a black eye and her lip was busted and I grit my teeth

"What happened who did this?" I ask trying to remain calm in front of her

"This boy in my college class named Carter....he keeps trying to hook up with me but I decline I finally yelled at him to leave me alone and....he didnt like that very much" she said breaking down crying and anger flared up in me. I knew who he was

"I'm gonna get Will and Hazel. They will fix you up." I whisper and she grabs my wrist

"Don't" she said and I knew she knew what I was gonna do

"Bastard shouldn't touch you" I said and I walk out of the room

"Will, Hazel, get the first aid kit and head up to Bia room. Percy and Jason come with me." I said putting my shoes on and putting on my leather jacket at the door

They don't ask questions and they follow me but Will grabs my arm before I leave

"Whats going on?" He asks and I sigh

"Take one look at Bia and you'll know. Ill be careful" I say and he sighs and kisses me real quick

"Dont be stupid" he said and I grin

"Be back soon" I say and I head to Percy far and hop in the passenger side

"So what are we doing?" Jason asks as Percy starts the car

"This bastard hit my sister" I spat and that made them both alert and Percy hit the gas and we pulled out of the drive way

"Where too" he asks and I grin. I love my cousins

"Olympus University. I know the asshole I am friends with his sister" I say Percy drives on

He gonna learn a thing or two about messing with my sister


Hope you enjoyed I will try to update more!

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